#i really thought i wouldn't divulge info on my projects on this site
marinesocks · 2 years
Pleease tell me more about the everbeasts!! I adore huge hulking creatures. Did one of them ever confuse a cartographer who thought it was a mountain until it moved and completely threw off their map?? :D
and of course!!! your idea is so funny to me but unfortunately no. i'm trying to skirt the boring ecology stuff but unfortunately this tidbit is relevant to this question!!! basically in the universe there's this whole thing with everything having life energy, whatever, you've heard it before, i'm sure. everbeasts, though, are unique in the sense that they can directly absorb life energy from the earth itself? generally one would have to destroy other organisms to gain their life energy but like. everbeasts can just suck that shit up through their huge feet
think of them like. whales of the earth. despite their size, they can feed on plankton!!
Unfortunately this means that when they are in an area, they draw nutrients out of the earth and make wherever they are walking infertile. (not to mention all the vegetation and creatures they inadvertently crush, but whatever). so if they stay in one area they'll eventually starve because they've sucked all of the life out of wherever they are resting!! so they have to be constantly migrating!!
(and dont worry about whatever they destroy. the destruction just lets everything grow back better!!)
HELP WOW THIS WAS A LOT anyway that's my very long answer as to why they don't really get confused with actual mountains. though they are similar in size, they're constantly moving, which, last i checked, is not something mountains usually do.
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