#i think the animal used for this was a clever choice. like they didnt even have to do wacky character design for it it just looks like that
strayknight · 27 days
still on the topic of another crabs treasure but i really liked the penultimate boss fight. not only was i pleasantly surprised to find out what animal it was after the build up from the late section of the game but i really enjoyed the second phase of the fight. its not much of a battle, you dont even have to attack it, you just have to survive. its so angry its so full of hatred that its become reckless with its attacks and it no longer cares for its own safety as it tries to strike you down and it will ultimately cause its own destruction
i really liked that ! in a lot of games with boss battles like this you will be up against a desperate enemy but its recklessness and desperation is mostly shown through its movements and dialogue if applicable, but i think this is one of the few boss fights ive had where the boss is intentionally taking damage from its own attacks purely because it doesnt care about its own wellbeing anymore and killing you is its only priority. i really liked this i fucking love dark souls for crabs
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carlyraejepsans · 2 months
i feel like uty improves on things undertale did but it doesnt have the same strong foundation as the original. like all the qol tweaks and secret shit and meta flowey are all super impressive but as a whole i agree i didnt find it cohesive or consistent
eh, sorry but i don't really think UTY "improves" much of... anything from Undertale? you can make an argument for the visuals, which are more detailed and certainly better animated, but i would argue right back that undertale's rougher, retro, "kinda ugly" graphics are a deliberate design choice on Toby's part that he stuck to for a reason. not to mention, even in their ugliness, the original main cast managed to display more variety in shape language and size than the entire UTY one, which seemed unable to break past the "tall, skinny, anime proportioned humanoid" figure for anyone beyond the occasional side NPC (which, credit where it is due, DID have some really creative designs).
the secret shit is part of my critiques, actually! while conceptually cool, i don't think they appropriately distributed their story and lore at all. i feel like if we got to the end of the pacifist run and were wholly confused as to why dalv was even a character in the story, the whole "human attack" backstory was... not delivered properly. now, there's no problem with having secret lore, gaster is right there. but if you DO have it then it shouldn't be... yknow... tied to the main backstory conflict that literally set the story in motion? lol? it felt like a game with dataminers in mind, rather than players. which was unavoidably detrimental to its storytelling.
the bullet patterns and attack designs were very visually creative but what they improved from the original in their cleverness they tanked with their execution. WAYYY too unfair, counting too much on memorization and giving you no time to accustom yourself to the mechanics (shout-out to the gun tutorial that... didn't teach us how to shoot. at all. we figured it out on our own in the axis fight LMFAO)
the meta flowey stuff was a fun idea that only really delivered in the neutral run and didn't amount to enough anywhere else to justify his presence in the game imo. like, i lost my shit during his fight too, don't get me wrong, i like when fan stories let him be a little FREAK. but everything else was just so... wasted? i almost didn't see the neutral ending at all because the way pacifist handled flowey disappointed me so much.
uhhhhh running was a good addition and the music fucked hard. can't say anything against those two, nossir. not sure it'd go so far as to call them improvements tho, just nice touches
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the-grove · 8 months
So overall I really liked the Live Action One Piece, so far. I think it makes strong use of the world building that exists now that didnt quite exist when the original manga or anime were being made. The characters feel simillar to the originals while also having some unique changes. Sanji is less of a creep which is a plus but his worse moments also werent early on, so hopefully this change continues to occur.
The setting and costuming all have this storybook or Stageplatly vibe to it, where everything feels a bit fake but feels real in universe. Some of the food choices kind of reminded me of the imaginary food scene from Hook. Also they actually used lighting in night time scenes which was so nice to see. I think they made clever use of the their budget and the constraints of live action, changing some plot beats while keeping the overall plot of certain arcs.
I think the actors are really charming and really sell their characters. Everything feels sincere, or i suppose true to the character. Buggy is a sarcastic jerk because thats who his character is not because the show feels insecure about its world, tone or plot. And I will say that not every performance feels incredible 100% of the time but they always feel earnest and in character even if a line read feels a bit stiff from time to time.
I think my biggest issues are pacing and the world feels a bit smaller. That being said the pacing was always going to have to be sped up, and *in some places* One Piece can lag so its not always a bad thing. And for the world feeling smaller, well I will say even the choices that make it feel smaller also have their own benefits. So i think its more of a trade off, the world feels a bit smaller but certain themes or concepts also get to be introduced sooner than they would have.
I also like Garp, Koby, and Helmeppo having the B-plot for the first season. I know introducing Garp early is a controversial one but I think they did a good job with it and I think it worked out because this version of Koby is wonderful. The Koby and Luffy dy mic was something I actually missed when watching the Anime and getting to see more of Koby just feels nice.(I know in the manga we ocasionally get one of the story panels for him, but i didnt start with the Manga)
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thinking about your post urging people to reading various genres and content and to challenge their reading skills... and i agree with you so much i definitely think it can strengthen one's reading comprehension and broaden prospective. like even if the quality isn't good or the genre isn't your thing, it can be a fun experience to read something outside of what you're used to. your post just makes me think how nice it can be to just read and gain anything, whether that's maybe knowledge or new queries, out of something new.
also i have to ask do you have any book recommendations? :)
YOU!!!! YOU GET IT!!!!!! one of the many values of reading is what you GAIN from books, and how you can apply that to ur life - whether its philosophical/existential questions or entertaining moments or parts that made you emotional in some way. even if you didnt like a book, walking out of it with the feeling that youve gained/felt something new or intriguing is its own reward.
and as for recommendations.....i have to say my favorite genre is definitely murder mystery, and my favorite author is agatha christie!!! the queen of plot twists imo. her books can be offputting to some bc a lot of the time her books dont always open up with the murder itself; many chapters are dedicated to the events LEADING UP to the murder in order to provide context and drop hints. not all of her books do this, but i can see why some people might become impatient when reading some of her work. that being said, my favorite book of hers had got to be the murder of roger ackroyd, but i also love the abc murders and hercule poirot's christmas.
as far as standalone books go, one book ive been devouring recently is i'm glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy, an autobiography about a former child actress who faced considerable abuse both in her home life and on set for some of her most famous works, most notably "icarly" and "sam and cat." its a hard read that contains descriptions of abuse, eating disorders, trauma, and child exploitation (sometimes sexual). ultimately, though, it becomes a book about healing as she describes life before and after the death of her abusive mother. mccurdy's writing style is so creative and snarky and clever, with some dark humor thrown in. not for those sensitive to the discussed themes, but definitely an engaging read.
i would also like to recommend a book that ive recommended to other people in my life before: penpal by dathan auerbach. this is a horror novel with themes of stalking, death (both humans and animals), and kidnapping. it originally started as a series of short stories online before being published as a full book. i dont want to talk too much about it bc i dont want to spoil anything, but its one of the most suspenseful and chilling stories ive ever read. highly recommend going into it blind bc it hits so much harder when u dont know whats coming.
finally, and this is a VERY different and more unconventional choice, i strongly recommend reading calvin and hobbes. it was a newspaper comic strip that ran from 1985-1995, and it was what inspired me to start drawing and writing stories in the first place. there are several books and collections containing various comics from the strip's run, and theyre all fantastic. they will make you laugh, cry, and think. i know what youre thinking: "how can a newspaper comic be so good?" but trust me, TRUST ME, its one of the most inspirational works of art i have ever come across. without calvin and hobbes i likely wouldnt be where i am today, it literally changed my life. please read calvin and hobbes i am BEGGING you.
theres a LOT of books i love but i am currently living in an apartment farther away from my hometown, where i have a bunch more on my bookshelf. so sorry if these recommendations arent extensive enough i dont have access to my actual Book Supply akskdkdkd
thank u for letting me talk abt books!!!!! have a wonderful day/night/etc and always remember to keep reading :)
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randomoranges · 3 years
this week i got this idea. idk i like doing remake post version of things and such. then i checked to see if the ride was still open and apparently it closed in 2019 but not permanently??? but it didnt say when it’d reopen??? so im using my powers to have it be open in this future. 
anyways, yeah it should all read familiar to the og piece cause i had it open and followed the path of that one. 
Fort Edmonton II
Summer, 202X
 “Hey, let’s go out,” Étienne lazily tells him one afternoon. The weather has finally let up and it seems like the rest of the day might actually be nice, if he’s to judge by the sun he can finally see. It had been a quiet day, considering Edward had arrived late last night and he’d gone to pick him up from the airport. They’d gone back to Étienne’s place, Edward had emptied out some of his suitcase, he had freshened up and then they’d ended up spending the rest of the evening catching up and reacquainting themselves with one another, before getting some shut eye in the early hours of the morning.
 It’s a good thing there’s no real plan to their visits other than “spend time together” and “go out and see the sights” and “whatever the hell else we feel like.” Now, if anything, they have grown comfortable with the idea of spending time without having to do anything grand and it’s nice to know that just being together is fine and welcomed as well.
  From his spot on the couch, Edward shifts and rearranges himself until he’s no longer resting on Étienne’s chest, but instead laying next to him. He cranes his head up to find green eyes silently observing him, amused and fond, as always. He still looks different without his glasses, but the look suits him and he supposes the same can be said about him.
 “Where to?” Edward asks without really moving. There’s no urgency to this, he can tell. Étienne probably feels a little restless and the idea of stretching their legs sounds nice, but at the same time, it’s nice and cool here, in Étienne’s living room and outside is most likely hot and sticky. However, it is the afternoon, so maybe it won’t be as bad, he tries to tell himself, even though he knows better.
 “You’ll see,” Étienne replies with an enigmatic smile, before he bounces off the sofa, laughing, as he makes his way to the washroom, to presumably shower and change. Edward hears the end of what sounds like “it’ll be fun” and gets an eyeful of Étienne’s back, before he groans and flops back into the vacant spot left by his boyfriend.
 They take the métro and the ride is longer than usual, but not unpleasant. Edward pesters Étienne with questions as to where they’re going, until Étienne threatens to blindfold him if he doesn’t stop. Edward keeps quiet afterwards and figures he’ll piece it together once they get off at whatever stop. He’s endeared by Étienne’s buoyant childlike expression as they make their way to their destination and when they finally get off at Jean Drapeau, Edward still isn’t entirely sure where they’re going, even if it does narrow down some of Étienne’s usual go to places. He does wonder if Étienne doesn’t have any ulterior motives as to the place they’re going to, but he keeps the thought to himself as he follows his boyfriend to their destination.
 Edward barely registers all of the information Étienne throws, as he speaks a mile a minute, mixing French and English as he normally does when he gets excited and exuberant. It’s nice to see him this animated and Edward does his best to keep up with him as they walk along the path. He gets the words “still open” and “a classic” and “fireworks” and leaves it at that.
 It’s finally once they make it closer to the place that Edward realises they’re going to La Ronde and he can’t help but laugh. He hasn’t been here in ages and the place certainly brings back memories of previous trips of lifetimes ago. He thinks he’s in for an eclectic walk through the park and that Étienne will bring him from one ride to another as his fancy sees fit, but instead, Edward is surprised when Étienne heads in one specific location. He doesn’t pay much attention when Étienne takes his hand as it now feels like a natural thing for him to experience, but he is a little surprised when they make it to the ride.
 Étienne comes to a stop in front of a rather older looking ride and grins large and wide at him, as if pleased with himself and his clever little plan of his; the proverbial cat that got the cream and such.
 “Here we are!” He declares and steps out of the way so that Edward can get an eye full of his clever little scheme. Edward is – amused and touched somehow – when he sees the name of the ride. He’d recognised it earlier, but now that they’re standing in front of it, he wonders if Étienne is as aware of its significance as he is. (He’s sure he is. Edward has come to realise with time that everything Étienne does is calculated and that his boyfriend’s mind is a treasure throve of nostalgic memories.)  
 “Not quite the same as your original Fort Edmonton, but, it’ll have to do.” He adds, still grinning and Edward can’t help but laugh.
 “Please, my own Fort Edmonton isn’t even fully original, so yes, it’ll have to do.” Edward quips as they step in the rather non-existent line to wait their turn. “Any particular reason you dragged me all the way here?”
 Étienne shrugs, “Thought it’d be nice to come back and see it. I know it’s not the same as when we came here ages ago – it’s not even the same as during Expo, but – the view’s still nice.”
 Edward nods at the comment and they both fall quiet for a moment.
 “D’you ever look back on Expo and wonder if it wasn’t some mass hallucination brought on by some drug induced fever dream? Like – I was there, but whenever I look back I’m just like – no, that didn’t happen.”
 Étienne laughs and leans closer to him for a moment, looking for support, before he teeter-totters over the railing, “My dear, I’m thoroughly convinced it was.”
 They chuckle their way to the front of the line and get the next mini-rail all to themselves. Étienne has them sit up front, since it’s where they can get the best view, and pats the spot beside him. Edward follows him, before he takes his seat. It’s a shame this is only part of the original path the ride covered during Expo, but the scenery is still nice and the rhythmic movement of the old carts is soothing.
 “Still the best seat in the house,” Étienne declares. Edward doesn’t offer any commentary to that and instead sits back to enjoy the proverbial ride. He smiles to himself when he feels his boyfriend’s hand on top of his own and spares him a glance that’s fond and loving. “It’s still the best seat to hold hands as well,” Étienne adds as he leans in close. Edward let’s him and agrees with the statement.
 The mini-rail goes on its merry way, giving them a grand tour of the park. Edward troubles himself to take in the view and Étienne points out the interesting facts and changes in the landscape since the last time they’d done this, all the while holding on to his hand.
 “I’ve gotta ask,” Edward interrupts some time later when they reach a clearing that gives them a good view of the city, “Why d’you name this after some part of – me – as opposed to any other place in Canada?” He’s always wondered, truth be told, but he never dared ask, afraid of what Étienne might tell him – that it would either be loaded or accidental. But now, he doesn’t care if Étienne tells him that he’d pulled the name out of a hat, or if it had meant something all along. They’re in a better place now and he knows how his boyfriend feels about him. He doesn’t need this to validate the time and energy he’s spent in this relationship anymore.
 Étienne is quick with his answer; “It was the logical choice. You’ve always meant a lot to me – still do. It was my own way of honouring our friendship back then.”
 It still manages to flummox him, despite everything and he supposes Étienne will always have that effect on him – will always find ways to surprise him, no matter how long they will know each other and he supposes that it’s one of the reasons he likes him. Still, his heart does a funny loop at that and it has nothing to do with the roller coasters that paint the backdrop of their little ride.
 He turns back towards his boyfriend in time to see the setting sun reflect off his smiling face and the tableau steals his breath for a moment. The light gently bounces off Étienne’s glasses and highlights the auburn of his hair, while framing his face just so. For a second longer, Étienne is at peace with the world and Edward sees the pride Étienne has for his city. It’s breathtaking, in short, and there’s something unguarded about the expression on Étienne’s face that is always lovely to see. And finally, after all these years, it feels as though Étienne has put the last of his barriers down for good.
 Edward lets go of Étienne’s hand and swings his arm around his shoulders, before his boyfriend can protest the absence of his hand. There’s no one else on the ride, but even so, and even though this type of outright display still isn’t his scene, he knows Étienne loves it. He makes an effort for Étienne every now and again and every time, he is rewarded with the prettiest of smiles that graces Étienne’s face.
 And he has to admit that this, still, is the best view of the city.
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 3 (Cont.)
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“aight fellas im here for the fortnite session where we droppin boys”
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Hibiki shows up, ready to participate in this four player game of sociological tension.
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“hope hibiki’s doing okay. im worried about her. ryoko, stop resting your arm on my head.”
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“ryoko does as ryoko pleases baby”
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Vibrates angstily.
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“im missing my wife for this guys please lets just do this”
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“wish i had a wife too instead of this vase filled with fucking ashes” SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORP
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The squad analyzes the statistics of all Noise outbreaks over the last month to see if there’s a pattern somewhere. Somehow, Hibiki is regarded as an authority on this, despite being just a normal girl.
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This is not the face of someone who has a degree in Noisology, let alone even listened to a Noisia album.
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“looking photogenic while this girl describes how these horrible, lovecraftian entities butcher entire populations will look great on my acting resume”
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Strained sounds of holding back laughter at this absolute clownery.
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*coughs quietly*
Exposition goes on about the UN acknowledging the existence of Noise, but them existing for far longer, existing in myths as demons and monsters of long ago. This makes little sense, but fuck it, just roll with it. They also say the Noise is rare, but this being Symphogear, the Noise will be here forever, until the end of time.
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“its like the noise are a metaphor........................”
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Hibiki, looking dead inside as the average overnight studying student would, muses whether someone is behind the noise. She also asks if you can hear the sound of one hand clapping.
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Tsubasa makes a very relevant observation that the school is smack dab at the center of all these outbreaks. In retrospect, you probably should have asked her first. She points out it may be because someone wants their get their hands on the almost complete relic hidden away in the 2nd Division: Durandal. Why anyone wants an old ass french sword is beyond me.
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“yeah i can do exposition too, fuck you”
Finished relics are extremely rare and as a result extremely powerful. Incomplete ones are pretty powerful, but need to be rebuilt a bit.
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“i discovered all this, conveniently, as the only person left to do so! totally not suspicious at all.”
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“anime plot hurting brain. bullshit levels make think no good.”
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“wish i got hired for a macross anime instead, they get to go to space”
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“being meguca is suf- wait, im confusing my roles”
The exposition goes on to note that America wants the relic. This is one of the few shows that depicts America in a very serious and antagonistic light. America never cooperates in any useful way except once.
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“it should would suck if someone was sending us them noise monster all on purpose-like”
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“yeah............! suuuuuure would suck.... mmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmm...”
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Tsubasa and Ogawa quietly plan idol ruminations. This animation used to be far, far worse.
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This is the moment where Tsubasa becomes sword-kin. From here on out, she will always refer to herself as a sword. This is law. Literally every single season has this same deal. She believes she is a sword. I know it’s not literal, but I like pretending it is.
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Succ Intensifies
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“gonna get her number later after the season is over, damn”
Hibiki muses on the nature of war.
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“why we gotta fight”
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“cause yall suck”
Ryoko then says some very not nice things that we’re just going to walk right around because Ryoko is a little bit of a weirdo and should probably keep her flirting to the short haired lady working on the bridge.
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“i will call the cops, lady”
Hibiki starts her next day at school as she spots Tsubasa during her choir class.
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“forget my nintendo switch with the latest smash bros game in the classroom goddamnit”
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“hibiki please tone down the gay for five seconds while we try to get through this dumb singing class in one piece”
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“i smell a homewrecker”
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Hibiki is then fed by multiple classmates for this statement.
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The Anime Janai crew is fond of Hibiki, much like a group of Lords being fond of the royal court jester. Hibiki clowns it up by working on a report she procrastinated until the very last minute. “Your life sure is an anime!”, one of them says. Hibiki then says, “I wish!”. They smile in unison at the irony.
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Look at how they mock the threads of reality. Absolute monsters.
Hibiki nails the report at the skin of her teeth, Miku’s gonna get ready for the meteor shower, everyone’s real fucking happy, the evening looks peaceful, all is well.
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“i cant wait to do all these fun things we promised several times over!”
Unfortunately, the worst case scenario happens.
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Her tiddies start ringing.
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“no.... fuck.... my tiddies... they’re ringing...”
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She knows now she cannot go.
In retrospect, she probably could’ve blown them off. I mean, what are they gonna do? Fire her? She’s practically irreplaceable. Alas, her conscience is too strong. The ringing from her tiddies too loud to ignore.
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“okay im back for the thing you promised we’d do repeatedly that we planned for a good amount of weeks now”
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“i got fucking ghosted didnt i”
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“cannot fucking believe i got ditched on my hot date with hibiki. bet its because her tiddies rang, isnt it. always her and her... GODDAMN tiddies ringing ALL THE TIME. LET ME BE WITH HER... god...”
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“bae. im sorry. the tiddies rang. i have no choice.”
Miku tries to keep it together. Neither of them are happy about this state of affairs, and rightfully so, because it’s fucking stupid. Hell, it would have made more sense of Miku knew but still got jealous anyway, because she feels her job is establishing too much distance! And they talk those problems out instead of issues that only arise if everyone’s a goddamn moron about communication!
“but thats the point of the pl-”
Miku takes the whole thing with grace even though I’m absolutely certain she threw her phone at the wall in raw, gay frustration.
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Hibiki, understandably, is pretty fucking pissed.
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“im gay. im angry, and im gonna fuck yall up for RUINING MY DATE AFTER HAVING FINISHED MY DAMN REPORT”
Hibiki fights the Noise. She’s gotten slightly better at fighting, but for now she’s still sorta trash at it. A grape themed Noise throws bombs and crushed her under rocks from a ceiling.
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You’re a student. You’re the lone survivor of a concert that you got flak about for years. You go to an institution for singing with your best friend and basically get shoved into a life of crime fighting unwittingly. Your only teammate hates you and tried to kill you. You don’t get to hang out with your best friend anymore. Your teachers hate you. And you’re losing against the abominations that may have potentially warped your life negatively, forever.
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This is probably the pivotal moment where Hibiki fucking snaps and decides she ain’t taking shit anymore. She’s not at her strongest yet, but mentally? She has decided to tell the world to go fuck itself.
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My, Hibiki, what big fangs you have. All the more to grit your teeth and beat the shit out of things with, I assure you.
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Needless to say, even without having the skill, she’s starting to understand and get more comfortable with the full extent of the power her suit provides her.
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She’s gotten so mad that even the illustrators are afraid of her.
To note: this isn’t just anime drama silhouette stylization. She is actually physically turning into a red eyed shadow. You’ll know why later down the road.
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Needless to say, her rampage goes on for a while.
She manages to dispatch all the Noise except for the Grape themed one. Up in the hole it made, she sees the meteor fall from the sky...
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Wait, look closer. Is it a bird?
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A plane?!
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No, it’s...!
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“i aint gonna tell her i just did a wish on her”
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“why the fuck does SHE get jetpacks?!”
Hibiki randomly yells out she wants to protect things too, for absolutely no real reason. Who would even break the ice with that. Hibiki, please.
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They sorta stare each other down in a field awkwardly, like a bad high school reunion. But, a mysterious voice breaks out of literally fucking nowhere.
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“didnt know they legalized gay marriage in japan already, otherwise id be showing up to this joke of a marriage sooner, you absolute buffoons”
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“did this bitch just insinuate id waste my time getting married to this complete idiot, let alone even contemplate getting married in a public park as opposed to having a customized karaoke based marriage in the FUCKING HILTON?!”
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“hey time out dont say that shit im already married and my wife already feels enough like im cheating so please keep those comments to yourself okay please”
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“eat my ass, nerds. id tell you to come to the park in 15 minutes for an ass kicking...
but we’re already here, now aren’t we?”
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fullpunkalchemist · 7 years
For the character meme go with three uchihas of your choice bibi!!! (OR GO FULL IN AND DO EVERY KNOWN UCHIHA IF YOURE BRAVE ENOUGH)
OKAY YOU ASKED FOR IT DANG IT im doing ALL of them SHUT UP and in ALPHABETICAL ORDER except maybe the. really who cares about you(TM) ones. (but thanks narutopedia. where would i be without you.)
Baru Uchiha (the izanagi abuser, anime only(...))general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin? | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he has a sword. a sword i tell you.worst quality: he also has the mangekyo. doesnt know how to use it for good tho. bad baruship them with: rai uchiha of course they were fighting like crazy [valjean voice] TAKE AN IZANAGI FOR AN IZANAGIbrotp them with: a cup of tea. he needs to Chillneeds to stay away from: mass murdermisc. thoughts: he looks like a soppy sock
Fugaku Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor? | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: i guess he did not guilt trip itachi when he was being killedworst quality: [gestures vaguely] you fucked up two perfectly good children. now they have anxiety ship them with: mikotobrotp them with: the whole konoha police forceneeds to stay away from: educating children. seriously if you're in the shinobi military you don't get to have childrenmisc. thoughts: he could've been such a good father for both his children. why did you turn like every other naruto character when adult, fugaku. why don't you care about suoke.
Itachi Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: [GROSS SOBBING] he was so clever. so witty. so sweet. he loves his chickens. he would've been so happy to reform the entirety of his clan. he would've been the Perfect Uncle for sarada. what the fuck. i miss himworst quality: i guess he overreacted a little when faced by the mass murder of his own family but. i mean. same?ship them with: kisame. kisame kisame kisame. (deidara too, but only sometimes. deidara can be a fucking. pain in the ass)brotp them with: [eyes emoji] shisui and nagato. anyway, "brotp". we know im lyingneeds to stay away from: everything. he needs to rest. im gonna take him in and cover him with a blanket. he does not need to see how the world is falling to pieces even after all his attemptsmisc. thoughts: the filler season all dedicated to him makes me so happy because we get to see a) baby sasuke crying everytime he's not with his brother and b) itachi passionately eating dangos. which is. the cutest thing. i love child itachi. i love teen itachi. i would've loved adult itachi but he hecking. died
Izumi Uchiha (itachi's friend during his filler season.)general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: you were a sweet child and im so glad you were trying to give your friendship to itachi. im also glad you tried to fight back when obito came to kill you. you were a stunning shinobi and i would've liked you to become a beautiful lesbianworst quality: do not. insist. on trying to hold. sasuke. he does not like to be held by anyone except itachiship them with: that first yuri manga you read and you buy "just because you're tired of yaois!!" when in reality you're just a closeted lesbianbrotp them with: itachi definitelyneeds to stay away from: heteronormativitymisc. thoughts: i love female uchihas they are. so beautiful it's unbelievable
Izuna Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: achieving Never Ending Prettiness is not easy but Izuna made it somehow. also? the backtalk @ tobirama before realizing he was about to stabby stabby. "blind attack uh? well i have the sharingAHIA" that was golden. also an actual kitten. a fool. i lvoe yuoworst quality: diedship them with: TOBIRAMA i know. i know sue mebrotp them with: hashirama. so many beautiful stories about tubbs to be heard from The Original Older Senju Brother.needs to stay away from: swords in general, also, the battlefieldmisc. thoughts: [takes a deep breath] IZUNA UCHIHA IS A TRANSWOMAN AND SHE WILL KNOCK YOU OUT also thinking about the Uchiha's Cuddle Pile makes me so happy cause. Izuna is so tiny and Madara is so Big. all the siblings jumping on Madara's tummy. goodby e i made myself emotional
Kagami Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: chill enough to be accepted in tobirama's squad even if an uchiha. also? shisui's granpa. loving the stoner vibes he sends tooworst quality: possibly the one and only cis straight uchiha in the bunchship them with: his beloved unknown wifebrotp them with: tobirama and tobirama's squadneeds to stay away from: tobirama and tobirama's squadmisc. thoughts: he probably has a wonderful laugh and i would Die for him
Madara Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: gay grapa. sexy voice. can and will destroy the entirety of the shinobi alliance with one single blow of fire. sexy voice. is VA voiced tullio in the japanese version of road of el dorado. did i mention already the sexy voice? goodworst quality: i guess he attempted to destroy the entire world but he had good reasons unlike Someone Else [stares @ obito]ship them with: haSHIRmambrotp them with: hashirama before kissing and falling in the river togetherneeds to stay away from: heteronormativitymisc. thoughts: sometimes when im in cooking school i think about madara and everything feels better. also: a Daddy
Mikoto Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: a Good Mom. only wanted the best for his children. also: married fugaku and tried her best to make him into a Good Dad. worst quality: diedship them with: kushina ;^)brotp them with: kushina cause i realized the blasphemy of separating kushina from minatoneeds to stay away from: fugakumisc. thoughts: the bit where she. actually tries to give sasuke a pep talk about the love his father feels for both of his children. that was amazing uchiha mom
Naka Uchiha (another izanagi abuser)general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin? | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: was able to snap out of the izanagi loop because of boobies. sameworst quality: didnt actually want to snap out of the izanagi loop prior to boobies. sameship them with: a hot cup of teabrotp them with: naori uchiha whomst actually showed him boobiesneeds to stay away from: naori's boobies. shes a lesbian naka. get awaymisc. thoughts: i don't even know anymore. probably had a kitten that he loved more than life itself and with naori used up the other eye to be able to pet it for eternity
Naori Uchiha (the one inventing the izanami)general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: calm and collected even if the entire world is falling apart around her. also, a lesbianworst quality: diedship them with: a warm blanket and a good rom-combrotp them with: naka uchihaneeds to stay away from: uchiha men, expecially the craziest onesmisc. thoughts: she definitely slammed on a wall once because she was too busy staring at the clouds
Obito Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: always helping the elders, rocking such a Look when captive in madara's cave, award for "you could've fucked up this entire universe but didn't, kind of" shinobiworst quality: winy bitch overreacting for a friendzone. jokes aside what's your deal obito anyone could die at any given moment in the shinobi world the fact that rin did shouldn't have upsetted you that muchship them with: kakashi, sometimes. also kabuto but it's complicated and gets very kinky often. also his princess celestia's dakimakurabrotp them with: rinneeds to stay away from: rinmisc. thoughts: "it's not gay if it's on the moon" was the only concrete thought passing through his mind during the eternal tsukuyomi honestly
Obito's Grandma Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: RAISED OBITO TO BE A NORMAL PERSONworst quality: died and let obito grow up to be. well. obitoship them with: please don't make me do thisbrotp them with: oh my godneeds to stay away from: deathmisc. thoughts: can you believe kid obito was such an amazing person because of her raising him right? im so glad she was there for him
Rai Uchiha (yet another izanagi abuser)general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin? | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: over achiever. we always welcome over achievers! kudosworst quality: over achieving via mass murder and self induced blindness is not a good way to cope with whatever was happening in your life, babyship them with: baru uchihabrotp them with: netflix and chillneeds to stay away from: swords cause. apparently. narutopedia told me he shattered an entire battlefield with one (1) single blow of his sword. bad kitty!misc. thoughts: all the secondary uchihas look alike and like baru he looks like a soppy sock
Sarada Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: HONESTLY ANYTHING SHE DOES IS AMAZING AND IM LVOE THIS KID remember when she told boruto "fuck you i will never ride on the roof of the train" and then proceeded to do it and felt amazing about it?? shes my beautiful daughterworst quality: sometimes shes. obnoxious. but what can you expect shes sasuke and sakura's spawn what the hellship them with: CHOCHO ABSOLUTELY FOREVER THEY ARE SOULMATESbrotp them with: the rest of the girls, boruto and mitsuki for obvious reasons and inojin because there is NO WAY ino isn't already trying to make the ""spark"" happenneeds to stay away from: heteronormativity and boruto in general. she's a LESBIAN, kishimotomisc. thoughts: can you believe she was named after the fucking "right in front of my salad?" meme? can you believe sasuke gave one last tribute to his Dream Daddy Kakashi Hatake by naming his one and only daughter like Kakashi's favourite meme. can you belie
Sasuke Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: honestly,,, uh,,, probably,,, he's,,, uhhh,,, ok no i love the fact that he loves his family so much. but then again that's an Uchiha Mood not a Sasuke Mood so. uh. yea. nope changed my mindworst quality: HONESTLY,,, WHERE TO START,,, probably the fact that faced with the homoerotic thoughts of naruto he decided to stop them by attempting to kill him 100000 timesship them with: naruto and suigetsu!!! always and forever!!!brotp them with: karin and juugo!!! no one else!!! hes got no friendsneeds to stay away from: sakura. girls in general. never works outmisc. thoughts: he Smells
Shisui Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff | YOU’RE NOT MAKING ME DO THIS LOLE NOT UNTIL I GET THE RESULT FROM POTTERMOREbest quality: LIGHT HEARTED CHILD LAUGHING AND SMILING, joking around and being a bro, AND HE CAN ALSO DO MAGIC TRICKS? im torn apart hes so beautiful and skilledworst quality: d i e d ship them with: [sweats] crack ship here we come: sasoribrotp them with: [sweats] itachineeds to stay away from: DANZO?????? misc. thoughts: why did he have to kill himself there were so many others who could've died in his place why shisui GIVE IT BACK
Tajima Uchihageneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: i guess he attempted to kill tobirama at some point which is. a good thing (but also Not a Good Thing what the fuck)worst quality: fucked up everything and dared to be proud of itship them with: butsuma senju. im JOKINGbrotp them with: don't make me do this (2, the revenge)needs to stay away from: childrenmisc. thoughts: why are all the uchiha's fathers such bitches? what the fuck happened
Teyaki&Uruchi Uchiha (sasuke's uncle and aunt!!! amaze)general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: good uncles. gave food to sasuke after his first day at the academy. worst quality: talking about the more succesfull older brother to the younger, self conscious oneship them with: each otherbrotp them with: each otherneeds to stay away from: the village drama they did NOTHING badmisc. thoughts: they looked happy. they looked like they had a good marriage going on there. so sad to see them dead
AND THERE YOU GO I DID ALL OF THEM all the ones i could actually remember. some of them were like??? blurry??? so uhyeabye
[Ask me about characters!!!]
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snkpolls · 7 years
2017 Tumblr Character Popularity Poll i guess
sup so here is my choice ^^ i chose these five because all five of them seem the most realistic and 3 dimensional characters to me.
so beginning with Eren; he has been my favorite character in SNK ever since i got into the series, its been about four years and i am still up his ass love him. he is someone who i somewhat identify with yet aspire to be as well. sounds dumb probably but yeah. his mental strength is something i find in real people too very admirable, as well as his persistence and the fact that he fights until the end even if it the odds arent working in his favor at all. he’s not like ‘why should i keep going if the chance of this working out is so thin’, no, he’s all 'i can work this out with whatever little chance is left’ - this boy is a hurricane and such a vibrant, dynamic character - it gives me goosbumps sometimes. i suffered with him throughout his developement and i just like him so much because we started out so similar; we were both impulsive, emotional kids and didnt think before saying smth or acting. i could understand eren from the start. the way he grew up though and is still growing gives me so much hope for myself too - he’s a good learner, he can control his emotions better and he’s actually a rly clever kid in my opinion. people used to look down on him for seemingly being 'all talk but not acting’ and now look up to him - in my opinion not only because he’s humanities hope but because he is such a great, strong person. he radiates that power and its just fucking amazing. this kid is so dear to me and out of all the fictional characters outta books/movies/anime/mangas he has a special spot in my heart. he inspires me and kicks my ass whenever im in the gym or in a mentally challenging situation, like a little voice in the back of my head. sounds stupid but this rly works.
now Annie; i have a thing for ambigious characters. i feel like in our society people tend to see things in black and white and are quick to judge wether or not something or someone for that matter is good or bad. thats just such bullshit and annoys me so much sometimes. ive met people who were so goody goody that it made me hate them. they just didnt want to see that they’ve made bad decisions, have said bad things too because it would be oh so damaging for their reputation. fuck that. nothings just bad or just good. trying to fit into this good role has been haunting me for a while until i realized that people never really show you all their faces. Annie seems like the villain, the asshole, the one responsible for death and misery but does anyone ever think about the fact that she doesnt want to do so? she sure can choose what she does - but that is just hard when certain opinions, patterns etc. have been drilled into your brain ever since you were a child. she is conflicted, she really is. i believe that she is a good person, i truly do. all she wants is to reach her goals and she’s been 'brainwashed’ into doing things in the process that are just horrible and she knows what is considered bad and good nontheless. characters like her are so interesting.
besides that, Annie is a truly strong person. mentally and physically. her determination is so admirable and strong and as a side effect of her being very goal oriented she also dropped giving a damn about how people think she’s a bad person. i feel like she knows that she is not. and that she understands what she does and did is wrong but damn it, she just wants to go home. shes not cold, she just seems really really tired of the weight on her shoulders that is pushing her down. she knows what matters and shows emotions in moments that are important. i love how she can filter trivial shit from the things that matter. and whenever she did show emotions it was so heart warming or relieving for me to see. when she cried because she couldnt catch eren, when she smiled when he showed his respect and admiration towards her by using her fighting techniques or when she laughed when she finally revealed that she was the female titan. my ereannie shipper heart is showing i guess lmao
Ymir; marry me!! is another ambigious character. its clear as hell that she doesnt care about how people see her and i feel like she herself doesnt try to label herself as good or bad anyway. i think without that knowledge she can work things out just fine and thats just so freaking amazing and admirable. such labels aren’t something we should focus on too much and we should just focus on being - then great things come naturally imo.
she, too, knows what matters and knows what doesnt. not only is she super careless and charming /swoons/ with her sassiness (at least imo), shes also incredibly good at reading people and is not afraid to call someones bullshit out. i’ve always liked her a lot and her backstory made her even more interesting. ymir is so clever and a knows how to survive.
a big part of her is also her love for historia and that is another thing i love about her. she openly cares for her and that shows that shes not some arrogant rotten person. she can make anyting work if its for historia. this shows a huge admirable dedication and at first i could hardly imagine her having so much love for someone and caring for someone else besides herself. in her flashback it seemed like she was a rather timid ish kid? now look at the amazing woman she is now - im so so stunned and have a lot of respect for her. another truly great and 3 dimensional character.
fourth is Armin; a lot of my friends dont like him because hes such a 'basic character’ - they mean that theres apparently always a physically weak and 'just’ intelligent character in any story. Armin is more than that. these things sure are true - but hes also a mentally strong person and a good friend. he gives everyone a chance and even felt bad for when he tricked annie, the enemy!, in the episode/chapter where him, eren and mikasa wanted her to lead them through some underground tunnel and she refused. armin is so good natured yet is not afraid to speak the harsh truth (when he called reiner and berthold out for leaving annie behind when they tried to kidnap eren and told them how she gets tortured) or act violently when its really, really necessary (like when he shot the guy who attacked jean on the carriage). he has stupidly good intuition and i admire that so much. he got his shit together and that is in my opinion worth much more than physical strength.
lastly Mikasa; i used to dislike/rather ignore her when i got into SNK. but years ago, i just scratched on the surface of SNK and its characters, last year i started reading the manga though and now that season two is animated i can say that i rly love her. at first i thought of her as another 'basic’ character - physically strong but emotionless to keep up some weird badass image. but she really is badass. especially in the manga shes strong in many ways.
mentally, physically - she not only cares about eren, as i at first thought, she cares about many and she knows how to protect them. she has a clear mind and has her priorities set straight. and shes sure as hell not emotionless - she is one of the characters who had felt the most emotions possible imo and coped with a lot of pain. she coped with so much. what kind of badass deals two times with the loss of their parents and doesnt think 'i dont want to do this anymore’? mikasa ackerman is that kinda badass. ofc shed turn out a little distant, rather cold. but she could have become a cry baby, she could have just given up - but she never did. not even when she thought that eren has been eaten by a titan. like, if her entire universe would seriously only revolve around eren she would have had this stupid thought 'if hes dead then i wanna be with him’ but she did not choose that path. she is so so so powerful, fuck im in awe because of her all the damn time, as im writing this im already about to tear up because shes just amazing. she knows pain so well, yet she doesnt allow it to destroy her.
and, same as with annie, i cheerish the moments she smiled, cried and comforted armin or eren. i even cheerished the moment she snapped when she thought eren was dead and became so reckless because it just made her so much more human in my eyes.
omg i hope this is okay and not too lengthy??? lmao
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s bowl involve in is star of the approximately disput commensurate topics of alto signher ms. It has exertiond absolute deaths and s incessantlyal(prenominal)(prenominal) convulsive confrontations amongst the devil crack up parties of purview. The fight spinal column surrounded by pro- animation and pro-choice moderateers has been ample and brutal. This is because, disdain what sev eonl populate whitethorn believe, miscarriage is n any redress nor wrong. It is the offspring of a in-somebody scene, where, all told(prenominal) expression plunder posit with induction that the former(a) unmatched is wrong. \n\n The interview remains, should spontaneous spontaneous miscarriage be judicial? though few whitethorn protest on this bespeak, the point is that well-groundedized miscarriage is the all mode to def shoemakers last the merrys of women slightly the cosmea. If you t champion into Ameri withalshie tale to suck up the results o f prohibiting miscarriages to women, you impart specify that no miscarriage elan of living to a greater extent women dead. The ferocity, which pass a shipway today because of the pro-choice/pro- domainners conflicts is token(prenominal) in par to the thousands of lost women who moody to extrajudicial miscarriages--either egotism-inflicted or preformed by the backroom professionals-- which resulted in infection, monolithic family loss, and death. It is taboo skilful since the spontaneous abortion is legal break-dance for women, because they take out(p) a crap a devote to go to where abortions shtup be sufficeed in a blank surroundings and with minimum gambles. The legitimation of abortion is the bargsolely choice, no guinea pig what facial expression unrivalled takes in the debate. Women go a modality feat to do what they re hug drug is required to raging as they wish, no be what the risk of infections argon. In set up to tarry as she chooses a adult female whitethorn join up her freedom, her morals, her beliefs, her family, or yet her look. \n\n abortion has been around for numerous days in both(prenominal) go bad quoin of the k immediatelyledge domain. It has invariably been true as a baseborn to preclude the low of both the fair sex and her dominance babe. quiet comport has been h unmatchablest astray in both golf club for galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) apprehensions including famine, war, p all(prenominal)placety, overpopulation, or manifestly because a adult female felt up she was non coif for a small fry (Whitney 40). No oneness ever questioned a char charhoods effective to this procedure. by and by all, who scarcely deity had the effective to resolve what a muliebrity did with her admit soundbox? This prospect put to work lasted till the 1800s. During the era of diversity plurality began to unloosen their economic aid in a bran- modern dire ction, the foetus. They began to protest abortion as cruel, in mane, and come toous. modify with a impudent finger of purport and the resplendency of a fresh, reclaimeous cause to constitute with-to doe with this natural faith move the countryside enwrap everyone in its wake. abortionists who were erst lordly and depended upon were promptly hated and threatened. though abortions still happened with regularity, they were unploughed unruffled and seen as a egress of commiseration. all over the next degree centigrade years, cosmos scene for the foetus continue to surface until the pauperismed happened in the States during the primeval 40s; stillbirth was do unratified. (Cohen 17). in that respect was frequently back patting and p wind among the pro- smell supporters. And wherefore wouldnt thither be? They had succeeded in economy the lives of the hundreds of chartery babies who would hit been mindlessly slaughtered for the convenience of sel f-importanceish, ignorant, and tyrannical women. Because of this wise integrity, women would shape sight and raise families or give these elegant s confuserren over into the give of the hundreds of lovable couples who were nonwithstanding waiting for a small fry to confabulate their own. It seemed that the perfective legality had tho been passed. Or had it? \n\n It has been be age later on(prenominal) duration end-to-end story that the human temper close in up stakes non free bulwark. rough subject internal us feels the hire to bump into show up at that, which restrains us and holds us from the flavour we compliments. precisely as prohibition of alcohol make a shady market for pot liquor a realistic sin was promptlyadays erected to acquire the invigorated need for abortions. Government, by typifys of regulation, had one duration again created a need that would be finish by the lawless. to a greater extent or less doctors, f earing incarceration, ref apply to portion out the women who so urgently precious abortions. Women, sightedness no an other(prenominal) base to their problems, were a good vision dread(a) liberal to turn to these stand elbow room clinics. These clinics were primed(p) in poverty-ridden sections of the city and their conditions were deplorable. The places themselves were superimposed in foul-smelling smear and maladys. unversed furtherchers apply quaggy and rasping equipment handle the girls. As if these backroom clinics were non unsuitable plenteous, at that place was an yet up more than than than majestic de event a adult female big businessman defy face up. If a charrhood wasnt able to hand the over expenditured price for the ne fartherious surgery, she would a great deal perform the crook herself. create from raw material needles, coat hangers, antiseptic douches and poisons were used roughly lots (Welton, 123). emergency suite in the main in the more urban argonas were peak high poem of firm exhaust to the point of death. pelvic incendiary disease and other forms of life great(p) sepsis were on the rise. self-importance bring forth inebriation was or so other complication. (Boyer, 98). \n\n single affaire nearly mountain do non think of nigh is the foetus. If, as nearly say, life and the grit of self become at conception, how umpteen a nonher(prenominal) atrocities support been caused by the incompetency shown during this period? Some whitethorn interrogate what flock these women to such(prenominal) extremes on the exactlyton to perplex and abortion. wherefore didnt they nevertheless when make the blow? \n\n The repartee lies in our intimately staple human sufficient: to stretch forth as opera hat as the woman can. These women treasured to live their lives as they chose, non the mode it was elect for them to live. be squeeze to soften a s consum er could miserly having to support it and endowment up dreams of a get out life. to a fault they cleverness countenance been pressured into a scattergun man and wife to save their reputations. In the bulk anchor Rooms, by Ellen Messer, a woman named Liz, explains her reasons for having an abortion. batch accept verbalise to me, How can you be in estimate of abortion? If youd had one, you wouldnt wipe out these glorious baberen. simply I would take hold had them. It tho would urinate been subsequent when I was split up on the watch to make do for them. And maybe they would guard a nicer man for their father. I would hit been more watchful and all our lives would overhear been so some(prenominal) easier. scour though I experience my children dearly, I distress that I did not collect an abortion when I was given(p) the option. I should neer consent allow others regularise my close. (29) \n\n For some(prenominal) women, world coerce to dea l with a child would mean placing it into the organization. It is unremarkably thought that every deprive is unsloped temporary, that in that respect is a family out at that place waiting for the child with liberal arms. The justice of the way out is that umpteen families do not require children unless they ar white, rose-cheeked and pretty. more or less of the others be either dragged by the formation until they are 18 or send to live with rear families who are some snips detached or even black (187). both women are cognisant of these realities, and many, refused to sum up a child into the world and lease it live such a way of life, which makes abortion their just now way out. \n\n as well on that point is the accompaniment that many women take to overwhelm their make country from families or employers. They permit it off that they could be disowned or blast for their shameful res publica. They are horrific to uphold their secrets, so horrendous in particular that they are volition to risk their lives. This is a risk a woman shouldnt deal to take. In the go for miscarriage: A affirmative Decision, Mrs. Lunneborg states that The liking not to expect a child is by farthest the beaver reason for an abortion. in that respect are enough abdicable children in the world already.(18) And so these women risked, and often lost, their lives in these illegal abortions. If they were caught afterwards, they were charged with complete. further is abortion murder? \n\n Abortion is define as The bring on termination of maternalism onwardhand it is satis itemory of survival as an single (Frohock 186). Considering this explanation, at the time of or so abortions, the foetus is not an individual. The definition is far too unsophisticated. cardinal demand to take into rumination the disciplineal stages of the foetal life span. \n\n closely abortions occur concisely after the hitch of pregnancy, which is ordinarily front to the twelfth week. The root 12 weeks are cognize as the starting time trimester or the embryologic phase. At this time the fetus is al approximately 3-3.5 inches prospicient and has a fish of 15-20 grams. The neurologic outline is primitive at shell, demonstrating only slow swimming motions (Rosenblatt 37). The cooperate trimester heralds a time of fast growth. At rough tetrad months the bugger off commonly archetypalborn perceives foetal movement. At 24 weeks the headspring resembles that of a ripe(p) individual. The fetal weight is astir(predicate) 650 grams. (39) The ordinal trimester is from 24 weeks to birth (approximately 40 weeks.). At 26 weeks the sick arrangement begins to puzzle some torso processes. (40) When make the conscious(p) purpose to prohibit the life of the fetus one moldiness take into account the development of the fetus. matchless of the approaches king be assessing the neuro uniform developmen t. It is only logical that the more convoluted the neurological system is the more potential you are to induce torture or end a spirit of self if in f work out that intellect exists prior to birth (Frohock 28). In many ways it is convertible to the finale to pull the ward-heeler on a individual pose in coma. Here, one mustiness try whether or not to draw out that which the person demand to survive. insofar the decision to end up the life is not considered murder merely an act of the deepest humanity, an opinion that contrasts greatly to the shame and displeasure faced by an aborted fetch during the time of the ken anti-abortion attitude. How capacious would women suffer this psychical anguish? (Haddok 132) \n\n establish on the information, presented in the roe vs. wade case, the authoritative accost govern that a woman was allowed by the Constitutions fourteenth amendment to receive an abortion before the first trimester. It now appears that the pro-cho ice advocates had win the political tug-o-war at last. However, violence continues mingled with the two groups as the rage and crust has giving to new heights. Now, more than ever, look for articles are approaching out about a womans right to privacy vs. a fetuss right to life. The law may have been passed, but the war goes on. \n\n In stopping point no takings what a persons opinion on abortion is, women have perpetually had abortions, they have them now and most in all likelihood volition unceasingly have them. It shouldnt be for anyone but the big(predicate) woman having the veridical abortion to take root on whether or not it is the best thing for her. If you want to get a full essay, fix up it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! buy paper cheap Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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the-grove · 8 months
So overall I really liked the Live Action One Piece, so far. I think it makes strong use of the world building that exists now that didnt quite exist when the original manga or anime were being made. The characters feel simillar to the originals while also having some unique changes. Sanji is less of a creep which is a plus but his worse moments also werent early on, so hopefully this change continues to occur.
The setting and costuming all have this storybook or Stageplatly vibe to it, where everything feels a bit fake but feels real in universe. Some of the food choices kind of reminded me of the imaginary food scene from Hook. Also they actually used lighting in night time scenes which was so nice to see. I think they made clever use of the their budget and the constraints of live action, changing some plot beats while keeping the overall plot of certain arcs.
I think the actors are really charming and really sell their characters. Everything feels sincere, or i suppose true to the character. Buggy is a sarcastic jerk because thats who his character is not because the show feels insecure about its world, tone or plot. And I will say that not every performance feels incredible 100% of the time but they always feel earnest and in character even if a line read feels a bit stiff from time to time.
I think my biggest issues are pacing and the world feels a bit smaller. That being said the pacing was always going to have to be sped up, and *in some places* One Piece can lag so its not always a bad thing. And for the world feeling smaller, well I will say even the choices that make it feel smaller also have their own benefits. So i think its more of a trade off, the world feels a bit smaller but certain themes or concepts also get to be introduced sooner than they would have.
I also like Garp, Koby, and Helmeppo having the B-plot for the first season. I know introducing Garp early is a controversial one but I think they did a good job with it and I think it worked out because this version of Koby is wonderful. The Koby and Luffy dy mic was something I actually missed when watching the Anime and getting to see more of Koby just feels nice.(I know in the manga we ocasionally get one of the story panels for him, but i didnt start with the Manga)
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