#i tried to cut the other ones a little to make up for it ahckshjcjd
thinkfvst · 4 years
I was tagged by @ebenaceae !! I meant to do this earlier but I was super busy, I’m sorry it’s so late!! I meant to try and do this last night but fell asleep rip. Thank you anyway though <3
This was for top 10 favourite characters! Not in any particular order:
1. Billy & Tommy (Marvel, Young Avengers): Putting them together bc I am also a twin and so they instantly became my favourites and bc I love them for similar reasons and I don’t want to ramble too much. First of all, canonically LGBT!!! Hell yeah!!! Also magic nerd and kid with abandonment issues?? The self projection possibilities are endless
2. Ciri (The Witcher 3): the scene is that village were you have the choice to select the “I’m not interested in men” option??? Seeing that??? When I was like 13/14ish so lost and confused with my identity??? Im not even joking when I was I had to stop myself from crying. I already loved her character but that!!! Agcjwhckhsivhdhfh!!!! I think I saw she’s canonically bi in the books? Anyway she’s my witcher girlfriend <3
3. Teddy (Marvel, Young Avengers): he really is a soft strong good nice boy, huh. Another cannon LGBT character!!
4. Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast, Junoverse): kind of heart, dumb of ass <3 the only podcast I keep up with these days
5. The cat you adopt in the first week (Stardew Valley): is baby, of course I will fill your water and pet you everyday, I love you <3
6. Billy Lurk (Dishonored): Another one that I didn’t know was canonically bi until I went snooping around while playing. Also, her design in the second games dlc is sooooo pretty, I used to have a fan art of is as my lock screen.
7. Damian Wayne (Dc, Batman): he’s just a little baby :)
8. Kirby (Nintendo): little pink marshmallow, would give forehead kiss AND hug if I had the opportunity
9. Ellie Williams (The Last of Us): LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO!!! I will just simply ignore all the dumb stuff that happened in part 2 and only care about the first games dlc and a few other different cute scenes in the games <3
10. Not gonna lie, I’m kinda tipsy and can’t think of a tenth so I’m just making it this possum bc I have him saved in my Twitter book marks and always go back to watch it when I’m sad
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