#i think i like drunk alastor way too much holy fuck
Hazbin Hotel Ep 5&6 Oh My God (Major Spoilers)
I am having so many thoughts, this is just a brain dump
-LUCIFER. He’s so pathetic I love him
-Jeremy Jordan you fucking legend. I’m a big fan of a lot of his work and was excited to see him in this but I was slightly unsure if he was the right casting since I expected Lucifer to be more of a high and mighty/snobby figure, but with the way they characterised him HE IS PERFECT.
-The Lucifer vs Alastor rivalry is beautiful
-“Ha ha, fuck you.”
-Father figure Alastor
-MIMZY’S ARRIVAL. I know most of us know the lore about her and Alastor being developed as a couple before it was scrapped but I really like how they are in the show
-Even if it’s just crumbs I’m so excited to be getting snippets of Alastor’s lore. It’s wild to keep going back and forth between “aw he actually cares for and protects his friends” and “oh my god he’s a fucking psycho”
-Speaking of that the scene with Husk holy shit. Poor man looked terrified
-The confirmation that Alastor’s also stuck working for someone, it has to be Lilith surely. I know some people will call it predictable because a lot of theories are coming true but personally I think it’s from good worldbuilding/foreshadowing
-ALASTOR IN FULL DEMON FORM JUST ANNIHILATING EVERYONE and then he just goes “Ah that was fun, now back to it”
-I kinda like the parallel between Al and Mimzy & Angel and Cherri where they invite their friends to join them if they want to, even if neither of them take it up initially maybe we’ll see them join the hotel in the future?
-I really expected Lucifer to be a dickhead and a shitty dad, but he seems to be an overall better guy than most people in hell
-CHERRI BOMB ARRIVAL! And she’s Aussie now fuck yeah represent
-I still love her and Angel’s friendship even if she is a terrible influence. Everyone’s got that friend who’s solution to a bad day is just self-destruction but they mean well at least
-Emily is so sweet I love her
-The Molly cameo is so sweet, I was waiting for her to appear somewhere but lowkey forgot she was in heaven. Honestly though how did she get there when the rest of her and Angel’s family got condemned for what they did together? Maybe she left the mob or something idk I just hope we get to meet her properly at some point
-Heaven’s real fucked up? Yeah not shocked
-VAGGIE?? FALLEN ANGEL REVEAL?? AND SHE WAS AN EXTERMINATOR???? I know most of us called it but holy shit I didn’t expect it to be confirmed this soon
-Adam is such a dick but he’s so much fun
-I love that Charlie was gonna start her court presentation with definitions like a high school essay
-“Consent is a good name for a sex club” the gentleman Husk truthers gonna have fun with this one
-Pentious hitting on Cherri is hilarious and totally not the same level of subtlety I flirt with when I’m drunk
-Hearing more and more about how Val treats Angel is so sad especially with how casually he talks about it since it’s just another day for him
-Him parenting drunk Nifty is beautiful
-“You wanna play with the kitty?”
-Valentino is my #1 enemy
-Seeing Angel stand up to him to protect his friends is making me feel feelings. Like he knows that he’s gonna be treated even worse for it but I think he’s reaching his tipping point and shits gonna go down soon
-Also I know there’s a popular theory that he’s gonna die soon and a lot of the theories are coming true so I am scared. I kind of don’t think this one’ll happen though since he’s the fan favourite and its just too soon to take that much of a risk. Plus Vivsie’s admitted he’s the best written character and it’d be such a waste of all that development
-More sweet moments between him and Husk, they’ve gotten me so invested in this ship so fast
-The fact that most of heaven didn’t know about the extermination?? Wild
-Idk how I feel about the timeskip between Ep 4&5, they’re only a month away from the extermination now. Yes it’s making the stakes feel higher but I do wish we’d been able to see more of that time for the relationship development, all the characters seem much closer than before and we’ve only seen bits of how they got there
-I really wish they’d greenlit more than 8 episodes to pace things a little better but I’m glad we have season 2 confirmed
-That last minute ‘reveal Vaggie’s past to Charlie, boot them out of heaven and then cut to credits before she can react’ is gonna torture me until next week
-I don’t disagree with past criticism that Vivzie’s female characters can feel a bit underwritten but I think it’s getting better
-“We’re coming to the hotel first” plus all the theories that someone’s gonna die are fucking stressing me out man
Anyway hope you enjoy the brain dump, this show has once again consumed my thoughts
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littledudeholland · 4 months
Ok, some opinions i have about these two new episodes:
Dad beat dad:
i can finally see what people mean when they say the show is rushed and the songs come out of nowhere, that was REALLY apparent in Dad beat dad, like i was literally jumpscared by the first song.
Lucifer is... Well i expected him to be goofy and pathetic sure but he felt... Idk a little dissapointing? Idk i just thought he'd be more interesting i guess, really don't like how fast his arc with Charlie went.
Mimzy was there. She exists i guess. Expected more from her.
Finally we see how shitty Alastor can be, the show up until now didn't really give anyone a reason to dislike him, but the way he treats Husk i think is a great way to illustrate that YES Alastor is a piece of shit, and should be seen as a piece of shit, i'm not saying if you like Alastor(Like i do) you shouldn't, but just keep in mind that he is abusing Husk.
I liked the songs and i thought the feud between Alastor and Lucifer was pretty funny, but i think it came out of nowhere? Still really funny tho.
Also Alastor said fuck omg
Welcome to Heaven:
Wish we got to see more of heaven, it was a little too fast and i had to keep pausing cuz there was to much happening and i couldn't see anything.
I thought it was interesting how the extermination was actually a SECRET like holy shit??? That's really cool i loved that, it gives heaven a little bit of redemption potencial.
Also Lute is hot haha
Anyway Sera and Emily are cool but we barely got to know them and that made me really sad. They are suppose to be really important but i feel like the show didn't really demonstrated it that well? It felt rushed is what i mean
Vaggie being an angel is something everyone knew but like, idk the reveal was a little too early for me, if they had revealed that in the last or near the last episode it would be a little more impactful i think, tho i understand if they want to explore Charlie and Vaggie's relantioship more with this conflict.
Adam being doubtful of his place in heaven was one of my favorite things in the episode, i really like Adam he is such an asshole and i love how they showed this weaker side to him, like the reason he is doing the extermination is kind of an affirmation that he deserves to be in heaven, loved that
The last song of the episode tho... Not great, not that the song was bad, it just didn't feel earned. Also Emily switching sides so fast gave me whiplash like girl who are you why is the show treating it like this moment is a big deal? I don't know her at all, i don't even know what her role in heaven is
The hotel side plot was great, best part of the episode, i loved to see Angel getting better, also cherry bomb yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love her sdsdhfuhsdufihbsdfbjhdsa
Sir Pentious liking her was such a surprise lol guess my Aroace headcannon went down the drain, i mean i still think he's ace(I have done something similar to what he was doing once so i know the struggle my guy)
HOWEVER i need to say i HATED the part where he said he'd have sex with everyone and got dragged into a room, that's like, so tasteless? Like guys you can't have an episode where a character is show being raped and abused on screen and the next episode make a joke about it with another character, that wasn't funny i really didn't like it, it made my expirience sour a little bit.
Nifty is cute i love her she's just like me when i'm drunk lmao
Also Angel and Husk babying her was so cute, i love these three so much sdfbshbdiufhsiuhfnahjifh
Anyway that's all, if anyone wants to argue about the points i brought up feel free to, i wanna know if my opinion on certain topics are fair of if i'm not seeing something
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ryosei-hime · 3 years
Date Night
Continuation of Personal Space. Husk spends the day getting ready for his date with Angel and the rest of the night being a mess. Can also be found over on AO3.
Husk groaned as he rolled off the sofa in the foyer, bottles clattering as he disturbed them. He dragged a paw down his face before a huge yawn escaped. A sound of agony followed as he stretched his back, every vertebrae popping and shifting. That damn thing was not meant for sleeping on. A feather floated down to the floor and he followed it’s trajectory back to the sofa to find more littering the cushions. Oh, great, molting. That’s what he needed.
He checked his phone for the time and saw a message from Angel. It was a picture of him splayed out on the sofa with his mouth open, a bottle clutched in one hand, and a leg over the back. He’d captioned it “Sleeping Beauty” followed by one of those winking kissy faces. 
Husk rolled his eyes as he picked himself up off the ground. If he found that damn thing on his social media, he’d kill him. Nobody had any damn privacy anymore. He texted back a threat and searched around his empties for any remnants - hair of the dog and all - until a static-filled voice interrupted him.
“Good afternoon, Husker.”
“Yeah, what’d you want?” 
“Simply passing through, my friend.”
Husk’s lip curled. Every time Alastor called him friend it caused a visceral reaction. Fuckin asshole. He’d rather the fucker just treat their relationship as it was instead of trying to paint a polite picture. You could put lipstick on a pig but it was still a fuckin pig. 
“But good luck on your little date tonight.”
Alastor’s smile turned sharper and his eyes more sinister. God dammit, Angel. Couldn’t he keep his fuckin mouth shut? Husk just gave Alastor the finger as he moved on with his day. He checked to make sure Angel hadn’t blabbed about this anywhere else. But it must have just been good old fashioned word of mouth.
Actually, he’d barely posted at all today which was weird for Angel. Probably knew he couldn’t keep his mouth shut if he did. Husk sighed and dragged himself to his room. He had a few hours to get himself together enough for this. Plenty of time to go over everything that would go wrong in minute detail.
It was Nifty who helped him get ready. Of course, she knew, too. Whole damn hotel knew. She insisted on helping him get dressed up in an old suit and tie. He didn’t see the need to bother. Wasn’t like he wore clothes regularly and they wouldn’t be on him long.
But it made Nifty happy to get him ready, giving him advice so fast he couldn’t take half of it in even if he’d wanted to. He smiled at her as she fixed his tie and stood back with her hands on her hips.
“You look great! Angel’s gonna love it. I’m so excited for you!” 
“At least someone is,” Husk muttered, resisting the urge to loosen the tie a bit. 
“Aren’t you excited?” 
“Ah, I’m no good at this stuff. You know that.” 
“Don’t worry! Just let Angel help you. He’s great at it.” She started dusting Husk’s own fur off his suit as it shed, her efforts only making it worse. “And he really likes you!”
“Yeah, I know,” Husk replied. “Thanks Nifty.”
Nifty gave him a big hug and he returned it gently. Her slight frame made him extra careful with her. 
“I have to get back to cleaning, but I hope you enjoy your date!” 
“Yeah. I’ll try.” 
He raised a hand in a slight wave as she hurried off. He decided to spend the rest of the day waiting for Angel at the bar. That turned out to be a mistake. Everyone had something to say. They wished him luck. They cooed and sighed like it was some big fuckin show. Their words were supportive but somehow they only made Husk more nervous, maybe even a little bitter. This shit seemed so easy for everyone else. 
It had been easy for him once, too.
Eventually the foyer emptied out as it got late. Husk knew Angel would be returning for him any minute. He finally had to loosen the tie around his neck and decided to fix himself a drink to calm his nerves, but just as he reached under the bar, the doors opened. 
His wings lifted slightly as Angel made his entrance. Husk wasn’t the only one who’d gotten dressed up. Angel’d gotten his hair done or some kind of extensions or something. Fuck if Husk knew. He wore a strapless pink number, the skirt covered with some kinda fake flower and vine decorations. Looked like it was supposed to be a train, but he was too tall for it to do much but brush the floor as he approached. Husk actually thought he looked beautiful all dolled up like that. Maybe he should tell him. Instead, what came out of his mouth was: 
“What’re we going to the fuckin prom?” 
“I dunno. Will you be doin’ my taxes when we’re done?” Angel shot back with a grin. 
He reached across the bar and fixed his tie. Dammit, he’d choke to death before he got through this night. Angel didn’t release his tie right away. He used it to pull him closer for a quick kiss. 
“Yeah, sure.” 
Husk came out from behind the bar and let Angel take his arm. He had no idea where they were going, but he just let Angel take the lead. Like Nifty had said, he was good at this. When they arrived at their destination, Husk was a little grateful she’d insisted on dressing him up. Angel had chosen some high end, classy joint. 
They got a lot of stares on the way to their table. He knew Angel was the center of attention wherever he went, but he didn’t like being caught in the crossfire of all those lustful gazes. A growl sounded low in his chest before he could stop it, his teeth bared. The stares become a little less overt.
Angel put a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t scare my fans, Husk. I’m used to it.”
“Well, I’m not. People need to mind their own fuckin business.”
Without thinking about it, Husk pulled a chair out for Angel. At least he remembered something from the old days.
“Whatta gentleman,” Angel joked, batting his lashes at him as he sat. 
Husk gave his chair a rough shove up to the table, taking his own with a grumble. When he looked up, Angel had his chin on his hands, fingers laced to make a cradle, staring at him with such a soft look it took Husk’s breath away. He made himself busy with the menu. As the waiter approached, Angel sat up suddenly.
“Oh, I forgot. This place is Italian. Like Italian Italian. But I can order for ya, if ya want.” 
Angel looked quite proud of himself and Husk hated to burst his bubble. 
“I got it.”
He gave the waiter his order in perfect Italian and looked back to Angel as the waiter turned to him. Angel stared at him in shock for a moment before stumbling through his own order. He waited until the waiter had disappeared before going off.
“You know Italian? Holy shit, Husk! I been dirty talkin ya all this time at the bar and you knew?!”
Husk hid his smirk behind his menu, trying not to laugh. Angel pushed it away and stared him down, motioning with two fingers between them.
“You look at me, look at me!” 
Husk looked up, still grinning. Angel’s face had gone stern, and he held his gaze for a moment before simply uttering,
“You bastard.” 
Husk let himself laugh a little and teased him. 
“You get real creative when you’re drunk, you know that?”  
Angel just smirked and crossed his second set of arms while another hand brought a glass of wine up to his cheek.
“Well, I guess you know what you got to look forward to then, donchya?”
The conversation during dinner remained light-hearted and Angel kept reaching out for Husk’s paw, making eyes at him. He avoided making direct eye contact, insides churning every time Angel tried. Once their plates were taken away, Angel stood and held a hand out to him.
“Can I get a dance before we go?” 
Husk felt a little more confident as he put a paw in his hand. Dancing was something he knew he could do at least. He smiled back at him.
He let Angel draw him out onto the dance floor and pull him into a waltzing position. His extra hands found a place to rest on Husk’s hips as they began to move. Angel took the lead, but Husk had expected as much with the height difference. He wouldn’t let Angel know, but he was surprised he knew how to waltz. It seemed a bit old-fashioned for him. Or at least for how he tended to present himself. It was easy to forget he was from an older era than he was.
“Thank you.”
Husk looked up and felt all the air rush out of his lungs again. Angel gazed down at him with such a genuine look of gratitude. If he didn’t stop stealing his breath, he’d never make it through this night.
“A bet’s a bet,” he repeated.
“You didn’t have to go on a date with me, but ya did. I really appreciate that. It’s nice.” 
Husk closed their stance and pressed his forehead against Angel’s shoulder in response. Angel’s secondary arms held him close, his other hands sliding softly over his shoulders and down his arms. Husk turned his face in towards Angel’s neck instinctually. Everything felt so warm and comforting in this moment. Husk had to say something to break the spell before he started purring and embarrassed himself.
“You’re payin’ right? Cause I can’t afford this shit on my salary.”
“Don’t worry. I gotchya, babe,” Angel replied. “The least I can do is buy ya dinner first.”
Husk pulled back and a hand found his cheek as Angel leaned down to kiss him softly. Then again, a bit harder, staring at him through half-lidded eyes. Husk had to close his, but his paws slid up Angel’s back to grip his shoulders as he reciprocated. Angel broke the kiss and lowered his lips to Husk’s ear, brushing over the hairs at the tip for a moment, sending a thrill through his whole body. 
“Let’s get outta here.”
Husk just nodded his agreement as Angel moved towards the table to pay, his hand sliding off Husk’s shoulder as he went. Husk loosened his tie as he focused on breathing. Fuck. This was happening. Shit. Fuck. As he panicked, a feather slowly floated to the floor then another. Oh, fan-fucking-tastic! This shit!
He stepped on the feathers to hide them as Angel returned, trying to keep a neutral expression. He probably wouldn’t have noticed the feathers anyways. He had his eyes locked onto Husk’s as he reached for his arm again. A devious light there had chased away the tenderness that had been prevalent the rest of the night, letting Husk know Angel’d fully shifted gears. 
Thankfully when they returned to the hotel it wasn’t to some kind of fuckin fanfare. He’d half expected some kind of congratulatory party, the way people acted around here. But the foyer was as empty as it usually was this time of night. Just the two of them as it so often was. Angel stopped by the bar and released his arm. 
“Okay, gimme ten to slip into somethin more comfortable,” Angel said with a joking tone. “Then meet me in my room.” 
He made a show of walking away, swinging his hips and looking back at Husk over his shoulder before disappearing down the corridor. Husk just stood there calmly until he was out of sight. Once alone, he threw himself abruptly over the bar, gasping in air like a drowning man. He sent bottles clattering to the floor as he fished around for a drink. He leaned back against the bar and sank to the ground as he chugged whatever booze he’d managed to grab. The chugging became less frantic after a moment and he started to breathe again. Thank fucking god for alcohol. 
“You did this to yourself, asshole,” he muttered under his breath. 
He watched the clock as it ticked away the seconds he had to get himself together. He finally did away with his tie entirely and ran a paw over his head. Okay, this wasn’t such a big deal. God, it wasn’t like he didn’t find Angel attractive. And this would make him happy. 
All of Husk’s limbs went limp and his head banged back against the bar. Dammit, he wanted him to be happy. How had he let this happen? He sighed and let the empty bottle roll out of his grasp before picking himself up off the floor. 
He trudged down the hall to Angel’s room, leaving a sparse trail of feathers in his wake, and gave a light rap on the door before pushing it open. The lights were low and tinged pink from the scarves draped over the shades. Angel had tossed rose petals around the room wildly. He followed their general trail over to the bed where Angel was, of course, poised seductively. 
He’d changed out of the prom dress and into lacy black lingerie, makeup entirely redone to match. How the fuck did he do that so fast? Angel shifted forward and pushed himself off the bed, sauntering over to him the way he approached a pole at a show. He brushed the back of a hand against his cheek as he circled around behind him. All three sets of arms snaked around him, hands working at buttons and sliding under his shirt.
Husk froze as his clothes just fell around him, only brought back to motion by the shiver that went down his spine when Angel pressed soft kisses against the back of his neck. Damn, he was good. His paws rose to find the closest pair of Angel’s hands and slid over them. Angel nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck before finding his ear. 
“I’ve been waiting for this.” 
Husk turned in his arms and tried to think of something to say. All he could think of was how long it had been and how badly he was about to fuck up. He started backing away slowly, but Angel followed. 
He felt his knees buckle as he backed up into the bedframe. He fell back onto the bed and Angel leaned over him, using a pair of arms to hold himself up while the other two ran down his chest. Husk’s throat felt like it had closed up and he gasped for air. 
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missblissy · 4 years
Ooooh!!! Can I get an Alastor and his S/O under the mistletoe? Maybe Alastor keeps tricking them to get under it.
((I LOVE THIS!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR SENDING IT IN!!! I made it into a little drabble. I know it’s after Christmas now but whatever! lmao, please enjoy!!))
It was so funny and ironic to you that people still celebrated Christmas down here in hell. It was probably the one time of the year when everything was calm, and the only deaths were caused by accidents. This was your first Christmas at the Hotel, though, and Charlie seemed to blow this “little” party way out of proportion. 
There were lights and streams with wreaths and holly, there were silver stars hanging all over with poinsettias and white lilies. Mistletoes hung from every single doorway, making a total of at least twenty of them. A massive tree covered with decorations of all kinds sat in the center of the Hotel lobby as everyone mingled together. Presents littered the bottom of the tree with Christmas themed wrapping paper. Everyone was dressed the part as well. Either in some kind of ugly sweater or costume to match. 
You were dressed like reindeer, cause someone in your life gave you the idea. Where was he, anyway? Perhaps he just wasn’t in the Christmas spirit. You stood leaning against the bar, listening to Nifty chatter off Husk’s ear. You kept looking over the crowd of people that ended up here. There were a lot of familiar faces and some you’ve never seen before.
Without warning you suddenly felt a chill, then you heard, “Ahem,” followed by the click and pop of a radio tuning in and out. You looked behind you and saw the man you’d been looking for. 
“Al!” You exclaimed with a smile, “I didn’t think you’d come down,” He smiled at you as you looked him over. He wore an ugly sweater in bright red and white colors that said, I’ve been Naughty. He also had colorful lights tangled in his antlers and freckles dotted his cheeks. 
“Tis the season!” He smiled then tapped his nose, suddenly it started to glow and you giggled at his humor. Alastor held out a closed hand, then opened it to reveal a red and white polka-dot bow. You started to giggle and jump right there. You swiped the bow from his hand and fixed it quickly atop your head, “You make a lovely Clarice,” He smiled at you.
“Thanks, Rudolph,” You grinned at him, still not getting over the fact that now the two of you were one of those cringy couples that wore matching costumes. 
Alastor quickly linked his arm with yours and pulled you away from the bar, “Enough of being a wallflower, my dear,” He told you with a grin, “Enjoy yourself! Let us party like it’s 1929!” 
You laughed behind your hand, giving him a silly look, “So we’re gonna get drunk and do a fuck ton of opium and cocaine?” You kept walking with him until he paused just under a doorway. 
“Exactly!!!” And without missing a beat Alastor snapped his finger and a sweet pile of booger sugar manifested on Alastor’s pinky finger. The two of you indulged in the fixer-upper and simultaneously sniffled your noses and rubbed whatever was left onto your gums. 
A shiver ran up your spine as the drugs started to give in. You heard a shout from across the room and snapped your gaze on Angel Dust who was giving you a sinister look, “Would you look at that!” He suddenly nudged Charlie who was standing next to him and facing the other way. She spun around then stars grew in her eyes.
“Ah! It worked!!” She slapped her hands onto her cheeks to hold back her grin, “You have to kiss!” She then pointed above you. You felt a rush of electricity jump-start your heart.
You and Alastor both looked up and ungodly mistletoe dangled over you. Alastor chuckled and started to shake his head, “Ahaha, we don’t do that kind of-”
He was cut off by you jumping closer to him and grabbing him by the face. Both of your hands squished his cheeks and brought him a peg down to your height. You quickly gave Alastor a kiss, not caring if he would get mad or even upset. There honestly to much coke in your system for you to care. You peppered his face with kisses then jumped away.
You gave him your big innocent doe eyes with a few bats of your lashes then smiled shyly. Alastor was still frozen on the spot as he tried to process what just happened. He looked at you than between everyone else, then as if nothing had happened he stood back up and laughed it all away. He linked his arm with yours again and started to pull you away from the crowd, “Oh, my! Silly little (Y/n)!” He said loud enough for the others to hear, “Always playing games! Such a charm!” 
Then he yanked you through the doorway and around the corner. Away from the prying eyes and hidden from sight, Alastor gave you a strong and wicked smile, “Tsk, tsk, tsk,” He clicked his tongue as he backed you against a wall, “Pulling a stunt like that?” 
Suddenly the air was cold and hot at the same time. Your back was pressed against a wall as Alastor pinned you there with a smile. He snapped a finger and you saw a little mistletoe poof to life above you, “If you’re going to kiss me, at least do it right,” He teased.
With a nervous laugh, you looked at him, ready to say something but just like you did, he cut you off with a much stronger and forceful kiss. It tasted like sugar and spice and everything nice. Like a minty candy cane with the lingering taste of booze. Invisibly sparks zapped from his lips to yours as he deepened the kiss, pressing himself closer to you while stealing every last ounce of your breath. That dirty little bastard even licked tongue across your bottom lip then took the smallest bite with his sharp teeth.
Alastor pulled away all too soon, leaving you surprisingly hot and bothered. He so loved the frazzled state you were in. He ate up that heated look on your face that was slowly crawling down your neck. The mistletoe was gone and Alastor smiled wide, “Don’t ever do that again,” He warned with a chipper tone, “Unless you ready for the punishment that comes afterward~” 
Breathless, bothered in all the right ways, and totally turned on, you slumped against the wall as Alastor laughed and laughed and rounded the corner and rejoined the party. Holy shit... He’d never done that before. Maybe you’d have to that again, because damn, he was one hell of a kisser. What a very merry christmas this certainly turned out to be.
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rubisaurus98 · 6 years
speed demon if no one’s said it yet, and if they have, then zura/ayame!
I went ahead and did both!
Zura and Ayame:
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Ayame!
Gets jealous the most: Zura. Ayame liked teasing her for it, and a bit of jealousy did play a part in how they hooked up in the first place.
Takes care of on sick days: I think it’s equal in terms of effort put in? Like Zura insisted on staying with a sick Ayame despite protests and insisted to Aya that she’ll be fine alone while she’s the sick one. When Aya actually did leave, she set out so many remedies, from standard chicken soup to herbal remedies her parents have used on her and her brother Suisen growing up. And also messaged said brother to check up on her until she gets back.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Zura loves the sea.
Brings the other lunch at work: Zura would after Ayame got promoted to Rex’s Vice-Captain and subsequently got busier.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Zura. She suggested Ayame use her “Vice-Captain” persona in bed...which puts an actual mental strain on Aya most of the time. So that, plus how spontaneous Aya made it, was a rarity in itself.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: AYAME, holy shit. Zura would have more videos of her...if she wasn’t Ayame’s go-to dance partner.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Ayame kinda did. They’d only do one if Zura also agreed to it, and Z didn’t leave many choices.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Neither of them really did this.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Again, neither really missed breakfast. Rex was a pretty lenient superior and Zura didn’t care too much about Owen yelling at her.
Remembers anniversaries: They’re both pretty good at remembering them.
Brings up having kids first: They didn’t even get that far before Ayame died. Both were separately considering marriage after seeing Matthias and Alastor, then Rex and Rowena. If they did get married, probably Ayame would bring it up first after getting caught up in Rex gushing about his daughter.
Kills the bugs: Well, Zura would, if Ayame “raised in a flower shop” Sorano didn’t always insist on catch-and-release.
First to define them as a couple: They never said anything. They just made it very physically obvious to everyone around them.
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer: By default, Zura. Because Ayame had to explain hers to Zura to clarify a misunderstanding right before they started dating. Ayame’s is floriography/flower language and Zura’s is...like really dark chocolate or something like that.
Snorts while laughing: If you really get her laughing ‘til it hurts, Zura does.
Speed Demon:
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Karl does!
Gets jealous the most: I’m gonna go with Karl on this one, and it’s not even very often. Ren’s a flirty fucking troll. He understands that. And she’s toned down the flirting with other people once those people get significant others. He starts getting the slightest bit jealous if she’s really messing with another person, gets a kind of “Why can’t you do that more to me?” feeling and it shows itself subtly in wanting to be in her presence more and being a little more dominant/rougher in bed. Does Ren mind? Kinda at first, until they actually had a talk about it.
Takes care of on sick days: They both handle their own sicknesses by themselves pretty well, but the other always lets them know they’re just a call away if they need anything. Karl does check in more with her than the other way around.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Oh, Ren, definitely. Will drag him into it, may tackle him into the sea. Did quite a bit of that on their honeymoon.
Brings the other lunch at work: Excuse you, they make plans to leave the office for lunch. Or at least they try to. If one’s getting held up, the other goes out and gets something for them.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Ren. At least 51% of the time. From Halloween: “Looks like you finally caught me, Officer~” And Karl never fails to make it start taking a turn for the sappy.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: I honestly can’t see either of them being this.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: It’s not so much Karl “firmly believes in it”, it’s more so he’s usually the one to suggest it. Ren asks if he has something in mind. If not, then they don’t do one until someone has an idea.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Both of them try not to. They really try not to. But if one sees something that just reminds them of the other so much, resisting the urge to buy it is a battle.
Makes the other eat breakfast: Oh, Renata’s like this with everyone. Do not tell her you skipped a meal.
Remembers anniversaries: They’re both pretty good with this. They try to have the day clear for it.
Brings up having kids first: Would you believe it was Ren? Right after they both cooled down from the process that starts it.
Kills the bugs: Both. One of them *cough*RENATA*cough* is just more dramatic with it with the use of freaking laser beams.
First to define them as a couple: Karl. In front of everyone. Right before the fight with Lucius. Karl: “My girlfriend is so strong and AWESOME!” Everyone else: “GIRLFRIEND?!”
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer: Let’s be real, they probably knew each other’s guilty pleasures long before they started dating.
Snorts while laughing: I can’t imagine either of their laughs being like that, but Ren has more trouble containing hers, if that’s anything.
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