#i saw a post the kther day..i think it was yesterday actually idk time isnt real...where you pick up peoples
winterrose42 · 3 years
I'm gonna go off on a tired tangent here for a sec but isn't it just so incredibly lovely when people make you like things you didn't used to just because they enjoy it? Just appreciation absorption turned into everytime you see this certain thing you think of that person and smile and now there's a little section of day that's just them, and a little section of the world that you now find to be absolutely beautiful all because of them. Loving things because of people and loving people because of things is wonderful I think.
#winter speaks#yellow ued to be my least favorite color. i just liked cool colors more and yellow never really seemed to add anything#but yellow is one of my friends favorite colors and now i add it to more things and wear it more and use the color more#bc tbey like it and it makes me happy to think im adding a small part of tgem into things#and yes this is you andy hush no awws from you if you read this#and i am...i have a healthy fear of the ocean. and birds. specifically chickens#but my partner loves both of tgise things so anytime i see anythibg about either i dont so much think ''oh boy fearTM''#its more i hope kits chickens are doing well and purrs getting sufficient snuggles from them bc i know that makes purr happy#and i hope i get to see kit smile by the ocean someday bc kit sent me a picture of kit by tge beach once#and they looked so happy so i think maybe i could brave the ocean.....'s beach- far up om the beach- to see that irl#i saw a post the kther day..i think it was yesterday actually idk time isnt real...where you pick up peoples#mannerisms sometimes like a sponge. and tge amount i have picked up from people that i still have and tgen the new ones#idk it just makes me smile tge point got awag from me i tgink#love people for what they make you notice i guess is maybe the point hdbdkd i am very tured#random people stumbling on my blog join the half awake madman as he goes back and forth between#loving everything about the world around him to being a depressed shit that wants to live permanately under his bed#this november is sucking so far but you know what im drinking a jar full of coffee#thinking about my friend that prefers tea and wishing i could make some for them while i enjoy the madness that is espresso
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