#i want to add the downfall duo or some other links but I haven't played enough yet to really make a new guy out of it
science-lings · 2 years
Please feel free to talk about hsfr I always really enjoy it
Okay, so the whole AU is based off of what each Link becomes after they're done being heroes right? It's also about how differently they deal with and are affected by the trauma of their adventures.
For example, Hunter felt unfulfilled and distant from Ordon and just isn't the same after seeing people he once trusted being terrified of him so he refuses to go back, he doesn't fit in anymore, perhaps he never did. He feels like he can't return to a simple farmer's life, it's too monotonous for him and he got so used to doing more traveling and seeing more of what the world has to offer, so he leaves. He distances himself from who was once his family and feels guilty for being there to put the children in danger and even though he loves them, he wants them to be safe and the only way they can be safe is to be away from him. He misses them, but he's changed, he's more closed off and stubbornly refuses to get close enough to anyone to tell them why. In truth, he's incredibly lonely. He only has Epona and he's spent years this way. Then, suddenly, he's stuck with a bunch of versions of himself who are all younger than he is, and oh fuck he's attached now, oh no...
While Hero was able to accept that their story was forgotten and he had to learn to live as a Hylian and not as a Kokiri. But he's working through it. They were young enough to make friends and one of them happens to be the current queen/ king of Hyrule which is pretty cool. Impa highkey adopted him so he was able to spend the rest of his childhood... being a child. As much as he was able to anyway. His adventures seem so distant and since it's all in an alternate timeline or a seemingly parallel universe, so while he remembers, there isn't much evidence that they happened at all. He still has the masks and there were things he was able to keep but the world is unchanged and he's able to kind of move on, maybe they're convinced that some of it was a dream from his childhood anyway but they're never able to really believe it.
King's adventure kickstarted this paranoia of him wasting time, so even though he kind of stumbled into his position he's really afraid of failing and of not doing enough.
General has gotten better at dealing with fame, though it caused him to have to create a front for when he's in the public eye, he's so different when he's in front of a crowd versus when he's around people he feels safe around. He has this mask of being cocky and confident, it's such a strong act that he can practically have a panic attack in front of the world and not a single person would be the wiser. He HAS to be an unshakable leader and he HAS to keep up the facade of the great hero that everyone loves because if they really found out about his mistakes and about his place in the war of eras then his entire life would be ruined. No pressure.
Guardian is trying his best to adjust to his circumstances but is having a rough time, his whole life he's been bound to duty and to the royal family and it's a hardcore mindfuck to suddenly become part of the system that he's devoted his entire life to. Morally, religiously, and culturally, he's been molded to serve the royal family and he's about to be the front and center of it due to some wack circumstances. It's weird. But after his adventure, weirdness is kind of normal.
All Sage knows is what they experienced during their journey. Their previous memories seem so far away, and while they know that they were theirs and that they had experienced them at one point, there's always a certain division between how they are now and how they were then. They know the champions as ghosts, the princess as a traumatized but somewhat divine being over the stressed-out teenager from their memories. Though their past still affects them, their baseline instincts are from waking up with no memory in the middle of the wilderness. At the core, they're a survivalist who can't stand being in the same place for too long, loving whenever there's a new corner of the land to explore.
Captain has a similar situation to Hunter, but also completely different. He still visits his home island, but he has friends to travel with and very much prefers to be at sea than stationary on land. They have people around them with the same adventurous spirit and the same enthusiasm for life and even though he's kind of just helping Tetra procrastinate setting up New Hyrule. He's like what would happen to Hunter if he had a functional support system and healthy coping mechanisms.
Linkle's quest was mostly in the background and although it was very important, it wasn't exactly publicized and at first, she was jealous of her brother being so recognized and how he was so popular and appreciated but then she realized how it negatively affected him and realized that maybe she's fine with not getting as much recognition for her effort if that was the other option... Also, she seems like the only one who would go out of her way to find a therapist or whatever the fantasy equivalent is. It's hard to tell if they would take her seriously though so meeting with a bunch of other Link's who understand to an extent what she went through was super helpful, it also helps that she's not the only one who's an absolute weirdo bc they're all such a diverse group and it's nice that just adding a girl to the group doesn't even come close to rocking the boat. It was much more of a scene when Sage joined bc of their whole sorcerer thing they have going on.
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