#i originally started reading the article bc i was confused between invertebrates and exoskeletons so i looked up the difference
dogbunni · 1 year
Alright, I stumbled into the subject about 15 minutes ago with a starbucks and 0 medication but here are highlights from the tardigrade wiki page:
tardigrades are
Cosmopolitan ✨
they're also known as 🥺moss piglets🥺 or little water bears 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
they've survived all 5 mass extinctions
can live between 4 months - 10 years (counting dormant states)
they're not extremophiles bc extremophiles thrive in extreme conditions. tardigrades do not thrive. they are just ✨really good at suffering✨
speaking of the dormant state, while in it their water content drops to about 1% of it's normal state. dehydrated queens 💅
seriously they can go without water for 30 years??????
they can withstand the pressure of 6000 atmospheres! Wikipedia says this is almost 6 times the pressure of Mariana's trench. Go little piglets, Go!!!
speaking of the 10 year dormancy life span. there is a 120 year old specimen which is basically shrodingers piglet atm. leg movement has been observed but Wikipedia insists this is "not generally considered survival" eat my entire ass, my old man is just grandpa joe-ing it, get him a golden ticket and watch him do a little jig
Radiation can perform like, early term abortions on tardigrade eggs, but once the eggs are like, viable I guess, radiation ceases to have effect. Straight up these guys would survive nuclear apocalypse. Unbothered queens 💅
They can survive in outer space :)
For a while anyway
[It's impressive that anything can survive any amount of time out there. Go little piggies, Go!]
They would survive on mars with no life support if they had something to eat
Starting a go fund me to send tardigrades to mars with a little packed lunch. I just want to see what would happen <3
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