#i think itd be waaay more fun to throw em in there so they can get a taste of their own medicine lmao
snekdood · 11 months
so many ppl online are like “hahah yeah guillotine” but i really doubt the majority of ppl saying that could actually stomach it.
#and also: no its not normal to desensitize yourself to gore. idc what you say ✌️#ik we're all 'jail is bad' but ngl. since a lot of the ppl oppressing us in power are specifically positive about jail#i think itd be waaay more fun to throw em in there so they can get a taste of their own medicine lmao#bc idk about yall but i think they should face a myriad of consequences before they get the luxury of sweet release#everyone gets ta kick em in the nuts once dhjbsfdvhgfdgshv#maybe giving in too much to the punishment shit? maybe#i just feel like the guillotine is. too good for them.#then again. it might immediatly purge whatever demon is posessing them lol#but also you know how i feel about this shit where it can spiral out of control and ppl start to think its fine to kill average citizens#and then we become no better then the cops#bc tbh feeding your bloodsports desire with blood is not good. lets maybe not just. normalize that shit#so maybe locking them up is the better solution 😌#/jk bc tbh idk what is a good solution since im worried a lot of ppl in our movement just uhm. really likes bloodsports#and does really get off on punishing ppl#which will make them want to do it more once we have no more oppressive ppl to kill.........#and will make up reasons to kill average ppl... probably informed by callout posts dsjhbsdvghb#all ill say is this; remember kids- dont become like your enemies and do what they would do.#because soon the line will blur between who is the real bad guy when you have so much blood on your hands#+ you'd literally be giving your enemies a justified persecution complex. soooooooooooo...
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