#i shant stand for the slander of my daughter anakin
merrysithmas · 2 years
*putting on my anakin apologist hat*
no one can ever fully understand or judge what Anakin/Vader went through because he is a literal demi-god made by the Force itself. THE FORCE. the intangible, all-powerful force. yes, his choices are his own but his path is out of his control as per his Force-determined destiny. this is canon, my dudes.
only those he encounters who have compassion (luke- his son, obiwan-forcebond dyad, padme -marriage) can even come close to understanding the suffering & confusion of his inner life. everyone else just uses him or sees him as evil (palpatine, the Sith, the Senate, even the Council to a small degree, - the Jedi are good but they still canonically used him as a tool to fulfill the prophecy).
anakin and vader can't be technically 100% beholden to human morality bc he is the ✨Force✨ itself. and at all times his destiny is directed by the Force's will in response to the behaviors of those around him. in an ideal world, he could have just killed sidious and helped retrofit the Order, but he couldn't pull that out of thin air because destiny is complex and involves the wills, actions, and desires of many other people coinciding.
he fights becoming evil with all that's in him- until he finally falls when faced with a choice... not for the gain of power or to express hate because that is not Anakin! destiny instead uses his love for his child and Padme against him.
palpatine manipulates him with love because Anakin is full of love at his heart!!
even as Vader reigns supreme Anakin surfaces to free Obi-wan of guilt in OWK.
he has two halves, anakin and vader, just like the FORCE because he IS the force. anakin is goodness. vader is evil incarnate. he is both. he is a god of Balance.
he was literally born to fall and create balance, one way or the other. yet he fought it, with his human soul, every step of the way.
he is a tragic hero who fulfills his destiny and then !!!! returns to the good prime ego Anakin, to be a Jedi (his life long wish), with all the wisdom and knowledge of suffering borne from his time as Vader, accepting both as his identity, as the personification of what we all (and The Galaxy) must learn....
stop fighting with ourselves & each other. take responsibility for our choices even if we couldn't help it.
he realizes something few else realized (not the Sith or Jedi): he like us all, are Both!!
therefore, he becomes a true Master and is allowed to live an eternal life at one and at peace, with Obi-wan.
mic drop
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