#i refuse to accept human dick and balls on this dragon man
jacqcrisis 3 months
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Lizard man is getting one of his dicks bit off tonight, I can just feel it.
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dammitadolfnomorecake 5 years
馃彴鈿旓笍 DMODT - 18, yeah. I decided with all Eren's questions, they should have another chapter
Eren was still shaken over his scales. The teen continually touching then or hiding his face in his hands as Levi guided him out the bathroom and into his bedroom. Never had expected for Eren to develop scales, and he had absolutely no idea why. Dragon riders and dragons stayed in Draecia. That was just the way of the world, yet here was Eren with scales that looked suspicious Draecian in origin. No wonder the poor kid had freaked out, if anyone other than him had found him, it was likely the whole castle would have been made aware by now, and that was a complication he didn't need. Isabel and Farlan hadn't let up with the teasing until dinner time, where the pair joined him as backup. Then promptly spent the time looking from him to Petra and elbowing each other. Then, when he'd thought himself clear of it all, he'd been pulled aside by Hanji. Hanji was a menace to his mental health. The woman wanted access to Eren, for what seemed to be a never ending string of experiments. Even Moblit hadn't been able to quell the woman, instead the poor man was left there with his arms around her waist as she refused to be silenced or pulled away, until Erwin scolded her making a scene in front of their guests. He'd just about thought he was home free, when Petra's father piped up, that both he and Petra didn't consent to the dissolution of the declaration. Which meant he needed to do some creative truthing once he finally found Eren. He wasn't going to marry Petra. Even if she was pulling this shit. So, by the time he'd finally sought Eren out again, he'd wanted nothing more than to be held in the omega's arms, like a child running to their mother... only, Eren had yet another issue for him to sort out, and this one seemed suddenly so much larger than all of the other issues combined. He'd seen it in his eyes when Levi had pulled his hands down. Complete and genuine fear of what he was. He'd seen the look on many a soldiers face before, those making their first kill and taking a human life for the first time. The haunted look that stayed with them throughout the battle as they wondered how things had come to this. Eren was far too young for such a look. Even if the military enrolment age was even younger. Gathering Eren close to him, Levi led him to his bed "You're exhausted, and overtired. I can smell it on you. Everything's a bit much right now, but I'm not mad at you" "I... went against your command" "Yes, but I understand why and I'm not going to punish you for it. But I do want you to remember that I put that command in place for your safety and welfare. I don't like putting restrictions on you, Eren. I didn't take you so I could control your life. I don't want you to suffer, and it must have hurt to try and fight the command. Have you eaten?" "No... and are you sure you don't want to punish me?" "I'm not going to punish you. It's a bit late to be sending someone down to the kitchen, but I've got some apples thanks to Fluffybrow, and I know you like them" "Why do you call him Fluffybrow when we're alone?" "Because honestly, I don't want you calling anyone "Levi", other than me. My alpha hates it, despite the situation we're in. And also, I see the way your lips twitch with a smile each time I do" "He's going to be so mad..." "He likes to micromanage almost every aspect of this situation. But I've made my feelings known. For the second time in my life, I have found someone who accepts me, and someone I want to protect" "Second?" "The first being Isabel and Farlan, my family. Though I don't love you the way I love them. Let me get you that apple?" Eren was quite after they ate, the teen stripping down to his shirt to sleep without prompting. Levi had no doubt that Eren was overthinking everything again as he followed the omega's lead, though he stripped off completely, sliding into his bed naked then pulling Eren into his hold "I can hear you thinking" "I'm just..." "Over thinking" Kissing Eren's nape, the mage sighed softly "Yeah. Probably" "You know, I know a way to stop those thoughts" Sliding his hand down between Eren's legs, Eren gasped as his fingers wrapped around his dick. He hadn't intended to do anything other than sleep, but Eren smelt so fucking good. He knew he was hungry for him, to the point he was almost desperate. Eren had done this to him. He made him feel powerful, and in control. Not something he felt often thanks to not actually being a real prince. Everything he said or did, was always later picked apart by Erwin "We just spent a heat together" "I don't care. I don't think you know how much I want you. You're beautiful Eren. The most beautiful man I've ever met" Pumping Eren slowly, Eren moaned as he scooted back against him, slick smearing in Levi's crotch as he did "Fuck... you're so wet for me..." "Master... fuck me?" Levi snorted through his nose "Your wish is my command. I want you from behind. Place your hands on the bedhead for me, and don't take them off" Eating Eren out was new for them. Eren usually couldn't wait to be knotted, and Levi was eager to please... but sucking and licking as he eagerly drank down Eren's slick, that was new. The liquid tastes better than any expensive alcohol in kingdom, and even better than the most expensive and rare brands of tea. He could spend hours drinking, and it still wouldn't be enough. Never in his life did he think he'd be placing his lips against someone's arsehole, or fucking them there with his tongue, but shit... he was dizzy with desire and Eren's slick never seemed to end. By the time Levi finally stopped abusing Eren's opening, it was gaping and twitching. Eren was panting and shaking with effort, the teen having kept his hands against the bedhead, despite it not being a command. Running his hands up Eren's side, he easily pushed into his heat as his rose to his knee, Eren shuddering the moment Levi was balls deep "Alpha... it hurts" "What hurts?" "I need to come..." Resting his chin on Eren's shoulder, Levi's breath fell across Eren's ear "You've done so good for me, omega. Going to fuck you and knot you, and you're going to come with me buried in you. I'm the only one who's allowed to make you come" Eren nodded quickly "Yes, master. Please... I've taken my herbs. It's safe. I need it... I've been good" "Good boy" Both of them couldn't last, everything so intense for Eren that his first orgasm hit with Levi's second thrust, his second hit with Levi's knot, as did a third dry orgasm on the heels of that one that had Eren whimpering and trying to pull away. There was no way sex with Petra could feel this good. He didn't even know what he was supposed to do with a vagina... They seemed "complicated". And sex with Petra would only be to provide the kingdom with heirs, despite the fact they should be Erwin's children. Pulling Eren down, he held him tightly with one arm, as he manoeuvred them back so into the position they'd been in before. Eren was out like a light the moment his head hit the pillow, while Levi wasn't that far behind him, still flooding his lover with his seed. No. He couldn't sleep with anyone but Eren. Even if the teen was a stubborn little brat who insisted on thinking about the bigger picture. He loved holding Eren, and the teen's magic seemed to trust that he only wanted the best for him. Wrapped around Eren, Levi slept so deeply that when he woke, he had no clue as to what the hell was happening. Letting out a cry, Eren was ripped from his hold. Pushing Eren up against the wall, Eren whimpered as Erwin towered over him "What the fuck did you do?!" Scrambling off his bed, Levi snarled "Let him go!" "Do you know what he's done?! Do you?! We have two riders and dragons from Draecia here! And surprise, surprise, they're looking for Eren!" Shaking Eren, the mage let out a cry. Angered, Levi strode across the room, grabbing Erwin by the arm. Erwin snarling at him as Eren's magic formed winds around his hands "We know! Ok. He wrote to Draecia!" "Why the fuck would you do that?! Answer me!" Eren was too scared to answer. He'd literally just been torn off Levi's dick. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he'd knotted Eren in his sleep, otherwise the bed would have been even more of a mess "Because he's part dragon rider!" Shoving Eren against the wall, Erwin backed up to sink down on the edge of Levi's bed, as Levi rushed to Eren. The alpha looked as if he'd been gut punched, while Eren was starting to cough as he shook. Rubbing the mages back, Eren struggled to catch his breath "He's part dragon rider... He wrote to Draecia to ask for advice. Even so, you had no right to lay hands on my omega like that" "He's... part dragon rider?" Erwin let out a laugh "Do you really expect me to believe that?" "Yes, I do. He's got the scales on his face and nape. If you hadn't just stormed in here and ripped him out of bed, we could have talked about this" "They're demanding to see him. I've already had to settle the troops, they thought we were being attacked" Half the shit stains never would have seen one before, let alone two "And they'll be waiting even longer now. Fetch him a clean uniform from his room, while I get us both ready" Levi was seething with rage. Eren's coughing wasn't easing. Small amounts of blood hovered in air. Even if Eren's magic was healing him, he never should have been hurt in the first place "I..." "Get the fuck out of here, before I tear your throat out with me teeth" Pulling Eren up towards the bathroom, the teen shook his head as Erwin left. Gasping down a few breaths, Eren's magic finally lessened once the bathroom door closed behind them "What the fuck is his problem?" "Probably the two huge dragons sitting outside. Draecia... doesn't generally visit the castle. Usually, we go to them, and as far as I know, this is the second time in since I became prince that they're here. Knowing him, he leapt right to the worse case scenario" Eren sighed softly, letting out a few small coughs before sighing again "I think your dick broke my arse" "Next time I'll remember to pull out before a mad man hurls you out of bed" "That would be nice. Thank you" Giving him a half smile, Eren groaned as he stretched up, cracking his back, then slumped back against him "I'm getting old" "Yes. You're fucking ancient. But seriously, are you ok? You hit the wall hard" "My magic's working on it... I hit my head, and well, with Erwin's anger, it freaked my omega a bit. I feel a little clingy, and a whole lot nervous" "Fucking Erwin..." "I'll be ok" "You shouldn't have to be ok. I get that he panicked, but he had no right to lay hands on you in such a way" Moving to stand in front of Eren, he gathered him into a proper hug, Eren slowly returning the embrace "Master. Just... you'll be there right? I have no idea how to address official people. Zeke came onto me, and I don't have the most conventional relationship with you... So I can keep my mouth shut, right?" This little shit. God. He was perfect. Kissing Eren cheek, he nodded "Yes, I'll be right there. But do you know how to keep your mouth shut? And what do you mean Zeke came onto you?" "I mean you left me entertaining him. And I can be quiet, not like you last night. The whole castle probably heard us" "Let them" Eren huffed, pushing him off "Or not. Help me shower. My emotions are being stupid, and it's making it hard to control my magic" "Should I be worried?" "How do you feel about Erwin being set on fire?" "I think it's going to stink. Let's not set him on fire in here" "Great. Well, if he's dead, you get to be the prince for real..." "Don't even joke about it. You have no idea how much paperwork there is. And how much arse kissing goes on behind the scenes" Eren laughed, but the sound seemed forced "Don't lie to me, we both know you love arse kissing" "Purely yours. Now we behave, we have a meeting to attend and we both need to be on our best behaviour" "You need to be on your best behaviour, I need to keep my mouth shut" Somehow, Levi doubted it would play out like that. * Erwin was still in a mood as he followed Eren and Levi through the castle and out to the training grounds. The field of roses crushed beneath the giant beasts that filled the space. Eren insisted he was fine, but the omega was fooling no one with his anxious scent. Levi had found one of his fur cloaks that was long enough not to look stupid on Eren's tall frame, and it seemed to the alpha that the mage was trying to disappear into it. Normally matters of the state would be discussed in the sunroom, as it was one of the nicer rooms of the castle, but the two dragon riders from Draecia had preferred to stay outside with their dragons. Gasping, Eren was adorable as his mouth hung open at the sight of the two dragons, one white with pink through its scales, obviously younger than the second older grey and grizzled dragon that had clearly seen more than a few battles in its time. Leaning in, Erwin whispered "Don't do anything to embarrass us" "He won't. Eren, do you need a moment" "You could give me a fucking lifetime and I wouldn't be ready for this. Couldn't they have just sent a letter back?! They're massive!" "The first time I saw a dragon, I fainted" He hadn't really, though it'd been pretty damn close. The huge black beast which was the head dragon at the time, had looked like something sent from hell to claim his soul. It's twisting horns had been a reddy-black, giving it the appearance as if it's just gored something to death. As a young teen, he'd nearly pissed in fear "That doesn't actually make me feel better... fuck... I'm not ready for this" "Just bow and smile. That's all you can do" "I can feel them... I don't think they like me" "You think no one likes you" Stopping on the edge of the rose field, the two riders walked through as if there went hundreds of thorn covered rose stems. With a smile on her face, the smaller of two riders seemed much more approachable. Her pink scales more appealing than the grey scales of her partner. Striding right up to them, the pink scaled blond smiled widely "Prince Erwin, thank you for seeing us. I am Princess Historia, and this is my sister Princess Freya" The pair bowed, Levi and Eren bowing back "Thank you for making the long journey down to see us. We had intended to visit soon" "We know, but the thought of one of our own suffering with no answers, we felt we needed to come right away. Do you mind if out dragons join us?" "Not at all" Eren damn near leapt into his arms as both dragons morphed into people. Not all dragons had such abilities, only the dragons of the royal family, or of advanced age. The original dragon riders had been dragons that had taken human form, but as the centuries passed, they'd become two different species as dragon riders couldn't turn into dragons. As it turned out, Historia's dragon was a female named Ymir, while Freya's was an angry looking man who didn't give his name. Wrapping her arms around Historia, Ymir looked Eren up and down "So he's the one. His scales are off" "I'm sorry about Ymir. She's nothing if not brutally honest. Eren, may I look upon your scales?" "Y-yes, your majesty" Historia giggled. The girl really wasn't like the past dragon riders he'd met, who must have been the parents of the pair "Historia is fine. This won't hurt at all" Eren nervously passed Levi's cloak to him, as Historia closed the distance. Placing her hands on Eren's cheeks, she ran her thumbs over his omega's scales. Levi's alpha deciding now would be an appropriate time to be a jealous shit over it all "Do you have scales elsewhere?" "Across my nape" "May I?" Half kneeling, Eren exposed his nape to the princess. Levi nearly imploding as the woman's fingers softly traces the lines of the vow "Simply beautiful" Yes. Eren was. But what did that have to do with anything?! "And you say these appeared after your last heat?" "Indeed. My magic went out of control, and it took my master to bring it back in line" Historia nodded, Ymir pulling her close as if also jealous "You may rise" Standing, Eren looked to Historia "Do you know what this is?" "I have a very fair idea. But we'll need to use the oracle's altar to confirm. Is that alright with you, Prince Erwin?" "Yes, of course. We are most anxious to understand what is happening to Eren" "Excellent. Well then, we'll let you lead the way" Lead the way... he had no fucking idea how to get back to that shiny cave... "Of course, my bodyguard Levi is more than happy to lead the way" It was no where near enough payback from the anger that Erwin had demonstrated against Eren, but it was a start. He doubted Erwin could actually remember the way down to the glowing cave, and though he may be embarrassed when the man got them lost, it was worth. Erwin was going to be paying for his little stunt for a long time coming. Erwin was lost, but Eren saved the man from the embarrassment by guiding Levi with small covert touches, and somehow the alpha seemed to know what he as happening, despite walking in front of them. Leading them down to the altar, the room was just as glowy and weird as it'd been the night of Eren's heat... though there were significant less horny alphas and omegas. Walking up to the altar, Eren ran his finger over the top of it, drinking in everything he'd been too horny to see last time "What do you need me to do?" "We'll have you remove your boots and cloak. Also, Prince Erwin and Levi, we'll need you to stand back. It may look strange, or if Eren is pained, but I assure you that he will be most comfortable throughout it" Levi wasn't "assured" over anything. He'd seen Eren the last time he'd been on the altar, and that wasn't a sight he wanted to share with 4 strangers and the alpha Arse formally named Erwin "What will you do?" "We'll summon Eren's true magic to the surface" "True magic?" Historia gave him a sympathetic look, as if she knew he was completely magically inept "Every magic user has a naturally affinity to some aspect. Freya's speciality lies in metals and metal manipulation. Mine, is in life forces and healing" "They said Eren's was destructive..." "Yes, well. No offence, but Eldia magic isn't as potent as Dragon magic. Eren, if you please. This won't take long at all" Passing his cloak and boots to Levi, Eren gave him a firm nod. The mage had more faith in the strangers from Draecia than he did. Laying on the altar, Historia stood at the end with her hands on Eren's ankles, while Freya stood at the other with her hands in Eren's hair. It was hardly as magical as the ritual had been. The cave was bright, there weren't any mysterious figures, and Eren had his clothes on. So no. Nowhere near as magical "Are you ready?" "I guess so?" "Just relax. Remember, nothing you see can hurt you" "That's not very reassuring" "I'm sorry Eren. But I promise we'll give you all the answers you need once we confirm this" "It's ok. I mean, I did write to you asking for answers" Historia was passable, at least she tried to make an effort with Eren, unlike Freya who just looked annoyed. Nodding at her sister, Eren's body arched, both women holding him down as his trademark storm formed above them, brewing to the same intensity as it had been during his ritual. Beside him, Ymir let out a low whistle, the woman leaning on his shoulder like he wasn't supposed to be a prince "Your little boy toy's a storm dragon" "A what?" Ymir dragged out each syllable of her reply "A storm dragon. Am I speaking slowly enough for you?" "He's human" "Right? Just like you're not screwing him. We all know. You two smell like rabbits in heat. He's kind of dorky looking, don't you think? Still, you did pick yourself a hard on. Storm dragons never last long" Levi turned to Ymir with a glare on his face, the woman shrugging "What? Why?" "He's a tiny little human, with a whole lot of power. Even Freya's worried" "Worried about what?" "Eren. Are you stupid? Were you dropped on your head? I'm sorry that your education system failed you" Levi didn't give two shits that she was a dragon. Her annoying freckled face, and shit eating grin were grating on his nerves "You're thoroughly unpleasant" "And you're tiny. Do you need to use a stepping stool to pee in the toilet like a real man?" Levi spluttered. He had no idea what to say! "Calm down, it's just about over. You'll have your precious lover back soon" "How does Historia tolerate you?" "Don't let her appearance fool you. Historia is part of the new age of royals. Draecia isn't the quiet meek country you think they are" "Don't confuse us with Marley" "I thought you two were best friends" "Despite your horrible attitude, I'd still rather have you at our royal dining table, than Prince Pin-dick" Ymir burst into laughter, straightening up and slapping Levi on the back "You might be small, but, fuck. I think I might just like you" Leaning in, Erwin glared at both of them "Is it really appropriate to be laughing?" "Relax Big Brows, Historia and Freya are done" "How do you know that?" "Well, that magic storm is shrinking, and your mage boy is sitting up" Eren was sitting up, Levi having missed it as he faced Ymir to talk. Sliding himself off the altar, he looked the best out of the three. Walking over to Eren to return the cloak and shoes, he hunched as he coughed "Are you ok?" "I'm fine. I didn't feel anything... did you?" "No. I mean, I know your magic formed, but I didn't feel anything" Slipping the cloak around Eren's shoulders, Eren whispered "I think Historia was in my mind... I remembered some things" "Are you alright? With what you remembered?" "Yeah... I got a good reading of them to. We can trust them" Eren went about putting his boots on, Levi's whisper raising as he turned back to being the prince he was supposed to be "That's something. Historia, Freya, can you tell us what you've learned?" Historia smiled, Ymir had moved to her side while Levi had tended to Eren. Leaning into Ymir, the pair looked genuinely happy together. He'd heard the bond between rider and dragon was something entirely on another level, and it was easy to see why. Though, Freya's dragon didn't move to her side "Yes. Though, perhaps we should go someone we can sit down and talk. This may be a lot" "Of course. The sunroom, perhaps?" Historia gave a quick nod, before kissing Ymir on the cheek. She really wasn't like the dragon riders in the stories "That sounds excellent. I can feel a lot of dragon magic within this castle. I would love to consult with your magic users over it" "Naturally. We recently discovered dragon relics within the storage rooms, which we would like to return" "We have plenty of time to discuss the times of interest, but let us solve the mystery of Eren first?"
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dammitadolfnomorecake 5 years
馃彴鈿旓笍 DMODT- 18 start
Eren was still shaken over his scales. The teen continually touching then or hiding his face in his hands as Levi guided him out the bathroom and into his bedroom. Never had expected for Eren to develop scales, and he had absolutely no idea why. Dragon riders and dragons stayed in Draecia. That was just the way of the world, yet here was Eren with scales that looked suspicious Draecian in origin. No wonder the poor kid had freaked out, if anyone other than him had found him, it was likely the whole castle would have been made aware by now, and that was a complication he didn't need. Isabel and Farlan hadn't let up with the teasing until dinner time, where the pair joined him as backup. Then promptly spent the time looking from him to Petra and elbowing each other. Then, when he'd thought himself clear of it all, he'd been pulled aside by Hanji. Hanji was a menace to his mental health. The woman wanted access to Eren, for what seemed to be a never ending string of experiments. Even Moblit hadn't been able to quell the woman, instead the poor man was left there with his arms around her waist as she refused to be silenced or pulled away, until Erwin scolded her making a scene in front of their guests. He'd just about thought he was home free, when Petra's father piped up, that both he and Petra didn't consent to the dissolution of the declaration. Which meant he needed to do some creative truthing once he finally found Eren. He wasn't going to marry Petra. Even if she was pulling this shit. So, by the time he'd finally sought Eren out again, he'd wanted nothing more than to be held in the omega's arms, like a child running to their mother... only, Eren had yet another issue for him to sort out, and this one seemed suddenly so much larger than all of the other issues combined. He'd seen it in his eyes when Levi had pulled his hands down. Complete and genuine fear of what he was. He'd seen the look on many a soldiers face before, those making their first kill and taking a human life for the first time. The haunted look that stayed with them throughout the battle as they wondered how things had come to this. Eren was far too young for such a look. Even if the military enrolment age was even younger. Gathering Eren close to him, Levi led him to his bed "You're exhausted, and overtired. I can smell it on you. Everything's a bit much right now, but I'm not mad at you" "I... went against your command" "Yes, but I understand why and I'm not going to punish you for it. But I do want you to remember that I put that command in place for your safety and welfare. I don't like putting restrictions on you, Eren. I didn't take you so I could control your life. I don't want you to suffer, and it must have hurt to try and fight the command. Have you eaten?" "No... and are you sure you don't want to punish me?" "I'm not going to punish you. It's a bit late to be sending someone down to the kitchen, but I've got some apples thanks to Fluffybrow, and I know you like them" "Why do you call him Fluffybrow when we're alone?" "Because honestly, I don't want you calling anyone "Levi", other than me. My alpha hates it, despite the situation we're in. And also, I see the way your lips twitch with a smile each time I do" "He's going to be so mad..." "He likes to micromanage almost every aspect of this situation. But I've made my feelings known. For the second time in my life, I have found someone who accepts me, and someone I want to protect" "Second?" "The first being Isabel and Farlan, my family. Though I don't love you the way I love them. Let me get you that apple?" Eren was quite after they ate, the teen stripping down to his shirt to sleep without prompting. Levi had no doubt that Eren was overthinking everything again as he followed the omega's lead, though he stripped off completely, sliding into his bed naked then pulling Eren into his hold "I can hear you thinking" "I'm just..." "Over thinking" Kissing Eren's nape, the mage sighed softly "Yeah. Probably" "You know, I know a way to stop those thoughts" Sliding his hand down between Eren's legs, Eren gasped as his fingers wrapped around his dick. He hadn't intended to do anything other than sleep, but Eren smelt so fucking good. He knew he was hungry for him, to the point he was almost desperate. Eren had done this to him. He made him feel powerful, and in control. Not something he felt often thanks to not actually being a real prince. Everything he said or did, was always later picked apart by Erwin "We just spent a heat together" "I don't care. I don't think you know how much I want you. You're beautiful Eren. The most beautiful man I've ever met" Pumping Eren slowly, Eren moaned as he scooted back against him, slick smearing in Levi's crotch as he did "Fuck... you're so wet for me..." "Master... fuck me?" Levi snorted through his nose "Your wish is my command. I want you from behind. Place your hands on the bedhead for me, and don't take them off" Eating Eren out was new for them. Eren usually couldn't wait to be knotted, and Levi was eager to please... but sucking and licking as he eagerly drank down Eren's slick, that was new. The liquid tastes better than any expensive alcohol in kingdom, and even better than the most expensive and rare brands of tea. He could spend hours drinking, and it still wouldn't be enough. Never in his life did he think he'd be placing his lips against someone's arsehole, or fucking them there with his tongue, but shit... he was dizzy with desire and Eren's slick never seemed to end. By the time Levi finally stopped abusing Eren's opening, it was gaping and twitching. Eren was panting and shaking with effort, the teen having kept his hands against the bedhead, despite it not being a command. Running his hands up Eren's side, he easily pushed into his heat as his rose to his knee, Eren shuddering the moment Levi was balls deep "Alpha... it hurts" "What hurts?" "I need to come..." Resting his chin on Eren's shoulder, Levi's breath fell across Eren's ear "You've done so good for me, omega. Going to fuck you and knot you, and you're going to come with me buried in you. I'm the only one who's allowed to make you come" Eren nodded quickly "Yes, master. Please... I've taken my herbs. It's safe. I need it... I've been good" "Good boy" Both of them couldn't last, everything so intense for Eren that his first orgasm hit with Levi's second thrust, his second hit with Levi's knot, as did a third dry orgasm on the heels of that one that had Eren whimpering and trying to pull away. There was no way sex with Petra could feel this good. He didn't even know what he was supposed to do with a vagina... They seemed "complicated". And sex with Petra would only be to provide the kingdom with heirs, despite the fact they should be Erwin's children. Pulling Eren down, he held him tightly with one arm, as he manoeuvred them back so into the position they'd been in before. Eren was out like a light the moment his head hit the pillow, while Levi wasn't that far behind him, still flooding his lover with his seed. No. He couldn't sleep with anyone but Eren. Even if the teen was a stubborn little brat who insisted on thinking about the bigger picture. He loved holding Eren, and the teen's magic seemed to trust that he only wanted the best for him. Wrapped around Eren, Levi slept so deeply that when he woke, he had no clue as to what the hell was happening. Letting out a cry, Eren was ripped from his hold. Pushing Eren up against the wall, Eren whimpered as Erwin towered over him "What the fuck did you do?!" Scrambling off his bed, Levi snarled "Let him go!" "Do you know what he's done?! Do you?! We have two riders and dragons from Draecia here! And surprise, surprise, they're looking for Eren!" Shaking Eren, the mage let out a cry. Angered, Levi strode across the room, grabbing Erwin by the arm. Erwin snarling at him as Eren's magic formed winds around his hands "We know! Ok. He wrote to Draecia!" "Why the fuck would you do that?! Answer me!" Eren was too scared to answer. He'd literally just been torn off Levi's dick. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he'd knotted Eren in his sleep, otherwise the bed would have been even more of a mess "Because he's part dragon rider!" Shoving Eren against the wall, Erwin backed up to sink down on the edge of Levi's bed, as Levi rushed to Eren. The alpha looked as if he'd been gut punched, while Eren was starting to cough as he shook. Rubbing the mages back, Eren struggled to catch his breath "He's part dragon rider... He wrote to Draecia to ask for advice. Even so, you had no right to lay hands on my omega like that" "He's... part dragon rider?" Erwin let out a laugh "Do you really expect me to believe that?" "Yes, I do. He's got the scales on his face and nape. If you hadn't just stormed in here and ripped him out of bed, we could have talked about this" "They're demanding to see him. I've already had to settle the troops, they thought we were being attacked" Half the shit stains never would have seen one before, let alone two "And they'll be waiting even longer now. Fetch him a clean uniform from his room, while I get us both ready" Levi was seething with rage. Eren's coughing wasn't easing. Small amounts of blood hovered in air. Even if Eren's magic was healing him, he never should have been hurt in the first place "I..." "Get the fuck out of here, before I tear your throat out with me teeth" Pulling Eren up towards the bathroom, the teen shook his head as Erwin left. Gasping down a few breaths, Eren's magic finally lessened once the bathroom door closed behind them "What the fuck is his problem?" "Probably the two huge dragons sitting outside. Draecia... doesn't generally visit the castle. Usually, we go to them, and as far as I know, this is the second time in since I became prince that they're here. Knowing him, he leapt right to the worse case scenario" Eren sighed softly, letting out a few small coughs before sighing again "I think your dick broke my arse" "Next time I'll remember to pull out before a mad man hurls you out of bed" "That would be nice. Thank you" Giving him a half smile, Eren groaned as he stretched up, cracking his back, then slumped back against him "I'm getting old" "Yes. You're fucking ancient. But seriously, are you ok? You hit the wall hard" "My magic's working on it... I hit my head, and well, with Erwin's anger, it freaked my omega a bit. I feel a little clingy, and a whole lot nervous" "Fucking Erwin..." "I'll be ok" "You shouldn't have to be ok. I get that he panicked, but he had no right to lay hands on you in such a way" Moving to stand in front of Eren, he gathered him into a proper hug, Eren slowly returning the embrace "Master. Just... you'll be there right? I have no idea how to address official people. Zeke came onto me, and I don't have the most conventional relationship with you... So I can keep my mouth shut, right?" This little shit. God. He was perfect. Kissing Eren cheek, he nodded "Yes, I'll be right there. But do you know how to keep your mouth shut? And what do you mean Zeke came onto you?" "I mean you left me entertaining him. And I can be quiet, not like you last night. The whole castle probably heard us" "Let them" Eren huffed, pushing him off "Or not. Help me shower. My emotions are being stupid, and it's making it hard to control my magic" "Should I be worried?" "How do you feel about Erwin being set on fire?" "I think it's going to stink. Let's not set him on fire in here" "Great. Well, if he's dead, you get to be the prince for real..." "Don't even joke about it. You have no idea how much paperwork there is. And how much arse kissing goes on behind the scenes" "Don't lie to me, we both know you love arse kissing" "Purely yours. Now we behave, we have a meeting to attend and we both need to be on our best behaviour" "You need to be on your best behaviour, I need to keep my mouth shut" Somehow, Levi doubted it would play out like that.
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dammitadolfnomorecake 5 years
馃彴鈿旓笍 DMODT- 18 update
Eren was still shaken over his scales. The teen continually touching then or hiding his face in his hands as Levi guided him out the bathroom and into his bedroom. Never had expected for Eren to develop scales, and he had absolutely no idea why. Dragon riders and dragons stayed in Draecia. That was just the way of the world, yet here was Eren with scales that looked suspicious Draecian in origin. No wonder the poor kid had freaked out, if anyone other than him had found him, it was likely the whole castle would have been made aware by now, and that was a complication he didn't need. Isabel and Farlan hadn't let up with the teasing until dinner time, where the pair joined him as backup. Then promptly spent the time looking from him to Petra and elbowing each other. Then, when he'd thought himself clear of it all, he'd been pulled aside by Hanji. Hanji was a menace to his mental health. The woman wanted access to Eren, for what seemed to be a never ending string of experiments. Even Moblit hadn't been able to quell the woman, instead the poor man was left there with his arms around her waist as she refused to be silenced or pulled away, until Erwin scolded her making a scene in front of their guests. He'd just about thought he was home free, when Petra's father piped up, that both he and Petra didn't consent to the dissolution of the declaration. Which meant he needed to do some creative truthing once he finally found Eren. He wasn't going to marry Petra. Even if she was pulling this shit. So, by the time he'd finally sought Eren out again, he'd wanted nothing more than to be held in the omega's arms, like a child running to their mother... only, Eren had yet another issue for him to sort out, and this one seemed suddenly so much larger than all of the other issues combined. He'd seen it in his eyes when Levi had pulled his hands down. Complete and genuine fear of what he was. He'd seen the look on many a soldiers face before, those making their first kill and taking a human life for the first time. The haunted look that stayed with them throughout the battle as they wondered how things had come to this. Eren was far too young for such a look. Even if the military enrolment age was even younger. Gathering Eren close to him, Levi led him to his bed "You're exhausted, and overtired. I can smell it on you. Everything's a bit much right now, but I'm not mad at you" "I... went against your command" "Yes, but I understand why and I'm not going to punish you for it. But I do want you to remember that I put that command in place for your safety and welfare. I don't like putting restrictions on you, Eren. I didn't take you so I could control your life. I don't want you to suffer, and it must have hurt to try and fight the command. Have you eaten?" "No... and are you sure you don't want to punish me?" "I'm not going to punish you. It's a bit late to be sending someone down to the kitchen, but I've got some apples thanks to Fluffybrow, and I know you like them" "Why do you call him Fluffybrow when we're alone?" "Because honestly, I don't want you calling anyone "Levi", other than me. My alpha hates it, despite the situation we're in. And also, I see the way your lips twitch with a smile each time I do" "He's going to be so mad..." "He likes to micromanage almost every aspect of this situation. But I've made my feelings known. For the second time in my life, I have found someone who accepts me, and someone I want to protect" "Second?" "The first being Isabel and Farlan, my family. Though I don't love you the way I love them. Let me get you that apple?" Eren was quite after they ate, the teen stripping down to his shirt to sleep without prompting. Levi had no doubt that Eren was overthinking everything again as he followed the omega's lead, though he stripped off completely, sliding into his bed naked then pulling Eren into his hold "I can hear you thinking" "I'm just..." "Over thinking" Kissing Eren's nape, the mage sighed softly "Yeah. Probably" "You know, I know a way to stop those thoughts" Sliding his hand down between Eren's legs, Eren gasped as his fingers wrapped around his dick. He hadn't intended to do anything other than sleep, but Eren smelt so fucking good. He knew he was hungry for him, to the point he was almost desperate. Eren had done this to him. He made him feel powerful, and in control. Not something he felt often thanks to not actually being a real prince. Everything he said or did, was always later picked apart by Erwin "We just spent a heat together" "I don't care. I don't think you know how much I want you. You're beautiful Eren. The most beautiful man I've ever met" Pumping Eren slowly, Eren moaned as he scooted back against him, slick smearing in Levi's crotch as he did "Fuck... you're so wet for me..." "Master... fuck me?" Levi snorted through his nose "Your wish is my command. I want you from behind. Place your hands on the bedhead for me, and don't take them off" Eating Eren out was new for them. Eren usually couldn't wait to be knotted, and Levi was eager to please... but sucking and licking as he eagerly drank down Eren's slick, that was new. The liquid tastes better than any expensive alcohol in kingdom, and even better than the most expensive and rare brands of tea. He could spend hours drinking, and it still wouldn't be enough. Never in his life did he think he'd be placing his lips against someone's arsehole, or fucking them there with his tongue, but shit... he was dizzy with desire and Eren's slick never seemed to end. By the time Levi finally stopped abusing Eren's opening, it was gaping and twitching. Eren was panting and shaking with effort, the teen having kept his hands against the bedhead, despite it not being a command. Running his hands up Eren's side, he easily pushed into his heat as his rose to his knee, Eren shuddering the moment Levi was balls deep "Alpha... it hurts" "What hurts?" "I need to come..." Resting his chin on Eren's shoulder, Levi's breath fell across Eren's ear "You've done so good for me, omega. Going to fuck you and knot you, and you're going to come with me buried in you. I'm the only one who's allowed to make you come" Eren nodded quickly "Yes, master. Please... I've taken my herbs. It's safe. I need it... I've been good" "Good boy" Both of them couldn't last, everything so intense for Eren that his first orgasm hit with Levi's second thrust, his second hit with Levi's knot, as did a third dry orgasm on the heels of that one that had Eren whimpering and trying to pull away. There was no way sex with Petra could feel this good. He didn't even know what he was supposed to do with a vagina... They seemed "complicated". And sex with Petra would only be to provide the kingdom with heirs, despite the fact they should be Erwin's children. Pulling Eren down, he held him tightly with one arm, as he manoeuvred them back so into the position they'd been in before. Eren was out like a light the moment his head hit the pillow, while Levi wasn't that far behind him, still flooding his lover with his seed. No. He couldn't sleep with anyone but Eren. Even if the teen was a stubborn little brat who insisted on thinking about the bigger picture. He loved holding Eren, and the teen's magic seemed to trust that he only wanted the best for him. Wrapped around Eren, Levi slept so deeply that when he woke, he had no clue as to what the hell was happening. Letting out a cry, Eren was ripped from his hold. Pushing Eren up against the wall, Eren whimpered as Erwin towered over him "What the fuck did you do?!" Scrambling off his bed, Levi snarled "Let him go!" "Do you know what he's done?! Do you?! We have two riders and dragons from Draecia here! And surprise, surprise, they're looking for Eren!" Shaking Eren, the mage let out a cry. Angered, Levi strode across the room, grabbing Erwin by the arm. Erwin snarling at him as Eren's magic formed winds around his hands "We know! Ok. He wrote to Draecia!" "Why the fuck would you do that?! Answer me!" Eren was too scared to answer. He'd literally just been torn off Levi's dick. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he'd knotted Eren in his sleep, otherwise the bed would have been even more of a mess "Because he's part dragon rider!" Shoving Eren against the wall, Erwin backed up to sink down on the edge of Levi's bed, as Levi rushed to Eren. The alpha looked as if he'd been gut punched, while Eren was starting to cough as he shook. Rubbing the mages back, Eren struggled to catch his breath "He's part dragon rider... He wrote to Draecia to ask for advice. Even so, you had no right to lay hands on my omega like that" "He's... part dragon rider?" Erwin let out a laugh "Do you really expect me to believe that?" "Yes, I do. He's got the scales on his face and nape. If you hadn't just stormed in here and ripped him out of bed, we could have talked about this" "They're demanding to see him. I've already had to settle the troops, they thought we were being attacked" Half the shit stains never would have seen one before, let alone two "And they'll be waiting even longer now. Fetch him a clean uniform from his room, while I get us both ready" Levi was seething with rage. Eren's coughing wasn't easing. Small amounts of blood hovered in air. Even if Eren's magic was healing him, he never should have been hurt in the first place "I..." "Get the fuck out of here, before I tear your throat out with me teeth" Pulling Eren up towards the bathroom, the teen shook his head as Erwin left. Gasping down a few breaths, Eren's magic finally lessened once the bathroom door closed behind them "What the fuck is his problem?" "Probably the two huge dragons sitting outside. Draecia... doesn't generally visit the castle. Usually, we go to them, and as far as I know, this is the second time in since I became prince that they're here. Knowing him, he leapt right to the worse case scenario" Eren sighed softly, letting out a few small coughs before sighing again "I think your dick broke my arse" "Next time I'll remember to pull out before a mad man hurls you out of bed" "That would be nice. Thank you" Giving him a half smile, Eren groaned as he stretched up, cracking his back, then slumped back against him "I'm getting old" "Yes. You're fucking ancient. But seriously, are you ok? You hit the wall hard" "My magic's working on it... I hit my head, and well, with Erwin's anger, it freaked my omega a bit. I feel a little clingy, and a whole lot nervous" "Fucking Erwin..." "I'll be ok" "You shouldn't have to be ok. I get that he panicked, but he had no right to lay hands on you in such a way" Moving to stand in front of Eren, he gathered him into a proper hug, Eren slowly returning the embrace "Master. Just... you'll be there right? I have no idea how to address official people. Zeke came onto me, and I don't have the most conventional relationship with you... So I can keep my mouth shut, right?" This little shit. God. He was perfect. Kissing Eren cheek, he nodded "Yes, I'll be right there. But do you know how to keep your mouth shut? And what do you mean Zeke came onto you?" "I mean you left me entertaining him. And I can be quiet, not like you last night. The whole castle probably heard us" "Let them" Eren huffed, pushing him off "Or not. Help me shower. My emotions are being stupid, and it's making it hard to control my magic" "Should I be worried?" "How do you feel about Erwin being set on fire?" "I think it's going to stink. Let's not set him on fire in here" "Great. Well, if he's dead, you get to be the prince for real..." "Don't even joke about it. You have no idea how much paperwork there is. And how much arse kissing goes on behind the scenes" Eren laughed, but the sound seemed forced "Don't lie to me, we both know you love arse kissing" "Purely yours. Now we behave, we have a meeting to attend and we both need to be on our best behaviour" "You need to be on your best behaviour, I need to keep my mouth shut" Somehow, Levi doubted it would play out like that. * Erwin was still in a mood as he followed Eren and Levi through the castle and out to the training grounds. The field of roses crushed beneath the giant beasts that filled the space. Eren insisted he was fine, but the omega was fooling no one with his anxious scent. Levi had found one of his fur cloaks that was long enough not to look stupid on Eren's tall frame, and it seemed to the alpha that the mage was trying to disappear into it. Normally matters of the state would be discussed in the sunroom, as it was one of the nicer rooms of the castle, but the two dragon riders from Draecia had preferred to stay outside with their dragons. Gasping, Eren was adorable as his mouth hung open at the sight of the two dragons, one white with pink through its scales, obviously younger than the second older grey and grizzled dragon that had clearly seen more than a few battles in its time. Leaning in, Erwin whispered "Don't do anything to embarrass us" "He won't. Eren, do you need a moment" "You could give me a fucking lifetime and I wouldn't be ready for this. Couldn't they have just sent a letter back?! They're massive!" "The first time I saw a dragon, I fainted" He hadn't really, though it'd been pretty damn close. The huge black beast which was the head dragon at the time, had looked like something sent from hell to claim his soul. It's twisting horns had been a reddy-black, giving it the appearance as if it's just gored something to death. As a young teen, he'd nearly pissed in fear "That doesn't actually make me feel better... fuck... I'm not ready for this" "Just bow and smile. That's all you can do" "I can feel them... I don't think they like me" "You think no one likes you" Stopping on the edge of the rose field, the two riders walked through as if there went hundreds of thorn covered rose stems. With a smile on her face, the smaller of two riders seemed much more approachable. Her pink scales more appealing than the grey scales of her partner. Striding right up to them, the pink scaled blond smiled widely "Prince Erwin, thank you for seeing us. I am Princess Historia, and this is my sister Princess Freya" The pair bowed, Levi and Eren bowing back "Thank you for making the long journey down to see us. We had intended to visit soon" "We know, but the thought of one of our own suffering with no answers, we felt we needed to come right away. Do you mind if out dragons join us?" "Not at all" Eren damn near leapt into his arms as both dragons morphed into people. Not all dragons had such abilities, only the dragons of the royal family, or of advanced age. The original dragon riders had been dragons that had taken human form, but as the centuries passed, they'd become two different species as dragon riders couldn't turn into dragons. As it turned out, Historia's dragon was a female named Ymir, while Freya's was an angry looking man who didn't give his name. Wrapping her arms around Historia, Ymir looked Eren up and down "So he's the one. His scales are off" "I'm sorry about Ymir. She's nothing if not brutally honest. Eren, may I look upon your scales?" "Y-yes, your majesty" Historia giggled. The girl really wasn't like the past dragon riders he'd met, who must have been the parents of the pair "Historia is fine. This won't hurt at all" Eren nervously passed Levi's cloak to him, as Historia closed the distance. Placing her hands on Eren's cheeks, she ran her thumbs over his omega's scales. Levi's alpha deciding now would be an appropriate time to be a jealous shit over it all "Do you have scales elsewhere?" "Across my nape" "May I?" Half kneeling, Eren exposed his nape to the princess. Levi nearly imploding as the woman's fingers softly traces the lines of the vow "Simply beautiful" Yes. Eren was. But what did that have to do with anything?! "And you say these appeared after your last heat?" "Indeed. My magic went out of control, and it took my master to bring it back in line" Historia nodded, Ymir pulling her close as if also jealous "You may rise" Standing, Eren looked to Historia "Do you know what this is?" "I have a very fair idea. But we'll need to use the oracle's altar to confirm. Is that alright with you, Prince Erwin?" "Yes, of course. We are most anxious to understand what is happening to Eren" "Excellent. Well then, we'll let you lead the way" Lead the way... he had no fucking idea how to get back to that shiny cave... "Of course, my bodyguard Levi is more than happy to lead the way" It was no where near enough payback from the anger that Erwin had demonstrated against Eren, but it was a start. He doubted Erwin could actually remember the way down to the glowing cave, and though he may be embarrassed when the man got them lost, it was worth. Erwin was going to be paying for his little stunt for a long time coming. Erwin was lost, but Eren saved the man from the embarrassment by guiding Levi with small covert touches, and somehow the alpha seemed to know what he as happening, despite walking in front of them. Leading them down to the altar, the room was just as glowy and weird as it'd been the night of Eren's heat... though there were significant less horny alphas and omegas. Walking up to the altar, Eren ran his finger over the top of it, drinking in everything he'd been too horny to see last time "What do you need me to do?" "We'll have you remove your boots and cloak. Also, Prince Erwin and Levi, we'll need you to stand back. It may look strange, or if Eren is pained, but I assure you that he will be most comfortable throughout it" Levi wasn't "assured" over anything. He'd seen Eren the last time he'd been on the altar, and that wasn't a sight he wanted to share with 4 strangers and the alpha Arse formally named Erwin "What will you do?" "We'll summon Eren's true magic to the surface" "True magic?" Historia gave him a sympathetic look, as if she knew he was completely magically inept "Every magic user has a naturally affinity to some aspect. Freya's speciality lies in metals and metal manipulation. Mine, is in life forces and healing" "They said Eren's was destructive..." "Yes, well. No offence, but Eldia magic isn't as potent as Dragon magic. Eren, if you please. This won't take long at all" Passing his cloak and boots to Levi, Eren gave him a firm nod. The mage had more faith in the strangers from Draecia than he did. Laying on the altar, Historia stood at the end with her hands on Eren's ankles, while Freya stood at the other with her hands in Eren's hair. It was hardly as magical as the ritual had been. The cave was bright, there weren't any mysterious figures, and Eren had his clothes on. So no. Nowhere near as magical "Are you ready?" "I guess so?" "Just relax. Remember, nothing you see can hurt you" "That's not very reassuring" "I'm sorry Eren. But I promise we'll give you all the answers you need once we confirm this" "It's ok. I mean, I did write to you asking for answers" Historia was passable, at least she tried to make an effort with Eren, unlike Freya who just looked annoyed. Nodding at her sister, Eren's body arched, both women holding him down as his trademark storm formed above them, brewing to the same intensity as it had been during his ritual. Beside him, Ymir let out a low whistle, the woman leaning on his shoulder like he wasn't supposed to be a prince "Your little boy toy's a storm dragon" "A what?" Ymir dragged out each syllable of her reply "A storm dragon. Am I speaking slowly enough for you?" "He's human" "Right? Just like you're not screwing him. We all know. You two smell like rabbits in heat. He's kind of dorky looking, don't you think? Still, you did pick yourself a hard on. Storm dragons never last long" Levi turned to Ymir with a glare on his face, the woman shrugging "What? Why?" "He's a tiny little human, with a whole lot of power. Even Freya's worried" "Worried about what?" "Eren. Are you stupid? Were you dropped on your head? I'm sorry that your education system failed you" Levi didn't give two shits that she was a dragon. Her annoying freckled face, and shit eating grin were grating on his nerves "You're thoroughly unpleasant" "And you're tiny. Do you need to use a stepping stool to pee in the toilet like a real man?" Levi spluttered. He had no idea what to say! "Calm down, it's just about over. You'll have your precious lover back soon" "How does Historia tolerate you?" "Don't let her appearance fool you. Historia is part of the new age of royals. Draecia isn't the quiet meek country you think they are" "Don't confuse us with Marley" "I thought you two were best friends" "Despite your horrible attitude, I'd still rather have you at our royal dining table, than Prince Pin-dick" Ymir burst into laughter, straightening up and slapping Levi on the back "You might be small, but, fuck. I think I might just like you"
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