#i remembered Cleo talking about how they would like to have a beard... i thought.. maybe i should incorporate some facial hair to her usual
jestroer · 6 months
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Hermits in dresses with Jleo today :)
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cmlopezofficial · 4 years
hello again // cleo + allister + ellie discord thread
WHERE: Kingsboro, New York
WHEN: May 30th, 2020
TIME: Early evening
WARNINGS: None that I can think of. Awkwardness, maybe? IDK lmaooo
CHARACTER FEATURES: Cleo Lopez, Allister Jackson ( @allisterjacksonn ), Ellie Robertson ( @ellicfm )
PROMPT: A date night at Amphitrite’s Cove for Allister and Ellie results in them meeting the owner of the restaurant, with two exes reuniting and an appearance from a little girl with very familiar eyes.
ELLIE was very excited to check out amphitrites cove. since a couple of her friends were performing at the place and the reviews were pretty favorable, it seemed like a good place to celebrate finally becoming official with allister. the situation deserved to be celebrated somewhere special and this seemed like a great place. “dinner was really great, wasn’t it?” she asked al, holding his hand and smiling at him — a big, happy smile. the young girl scooted closer to him on the booth, wrapping her arms around his waist. “but i mean — the best part of the evening has no doubt been the company.” she pulled him a little closer and pressed her lips against his, one of her hands stroking his cheekbone.
Allister was, as always, completely unaware of what was going on in town. He just...didn’t do the whole gossip thing, or really looking into stuff about town in great detail. He trusted Ellie to make choices for the both of them, which some people would see as a giant pushover, but Allister just found it easier that way. He had his own inner anxieties, and this was just one of his ways of coping. When Ellie told him about this place, he thought it sounded interesting enough, and thank god it turned out to be even better. He was always skeptical when it came to new things, and he’d definitely never experienced anything like this before. “Yeah, he was.” He smirked right back at the blonde, squeezing her hand while he scrunched his nose at her. (god, he’d never do that with anyone else, disgusting). Al had never really considered himself to be a romantic guy. He just didn’t really know how to be honest, but El made it easy. He gladly returned her kiss, thinking more about the fact that they were celebrating becoming official more than the fact they were in public, full on making out. He just assumed no one would really notice for now.
Cleo was very much so proud of her restaurant and all that she has accomplished with it over the past eight years. Amphitrite's Cove was truly her second greatest achievement- right after her daughter, obviously. The businesswoman had been sitting in her office and helping Cordelia with her homework when one of her servers came in asking for her help. The woman couldn't help but to laugh hearing about the couple, shaking her head. "So we finally got our first PDA at AC: Kingsboro. Wondering when that was going to happen... I'll take care of this. I'll be right back, Minnow." Kissing the top of her daughter's head before brushing off her slick black dress and making sure she looked presentable (some nights, she also was dressed in pirate gear with her staff; some nights, she was dressed in a pantsuit or a dress; some nights, she was working in the kitchen in jeans and a simple shirt: she was very hands-on with her business). Making sure to check on a few customers, she soon made her way to the booth and shook her head slightly with a smirk seeing the couple making out. "I see you folks are enjoying my 'little' establishment?" she called out in a joke as she came up from behind them, soon leaning against the empty booth from before them with a bright warm grin. "Cleo Lopez: creator and owner of Amphitrite's Cove. I certainly hope you two are saving room for dessert; Is this for any special occasion? Birthday, anniversary, engagement, or just a nice evening out?" She couldn't see the man's face, his long hair and beard making him unrecognizable- along with the fact he was basically devouring the blonde's face. But... there was something familiar about him... She couldn't put her finger on it.
ELLIE admittedly got carried away easily when it came to allister. what started as a simple kiss soon became a full on makeout, but she was just so happy. ellie kept kissing him, her arms tightly wrapped around him — and she must’ve lost track of time because the next thing she knew, there was a woman talking to them. she smiled, giggling as she pulled away from her boyfriend. “baby, baby...” she hummed into his lips, pressing one last quick peck on his lips. “someone’s here.” the young woman said, pulling away  but keeping her arms around him, her embrace a little looser. “it’s a special occasion, yeah. sorry for... that, by the way. we got a little carried away there.” the blonde admitted with a chuckle. “but uh, everything’s great, congratulations.” she said with an honest smile, leaning her head against al’s shoulder. “we’ll, uh, behave from this point on. right, baby?”
Allister was admittedly embarrassed when he heard the owner call them out, but what was even more terrifying than that, was that he quickly realized he knew that fucking name, and the voice along with it. He’d practically grown up with Cleo, and they dated for years. She was the last official girlfriend he’d had, as well as one of the first, and he didn’t consider himself a super religious person, but he was praying harder than he ever had in his life as he turned his head. He was hoping by some struck of weird ass dumb luck, that this was some other Cleo Lopez, who just happened to have the same fucking voice. Of course though, as his ocean blues landed on her form, the color seemingly drained from his face, and the idea of being anywhere near food made his stomach turn. For several seconds he just sat there, staring at his ex like maybe he’d wake up at any moment now, but when he realized that wasn’t gonna happen, he remembered he needed to talk. “Hi.” Wow, that was...a thing to say. He also had no idea his voice could go that high. Interesting. Suddenly his southern hospitality, and manners kicked in, and he found himself standing up to properly greet her, hugging her like he would any other old friend, politeness flooding out of him as if nothing had ever happened. He had to, because the other choice would have been awkward, and embarrassing for everyone, and he didn’t want to put any of them in that position. “Dang, long time no see, wow. What a small world. Ellie, this is an old friend of mine from home. We grew up together.” He looked back at his girlfriend, giving a tight lipped grin. “Cleo, this is Ellie. My girlfriend.” Did he feel weird and slightly guilty saying that, yeah. Only because he knew how they had left things, and he had a lot of amends to make for that, but he wasn’t going to act like he was ashamed of Ellie either, because he wasn’t.
Those ocean blue eyes. Those gods damn blue eyes that have been haunting her for nearly ten years now. Cleo froze suddenly, forgetting everything else in that moment. "H-Hey," she breathed out, her face paling at the sight of Allister Jackson. She forget everything that the tiny blonde said, her attention completely focused on her ex. Her heart raced fast when she remembered that a couple of feet away in her office, was her young daughter. Their daughter. Oh fuck... Fuck, fuck, fuck, what does she do? What does she say? Why is he getting up? Oh no... No, Allister Daniel Jackson, do not hug her. Ignore your Southern hospitality and do not-... He's hugging her. He's hugging her and she's in his arms again for the first time in ten years. Yet her body instantly responded and she wrapped her arms around him, one hand on the small of his back while the other held the back of his head. She hasn't hugged him like this in so long and it was hard keeping composure, so she quickly pulled back and brushed her hair out of her face. "That's... quite an understatement," the blonde mused, forcing out a little laugh. Her brows instantly raised, 'old friend' practically a stab in the heart. "Old friend? Another understatement." Girlfriend?! Looking back at the girl, Cleo was honestly shocked. She didn't look more than eighteen. "Pleasure to meet you," she mused, forcing a warm smile. Clearing her throat, she went back into boss mode and being professional. Pretending that these two were just any other customers. "But, yes, please keep the PDA down a notch? Some of the customers were complaining and some staff members felt uncomfortable as well; I'd like to keep this environment pleasant for everyone. With that being said, you both should check out our dessert selection and our wine list! Both have a large variety with selections from around the globe and I'm sure you'll find something you enjoy." Run. Just run, Cleo.
ellie could tell something was going on — the way that al’s demeanor changed and how his face had gone pale, and the way that she looked at him told her that they already knew each other and probably very well. she tucked some strands of hair behind her ear and watched the interaction between the two unfold, eyebrows lightly raised as the woman wrapped her arms around her boyfriend in such a specific way. was that a friend hug? ellie wasn’t sure. still, she was determined to stay calm, maybe they really were old friends and her gut feeling was just an overreaction. she stood up as allister introduced them, smoothing over the skirt of her dress as she walked over to them. “hey, nice to meet you. i’m ellie.” she said, stretching out a hand for her to shake and putting her other hand on al’s back. she didn’t know what the fuck was really happening but she wanted him to know she was right there by his side. “yes, yes, i’m very sorry. we got a little carried away.” the young blonde explained with a soft laugh and a shrug, cheeks flushed and a friendly smile still on her face. “oh — yeah, we definitely had that planned, thank you very much for the hospitality.” though allister certainly didn’t look like he was in the mood for any more food, ellie wanted to make a good impression on this old friend of his. she stood there for a second, looking at both of them and sliding her hand down al’s back to loosely wrap her arm around his waist, waiting for someone else to speak.
Allister knew he’d messed up the second he went to hug her, the sound of what seemed to be offence in her voice, making him feel even worse. He didn’t want this to be awkward, or unpleasant for anyone, but it was clear that they couldn’t avoid that. Leave it to Allister to at least try though. “I’m sorry, Cleo. We didn’t mean anythin’ by it.” He looked at her apologetically, as if he was saying sorry for a lot more than just PDA. They hadn’t ended on the best of terms, clearly with the way she just up and moved across the country. This wasn’t how he’d planned on meeting again, but it seemed this was as fate would have it. “Well uh...it’s good to see you. I’d love to catch up sometime, and see what ya’ve been into. Nice place.” He gestured around them, once again trying to be polite in a less than ideal situation.
"Ellie. Lovely name," she mused politely, firmly shaking her hand while trying to ignore them standing so close together. She clasp her hands together behind her back, wanting to make this as fast as possible. "Don't apologize, it's alright. It's really nothing knew- you should've seen Valentine's Day with our other locations. Really made sure to up my staff's paychecks that night," the blonde tried to joke. However, the way she tensed at Al's words proved it to be joking to remain polite and hospitable. She was usually more charming when it came to visiting her customers. However, seeing your ex for the first time in a decade and especially with their new partner, truly would make anyone want to scream and hide under a rock. Especially when considering her biggest secret was hiding in her office. Cleo gave a closed lip smile as she looked up at him. "That would be... nice. I'm very busy, but maybe we can try. And thank you. It was good to see you, but as I mentioned: I'm rather bus-oof!" Cleo stumbled backwards slightly into the booth behind her, her look of shock turning into a bright smile as she laughed. "Minnow! I told you to stay in the office, baby," the woman spoke and signed in Spanish and Spanish Sign Language before hugging her daughter. Her demeanor changed entirely as she rested her cheek upon the tall nine year old's head, completely forgetting the two before her as she stared adoringly at her daughter. The server she asked to keep an eye on the little girl quickly came running over to Cleo, apologizing profusely. The woman shook her head and smiled softly. "It's alright- she's rather adventurous. Going to give me gray hairs soon, but it's alright." With Cleo's attention occupied, Cordelia turned her head to look around before landing on the couple before her. She smiled brightly and waved, staring up at the man she shared her eyes with. I'm Cordelia! she signed, leaning her head against her mother's stomach with a smile.
ellie couldn’t wait for this interaction to be over so they could at least try to go on with their night. she didn’t understand much what was happening, since al hadn’t told her the story of his last breakup — something she was perfectly happy with, seeing as she wasn’t exactly dying to tell him about her last breakup. ellie smiled at the other as she complimented her name. “thank you, i like it. yours is nice, too.” she replied with a nod. the younger woman chuckled at cleo’s joke, though restauranteur humor was a little beyond her taste. as the two started to talk about meeting to catch up, ellie tried not to get jealous — but it was hard not to let her insecurities act up when his gorgeous, successful old friend was standing right there in front of them and al had barely looked at her since he started talking to cleo. she had been so caught up in the interaction happening between the two of them that she had entirely missed the little girl suddenly standing next to cleo, but she smiled at her once she saw her. as cleo’s attention shifted elsewhere, ellie took advantage of the moment to press a tender kiss on al’s cheek. “are you okay, honey ?” she asked, voice gentle and only loud enough for him to hear, looking up at him. she’d learned that sometimes his southern gentlemanliness could get the better of him, and she figured she’d check up on him — reunions like this one could he tricky. the blonde turned her attention back to the people standing in front of them just as the waiter left, and she finally got a good look at the girl — and her familiar blue eyes. still, ellie didn’t really think anything of it, the thought of her being her boyfriend’s daughter not even crossing her mind. she smiled back at the little girl, waving at her with her free hand, keeping the other on al’s waist. “she’s adorable! is she your daughter?” ellie asked, feeling a little more in her element now that there was a more neutral topic to make small talk about.
The small talk that was going on right now was the most goddamn uncomfortable situation Allister could ever think of being in. That was sad. But wow, far from an exaggeration. Al wasn’t surprised to see a little girl come up to Cleo, after all, he’d heard through the grapevine of mutual friends and their families that Cleo had a kid. It had hurt at first, especially since he assumed she had hooked up with someone immediately after they broke up. But, he’d learned to push that to the back of his mind, though he still found it hard to look at the little girl. He smirked when Ellie asked him if he was okay, nodding to her insistently as he reached for her hand. His breath caught in his throat when he finally got a good look at Cordelia, noticing that she was signing, and that made him feel a lot of things that he didn’t know how to explain. “She’s beautiful.” Al managed to speak finally, smirking at the little girl, and waving. He wasn’t always the best with kids, but there was something different about this girl.
She went completely still the moment she heard Ellie mention her daughter. With the server leaving, she finally gave them her attention. She attempted to smile at first, Al's words and that look on his face feeling like a stab to the heart.  "Thank you," she finally managed, looking down at Cordelia and then back at Al. The little girl looked almost identical to Cleo when she was younger, wavy medium brown hair and sun-kissed freckles that splattered across her nose and cheeks. Only difference was her taller height (something the child was proud of) and her ocean blue eyes. Those she inherited from her father. And now seeing them stand so close together, she soon began to notice other similarities between them. She soon began to feel her heart ache that ever same ache she had every once in awhile, where she found herself drifting off and thinking about her ex. Thinking about how different things could've been had she told him about Dela and if he'd been in her life sooner. Of course, she'd always shook those thoughts off; It was doubtful that they'd ever meet. Well... Here they are. "Yes, she is. And we still need to finish her homework, so... We better be off. Thank you for dining here tonight, have a good evening." Looking back at Allister again, she opened her mouth as if to say something, guilt flashing in her eyes for a moment. Closing it, she gave a tight lipped smile before taking her daughter's hand and leading her away. "We need to head home, Minnow," she signed as they walked, unable to look back. That wasn't the case for the ten year old, though. Ever the friendly child, she grinned brightly, one of her front teeth missing. She waved goodbye at the couple before hugging her mother as they walked, the two conversing and Cleo laughing. Gods... Please, please, please, don't let him guess. Please don't let him guess. Please.
ellie squeezed al’s hand, happy to hear that he was doing okay with the interaction. the more ellie looked at the little girl, the more familiar she looked. it was a little bit freaky, since she couldn’t quite put the finger where she’d seen her before or why she looked familiar — but she figured that maybe she’d seen her at des’ school when she went to pick her up. oh, if only she knew. the young blonde smiled at cleo. “yeah, she’s gorgeous.” ellie said, agreeing with al. “oh, well, then we’ll see you two later.” she replied. children mellowed her out so easily. but even in her mellowed state she couldn’t help but notice the older woman’s shift in behavior towards allister, but again, ellie chose to not over analyze it. she gave a warm smile to the girl and waved goodbye back as they left, looking at them go. she wanted what they had, both of them — a loving mother and a loving child, but life had granted her neither. hopefully someday i’ll get one out of the two. still, ellie shook it off and turned to look at her boyfriend. “you wanna head home now, or do you want to grab some desert?”
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turtle-paced · 5 years
Revisiting Chapters: Catelyn VII, ACoK
This post is also on my wordpress.
Pssht, we’re not even up to the climax of ACoK, how important could this chapter be?
The story so far…
While Catelyn’s been doing her thing, other plots have been continuing beyond her sight. News of Robb’s campaign, Edmure’s campaign, and most of all, from Castle Cerwyn, is about to change her life.
Catelyn’s Family
The chapter begins with Catelyn and Brienne dining alone in Riverrun’s great hall, while outside everyone else is at a party. Out there, people are drinking good ale and celebrating Edmure’s victory at the fords and Robb’s victory at the Crag. Inside, Catelyn’s sitting in the shadows, drinking a vintage that “tasted thin and sour on her tongue.” Good use of filter words here, reminding us of Catelyn’s subjectivity. Is the vintage truly thin and sour? Or is Catelyn just not capable of finding any pleasure in wine right now?
I am become a sour woman, Catelyn thought. I take no joy in mead nor meat, and song and laughter have become suspicious strangers to me. I am a creature of grief and dust and bitter longings. There is an empty place within me where my heart once was.
Together with her thoughts of Bran and Rickon, including the thought that the people outside “never knew my sons”, it’s clear Catelyn has had news from Winterfell, and that the news was very bad indeed. But it’s not been said outright yet. Catelyn’s still processing. She tries to get Brienne to leave, to go outside and join the party, but Brienne’s not having it. With Brienne there and listening, and at last asking that one key question – did Catelyn receive news of her sons – Catelyn says it aloud.
Such a simple question that was; would that the answer could be as simple. When Catelyn tried to speak, the words caught in her throat. “I have no sons but Robb.”
This is not quite the same as ‘Bran and Rickon are dead’. While she is clearly, clearly cognisant of their deaths, she avoids saying ’my sons were killed’ even when she’s telling Brienne that her sons were killed. Instead, she tells Brienne that Bran and Rickon were “taken” at the Acorn Water, and focuses on what was done to their bodies, rather than the action of their (apparent) murder. This is because Catelyn’s having real trouble holding herself together, and those words would tip her right over into the abyss of her grief.
With her love for her younger sons seen in how deep and devastating the news is, Catelyn abruptly changes topic to her daughters, her words about them demonstrating her love for them in turn.
“Men would say [Sansa] has my look, but she will grow into a woman far more beautiful than I ever was, you can see that. I often sent away her maid so I could brush her hair myself. […]
“Arya was a trial, it must be said. Half a boy and half a wolf pup. Forbid her anything and it became her heart’s desire. […] I despaired of ever making a lady of her. She collected scabs as other girls collect dolls, and would say anything that came into her head. I think she must be dead too.” When she said that, it felt as though a giant hand was squeezing her chest.
Catelyn tells Brienne that she wants Theon and the Lannisters dead, and the only thing that stops her from truly embracing this desire is the knowledge that her daughters could still be saved. Maybe, in the case of Arya. Maybe. Catelyn is certain that she would take pleasure in killing Theon for what he did to her family.
Upon departing the great hall and Brienne, Catelyn goes to visit her dying father.
As she climbed to her father’s solar, she could hear them outside, shouting “Tully!” and “A cup! A cup to the brave young lord!” My father is not dead, she wanted to shout down at them. My sons are dead, but my father lives, damn you all, and he is your lord yet.
When she gets there, he’s asleep because the maester’s drugged him for his pain. Catelyn’s going to lose her father, too, and she’s having trouble accepting that as well on top of everything else. And there is a lot of everything else.
No matter how tightly I hold him, I cannot keep him here, she thought sadly. Let him go.Yet her fingers would not seem to unbend.
She reminisces about an incident from her childhood (which reminds us of the fact that she, Lysa, and Littlefinger were close, once), and talks about what she wants from life. What she wants is simple, and yet so hard to obtain. She wants her children back for her own sake, and Robb to be happy for his own sake, and their family to go on, in peace.
“I want,” she said once more, and then her words were gone.
Catelyn wants her family. Catelyn wants for her family. That’s some tragic wordplay.
The Problem of Evil
Catelyn believes in the Seven. That faith is being tested, in this chapter more than most. She’s started to feel that the gods are against her, or at least withholding their mercy from her.
If you never tell, never speak of it, will it become only a dream, less than a dream, a nightmare half-remembered? Oh, if only the gods would be so good.
This becomes more apparent as Brienne tries to comfort Catelyn, telling her that Bran and Rickon are with the gods.
“Are they?” Catelyn said sharply. “What god would let this happen? Rickon was only a baby. How could he deserve such a death? And Bran…when I left the north, he had not opened his eyes since his fall. I had to go before he woke. Now I can never return to him, or hear him laugh again.”
There are two separate injustices here that Catelyn cannot understand the grand cosmic reason for. First, the injustice to her sons, children, (seemingly) brutally murdered by a man they trusted. Second, the injustice to Catelyn herself, to lose her children. In the face of this massive horror, Catelyn finds that she can get no comfort from her faith.
“I have no one to talk to, father,” she told him. “I pray, but the gods do not answer.”
The gods don’t answer, but Jaime Lannister does. He’s got his own theological observations, which only serve to bring Catelyn’s problems of faith and justice into sharper relief.
“Your crimes will have earned you a place of torment in the deepest of the seven hells, if the gods are just.”
“What gods are these, Lady Catelyn? The trees your husband prayed to? How well did they serve him when my sister took his head off?” Jaime gave a chuckle. “If there are gods, why is the world so full of pain and injustice?”
“Because of men like you.”
This is exactly what Catelyn’s shown she’s afraid of in her private moments. Why would the gods do this to her? Why would the gods to this to Ned or Bran or Rickon? Why? They didn’t deserve it. There is no rhyme or reason to this. No justice. She cannot see the hands of the gods at work, but it’s only too clear what evil men are doing, a point developed when she asks Jaime why he threw Bran from the window.
“He was weak enough, but perhaps not so innocent. He was spying on us.”
“Bran would not spy.”
“Then blame those precious gods of yours, who brought the boy to our window and gave him a glimpse of something he was never meant to see.”
“Blame the gods?” she said, incredulous. “Yours was the hand that threw him.”
If the gods aren’t doing anything about Jaime and men like him, Catelyn’s going to have to act, and she knows where the responsibility lies.
Truth for Truth
So Catelyn goes to visit Jaime to get some answers about the clusterfuck that’s resulted in, so far as she knows, the murders of her husband and two of her sons, the disappearance and probable death of one daughter, and the captivity of her other daughter. Her first sight of him since the Whispering Woods emphasises Jaime’s bestial appearance – the narration doesn’t use the word, but between his shoulder-length hair and shaggy beard, it would seem we have a lion with a mane, here.
He also hasn’t drunk the wine Catelyn sent him, citing that while his death by poison could be covered up, it’s harder to claim his head simply fell off. Jaime’s a bit smarter than Cleos, it seems. It also seems that imprisonment, while not Jaime’s favourite occupation, has not actually broken him. He’s still got it in him to be a total asshole.
“A man chained hand and foot should keep a more courteous tongue in his mouth, ser. I did not come here to be threatened.”
“No? Then surely it was to have your pleasure of me? They say widows grow weary of their empty beds.”
Such an asshole. My god. Aside from his cruel mockery of Catelyn’s Joffrey-inflicted widowhood, Jaime also makes cracks about Robb’s courage and skill. There’s also that supremely arrogant line,
“There are no men like me. There’s only me.”
But he’s not totally unaffected by his imprisonment. When it looks like Catelyn’s about to leave, he gives in enough to say he’ll trade her, honest answer for honest answer.
“Your turnkey tells me nothing but vile lies, and he cannot even keep them straight. One day he says Cersei has been flayed, and the next it’s my father. Answer my questions and I’ll answer yours.”
Jaime is motivated by love of his family, but what looks like it should be a major redeeming feature turns out in the long run to be far more complicated. Jaime’s relationship with Cersei is ultimately demonstrated to be toxically abusive even without any questionable questions of sibling incest. His father does not love Jaime, just the image of what Jaime could be. Jaime makes reference to the lie he told Tyrion about Tysha later, too. Here and now, though, the other complication with love-as-redeeming feature is that it’s apparent with Jaime’s very first question that he only loves his family.
“Do all my kin still live?”
“Ser Stafford Lannister was slain at Oxcross, I am told.”
Jaime was unmoved. “Uncle Dolt, my sister called him. It’s Cersei and Tyrion who concern me. As well as my lord father.”
Didn’t he have, like, some kids with Cersei or something? Even if he doesn’t think of them as his children, they’re still officially his nephews and niece, and he’s spent a lot of time around them.
Catelyn, for her part, extracts confirmation from Jaime that he’s been sleeping with his sister, and is Joffrey’s biological father. More importantly, to her, she asks him how Bran came to fall from the tower window. Jaime, whatever else he might be here, honours the terms of their agreement and tells her that he threw Bran from the window. When Catelyn presses him, asking about the follow-up assassination attempt, however, Jaime denies that.
“On my honour as a Lannister.”
“Your honour as a Lannister is worth less than this.” She kicked over the waste pail.
Now and later in ASoS, we’ll see that this actually managed to get through Jaime’s emotional armour. Catelyn’s sheer contempt for Jaime’s integrity left a mark. Of more concern to Catelyn is the fact that Jaime starts ruling out other suspects –
“If you did not send the killer, your sister did.”
“If so, I’d know. Cersei keeps no secrets from me.”
“Then it was the Imp.”
“Tyrion is as innocent as your Bran.”
– and she believes him. (She shouldn’t, because Jaime’s dead wrong about his relationship with Cersei, but Catelyn’s got no way of knowing this.)
So, if it wasn’t Jaime, and it wasn’t Cersei, and it wasn’t Tyrion, who was it? Jaime recalls the dagger Catelyn describes to him, and says that yes, it changed hands, he remembers Robert showing it to him at the feast afterwards. As Catelyn can’t help but notice, this story matches what Tyrion claimed. Jaime couldn’t know what Tyrion told Catelyn and has had no chance to work out a matching story.
Petyr had sworn otherwise, Petyr who had been almost a brother, Petyr who had loved her so much he had fought a duel for her hand…and yet, if Jaime and Tyrion told the same tale, what did that mean? […] Somewhere there was a trap here.
Littlefinger’s already got lucky in ACoK that Tyrion’s got too much on his plate to handle coming after him. He should consider himself lucky that Catelyn’s staying in denial, too.
Jaime continues to ask Catelyn for news of the outside world, informing the readers that Tyrell alliances are currently up in the air. They discuss what honour’s worth, when a brother’s life is on the line. The important thing is in the background of this conversation, as Jaime drinks the wine Catelyn brought him. And at last, Jaime gets drunk enough that he truly lowers his guard and vents about his knighthood and his position in the Kingsguard.
“So many vows…they make you swear and swear. Defend the king. Obey the king. Keep his secrets. Do his bidding. Your life for his. But obey your father. Love your sister. Protect the innocent. Defend the weak. Respect the gods. Obey the laws. It’s too much. No matter what you do, you’re forsaking one vow or another.”
This too is important heading into ASoS. Jaime’s thought about the contradictory vows of knighthood, and his response was to give up on them entirely and abandon the possibility of ever being truly honourable. He continues on about Aerys, with a toast –
“To Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protectorof the Realm. And to the sword that opened his throat.”
Catelyn’s horrified. She does not realise, of course, why Jaime put such an emphasis on “protector”. “Only a man like you would be proud of such an act,” she says. This of course provokes Jaime further, upset as he is that these honourable people keep insulting his. He returns to cruelty, and exposits a large chunk of detail about just how Catelyn’s first fiance came to grief.
“No doubt Ned wished to spare you. […] Well, you wanted truth. Ask me. We made a bargain, I can deny you nothing. Ask.”
“Dead is dead.” I do not wish to know this.
Jaime tells her unsolicited. The details are ugly. When Brandon and his companions called for Rhaegar to “come out and die,” Aerys arrested them for plotting Rhaegar’s murder, then demanded that the fathers of the young men arrested come to the Red Keep. So far so much public knowledge. What Jaime knows that Catelyn didn’t was that Rickard demanded trial by combat. Aerys gave it to him, naming fire as the champion of House Targaryen. Brandon was brought in to watch, tied by the throat and his sword placed just out of his reach. It ended with Rickard Stark burned alive and Brandon Stark strangled.
With this exposed, Jaime describes killing Aerys as his finest act. Because he’s an asshole and now a drunk asshole, he continues to vent his frustration at all the people who scorned him for it.
“As for your Ned, he should have kissed the hand that slew Aerys, but he preferred to scorn the arse he found sitting on Robert’s throne. I think Ned Stark loved Robert better than he ever loved his brother or his father…or even you, my lady. He was never unfaithful to Robert, was he?”
“I’ve never lain with any woman but Cersei. In my own way, I have been truer than your Ned ever was. Poor old dead Ned. So who has shit for honour now, I ask you?”
Oh yeah, Catelyn definitely left a mark. So what’s Jaime going to do about it? That’s a question for ASoS, where Jaime has a few more truths to confront.
A Trade
The chapter ends on a cliffhanger that is not resolved until the start of ASoS. Given that Catelyn asked for a sword in those final lines, the most reasonable initial assumption is that Catelyn killed Jaime herself. Instead, as we know, Catelyn forced Jaime to swear certain oaths to her, then released him into Brienne’s custody to exchange himself for her daughters.
That Catelyn had a plan has been apparent all chapter.
She had not meant to tell Brienne. No one knew except her and Maester Vypren, and she meant to keep it that way until…until…
Catelyn links her inability to tell Brienne to her own inability to fully process the news of her sons’ deaths, and yet that “until” still shows us she’s looking forward to some future mark that involves that acceptance.
The next indication of Catelyn’s true plan is the very fact that she switches topic from Bran and Rickon to Sansa and Arya. As I mentioned above, Catelyn says she wants Jaime dead, and then adds “but my girls.” Which gives us Catelyn’s priorities. Daughters first, then revenge.
Then she changes the topic again. Once again it’s a very abrupt change of topic, that makes sense in hindsight with the knowledge of her actions, but not without it. From talking about Robb and Theon, she goes to telling Brienne that she’s sent Jaime wine.
The ploy had served her well with Cleos Frey. I hope you’re thirsty, Jaime. I hope your throat is dry and tight.
There’s forethought involved here, we can see. She also asks Brienne to come with her to visit Jaime, at midnight.
There’s another telling bit when Jaime admits that he meant to kill Bran.
The easy way he said it took her breath away for an instant. If I had a knife, I would kill him now, she thought, until she remembered the girls.
This again reminds us of Catelyn’s priorities. Furthermore, it gives us an indication that killing Jaime in his cell is not part of her plan. Yet when Jaime really gets going with the taunting and the mockery, he’s just so obnoxious that it’s entirely believeable that Catelyn snaps and asks for Brienne’s sword.
Chapter Function
Hoo boy. This is one important chapter.
In the background are two significant events: Edmure winning at the Fords, and Robb taking the Crag. Edmure’s victory sets the stage for Tywin to bail the Lannisters out at the Blackwater. Robb taking the Crag is the first step in the sequence of events that leads to his marriage to Jeyne Westerling. These things shape the political landscape of ASoS.
Then there’s our reintroduction to Jaime Lannister, now with added character complexity. His struggles with his vows and his love for his family is set up here. There’s a bit more groundwork as to why he killed Aerys as well. His chat with Catelyn also keeps in view how Littlefinger’s been involved in the political plot thus far.
Most of all, this is an important chapter for Catelyn. The blow of (apparently) losing two children, on top of the other losses she’s suffered recently, affects her profoundly. Catelyn’s series arc involves her losing everything. We see her grief and her despair and her rage, all just barely kept at bay by her hope that maybe, maybe, she can get her daughters back. But that hope also inspires her to take drastic action. Her freeing Jaime is a truly desperate step. She knows that Jaime is the only hostage that can get her daughters back; she knows that Robb will never agree to ransom Jaime. As we see in ASoS, she knows it’s a long shot. She just wants her family back, whatever she can get of it.
From Catelyn’s decision, we get another major factor shaping the ASoS political landscape, sharpening internal tensions especially with the Karstarks, and Jaime and Brienne’s arcs both become possible.
There’s a rather telling bit of information about Catelyn’s relationship with Jon Snow here. At one point she thinks my son has no brothers. She cannot and will not acknowledge Jon Snow as any kin to Robb. This is a place where she cannot even acknowledge Robb’s own perspective on the matter, because we all know Robb considers Jon his brother.
Jaime refers twice to the (Littlefinger-instigated) rumour that Littlefinger slept with Catelyn. In amongst all the other painful news she hears this chapter, this goes over her head.
Clothing Porn
Food Porn
Trout wrapped in bacon. Salad of turnip greens, fennel, and sweetgrass. Pease, onions, and black bread. This is a good meal, but consider that there’s a party going on outside. The gaoler has pigeon pie.
Next Three Chapters
Catelyn III, AGoT – Jon VIII, ACoK – Sansa VII, ACoK
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clexjanowitz-blog · 6 years
The Kiss of Death: Chapter 1
"His young heart is thus extinguished. The blood in his veins grows cold. And all strength has gone. Faith has been extolled by his fall into the arms of death. Amen." Cleo Janowitz fled from her hometown, Charming, after uncovering a secret that should've stayed hidden. Leaving behind her brother, her boyfriend, and the club. What happened when she had to face the consequences of running away without telling anyone?
   A drive that was supposed to be an hour and a half was taking me twice as long. Rain wasn't a concern during most seasons in California, but since it's winter, the occasional storm was to be expected. Water was hitting my windshield in thick tear shaped drops, gradually increasing in speed. If the rain wasn't hard enough to deal with, a dense layer of fog hung low in the air. I was already a nervous wreck while driving before my tire popped in the middle of the road. I'm only twenty minutes from my destination when Bruce, my Mazda Miata, gives up on me. I mumbled curse words as I pulled my car to the side of highway eighty-eight. I thanked God I didn't simply drive through a puddle, and then lose control of my car. I patted my stomach a bit and breathed a sign of relief. Disappointed in myself, I pulled my cell phone out of my purse and called the only tow truck in this relatively small town, Teller-Morrow automotive repair.
   I saw the tow truck drive up from quite a distance away. We were the only two cars on the road this Christmas Eve night. The truck pulled in front of my car and I could vaguely see the figure of a man climb out through the fog, which seemed to be getting worse more rapidly than the rain. As the man got closer to me, I could see the outline of a beard under the dim streetlamps. I already knew who it was before he walked further under the light. Piney. "Hey young lady." He called out in an authoritative voice. I would've been nervous for other reasons if I didn't know Piney Winston better than most people. I swallowed a lump in the back of my throat and called back a shaky "hello" in response. Shit, Cleo. I thought. Get it together. Piney took a couple steps closer until we looked each other in the eye. Then he chuckled a little. "Welcome home kid. Merry Christmas." He seemed genuinely excited to see me. I smiled, a small, sad part of me is excited to be home as well. "Thanks for coming to get me and my car." I said sheepishly. It only took him seconds to look me over and realize the extra weight wasn't just from my over-sized raincoat. "Cleo..." Piney's voice trailed off. He gazed in the opposite direction and rested his right palm on the back of his neck. "Are you pregnant?"    He sounded as unsure as I felt. I cleared my throat. "Yes." My voice was muffled. "Seven months." I said matter-of-factually, sounding more confident than I did before. Piney still wouldn't look at me. "Who's the father?" "Do you even have to ask that?" Piney breathed a sign of relief, worried my child wouldn't be born to a member of the Sons. Except I didn't long for them to have any connection at all. I loathed myself for ending back in the same place that I started, but the only thing that had changed was the extra human I carried around and a man who no longer loved me. I wanted to keep my baby as far away from this life as I could. I didn't care that their grandfather and their father were patched members, I knew the club would tear my little family apart like it did many years prior. "No." Piney said hesitantly. I felt sadder than I had in months. "How is he doing?" I asked Piney, sounding as mono-toned as I could muster. "Not good Cleo. He misses you like fucking crazy." I swallowed what felt like a rock sitting at the back of my throat as I closed my eyes and tried not to cry. I missed him too, more than they could've imagined. I missed him more than I wanted to breathe. But he shattered every piece of self-assurance I had when I found him with another woman six months ago. I lived everyday agonizing over every detail of the situation. "He shouldn't have fucked that girl then." I spat bitterly. I wanted to tell Piney how much it hurt me. I wanted to tell him how hard it was to take on a second job while being pregnant, but I didn't mention it. "It really wasn't how it seemed." Was that stupid cliché the only thing Piney had to say about the situation? I waited a minute to see if he'd elaborate and when he didn't, I walked toward my car and grabbed the small duffel bag from the backseat. It took all the strength I had to lift my bag, though it couldn't weigh more than a couple of pounds. I sighed when I reached the passenger door of the tow truck. I was out of breath and exhausted. Piney must've noticed me struggle, because once I opened the door, he took the bag from my hands and held out his arm, so I'd have something to grab onto as I climbed inside. I mumbled "thank you" and caught a quick glimpse of his face as it was illuminated by the light above the dashboard. I've only been gone six months, but Piney looked like he aged years. I felt sorry for him. I understood the magnitude of stress he must've been under.    Once Piney got in the truck, he focused his attention toward me. "Where are you sleeping tonight?" I didn't look him in the eyes. "I'm gonna rent a room at the Hilton in Stockton." Piney didn't respond. "It's only about twenty minutes from here. If that's too far to drop me off, then I'll take a cab from the shop. I can pick up my-" He interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. "Why are you going to Stockton?" Piney asked dubiously. "It's not any of your business." I tried not to sound snide, but I felt anger start to bubble inside me. "Cleo, you better stay away from Lenny. That's not up for discussion." My jaw almost dropped, I was shocked to hear Piney still order me around after so many months had passed. "You can't tell me what to do." I was enraged, but I put on a calm face. I knew I wouldn't be taken seriously when I started to raise my voice. "It's for your own good, so just listen to me girl." Piney pulled away from the side of the road and started to drive with my car secured in tow. "I know you're looking out for me, but Lenny's my father and tomorrow's Christmas. I've been alone the past couple of months, with no one to talk to but him. I want to see him, and I shouldn't have to explain myself to you or anyone else." The silence in the truck was deafening, while Piney contemplated what I had just said. "And he's dying to see me while I'm still pregnant." I added in with pride. If it weren't so dark, he'd be able to see the smile plastered on my face. I felt hope when I thought of my baby, and if my father was the only one to emotionally support me, it'd be enough. "Lenny's known this whole time?" Not quite sure of where this conversation was headed, I responded, "About my baby? Yes." Piney snickered at me, which only added to the anger I felt before. "What?" I asked. Piney just shook his head and snickered again. "What the fuck is so funny?" I snapped at him. "He just conveniently forgot to mention it to the club, that's all." Piney responded causally. The calm before the storm. "He didn't conveniently forget, I told him not to mention it, and he respected my wishes. He's the only person who's been encouraging me during this time." What I had said seemed to set Piney off. "He can't be the only person here for you, he's in prison." He retorted, sounding amused. "It's not his fault and you know that!" I yelled. I tried not to lose my temper, but these damn hormones make it so hard. Piney practically gasped. "You better keep your mouth shut girl. You'll get killed for talking like that and you know that." He was right, as frustrated as I was, I kept my mouth shut like he told me to.    I tried to get my emotions under control as best as I could during our drive to the shop. The ride took twice as long as I expected it to. The rain slowed to a mist that lightly tapped the windshield. I felt safer in this truck with Piney than I'd felt in the past six months. I knew in this truck I was safe from danger and criticism. The comfort I felt also induced new heights of anxiety, I was okay but how long could that feeling last? I pushed these irrational thoughts to the back of mind, I knew I had more pressing issues I had to face. The place is filled with bikes when we finally arrived, it looked like a used motorcycle lot. I felt emotions I didn't remember I had. Piney and I continued to sit in silence for a couple more minutes until I turned to him. "Thank you for getting me and my car. I'll call my cab now and then come back for the car when it's ready I guess." Piney didn't respond for a while, just stared straight ahead, not even lifting his hands from the wheel. "No." He stated simply, offering no further explanation. For a fleeting moment, I missed Wyatt when I remembered his protective nature wasn't nearly as overbearing as Piney. Just one moment I allowed myself to relish in the idea of Wyatt driving us to Stockton to see Lenny the next day. I pushed the notion away when I remembered he would never agree to see our dad, but still took comfort in knowing he wouldn't stop me. I opened my mouth to speak, but Piney interjected. "The club's in lockdown right now. I couldn't let you leave even if I wanted to. Someone could follow us." I shook my head slightly, not like he could've seen in the pitch-black cover offered by night. I was once again frustrated and defeated. "No one wants me, who would follow us?" I mumbled under my breath. There is always some truth to be found in self-deprecating humor. Though Piney didn't laugh, I received an eye roll. "You're SAMCRO's biggest weakness. Daughter of Lenny Janowitz, sister of Wyatt Janowitz, and soon-to-be mother of Happy Lowman's child. See? You could seriously piss off three people by killing you."
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dannycaing · 4 years
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IF DREAMS WOULD COME TRUE by Danny Caing   Date Written:  April 10, 2019
Nicolas Weinberger was a multi-trillionaire.  He owns a business chain corporation from construction, buildings, and warehouses,  residential housing, oil, and mining, banking, and finance,  marketing, and real estate,  the military-industrial complex,  airlines,  and shipping industries,  resorts, and hotels, and so on.  He was worth 8 trillion USD.  But he was not satisfied with his life at the age of 32 years when he inherited the fortune from his father.
One day he decided to change his lifestyle to an ordinary working guy next door.   So he rented a house with a garden in the backyard.   He has no television,   telephone, and computer but he has a refrigerator and an oven with a stove. He lives in a town with a population of 832 and works in a local grocery store. He drives on a second-hand bronco car.  No one recognized him without his beard because he looks much younger.
The grocery store opens at 8 AM. While Nicolas was attending the store, a young lady came in to buy three gallons of ice cream and two boxes of assorted cookies.
NICOLAS:  Children's party?
CHARLOTTE:  No!  It's for my big brother, Charlie.
NICOLAS:  That's a lot of ice cream and cookies.
CHARLOTTE:  Yes! He is five times bigger than me.  Are you new around here?
NICOLAS: Just moved in last week.  I think I like this place. It's cool.  By the way,  my name is Nick.  Nick Berg.
CHARLOTTE:  I'm Charlotte.  I teach in Elementary School just a few blocks from here.
NICOLAS:  Oh,  so you are a teacher.  That is awesome.
CHARLOTTE:  Would you like to come and join us tomorrow at school?   There are the stage play and choir performances of the children,  that is if you are free at 7 PM.  It's a simple gathering with parents in this town.  I hope you enjoy meeting them.
NICOLAS:  I will be there. Thank you for the invitation.
CHARLOTTE:  You're welcome.  See you later.
This is it!  Nicolas thought in excitement. There will be no more board meetings to attend,  no first-class dinners,  no midnight phone calls, no unending emails,  no stock markets review,  no more jet lags,  no emergency conferences, and no hectic appointments. It's Nicolas and Charlotte with her students tomorrow night. Nobody cares who he was,   just a grocery man.
The store closed at 5 PM.  On his way to the car, he saw a boy sitting on the bench in front of the store.
NICOLAS:  Hey kid!  Where's your mom and dad?
The kid stared at him blankly with a sad face and fell silent.  Nicolas noticed a tag on his neck with his name and address on it.   His name was Albert.  He was an autistic kid. So, he asked the boy to get into his car and then drove him home safely in front of his house on the address on the tag.  As he pushed the doorbell someone opened the door. The woman immediately embraced his son and told Nicolas that his father had been looking for him. She invited Nicolas inside the house to have some tea then she called her husband that their son is already home.   The couples, Marlon and Jennifer, asked Nicolas to stay for dinner with them.  They have three children,  the two sisters were Cleo and Bobbie, and the boy's name was Albert.
MARLON:  It's not the first time Albert got lost in the school.  Thank you so much for bringing him home.
NICOLAS: Don't mention it.  Everyone will do the same way I did when they saw Albert alone. You have beautiful children.   How are things going?
JENNIFER:  We're good.  Marlon is working on an uptown ranch while I do some part-time job in the church.  The girls are in elementary school.  Do you have family Nick?
NICOLAS:  No.  When my father died, I have to take care of everything he left me.  I have no time for family.  That's why I need this kind of break.
MARLON: We are sorry for your loss.  It's good to have you here with us Nick.   Please don't hesitate to call me if you need some assistance. We are always on your side.
BOBBIE:  Can you come again here on my birthday this Saturday?
Nicolas looked at once to Jennifer and Marlon with a gesture.  Both parents nodded to him with their smile.
NICOLAS:  Well,  sure why not?  Thank you,  Bobbie.  How old are you on your birthday?
CLEO:  She will be ten years old.  
During their discussion at the table,  Jennifer and Marlon were surprised to hear Nick's proposal on a business partnership. He planned to put up farmland that produces products that are in demand on the market. Though Marlon has doubts about what Nicolas has been talking about,  he still supported his ideas.
NICOLAS:  I saw many wastelands around here.  All we have to do is build a dam to irrigate the plantation.  Then we will put up a factory to produce products for export.  Windmills for electricity,  it's a clean environment project.
MARLON:  Count me in as your partner Nick.  Surely, this will uplift the economy in the community.  Where are we going to get financial assistance for the proposed projects?
NICOLAS:  We need collateral to get loans from banks.  Corporate aid funds through Foundation.
When Nicolas and Marlon looked to each other,  they both laugh out loud as if the whole thing was a dream.  Marlon accompanied Nicolas to his car and patted his back and said good night.  Nicolas shakes Marlon's hands before he drove away.
NICOLAS:  I had a wonderful time with your family Marlon.  That was a good dinner.  Thank you.  Good night.  
MARLON:  Good night, too.
While Nicolas was driving his way home,  in his thoughts,  he was serious about his plans.  But for Marlon and Jennifer,  it was just an extraordinary conversation of a man like Nicolas who lived a simple life with great ideas.
The following day after closing the store he went home immediately to prepare himself to attend the Elementary School program that night.  As he parked his car in front of the house,  he saw Charlotte at the doorstep waving and smiling at him.
CHARLOTTE:  Hello Nick!  Good afternoon. I brought some apple pie for you and an invitation card signed by all my students.
NICOLAS:  Good afternoon Charlotte. Well,  it's an honor. Thank you,   Charlotte.  Please come in and let's share the apple pie.  I think I'm hungry.
CHARLOTTE:  You know,  I cooked this pie especially for you.
On the dining table, they were talking about the children's show,  the songs they are to perform and the story of the play.  Then Charlotte offered herself to wash the dishes while Nicolas prepares to dress up for the occasion.  While they were on their way to school,  Charlotte sensed something on him.
CHARLOTTE:  What is it you're thinking?
NICOLAS:  You reminded me of my mom.  We usually eat together when she cooked her favorite apple pie.  She died when I was 12 years old.  I already missed her.
CHARLOTTE:  I'm sorry.
NICOLAS:  It was the best apple pie I ever had tonight.  I am grateful to you.
CHARLOTTE:  Likewise,  Nick.
As they arrived at the school,  the parents were in the theater room waiting for the show to start. Everyone was busy looking for their designated seats.  Charlotte has no time to introduce Nicolas to the parents instead leads him to his seat in front while she went backstage to organize the children for the show. During the children's program,   Nicolas remembered when he was a kid that his dad not even once attended on his stage performances,  it was his mom who is always present on the show. Right after the show,  there was a picture taking on the stage of children and parents and teachers and the guests. Nicolas thought this was an unbelievable experience sharing jokes and laughter with the working-class folks.   There was a buffet and the kids were seated on the long table while their parents were serving meals. Suddenly, four military helicopters were flying over the school area with spotlights and then they moved away.
CHARLOTTE:  It's the first time we've seen helicopters hovering in the school.  Could it be an emergency?   Let's watched the T.V. in the classroom?
MARLON:  Maybe it was just a military drill.
So everybody went inside the classroom to watch on the T.V.  for twenty minutes but there was no emergency broadcast,  it's all the regular shows.  They all decided to end the party and started going home.  It was already 8:32 PM.  Nicolas waited for Charlotte until everyone was gone.  He dropped Charlotte, Charlie and her mother to their house on his way home.  
Nicolas has known all the folks in the community.  He would be attending Parents Council meeting on Wednesday nights,  playing baseball with the elementary kids on Saturdays,  attending a fellowship in the church on Sundays, and in the afternoon with Charlotte's family at home until dinner.  Charlotte taught him how to play the guitar and sing a lot of Beatles songs.  
One day,  Marlon invited Nicolas to go fishing on the lake with his family for a picnic.  Nicolas agreed and suggested to invite Charlotte's family with him.
NICOLAS:  How far is it?
MARLON:  Taking the short cut, it's just about thirty-two miles along the dirt road.  It's beautiful out there on the lake.  There's a waterfall on the upstream east side and hot spring.  We're leaving on Saturday early morning.
One Saturday morning,  there were two vehicles in convoy along the country road.  They went through eight wooden bridges, three road crossings, and two creeks before reaching the lake.  Nicolas was amazed by the view of the lake. He can hear the birds chirping.  They went fishing,  hiking to the waterfalls and swimming in the lake.  Nicolas had a good time that day.
It was almost dark when they were packing the things they saw eight jet fighters in the sky.  Marlon decided to take the hi-way in going home because it's so dark and foggy on the dirt road. One hour later along the hi-way,  there was a barricade in front of them.  Suddenly two helicopters were hovering above them with spotlights.  Then they were surrounded by soldiers with a gas mask and protective camouflage suit.
SPEAKERS:  Stop!  Do not enter!  The area is prohibited.  This is not a drill.
They were escorted by the military vehicles to a nearby base complete with biological-chemical facilities. There was a quarantine room for virus detection and an isolation room for those who were infected. Everyone passed the medical check-up except Nicolas. He was transferred to another secured military medical base for further analysis.  That was the last time they saw Nicolas.  Upon arrival on the Medical Base,   Nicolas met a high ranking General and a Senator.  An adviser to his Corporation told him that they have to condone the perimeter of the town for his security reason.
The town has increased its population to 8,320 with new structures and business offices downtown.  There was a new school building,  hospital, banks, hotels, gasoline stations,  restaurants like McDonald,  Kenny Rogers,  Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Starbucks Coffee.  Fifty miles circumference around town were different crop plantations, factories, a dam for irrigation and windmills for electricity.  On the east side of town is the new middle-class subdivision where Charlotte and Marlon's family live. Marlon is the Manager of one of the factories. Charlotte is the Principal of the new Elementary & High School Building.  
On Saturday night,  there was a dinner party hosted by Marlon and Jennifer at Kenny Rogers Restaurant. It was the 12th birthday of their daughter,  Bobbie. Charlotte's family was present including Marlon's close associates,  relatives, and friends.  Marlon suddenly raised his glass for a toast and called the attention of the guest.
MARLON: To the man whose ideas have changed our lives and dreams become a reality.  Wherever you are,  you are always in our hearts.  You are the man,  Nick.
CROWD:  You are the man,  Nick.
The crowd cheered.  There was laughter and chatting with one another.  Marlon was busy shaking hands with all the guests in the restaurant.  Cleo went to Charlotte and whispered to her ear.
CLEO:  I think I just saw Nick at the door.
Background Music: "IF DREAMS WOULD COME TRUE" by Danny Caing https://soundcloud.com/wet-glass-album/if-dreams-would-come-true
All Rights Reserved Wonderful Stories Limited Copyrighted @ 2019
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blogobot5000 · 4 years
EVE: Love me a good beard
BONNIE: But his beard, you know how there’s good beards and then there’s beards that… aren’t.
EVE: Yes.
BONNIE: His … was aren’t. His was not good. It was not. It was. Messy.
EVE: Nothing worse than a messy beard.
CLEO: Was it a style?
BONNIE: This was not a style.
EVE: Rough.
BONNIE: So… I mean. His shirt was also like NOT CORRECTLY BUTTONED. He did not put an ounce of effort into how he looked, it seemed. Like I busted my ass leaving work, showering, getting ready, and then rushing to HIS AREA to meet him at LIFE ALIVE and like … he did not seem like he cared or tried to look nice for the date? It wasn’t like “I intentionally looked careless cause that’s the look I’m going for’ it wasn’t that at all. I know he did want it to be a date cause he mentioned bringing me over after if it went well…
BONNIE: I’m getting there! So, I mean I also DID NOT like the way he talked. He just. Had this way with his hands. And his voice reminded me of Alan –
BONNIE: Exactly! So noooooo thank you. ALAN CLONE. NOPE. And put your hands away. But he was nice and he was trying.
EVE: Except for his clothes.
BONNIE: HIS VOICE WAS TRYING. So, we left and he asked if I wanted to get a drink – and I was like sure!
GWEN: You gotta stop sayin’ sure.
BONNIE: And, so, we went but like the whole time I just wanted to go to bed, I was tired and then I felt bad like not only was my time going out the window but I’m wasting his time
CLEO: You are way too nice.
BONNIE: So, then the waitress comes around and she’s like “Do you want another drink” and I’m like “No, thanks! I’m all set!” BUT WHAT DOES HE DO!? Orders anothers Jack and Coke.
EVE: Boo!
BONNIE: Trapped! But eventually the waitress sees that I needed some help, she brings the check, and he’s like holding onto it. He’s just like WAVING the check around like it’s the goddamn flag on the fourth of July. I honestly don’t even REMEMBER what he was talking about because I was way too focused on trying to think about making myself look like I was not looking at this check waiting for it to be paid so I could get the fuck out of there. At one point he put it in the pocket of his unbuttoned shirt and I still have NO CLUE why he did that but he did and just kept it there. So I thought after a bit he FORGOT it was there cause it was hanging out like a little lost puppy WAITING TO BE REMEMBERED. I made some sort of comment or joke that it was there and he was like “Oh, right” and pulls it out and then asks me about paying it.
GWEN: Wait for the whole thing?
BONNIE: Yeah. Cause he got dinner. Which like, sure fair- I don’t really care. I’m a strong, independent woman who can pay. But like let a girl offer first?
CLEO: Cheers to that.
BONNIE: So I was like yup. Fine. Whatever. We paid. Then when we walked out and some dude came running out after us and was like HEY HEY HEY- did you lose your debit card?
EVE: Your debit card?
BONNIE: Nope! You would think it would have been mine since I paid but it was not – it was his.
GWEN: Odd.
BONNIE: So, he’s having this whole moment with this guy like “Oh man how did that even happen? Woaaa, life is crazy!” Then the other dude was like “Okay yeah bye.” He walked me to my car and I completely avoided kissing him. I never talked to him again.
CLEO: Cute.
BONNIE: Totally.
MAN: (Coming over) Anything else for you ladies?
GWEN: (Pointing to her fake pocket) Should we get the check?
CLEO: Maybe we should get the check.
BONNIE: Can we get the check?
MAN: You can get the check, yes. (Chuckles, clearing glasses) You girls, you have some crazy stories-
CLEO: I’m sorry (Reading name tag) Anthony- were you eavesdropping?
MAN: I mean, no – it was just really easy to hear, being close by and all.
GWEN: You look familiar… are you on dating sites too?
MAN: (Quickly embarrassed) Why, well- what? Why?
GWEN: Are you?
MAN: I mean I have been, yeah. Hasn’t everyone?
EVE: Preach.
CLEO: Any luck?
MAN: Nah- the last girl I was talking to said I was too tall (Or short, depending on the actor) Which… that really sucks, because height really doesn’t matter, does it?
EVE: (Clearly drunk at this point) Height doesn’t matter?! Lemme – let me tell you a story about THAT if you think that height doesn’t matter! (Stands up) I was talking with this guy, Per… Perry? Peter… No- Percy- Percy! For sometime. He asked me out so I decided ‘sure, why not? I’ll go out with Percy- what else am I doing right now. Nothin! I’ll go out with Percy.’ Well there I was waiting for him outside the movie theater in my RED COAT because, well it was February, it was winter time and I texted him, because I got there first (Suddenly loud) LIKE THE RESPECTABLE PERSON I AM (Pause, takes another sip of her drink) Anyway. (Composes self) There I was, like this (poses as if she’s there, texting) and I said ‘Hey! I’m here. I’m in a red coat. Waiting for you. Outside. The. Theater.” (Aside) Cause that was the plan. And he said “Okay – good to know! I’ll be right there. I’m right around the corner.” So I waited (Pauses, as she says this next bit she begins to climb up onto the bar, slowly) I’m looking at my phone and I’m waiting and looking up, casually, and waiting- and then I hear a “Eve?” and I look up, and it’s him, all six feet and seven inches tall, and I go: “Hey-” (She gives a small wave) and then (With sudden intensity) HE SWOOPS DOWN AND GRABS MY FACE WITH BOTH HANDS LIKE I’M THE FUCKIN TREASURE TROVE HE’S BEEN SEARCHING FOR AND BEFORE I CAN EVEN SAY MY FUCKING NAME AND A HELLO. DOWN COMES HIS LIPS AND GOBBLES UP MINE LIKE I’M THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH OR SOME GOBLET FROM ANCIENT GREECE. HE TRIES TO SUCK MY SOUL FROM ME UNTIL HE FINALLY RELEASES HIS CLAWS FROM MY FACE AND I’M LIKE (meekly, coy) “Why hi there.” BUT REALLY, I’M LIKE WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST ENGULFE MY WHOLE FACE WITH YOUR TONGUE. WHAT TACTIC IS THIS? (Composing self) He takes my hand which I had to lift to my waist to meet his and we went to a bar-
CLEO: Wait – you went with him after that?
EVE: What was I gonna do?! (Dramatically) He flew down on his giant man wings and took me away.
CLEO: You just wanted free drinks didn’t you?
EVE: How dare you! Bah! It was an experience I had to see what was gonna happen.
BONNIE: So – then what?
EVE: We go – the bar is … so, so crowded. I mean it was a Saturday in February in Boston, what do you expect? But eagle eyes McGee finds a spot “THERE! IN THE CORNER.” He leads me through a sea of Boston’s finest and we sit. He’s all like “tell me all about you.” (With increasing alarm) So I’m like “hi – I’m Eve, I work in administration, blah blah blahhhhh,” and as I’m doing so he’s touching my knee and feigning interest and I’m all like “hahahaaaa and I like to do crochet, I used to work with the elderly” and then he’s inching closer and I’m like “What do you like? Do you know how to knit?!” and he’s like (whispering) “yeah” and THEN INTERUPTS ME BY PLACING HIS FACE ON MINE. The poor people next to us, I can only imagine they were thinking, ‘What the heck is going on here.’ I mean, who knows when they left, but they did at some point. Because that was it: talk, feigned interest, knee touch, repeat. Over and over. Until we finished our beers. Then we left the bar, walked around, and it was the same but talk, face caress, SWOOP DOWN- BECAUSE-MY-HEAD-BARELY-MET-HIS-ELBOW- kiss, repeat.
CLEO: (Sarcastically) Sounds like a workout.
EVE: (Laying down on the bar) I’m exhausted.
CLEO: (helping her off the bar with BONNIE) So, what then? How’d it end?
EVE: (Sleepily) Oh… um… I don’t know. I never saw him again. I just got out there real quick. (Perking up) Do you remember Jess?
BONNIE: Avenue Q Jess?
EVE: Yeah – so apparently he also messaged her the SAME message he initially sent me like two days after we went out.
CLEO: Classy.
EVE: Isn’t it?
CLEO: Dating isn’t always the worst. Sometimes the timing just sucks.
GWEN: Oh, like Darren?
MAN: Who’s Darren?
BONNIE: We all have a Darren.
MAN: I don’t have a Darren.
EVE: (Lifting head) I bet you do have a Darren, Tony.
MAN: Who’s Darren?
BONNIE: Who’s Tony?
EVE: (Pointing at MAN) HE’S TONY. It’s short for Anthony.
CLEO: Don’t mind her. She’s drunk.
GWEN: I’m sure he’s aware. He sees drunk people all the time.
EVE: Team Tony!
MAN: (Chuckles, not sure why she said that) Thank you?
CLEO: Anyway. Darren. He could have been “The One.” His first message to me will forever set the bar. It was a game of Scattergories. The game where you have a list of things and a letter and you need to write the thing beginning with that letter in under a minute. I was hooked. He wasn’t like any of the others. Then, we met in person and sparks flew. He walked me home, he didn’t have a coat and it was freezing. Then there were bowling dates and board game dates and cozy movie dates. Everything with him was so easy. Except for kissing. The first time he went to kiss me, I panicked because I realized too late what was happening and I wasn’t ready and I bit him. We laughed, he was sweet, and then was very clear about his kissing intentions from that point forward. God, he was a good kisser. But, this just happened right around the election… then, the whole world fell to shit and away he went. He will always be my “What if?”
EVE: (To MAN) See, Tony – we all got a Darren.
MAN: Please get off the bar.
EVE: (Grumbles) Do I gotta?
ALL: Yes.
BONNIE: (Helping EVE off) I use that way about Ben. But, don’t worry. That feeling disappears when you find the right one!
EVE: Here we go!
MAN: (Cleaning glasses) I’m guessing you found the one then?
MAN: Congrats – that’s great.
CLEO: The only one in a committed relationship and suddenly she’s the resident expert.
GWEN: Like six months ago she wasn’t juggling four men!
EVE: Teach us, oh wise one!
BONNIE: Woah! Calm yourselves. First of all, I wasn’t juggling four men. We were just-- hanging out. I was living my best life: no strings, no commitment, all the fun. Riddle me this: dating for over a decade and I find all of the good men AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME. Well, we drank. Bowled. Went to museums. The zoo. I was living my best life and bringing these men along for the ride. But, soon, they started weeding themselves out. One by one. The hot, nice guy, with whom I felt no chemistry. SWIPE LEFT! The dude who worked in my field, shared my friends, and would have complicated my life greatly should things have gone past the point of no return. SWIPE LEFT! The man who was basically me, but with a beard. Turns out, I cannot date myself. I’m A LOT. SWIPE LEFT! Then, there was one. A patient, kind, funny, smart, loving one. I don’t know. Who knows if it’s forever? But, right now, I’m happy. I’m really, really happy.
GWEN: Who would have thought one of our own would end up in a healthy relationship?
CLEO: Do healthy relationships even exist?
CLEO: I’m kidding (Rolls eyes)
BONNIE: You know what, that’s it. Give me your phone.
CLEO: Why?
BONNIE: Because, there’s someone even better than Darren out there for you and I’m gonna prove it. (BONNIE takes the phone and continues to type frantically until her next lines)
EVE: (Beat) Anyone need another drink?
BONNIE: I think I’m just going to finish what I have. ​​
GWEN: I’m good with water.​​
CLEO: I don’t need another.
MAN: You’re cut off.
EVE: Fair.
MAN: How about some water? (MAN brings water)
EVE: Listen, I don’t know what you heard. But we’ve been places, okay? Tony. Listen. We’ve been everywhere. To gas stations… and polygraphs… and France… (Louder) and right and left hands… and axe murderers and serial killers… (Louder and stands up with passion) and the goddam English Muffin pizzas that he wasn’t good enough for. One day, I’m going to find that right man who will be thrilled when I make my English muffin pizzas. And, I’m not going to settle for anything fucking less. (MAN begins to walk over with check.) We’re all not going to settle— (To the women) am I clear? (To MAN) I said, AM I CLEAR?
MAN: Here’s the check (Walks back to the bar, grabs a bucket of dirty dishes and glasses exits off stage)
BONNIE: (Looking up from phone) Yes! ​​​
GWEN: Crystal!​​​
CLEO: No settling!
GWEN: Well, on that note, I think it’s time we called it a night. (Everyone leaves money and begins to gather belongings to leave)
CLEO: Ugh (rolls eyes)
BONNIE: A like AND message. Anthony, 28. “What’s your favorite work by Shakespeare?”
GWEN: Shakespeare? Okayyyyy…
CLEO: Yeah?
EVE: (Gestures back to where MAN had exited. Connecting the fact that he is, also, ANTHONY) Him? Is it him? CLEO, MY GHOST QUEEN, I KNOW YOU HATE GHOSTS BUT IS IT THAT TONY THERE?”
CLEO: Wha- no! (Takes phone back from BONNIE) It’s not – wait maybe? Is that him? Is that his photo?
GWEN: He’s cute! Look at those eyes! I thought he gave you an extra smile tonight.
BONNIE: Cleo… are you blushing?
BONNIE: You are!
GWEN: You think he’s cute!
CLEO: Shut up!
GWEN: Wait—is he wearing a toga?
CLEO: Yes. That is 100% a toga.
EVE: Rock on, Tony!
GWEN: Toga-Man Tony
EVE: Bartender Tony!
BONNIE: (Sing-song) So, Cleo, what are you going to do?
(CLEO smiles and puts her finger to the phone. BLACKOUT)
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