#i need to punt knuckles over a fence. i need to
rabbithaver · 5 months
4 notes · View notes
Irresistible Danger - Part 44
Synopsis:  After being caught outside the compound on your own, Negan decides to punish you in the best way possible ;)
Characters: Negan x female reader
Words: 2,964
Warnings: nsfw, swearing
Author’s Note: I know, I know, it doesn’t feel like a lot happens in this chapter, but it was needed as a transition, to help set the scene for the next chapter ;)
*Yes, I know the gif below isn’t of Negan, but I wanted to use it anyways*
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The following day couldn’t seem to go fast enough. There had been multiple times where you looked down at your watch, only to internally groan to see that only a few scant minutes had passed since the last time you checked. It wasn’t as if this was the first time you’d been invited to Negan’s rooms after dinner; far from it. But, this time felt different, especially after that kiss the two of you had shared against his desk last night. You felt goosebumps pop up along your forearms just remembering the way he had pulled your body into his, causing you to feel both safe and utterly terrified at the intimacy of the moment. And while it was possible that you were reading too much into it, your gut told you that he hadn’t said the word “date” lightly...that the word choice had been deliberate.
 Course, there was always the chance that you’d show up and find things no different than before, that you were placing too much importance on tonight, and imagining things that weren’t even there. Your subconscious grabbed that little ball of doubt, before it could manifest into something larger, and effectively punted it across the kitchen.
 Turning to hand the last full tray to one of the servers, you used the back of your hand to wipe sweat off your brow and looked around the bustling kitchen. You had changed up the menu on your staff at the last minute, deciding on a spaghetti dish with alfredo sauce and fresh mushrooms from the garden, rather than the stew that was originally planned for today. You’d be lying if you said that the change wasn’t due to seeing Negan tonight. Pasta seemed like a more date-worthy meal than stew...if it even was a date. Your subconscious glared at you, before turning and baring its teeth at the ball of doubt that had tried to roll closer again.
 Going to the swinging doors that separated the kitchen from the cafeteria, you peeked out into the large room, checking to make sure that all of the members had their food and appeared happy and content. Your eyes flickered over a table that appeared to be low on water, so you grabbed a nearby pitcher before walking past groups of chatting individuals and stopping to fill the mostly empty glasses.
 Leaning in between two men, you reached down for their glasses, and almost dropped the pitcher when the one raised his head, an expanse of bubbled and healing flesh meeting your gaze. You found yourself staring down into the eyes of Harry, the man whom Negan had punished a little over a week ago. He gave you a small nod and quiet thanks for the refill before turning back to his buddies, causing you to kick yourself back into motion. Hurriedly filling the rest of the table’s glasses, you went back into the kitchen, letting out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding when you stepped through the swinging doors.
 You weren’t sure what you had expected to happen; it wasn’t as if Harry knew about you and Negan, or had any clue as to how his public punishment had kick-started a brutal argument between the two of you. Still, you felt guilty when looking at him...and not for the reason you would have expected.
 You weren’t feeling guilty because he had been punished, or because you had feelings for the man who had done the punishment. No, you felt guilty because part of you now understood why the punishment had been necessary. Harry was a physical reminder to everyone of the brutality that was Negan; a reminder of what happened when you fucked up and put others in danger. Even though you still were not 100% in agreement with Negan’s rules, he had given you a better insight into his thought process the other night, and you were starting to see things from his point of view, as well.
 You had given a lot of thought to what Negan had told you before his last run, and realized that it wasn’t just Harry falling asleep on the job (which even pre-apocalypse would be grounds for getting fired from a lot of employers) that had made Negan so irate. It was the fact that he had put others in danger of not only getting hurt, but potentially being killed, if they had been bit by any of the walkers that had broken through the fence.
 Also, that incident had only been three days after Negan lost Ken in the woods, so it was very likely that he was still recovering from what he saw as his own mistake, and how it had cost Ken his life. No matter that you knew Ken’s demise wasn’t specifically Negan’s fault; he blamed himself for it. So, to see a situation with more potential loss happen because someone else made a mistake just three days later...well...it was getting easier and easier to understand why Negan had lost his temper, and you had to admit that Harry had gotten off fairly easily, considering. If someone had died because of his little nap...you knew he wouldn’t even be alive to eat the food he was currently shoveling into his scarred face.
 You had been dreading seeing Harry up close, and were surprised that the encounter hadn’t affected you in the anticipated manner. You weren’t sure what it said about you, that Negan’s methods were beginning to sound logical, but that was a topic better left to analyze later.
 As if knowing now was the perfect time to offer a distraction, Simon waltzed through the doors of the kitchen, a large smile on his face. He handed his empty dinner plate to a nearby Ben, who had immediately frozen at the sight of the large man, and you prayed that he didn’t drop the plate or act as incredibly clumsy as he typically did when in Simon’s presence. While it was kind of adorable, you also weren’t sure if such an obvious reaction worked for or against his chances with the Savior. And you did think he might have a chance, if the way the older man always seemed to find a reason to visit the kitchens lately was any indication.
 Even though Negan had returned from his supply run yesterday, Ben informed you that Simon had still stopped by during breakfast this morning, to “check up on things”. Ben seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he might be the reason for such a visit, and you decided to give him some time to figure it out on his own, before making any remarks. Especially since it had taken you a ridiculous amount of time yourself to realize that Negan had done the same thing, and found excuses to be in your presence over the past month.
 Walking over to you, Simon’s grin was so big as to be almost a snarl. You weren’t sure if you liked the gleam in his eyes, or the joyful way he clapped you on the shoulder while exclaiming, “I come bearing a request of two dinner plates for Negan!”
Lowering your eyebrows in confusion, you hesitantly replied, “I was under the impression that I was the one taking dinner to him tonight.”
 Simon’s smile stayed in place, teeth flashing white as he said, “Nonsense! He wants me to take them.” At that, he snapped his fingers, before saying, “Chop chop, clock’s a tickin’.”  
 Confusion giving way to irritation, you turned to find that Trixie was already in the process of gathering together a tray with two plates of pasta, fresh rolls, and a pitcher of water with accompanying glasses. Seeing her be so helpful was almost more of a shock than seeing Harry earlier had been, especially when she held back from any type of snarky comment or conniving grin as she walked over and handed the tray to Simon.
 Taking it from her with a wink, he turned back to you, his voice lowering as he leaned in close. “I’m to meet you in front of Negan’s rooms in exactly 15 minutes, so I can show you where to go.”
 You were going to develop permanent forehead wrinkles if you furrowed your brow any harder, but his words made absolutely no sense. Obviously not willing to give any more information than that, Simon did a one-eighty and exited the room, giving a cheerful, “Later, Ben!” as he left.
 It was Ben who unfroze himself first, looking over at you with a flush still on his cheeks, trying to hide a smile. “Well, what are you waiting for?” he said expectantly.
 Still not putting two and two together, he gave a sigh at your sudden inability to see logic. Walking over, he took the pitcher of water out of your hand, which you had been clutching in a white-knuckled grip this entire time without even realizing it.
 Giving you a gentle nudge with his shoulder, he said, “You’ve got fifteen minutes to go back to your room and freshen up, perhaps by putting on a shirt that doesn’t smell like alfredo.” He gave you a considering look and added, “I’d also take your hair down, just to throw him off a bit.”
 You had told Ben earlier about your dinner plans with Negan, and now realized that Ben also viewed tonight as an actual date, and that you hadn't been overanalyzing the situation, after all.  Which meant that...dear god, you really did need to change your shirt, especially since the heat from the boiling pasta water had caused noticeable sweat spots to form under your arms.
 Eyes widening, you gave a silent nod to Ben, turning and all but flying out of the kitchen. You had wasted a few minutes being dense about Simon’s words, plus the couple of minutes travel time to get to your room and then to Negan’s room...shit...that really wasn’t much time to look presentable.
 Thankfully, most of the compound was either eating or outside guarding the fences, so you didn’t see anyone in the halls as you sprinted around turns and up the staircase. Entering your room, you glanced around frantically, before feeling a wave of disappointment so large as to be a bit nauseating.
 You don’t own any nice clothes or anything that isn’t a damn t-shirt, was your panicked internal monologue. How the hell are you supposed to “freshen up” for this?!
 Taking a deep breath, you walked over to the crates that held most of your belongings, and took inventory of which clothes were clean. Kicking off your shoes and shimmying out of your regular work jeans, you debated between the jeans with the thigh rip and one of the two pairs of gym shorts that you owned. The shorts would show off more skin, but they  would also make you look like you were about to go out running, not sitting down for dinner. Grabbing the jeans with the rip, you threw them on and tore your shirt over your head. The snug green t-shirt that gave you the best cleavage needed to be washed, of course. In fact, you were overdue to wash laundry, and so were left deciding between the solid grey shirt or the pink shirt with a dove on it. Remembering that the grey one had witnessed your first two make-out encounters with Negan, you went with that one, for good luck. I’ve really gotta buy some better clothes at commissary, you scolded yourself.
 Taking Ben’s advice, you pulled out the pins holding your hair up, and it fell down around your shoulders. There were some creases in it, from being pulled up in a bun all day, but you reassured yourself that it just added some extra volume, since you didn’t have time to do anything more to it, anyways. Pulling your sneakers back on and applying a liberal amount of deodorant, since you didn’t have time for a shower, you power-walked down the hall to the bathroom, wetting a paper towel and wiping the shine off your face. Glancing down at your watch, you saw you had two minutes before you were to meet Simon. Deciding that this was as good as it was going to get, you started for the fourth floor.
 Simon was waiting for you in front of Negan’s door, as promised, and gave a grin when he saw you. He was the first person you had ever met whose constant smiling was actually more unnerving than if he had been wearing a scowl. You got the impression that there was a lot of knowledge behind that smile, including knowledge about you, and you weren’t sure how to feel about it.
 Without saying a word, Simon motioned for you to follow him, and started down the hall. You wanted to ask where he was going, but knew he probably wouldn’t answer, so instead followed him silently. You hadn’t been further down this hall than Negan’s rooms before, and you curiously passed by a few doors, some of which you guessed to be storage closets, and at least one of them was probably the room where he held meetings with his men. When you got to the end of the hall, Simon pushed open a door that led to a second staircase you had never seen before. It appeared to be a back entrance of sorts, one that only Negan and his Saviors used.
 Simon stood back, giving you room to pass by, and swept his arm out in front of him with a bow. You might have found his actions humorous, if your stomach wasn’t flip flopping in confusion of what the hell was going on. Walking forward, you passed by him and stepped into the stairwell, jumping about a foot in the air at the sound of the heavy metal door closing behind you. Since it didn’t make any sense why you’d be expected to go down, you walked over to the set of stairs leading upwards, towards the roof.
 Your mind raced, trying to piece together why Negan would want to meet up here. He hadn’t given any indication or warning that you weren’t eating in his room, and the unfamiliar territory made you feel off balance and even more unsure of yourself. Arriving at the top of the stairs, there was nowhere to go except through the large, grey door in front of you. Taking a deep breath, you reached out and turned the handle, the warm evening air hitting your face as you stepped out onto the roof of the Sanctuary.
 There were three tall, abandoned smokestacks jutting out of the middle of the building, and they cast long shadows over you in the early evening sunlight.  Since there wasn't anyone on this half of the roof, you guessed Negan was on the opposite side of the large cylinders. At least, you hoped he was, and that you hadn’t been mistaken in coming up here.
 Heading to the left of the stacks, you walked around the corner...and stopped dead at the sight in front of you.
 There was a large, emerald green rug set up near the edge of the roof, and in the middle of it was a small dining table and two chairs. The table held the food that Trixie had given to Simon, and there was a lit candle in the middle of the table that was flickering slightly in the breeze. However, you only vaguely noticed the set-up, your gaze sweeping quickly over it before locking onto the man who stood up from the table.
 Negan had lost the leather jacket, and his upper half was clad only in a snug, black t-shirt that instantly made your mouth water. He had traded in his usual light grey pants for what appeared to be a pair of charcoal-hued slacks. His hair looked to be freshly slicked back in its usual style, showing off his handsome face. The changes in his attire weren’t massive, but they still showed that he had put a little extra effort into this evening. His typical outfit was part of his image, part of the armor he wore. The fact that he had put on an entirely different outfit spoke volumes, and it didn't hurt that he also looked damn good in them. You were relieved to know that you hadn’t read too much into his word choice for this occasion, after all.
 It appeared that his thoughts were traveling a similar path, as his gaze scanned down over you slowly, before lifting up and focusing on your hair. You swore his eyes had darkened by the time they returned to your own, and you felt a rush of power at the thought that something as simple as a different hairstyle could have such an effect on him.
 This man, whom everyone else in the Sanctuary (and other surrounding communities) feared, was dropping his emotional walls and casting aside his tough-guy persona, as he gave you a smile that was sincere and free of malice. His eyes crinkled at the corners in genuine delight at your presence, and it was in that moment that you realized how utterly screwed you were, because your walls were quickly dropping around him, as well.
 He moved to pull the second chair away from the table and swept his arm in front of him to beckon you forward. It was a similar gesture to the one which Simon had given you just a couple of minutes ago, but the action was much more charismatic when coming from the man standing before you. Negan’s voice finally broke the silence, the deep, husky tone causing a shiver to involuntarily run down your spine.
 “Hiya, doll. Care to join me?”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Those who didn’t pop up for me to tag have been bolded, and will be removed if they continue to not work.
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icemaninvestments · 7 years
New Season to Trumpy Treason
Ok Kidz here we go a new season approaches and it is time to add this years ante post Football selections to the IceManInvestment Portfolio.
As per previous seasons our profits will largely be retained for future investment opportunities, however, Mrs IceMan will receive a dividend in acknowledgement of her commitment to the  'Shop to Save' philosophy. In addition we hope to make a contribution to two anti fascist causes Rojava Solidarity and Hope not Hate a group that calls out 'The Fash' whatever its colour or creed.
Last season I swerved the premier League because I could not be arsed with all the hype and bullshit that surrounds it.This pre-season we are seeing average players trade for £50 million and some prima-donna players sulking in an effort to engineer lucrative transfers. I think the whole EPL circus is in danger of doing what 'The Mooch' accused Steve Bannon of. (check it out if you don't get the reference).
So skipping the EPL we are straight in with the Championship . As usual I like to take positions as single bets ( no accumulators ) and where possible playing the promotion market which means we collect if our team goes up via the play offs like Millwall last season. This generally means that the bet will be interesting for most of the season as even a team in 10th place for most of the campaign could have a late surge and secure a top 6 play off slot . Most obvious selection this year would be Middlesborough who did us a favour when they last played in this division . However I am looking a little under the radar and going with Derby County at 9/2 . They have a well regarded Manager in Gary Rowett and despite the under achievers tag they have made 2 of the last 4 play offs. Personnel wise they have lost Tom Ince and Will Hughes but gained Curtis Davies and Tom Huddlestone who should be a cracking performer at this level..
League 1  
Blackburn dominate the betting in this League but I am looking elsewhere for value and going for Bradford City at 9/2 . They have wisely stuck with Manager Stuart McCall and I expect them to make it third time lucky and actually go up via the play offs having unluckily missed out in the last two seasons.
League 2
This league has been a graveyard for me in recent seasons. Last years selection Leyton Orient was without doubt the poorest tip I have ever provided .  I have had first fence fallers in the Grand National perform better. This year though I have a certainty . Once again I will overlook the market leaders in this case Mansfield a club who have added 13 new players pre season . I am going for Luton Town to be promoted at 7/4. They have steadily improved since returning to League football and made the play offs last season. There have been some comings and goings in the squad but the consensus is they are stronger than last time . Have had a brilliant pre-season as well .  
National League
Was very unlucky last year with Tranmere Rovers who lost out on promotion by losing a play off final with two influential players missing the game through injury . I see no reason to abandon them and am backing them for promotion at 11/8. They have had a strong pre season as well.
Moving on to Scotland the homeland of Mrs IceMan where the 'Fitba' set up is a bit different. The leagues are smaller and you do not have promotion markets.There are not many pre-season friendlies as Cup competitions start early for lower league sides. In addition the Scottish Premiership is not competitive as the Mighty Celtic are so dominant. They are not really backable at 1/8 but to be honest that is effectively ' buying money ' and a better return than a savings account. C'mon the Hoops.
Scottish Premiership    
In view of the above we need a different angle on this league so I am sticking to the tried and tested Aberdeen to finish best of the rest at 11/8. This bet has delivered 2 seasons in a row already . This position is a bonus one for me as Rangers head this market . Rangers have been beaten in Europe already this season by a team from mighty Luxembourg. Some of the knuckle dragging element of their support put this down to having a Catholic Manager (Yes Seriously). So lets hope 'The Sheep ' can do us a favour by grabbing second slot and giving us all another opportunity to laugh at Rangers.
Scottish Championship
I am going for the favourites Dundee United to win this division at 2/1. They have been brilliant in this seasons Cup games chalking up 3 wins and a draw against city rivals Dundee who are a premiership outfit. This is a competitive league and i expect Falkirk ,St.Mirren and Inverness to run them close. As ever I do like an Irish connection in my Scottish bets and Dundee United were originally called Dundee Harps as they were formed by the Irish emigrant community.
Scottish league 1
Putting up Ayr United at 5/2 to win this . Ayr have had a cracking start to the campaign in cup games which is the reason why I think they may shock the short priced favourite Raith Rovers (Gordon Brown's team).
Scottish League 2
Ok hands up the season has not even started and I am getting cold feet about my selection already. However my money is on so in interests of full disclosure I have backed the 'Wee Bully' Clyde at 6/1 each way so need a top 3 place . Sadly not as much thought went into this small punt. This was pretty much a market driven bet in reaction to a lot of movement to 4/1. Clyde have actually suffered a 5-1 cup defeat to Ayr since bet placed so market now adjusted back to a general 5/1. Stirling Albion are now the most interesting side market wise with price spread from 12/1 to 8/1. Still whats done is done. Let it play out.
Got outstanding USA Open bet on Elina Svitola at 80/1 now trading at 16/1(Iceprice) .Tournament starts at end of August so need to decide whether to roll with this chasing the big bucks or cash it in for a small profit. As mentioned in previous posts I took a long term position on this event on basis that she would move up the rankings throughout the year and offer us a trade out opportunity at this stage.
Gaelic Sports
Mixed bag here in the Hurling Galway backed at 4/1 are going well and now trade as 7/4 Favorite (IcePrice) as they approach a semi final clash with Tipperary. I fully expect this bet to land. The Gaelic Football front has Monaghan 40/1 and into the Quarter Finals. Normally at this stage I would expect to have a similar dilemma to the one above about trading out this position. However bizarrely this is not an option because they can still be backed at 80/1(ShitePrice). Combination of reasons for this firstly at this stage all new bets are win only whereas my position is each way . Secondly Monaghan although winning have not been that convincing and thirdly they face QF opponents in the strong Tournament favorites Dublin. So this might all be over after this weekend . However upsets can happen and Monaghan did produce their best performance in defeating Down in the last round.
Football World Cup 2018
Poland 150/1 now 80/1 (IcePrice) and Argentina 9/1 which is still available    
Horse Racing
Have got on board with recent  spectacular Goodwood winner Expert Eye at 6/1 for next years 2000 Guineas . Sadly I was a bit slow to react and missed the 8/1 but he now trades at 5/1 so got a bit of an IcePrice. look forward to seeing this horse run next time out and if he can replicate the Goodwood run then that price shorten massively.
Ok that is where we are up to. Looking forward to another eventful and profitable season. Quick shout out to Mr and Mrs IceMan junior who are keeping it Anti-Trump in Pennsylvania. Special Counsel, Robert Mueller is rattling his cage. Got to admit I did enjoy the comedy value of the short lived Scaramucci communications debacle.  
IceMan Investment Portfolio - Never knowingly Rash with the Cash 
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