#i p much had to act dumb to get outta that situation and then bolstered myself at the end when they asked if i had any questions
linharrdt · 2 months
Im so pissed that supervisor that is a creep claimed that i was spreading rumors abt it and i got a stern talking to from my bosses abt it even tho im not the one who spread it, other ppl talked abt it a lot, im p sure one of the teens that i was trying to protect ratted me out and it just pisses me off so much and my bosses were telling me that everything was false when ive been noticing odd behaviors from this bitch and given her history i dont have a doubt in my mind that she’s a creep!! I hate how they were trying to accuse me of being the source of all this and trying to gaslight me hate it! I didn’t get in trouble or fired tho bc they know they need me i hate it when dumb ppl try to outsmart you it’s so lame whatever at least i still have a job
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