#i think he was likely responding to what flippo actually wrote rather than to the base interview question as
sounwise · 2 years
Okay, how about [Chet] Flippo’s allegation [in the biography Yesterday] that McCartney is a loner, a man who is loved by the masses but has virtually no close friends? “I’m not alone,” McCartney says. “I wish I was more alone. I’ve got four kids. I’ve got a million neighbors. I’ve got a lot of friends. I’ve got a band, producers. So, I mean, what am I doing? I’ve got friends! We have parties! Come on, please love me! Well, fuck off. I’m not that interested. These people who write these things don’t even know me. If they don’t want to love me, fine. If you want to bitch about me, great. They’ll be proved wrong one day. God knows how long it will take, but that’s my attitude. I have no control.”
[—from “Can Paul McCartney Get Back?” in Rolling Stone (June 15, 1989)]
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