#i scrumed so hard
cenpede · 7 months
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igotanna · 4 years
Smile for me
“And since it was so amazing can I request another one? Number 15 with Jackson and some fluff 🤗”
request from @smooshdelia​  I hope you like it hun!
prompts list here
15. “The evil queens are always the princesses that were never saved.”
gif is not mine
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As long as could GOT7 members remember, their  life was tightly interconnected with group (more of an army) of make up artists, choreographers, assistants, cameramen, stylists and other dozens of professionals they couldn’t even count. It was sort of their team. Their assemble. They were the closest to them and still normal people at the same time. GOT7 as all idols were time to time very tired from all the other idols around, all the mc’s, all the famous people who thought the same way. It was nice to have down-to-earth people around. People who go home and no one wants selfie with them. They gave GOT7 most impulses and they were most fun.
As time went by and GOT7 grew, they had a closed  group of people around them that they brought everywhere with them. On tours, concerts, sometimes even to events where local stylist and make up artists were cavailable. But they liked to say that their group knows each member  and knows what fits him the best.
And since part of this team of theirs were women,  GOT7 couldn’t help themselves and flirt with them from time to time. It was natural and both sides thought of it as fun.With only one exception.
After one concert in Macao boys gathered in one hotel room instead resting on their own. It was idea of the managers – they were suppposed to do vlive. Boys liked to interact with fans but vlive after concert was tiring. They goofed around and wraped it up soon
„The fifth generation. In May.!“
„Mark, finnish with your trademark.“
„Peace out bro!“
After the camera was off the boys continued with scruming around in one bed and then Jinyoung asked „Who’s up for a drink?“ of course they all were.
They asked the staff to bring them some wine and beer and they started a private get-together.
Some of them were talking together, some was telling everyone some story nobody listened to and some were on their phones.
After 20 minutes she walked in „Guys I’m sorry to disturb you  but your coach said you all wake up at 8 tomorrow so you’d better to wrap this up and go to sleep.“ Her mouth twisted in something like sympathetic smile and turned around to leave the room. After all she was just make up artist, she wasn’t supposed to be there.
„Hey Y/N!“ cried Bambam to stop her. She turned back and raised her eyebrows „Could you wake me up in the morning?“ he was scolded and laughed by other members but she looked at him with blank face and shrugged „Of course. What time?“
„Uuuuuuu….“ „Buurn..“ laughed boys as she left the room cold as always.
„Man I tell ya,“ started Bambam, but he had to drink more to finnish his sentence „If anyone is ever going to get off with this woman,…“ pointing at the door.
„Then you have to lend him your fireproof coat.“ finnished Mark with more laughter.
„Cold as ice really. I never saw her smile or anything, did you?“ asked Yugyeom and drank his last drops of wine.
Boys had to think about that. No, never. When thinking about it they couldn’t recall when or if they ever saw Y/N to smile or laugh. She was imune to their jokes or pick up line or flirting.
„Maybe she doesn’t have sense of humour.“ speculated Youngjae.
„Naah, I saw her once watching dr.Phil on her phone.“ objected JB.
Maknae line laughed „What kind of proof is that??“
„Nobody without sense of humour watches dr.Phil.“ explained Mark and got up to clean up the table „It’s more comedy show than serious programme. He likes to pretend that but nobody actually takes him seriously.“
„I’m just saying that to pull her would take a man.“ Said Bambam with giving up gesture.
That was like a red flag for all of them. Jackson, Bambam, JB even Yugyeom started bickering about who is the real man here and who would be up to do it.
Jackson yelled louder than everyone „Wait! What kind of price for the one who takes her on a date??“
„Price is your life because before you take her on date she’s gonna take your balls!“ taunted JB.
„LET’S HAVE A BET!“ screamed Jackson again.
Jinyoung and Mark were the only one silent. Jinyoung still sat on his chair with crosses legs, wine glass rested on knee and smirk on his face as he watched his favourite show. Bickering with GOT7. Mark just shook his head and continued with cleaning up.Youngjae was laughing and sometimes commenting too.
„Wait, seriously?“ stopped Yugyeom.
„Yeah,“ shrugged Jackson and shook his hands and legs like he was preparing to fight or run a marathone.
„Okay,“ JB was up to the challange „Who takes Y/N on date is the man of this group.“
Few moments of silence. This was serious. It was question of honour. Jinyoung coughed and finally said something „I’m giving up to that title. I am more man than you all ever gonna be and I don’t need Y/N to prove it. You can fight over her without me”
„Yeah I’m not into this either.“ sounded Mark from the bathroom.
„Then it’s useless. How someone could be the man of the group if all of us aren’t participating?“ threw Bambam hands in the air.
Jackson frowned and then snapped his fingers with excitement „Let’s change the task. Whoever makes her smile will have the biggest rooms on the rest of the tour and the others will bring him breakfast to bed.“
After some more bargaining they agreed that this is maybe even harder task and the price is adequate.
It was obvious that Jackson is so ready for this and so when they were all leaving to their own rooms Bambam stopped Jackson pulling him by his elbow „Man you’re really into this right?“
Jackson grinned „Get ready to bring me breakfast for next 7 weeks. I like my chicken breast shake, you should work on that.“
„Why? You fancy her?“ attacked Bambam again with perv smile.
Jackson sighed rolling eyes „You know I’m up for any challange.“
„Yeah yeah yeah, of course…“ laughed Bambam and fake nodded „Well good luck with the evil queen then.“
Jackson gave up „Look, the evil queens are always the princesses that were never saved.” wink „She just needs her knight.“
After that started a proper combat that took place anywhere, anytime. In the waiting room. In the common dining hall. Next to the stage. During the rehersal. After concert. Between songs in the backstage. In the make up room.
Y/N was attacked, bombed, inclusived by compliments, jokes, attention, random pick up lines, unwanted stories, inappropriate notes, gifts and random kisses on the cheek „for luck“.
Jackson, Bambam, JB, Yugyeom (when picking up the courage) and sometimes Youngjae (for the fun) surrounded Y/N like bees nice flower and competed in who’s going to make her smile or laugh.
It was hard, maybe the hardest task they ever tried to acomplish. Not that Y/N was cold bitch or didn’t have sense of humour. She was just used to their foolines and it was part of her job. Don’t ever get yourself entangled with and idol. She knew very well that only one smile and her armour would break like glass.  She had to stay strong to resist.
Jackson got quite stimulated by her cold even indifferent attitude. Normally he would loose his interest, it was his nature – if somebody wasn’t up to play his game he just went to find someone who would. But teased by other members and the thought of competition made his competitive spirit work harder. He could fall over himself.
After two and half months later now in Singapore Jackson almost lost his patience. Y/N was doing his make up and he gazed into her eyes deeply. He had to- she became secret he just had to unlock.
„Y/N stop it.“ he begged.
Her brush pulled away as she stopped with his eye shadows.
„Stop playing hard to get.“ he finnished and pouted.
She sighed and rolled her eyes „So that’s what it’s all about. I‘m not playing hard to get for your info.“ She added.
„What then?“ he knew Mark is sitting next to them having his make up on too, but just now it was just Jackson and Y/N. Her eyes were quizical „Nothing. I’m not playing anything.“
„Well I noticed you’re imune to all my jokes and pranks I need to know why.“
Her lips twitched a bit but she didn’t smile.
„Have you ever thought about the option you’re not as far funny as you think you are?“ she asked and her soft touch on his cheek as she continued with shadows became itchy for Jackson. Suddenly she was more than a price to win, he had to conquer this badass lady.
He couldn’t even answer as she took his breath away. And at that moment he got an idea.
„Thanks.“ He jumped up and put quick kiss on her cheek just from force of habit he grew these past months. She didn’t even blink.
Jackson couldn’t think of anything else than his plan and her eyes the whole concert. He didn’t even know but he was loosing his distance.
„We’re very happy to be here again guys,“ started JB their goodbye speech. Jackson was holding his mic and smirking now and then to the backstage. When it was his turn he didn’t even cry as he sometimes did. He thanked all the funs and expressed how gratefull he was to be in Singapore.
„Now please, let me give some credit to people who you don’t know about but have a huge part on how we look everyday for you.“ He waved to the backstage and on the big screens projected a shot of camera man going through corridors to the make up room.
„I want to thank all our make up artists for making us look SO.AMAZING. THIS NIGHT!“ he raised his voice as the cameraman slowed down to shot Y/N and few others.
„Guys I know you can hear us, please wave and smile for our fans who thank you as well as us for your GREAT WORK!“followed by applause.
And as he planned, Y/N smiled and waved with her coworkers. It was bright, wide, heart warming and honest smile, thought her eyes were a popped with shock. Jackson melted as he saw her smile the first time. When he was supposed to talk again he stuttered a bit before he turned to Mark to continue.
His plank worked. He won. But he got to another conclusion – he has to see her smile more often. Because even the boys now brought him breakfast to the bed, even though he had the biggest rooms, he still couldn’t think of anything else than how she looked with that hearty smile.
When the tour was over he managed to get her phone number from her coworkers and wrote her a message.
Hi Y/N. It’s Jackson Wang here. I wanted to ask you if you’d fancy to have a dinner with me. And also if you’ll accopmpany us on our next tour. 🙏 thank you for your hard work 🙏
He never hoped for someone saying yes so much.
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