#i need to eat before i do anything else sajksdkjd
axi0matics ยท 2 years
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log one. | 10.22. 2022
topics covered today: pre-algebra (place-value + expanded numbers)
[ notes ] : well, here we are. i really don't know how long ill be able to keep up with this but posting my thoughts as an archive has always helped me maintain interests so i thought this might really work.
i've decided to start learning math from the very beginning. like.. pre-algebra beginning. im using professor leonard on youtube for all of my information and honestly, it is a little alarming how many things i know but don't know.
sure, intrinsically, i know what place-values are and also arithmetic. but i couldn't explain these things to you if you asked me and that's kind of the point i've been getting at for a while. there's a lot of technical reasons for me to review math to this extent. it's going to come up in my major a lot and i wanna get my degree before im 25.
but it's hard for me to learn things without frameworks, so im using the axiom framework for everything. even small things.
i don't know much about the axiomatic method yet, but from what i can understand - it's a method that breaks all mathematics into three concise parts.
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AXIOMATIC METHOD (or how i understand it so far.)
axioms - what we accept as hard, undeniable truth. the basis of everything else that we consider to be basic when considering higher or more complex math.
theorems - whatever we can deduce based on axioms, or drawn conclusions from hard truths.
proof - logical conclusions that can proven based on axioms. if the axiom is that all clouds are white and another axiom is that clouds are in the sky - then we can prove that all clouds in the sky are white.
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i'm sure ill have a more expanded understanding of this a lot later as i circle back into deeper math but for now, i can use it to understand very simplistic concepts and frame it this way.
also, i think i want to do something similar with computer science and start learning programming from the very beginning because while i know a lot of things, i can't explain them and i don't really feel like im learning.
i don't want to memorize information, i want to retain it and use it. i think that's something that's always frustrated me about school. my desire to learn slowly doesn't coincide with the pace of academia. but i think im at a point where i can get good grades where i need them and learn important information on my own.
inshallah i can keep pace lol also i have no idea if it'll happen but as my depression gets better i have more of a desire to learn. idk if ill finish the lesson tonight since its pretty long, but that might change after i eat.
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signed, fang.
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