#i say this as a ninerose enjoyer
go-to-the-mirror · 2 months
if you are not just a little bit obsessed with tenrose, then you're doing it wrong
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redheadcyd · 9 months
anyone else noticing the pattern here? 😃
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This is my messy attempt to offer some clarification regarding this war between NineRose and TenRose, which is causing some strangeness and confusion, especially among Doctor/Rose shippers.
It isn’t weird how all of these people feel comfortable labeling themselves as NineRose enjoyers whilst they blatantly, simultaneously bash TenRose/TentooRose? Even when they show all their true colors and aim the animosity towards Rose, they claim to love NineRose in the end of the day.
Why do these self-titled Rose/TenRose/TentooRose haters feel so comfortable within NineRose fandom, though? It’s almost like they don’t even consider you guys to be Rose fans as well. I wonder why.
Also, another thing I have noticed it’s that the “same ship” discourse is only ever aimed at TenRose stans, only brought up to guilty-trip people who have a clear preference for TenRose and/or TentooRose into loving/supporting NineRose just as equally. Because they are the same, or so you say. But it is seemingly fine for the people who have a preference for NineRose to say shit about TenRose/TentooRose, even claim to be haters... And none of you will bat an eye. The double standard of it all.
I’m not trying to generalize all NineRose fans, nor am I trying to give the fandom a bad name, I ship NineRose myself, but I am not going to pretend that I don’t see a bunch of you guys daily interacting and engaging with blatant anti TenRose/TentooRose content. And finding excuses to dismiss people’s frustrations and criticisms on the nasty, misogynistic remarks of these self-titled NineRose enjoyers towards Rose and her relationship with Ten and Tentoo.
TenRose/TentooRose fans aren’t the ones who initiate and instigate these wars and they’re definitely not the ones who separate NineRose from TenRose/TentooRose. As you can see, NineRose fans are the ones who do that themselves. If anything, TenRose/TentooRose fans have been just trying to make you all see the picture, yet they have been ignored each time because you don’t want to hold your fandom’s actions accountable. Not to say TenRose/TentooRose fans are saints, but they were actually right all along.
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effrvsnt107 · 3 months
you just like doomsday because you like the idea of rose being forever doomed but i’m sure you like martha coming back in s4 like. you pretend to ship both ninerose and tenrose but i know you just want an excuse to have rose away. btw ten loved her and cared about her way more than he cared about s3 main companion xx
I don’t know where you got the notion i hate Rose Tyler. I really really don’t. I love her coming back in series 4, I love her returning and no I don’t like her being ‘forever doomed’. I like it because it’s tragic, but it gets resolved later. I’m assuming you’re on about the ‘it’s my ending’ tag, which isn’t even in relation to Rose. It’s my ending because it’s so enjoyable, it focuses on the Tyler’s and the doctorrose relationship and even if the Dalek/Cybermsn battle needed more time, it was just fun.
Rose Tyler has always been an interesting character and I love her. Sure, i can pick out her flaws (which I’ve never done on tumblr), but you can do that with anyone.
I don’t ‘pretend’ to ship ninerose, tenrose or tentoorose (yk the non tragic ending for them), because I genuinely enjoy them.
I know Ten loved Rose more than Martha, that’s kind of the whole point. They are endgame, they have been canon forever, she is the love of his life. He was born out of love for her, tailored to be her ideal match and to love her like nobody else. Of course he loved her more than anyone else. And she loved him because despite his flaws he’s shown her a new way of life, she’s seen him change and grow and that means something. For fucks sake, she absorbed the heart of the TARDIS and became Bad Wolf. It’s down to them both loving each other, like she chose Tentoo yk?
What I think this is though is that you do not think I can like both. You do not think I can both love Rose and Martha. It’s always one or the other with no fucking leeway. Because I like Martha and because I like Doomsday, suddenly I don’t want Rose to be happy. I’m aware nothing I say here will actually ever convince I am not a hater who just cannot stomach a teenage girl being a teenage girl and that I want to burn her to the ground for the crime of not being Martha Jones. I didn’t even post the Doomsday post in any fandom tags…
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1, 11, 15 (im taking a break i want some serotonin pls)
thank you but you better go back and study soon! 
(i’m salty and bored and i might be brutally honest, i dunno)
1: ...Anything involving John Hart. Look, many of my friends like John Hart, and if you do, I immensely respect you. But I just do not... understand?????? But keep shipping what you guys like. I’m just not the world’s greatest John Hart fan.
Oh, also. TenRose. I’m sorry. I just don’t vibe with it. I mean, Ten is literally an asshole (who many of us - including me at times, I all admit adore), but I find him and Rose the least tolerable option. (And I hated Season 2 of Doctor Who; they were so annoyingly smug.) Like if you’re gonna ship Rose and a Doctor, least go with NineRose, though I don’t really vibe with them either.
(Oops. Did say I’d be honest. Again, ship what you want. But I’m just expressing my own opinions. And still, I will happily edit anything anyone asks, because I enjoy making them happy. I read and edit my friends’ writing for their writing and because I love them.)
(Honorable mentions: Anything involving Elena Gilbert or the Salvatores from the Vampire Diaries.)
11: Uhhhhhh. Unpopular characters???? Hmmm. I dunno. Torchwood? Not really. The Vampire Diaries??? Again, not really. I’m always the person who ends up going with the popular ships. Lowkey wish I had the guts to love unpopular characters, but none have really got my attention.
15: Unpopular opinion about Torchwood?
This one may be more popular lmao.
But the show is shit; we kinda all know that. But that’s why we love it. No one has to keep saying it’s shit, even when we point of the flaws. We can be critical of Torchwood for many reasons (its inconsistent writing, treatment of Gwen at times - which also often stemmed from inconsistent writing, its treatment of WLW, and its treatment of POC), but we can also love it as it’s still a genuinely good and enjoyable show with great characters.
ask me for my salty opinons???
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