#i think thats just shows how much of a monsterfucker i am LOLOLOL
mintyphantasm · 2 years
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I am thisclose to going full hog monstfuker....not super surprsing lo, (if i do it wont be on here btw)
Have always wanted to draw more monst, literally anything and everything. And im a big sucker for - whoops creation is now my lover pet and eternal companion. Cause im lonely and want one.
The game itself is really solid, Homegrown Companion, a really simple but effective way to do a pet sim. I dont think ive ever seen it done like that, which is always a treat for my brain uwu.
Linko to the gameo https://trisghost.itch.io/homegrown-pet
The right doodles of the blob and doggo are ref from the art in the game.
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