#i need to do so much for uni and i'm gonna miss the first deadline and i'm slacking in my classes...
mayonakano-archive · 2 years
if not for the laws of this land and my fear of hurting myself i would have offed myself
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Hi Jade, this is Ciel ~ How are you doing, dear?
I hope adressing you by your name isn't uncomfortable for you. It's been quite some time since I sent my message, right? I don't always read every ask, since I mainly go on tumblr past midnight, reading helps me fall asleep. But I do read some of them, and I'm overjoyed to see so many people enjoy your writing. It is, indeed, quite the find among the sea on tumblr (not to lesser anyone else's work!).
I'm sure I told you already how I find your way with words so enchanting. It's always a pleasure for me to read you, one day, I even went back and reread everything of Only Fools. I know I am not most interactive reader, I apologize for that, but do be sure I always pay attention to your updates. As of now, I've read part 12 thrice, and will read it one last time before the next chapter comes out. I love every details and how diligent to your book you are. Even with angst, I feel a certain warmth and comfort while reading. Once again, I find your words and feelings pure in your chapters, and the love you express for Hyunjin is enamoring in itself, as we can feel how much attention and care you have for him behind those words. The way you characterise him is beautiful. I'll lay down my words for part 12 in a reblog, soon enough, after a fourth read!
Now, my thought on deadlines. I demand, stop apologizing, and don't force a deadline on yourself. We, as readers, only want your well-being first and foremost. We enjoy your work, because you enjoy writing it; it's when you pass your emotions and thoughts to us that we enjoy it the most, even if we have to wait a long, it doesn't matter. Waiting is part of the game; I believe the more fidgety we get to know what's coming next, the more we are to feel ecstatic all throughout the reading. It even sparks the need to go back to it numerous times, you can't grasp every details in one.
As well, I want to share on university. I'm on a year-break right now, after three years of attendance, I know how it gets, even if our educational systems are quite different. What I can say is, try to stay healthy, if you feel burnout take a step back, and don't force work on yourself, sometimes going back to it later is worth more and easier.
I'm unsure I've said everything I wanted to, but the main ideas are here. Take care of yourself, once again, waiting is part of the deal, and we are happier knowing you're doing well, instead of trying to do so much at once and stress yourself. I hope my words don't seem too uptight, I believe a wonderful writer deserves charming words as well. As well, english isn't my first language, and I may lack vocabulary to make it shine the way I'd like to.
Oh, one last thing! Last time, I forgot to ask to be added to the taglist, if you kindly will, I'd love to be notified too. As much as I love the suspense when I hop on tumblr and find a new chapter for any fanfic I follow, the fear of missing one is also there!
With care,
oh my god ciel, you always make my day with your messages !! this ask is so sweet and i love you. its been quiet a while since ive seen you around and i missed you, im so glad people enjoy my writing too 🥺
you’ve read it thrice ? thank you 😭 for dedicating so much time to my story and im very glad i can make you feel warm even amongst the angst.
thank you so so much, i feel like this reply is just gonna be me saying thank you, but thank you for thinking the way i write and view hyun is enamouring. creating his character has honestly been so fun and exploring that personality is so comforting. i can’t wait for your thoughts on part 12!
and honestly, im used to this kind of university sustem since i had it in my undergraduate as well and usually was able to balance my life, uni and other things but everything is so much harder now since every art project we produce has to be a certain level 😫 i know what you mean about burnout, and im wary of that definitely because for studying art i feel like i have to stay inspired all the time to produce good projects, and then keep that inspiration throughout everything. it can definitely be stressful.
you’re so kind, don’t worry that doesn’t sound uptight at all. its very caring of you and im genuinely surprised you care so much☹️ take care ciel, and i’ll definitely add you to the taglist !
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huphilpuffs · 6 years
i hate stress i hate stress i hate stress i hate stress
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stu-dying-fox · 2 years
hii i’m a new follower <3
i’m also studying law (i’m on my first year) and i’m struggling to pass the exams because i got used to not study in high school and still get excellent grades but now i don’t have the habit of studying and it’s a problem lol
could you give me any advice pls?? also how many hours do you usually study when you have classes and you’re not on your finals?? tysm <33
Hello friend!
Gonna be honest here, the number of hours I usually study when I have classes is zero. Because I'm a lazy bastard who pushes all their responsibilities onto future-me. Meaning I'm the type to do nothing all semester and then get to cramming in the last few weeks before finals (:
And I would say "don't be like me" but it's gotten me this far so it's not like it isn't working. Could I have saved myself stress and anxiety by spreading my studying out over the whole year like literally everyone told me? Probably. Will this knowledge motivate me to change my ways in the future? Absolutely not.
Basically, figure out how much studying you need to do to get the grades you need, and how much studying you're willing to do to get the grades you want. If you can pass the exams by just reading over the material the afternoon before, and you're content with a passing grade, that's all you need to do. If you want better grades, do more. At the end of the day it's weighing the joys of life against the grades you want, and finding a compromise that works for you.
For me the joys of being 20 and in uni and doing fun stuff with my friends outweighed my desire for excellent grades during most of my time at uni, because law in Germany is structured in a way that your normal uni grades don't count into your final grade, just the final exams are what matters. Thus I did the bare minimum up until now that I'm preparing for the final exam with the grade that will determine my entire career.
To give you some actual advice though, I've found that making routines works best (for me). Make going to the library/sitting down at your desk to study part of your daily or weekly routine, like you'd do with sports or music or whatever activities you do otherwise. And while you're there, read over your notes, fill any gaps you missed during the lecture, and solve some practice cases. Or do some research on an obscure side topic you find interesting.
Figure out ways of studying that work for you. I need to write things down by hand or I won't remember them, so I write a lot summaries. Maybe flashcards work for you or one of the many online study apps and programs.
Also, find/start a study group. Friends are always good to have but it'll also help you study by a) holding you accountable bc you have to show up and be prepared, b) explaining stuff to people and having stuff explained to you works wonders, and c) if you miss a lecture you can copy your friends' notes. Also you can remind each other not to miss deadlines. (I had to retake an exam bc I forgot to sign up for it in time, wasn't fun, don't recommend).
Wishing you all the best, you got this!!
💛 Fox
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porkchop-ao3 · 6 years
Hi hi. I've been feeling down lately. Like I'm no ones favorite. Can I have a clingy obsessed Rick?
Thank you for your patience with this! Hope this is okay. I didn’t want to go too far with the obsessive thing in case it got out of character, but I hope you like it! I was inspired by my recent uni work... But this fic by no means reflects the way I work xD 
Just over 3k words!
My eyes skimmed across the words on my computer screen as I took a sip of tea, the only break I would allow myself because hey, I needed to stay hydrated. As soon as the mug was out of my hands though, my fingers were back on the keyboard, tapping away and filling the screen with more text. Of course, at this point it was all laughable bullshit; as are most essays when they’re started four hours before the deadline. Every point was being dragged out to entire paragraphs, my evidence was being stretched as much as was acceptable to back me up, I’m pretty sure I’d questioned the meaning of life somewhere three paragraphs ago but I’d made it work. I couldn’t afford to go back and change it now anyway, at least whoever had the pleasure of marking the damn thing would have a good laugh. My lecturers had said that technically there were no right or wrong answers for this particular essay, as long as I could back up what I was saying… Well, there was some kind of evidence for everything I’d said so could they really dispute me?
It was all my fault, though. I’d been drifting off to a peaceful slumber, under the sweet illusion that I was completely done for the semester, when suddenly that five thousand word essay I’d forgotten about drifted into mind and jolted me awake. That was two hours ago, and it was currently four in the morning; just two hours away from the six o'clock deadline for the online submission. I was getting there though, just another two thousand words would do it.
With a stressed sigh, I flicked through the book in front of me, searching the index for keywords, absolutely anything I could use. I just needed a scrap of evidence, a slightly relevant quote, and I’d be good for at least two paragraphs. I laughed aloud when I found something, it was bordering on delerium at this point. I was back on the keyboard then, bashing out my next point, just letting the bullshit part of my brain run with it, barely registering what I was typing. I barely even flinched when the darkened room lit up with green light, I just sighed again, my fingers never pausing.
“Not now, Rick.” I said, narrowing my eyes at the screen, my concentration lapsing momentarily, making me forget my flow.
“Oh, oh wow, th-thanks, that’s really -urrghhh- nice.” Rick slurred behind me, and I knew straight away that he was hammered. I rolled my eyes and read through my last few sentences as I tried to tune him out. “I thought you said you were done, on- on the phone you said y-you were fin-ugh-shed.”
“Yeah, then I remembered this entire essay I had to do.” I murmured, what little I had left of my concentration shattering as I felt the warmth of his presence lean over me to look at the screen. His chest brushed my shoulder and he reached an arm out to lean on the desk, shrouding me in his presence.
“Uhhh, are you high? A-are you even reading what you’re writing right now?” He commented after a moment.
“No. To both of those questions.” I told him, carrying on with the essay despite his quips.
“I thought, urp, you were studying art, not ph-philosophy. That’s some deep shit you’re playing with there, what is your essay even supposed to be on?”
“Please Rick, just let me get on with this. If you’re here to get laid then come back tomorrow. Or in two hours, whatever, I don’t care. Just after this is done.” I grumbled. Rick made a sound of irritation, then straightened up, distancing himself from me. I heard him stumbling around the room, fiddling with stuff I couldn’t see. Then I heard the telltale trickle of liquid on metal as he took a drink from his flask.
“Just wanted to see you, s-sorry I’m such a- such a fucking inconvenience.” He said under his breath. I felt a spark of guilt, then brushed it off just as fast. My work had to come first on this occasion.
“I’ll be done soon.” I said, discarding the book in front of me and replacing it with a different one. Fresh book, fresh evidence.
Rick came back over to my desk, picking up a piece of paper, which I knew to be the essay brief. He then proceeded to flick through some of the other papers on my desk, notes, pictures, plans; all hastily done and probably illegible to anyone but me… and even I struggled to read it.
“S-so you gotta compare these two photographs?” He asked. I nodded, not looking up at the images he was showing me. “You talked about how one was taken by a woman and one was taken by a man? Y-you could, urp, could make somethin’ out of that, right?”
“Probably, toss the idea of feminism around and I could get about six hundred words done. Thanks.” I said, making a quick note of the idea in pencil on the closest piece of paper; the textbook. Rick grabbed a chair from the other side of the room and took a seat next to me, slinging an arm over the back of my chair.
“You wrote the word ‘interesting’ three times in the same sentence, there.” He told me, pointing to the screen. “You could change the third one to impactful, think that’d work.” He murmured, disinterestedly yet focused.
“You’re helping me?” I asked, finally looking at him for the first time since he’d arrived.
“Two heads are better than one.” He shrugged. “Would it help you finish faster?”
“I think so. Hell, I might even pass.” I snorted.
“Alright. Let’s get this done, then we can make out, how’s that sound?” He said distractedly, fiddling with a strand of my hair. I raised a brow at him.
“You’re acting strangely.” I noted. “You’re being… nice.”
“Wh-ugh-at, and I’m a cunt for the other three-hundred-and-sixty-whatever days of the year?” He slurred.
“No! You’re just nicer than usual.” I shrugged, turning back to the screen.
“I miss you.” He told me, his voice so quiet I barely heard it. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder more tightly and pulled me into his side. My eyes widened and I sat there, rigid under the unexpected contact. With the proximity, I could smell the alcohol on him, and was convinced that it was to blame. “I’ve barely seen you for two weeks.” He added, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“All my deadlines…” I trailed off. I didn’t need to explain, he knew.
“Still think you should drop out. School is bad enough, but art school?” He scoffed.
“Hey, it’s another three years I don’t have to worry about starting a proper career.” I told him, twisting to nestle into his chest, essay momentarily forgotten.
“Sure, but is it worth the thousands of dollars?” He asked.
“I don’t know.” I sighed and closed my eyes, the fact that it was past four in the morning hit me in the form of sudden fatigue. “Let’s not talk about it.”
Rick’s hand stroked up and down my upper arm, his other hand feeding more alcohol into his mouth. He placed his flask down on my desk then reached for my chin, tilting my head up and kissing me, I responded for a while, leaning into him and enjoying the sensations. I knew I had to stop eventually though, and with a groan I turned my head towards to screen, breaking the kiss. Rick didn’t stop, spreading his kisses over my cheek and temple, down to the side of my neck. I sighed at the attention, but pulled away, turning to face the computer and attempting to get back to work. Rick’s arms encircled my waist, his kisses moving to the back of my neck and the curve of my shoulder, my body tingled and I longed to give him my undivided attention, but the clock was ticking.
“Okay, next point. Feminism.” I said under my breath, trying my very best to ignore what was going on behind me, but Rick wasn’t making it easy for me. His hands found their way to my breasts, squeezing them through my long nightshirt. My nipples hardened against his palms, and I chewed on my bottom lip.
“Remember, there are words other than 'interesting’.” He mumbled into my shoulder, and I snorted, backspacing on the keyboard as he caught me red handed.
“Thank you.” I said, my tone strained. Rick was quiet for another paragraph, silently distracting me with his touch, his persistent kisses egging me on, lighting a fire under me to get this shitty essay done so that I could be with him. I flicked through the book, finding a vague quote about female photographers. Perfect.
“S-sit on my lap, come on.” He whispered to me.
“What? No, I thought you wanted me to finish this quickly.” I laughed, gasping as he slid his hands under my shirt, resting his cool hands on my stomach.
“Come on.” He repeated, pulling me towards him. I gave in, sliding onto his lap, appreciating his little hum of approval as I did. I leaned back against his chest, and surprisingly I found that the rise and fall of his chest helped to focus me, and before I knew it I had another paragraph. I was close to the end; I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and all I needed to do was conclude. I saved the document, just in case, then skim read the entire essay. Sure, it was a fucking trainwreck from start to finish, but it would suffice. I made a mental note of the points I’d made, then made a start on my conclusion.
“Almost there.” I said, biting on my lip as I summed up my essay, pulling it all together to create what I hoped would be a convincing conclusion. A few hundred words later, and it was done, with an hour to spare before the deadline. I was on the low end of the word count guideline, but it would have to do. I checked my references, made sure my bibliography was in order, and loaded up the essay submission page.
“Aren’t you gonna read it back?” Rick asked me, his hands sliding down to my thighs.
“I don’t think it’ll make much difference at this point.” I said, uploading the file. “It’s better than nothing, right? At least I’ve produced an essay.”
“Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.” He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and clicked 'submit’, immediately closing down the page along with all my other windows, putting the whole ordeal to the back of my mind as I shut the computer down.
“Whatever, it’s done now.” I said, feeling the weight lifting from my shoulders with those words.
“Finally.” Rick said, standing up and forcing me to do the same. He dragged me over to my bed by my wrist and pulled me on top of him as he threw himself down. He kissed me, pushing his tongue past the easily broken seal of my lips, moaning into me. His hands explored my body, feeling me all over like they were starved. “Mm, missed this.” He broke away to tell me, but not for long. He rolled onto his side, grabbing my thigh and hooking it over his hip, putting our groins close together. He ground into me, and I felt his growing erection against my core.
“Rick.” I protested. “This is all you’ve been waiting for?” I asked, irritation clear in my voice. Rick didn’t stop his grinding, groaning quietly.
“Please.” He sounded unusually desperate, and I raised a brow. When I didn’t respond, he slid his hand into my underwear, rolling my clit beneath his fingers in lazy circles. “It’s been so long…”
“It’s been two weeks. I’m tired. I just want to cuddle.” I whined, but that didn’t stop me from effectively riding his hand, tilting my hips into his touch. His fingers moved down, sliding between my slick folds and entering me. I cursed under my breath and clung to his lab coat.
“I want you. Fuck, you’re wet.” He whispered to me, thrusting his fingers, groaning when I tightened around him, my breath catching. “Let me…” he trailed off, his other hand going to his fly, freeing himself from the confines of his pants, he stroked himself as he pleasured me. I gave my approval by pushing his coat from his shoulders and lifting his shirt over his head. He kicked his pants off onto the floor then came close to me, pulling my panties aside.
“Woah, slow down.” I laughed, bracing a hand on his chest. I pulled my nightshirt over my head and tossed it behind me, meanwhile, Rick was pulling my panties down my legs.
“I need to- oh, fuck.” He sighed, staring at my body. He leaned in to kiss me again, a hand on the back of my neck. “How did I go so long without this? Y-you’re like fuckin’… Crack. C’mere.” He urged me closer, thrusting his cock between my legs, letting it slide across my pussy. I wrapped my leg around his hips and nestled closer.
“Do it.” I told him, my words little more than an exhale. I didn’t have to ask him twice, he sunk into me slowly, inch by sweet inch he filled me up. “Oh yes…” I sighed, my eyes falling closed. There was a slight sting, having been a while since we’d done this, but it mingled with the pleasure so nicely.
“Have you touched yourself these last two weeks?” He asked me.
“I’m sorry?” I exclaimed, confused and taken aback by the question.
“I wanna know if- how many times you came without me since the last time we did this.” He said, and I flushed, involuntarily rocking my hips.
“Not even once.” I told him truthfully.
“Mmm, bet you’re sensitive, hmm?” He asked, his fingers returning to my clit as he started moving, rocking into me at a moderate pace that showed little patience. I was grateful for it.
“Yes. I want you to make me cum.” I told him, wrapping my arms around his neck and threading one hand through his hair. He thrust harder, quickening his pace early on and groaning throatily.
“Fuck.” He spat, his free hand clinging to my thigh. I pulsed my muscles around him, feeling shockwaves of pleasure each time, I let my head roll back as I bucked my hips to meet his thrusts, trapping his hand between our bodies. “Ohh god, you’re so gorgeous. So fuckin’ perfect, fuck.”
It turned into desperate, unrefined rutting, but neither of us had the intention of drawing this out. This was needy. Desperate. Purely lust-fueld. I needed release, and I needed to feel Rick cum inside me. I hadn’t realised how much I had needed this, and now that I was getting it, I couldn’t get it fast enough. Rick kissed my throat, leaving sloppy wet marks across the column of my neck, then he bit down on my shoulder. He sucked and licked at me, tasting the salt of my perspiration. His fingers moved purposefully over my clit, rubbing it tight, quick circles that wrung the pleasure out of me effortlessly.
“Cum. I want you to squeeze my- squeeze the cum out of my balls, baby.” He growled, and his words alone sent waves through my body, dizzyingly intense pleasure that pushed me to the edge. “Mmm, feel how wet you are for me, did you miss this?”
“Yes, Rick.” I nodded wildy, hanging off the edge, ready to plummet. With one particularly rough thrust of his hips, I was gone. “Rick!” I called his name loudly, completely forgetting about the thin walls of my dorm room. My pussy throbbed around him, contracting with an orgasm that I could only describe as perfect. It felt like it would go on forever, building with an intensity that made my eyes squeeze shut. I wasn’t even finished when Rick joined me, and I drew his climax into me, welcoming it with a satisfied groan.
We came down together, slowing to a stop and letting our bodies slump against the bed. Rick pulled out of me and proceeded to stroke his softening cock against my opening, smearing his seed in a display of vulgar pride. I couldn’t bring myself to care.
“Mmm, look at that.” He commented quietly, spreading my lips with his fingers and watching the mess he was making with interest. I left him to it, closing my eyes and letting the sleepless nights from the previous week catch up with me. Rick pressed a couple of kisses to my forehead, letting out a satisfied sigh. The bed shifted as he got up to leave, and I was momentarily offended, until I heard the bathroom door opening. He returned a moment later with a washcloth, and gently cleaned us up. I hummed appreciatively, pulling him back over to me, he dragged the duvet with him and covered us up.
“So you missed me, hmm?” I said tiredly, a little smile on my face.
“Don’t get any ideas.” He warned, but wrapped his arms around me regardless.
“You love me.” I smirked. The only response I got was an exasperated sigh. I laughed to myself, and tucked my head under his chin. “Goodnight.”
“It’s half past five in the morning.” He commented in amusement. “We might as well start the day at this point.”
“Fuck that. I’m sleeping through till next week.” I said. He grunted, then pecked the top of my head.
“Well done, for getting all your shit finished.” He said, though it sounded like it pained him to say it. I smiled regardless. “Glad to have you back.” He added, punctuating his words with a squeeze of his arms.
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Rant time
Back story: my brother finished his graduation like 2 years back and has been working a good effing job (especially for a first job) pretty much since and now he's planning on applying to unis abroad for his masters.
Now, here's the thing. He could've applied 3 months ago (and my parents actually dedicated quite a bit of time and money (and worrying) for him to do it) but he didn't. So now he has until October to apply and my parents keep on poking him to just do it so he doesn't miss the deadline but he's procrastinating cuz he has time. Tonight, during dinner (said brother wasn't there), my aunt was over and she was saying how she'd had a proper sit down conversation with him, explaining to him how he was already 25 and obvi he'd need 2 years to finish his ms and then he'd need time to get a job and start saving money so it's best if he, you know, gets on with applying and just gets stuff done cuz he needs to think about his future (the settling down with a wife future his parents want for him) and basically that time's a-ticking. And then she added that that's all you gotta do, have a conversation with him like adults, explaining all the reasons and the plans so that he understands. Next my parents mention with frustration that they'd had plenty of convos before but it didn't work. Dad thinks he loves earning now so he isn't too into finishing his education and mom just thinks he's lazy.
But listen. I know my brother. He has been delaying this thing cuz he knows that moving away will be it: he moves to another country, settles down somewhere away from home and he'll never be back (not like he's able to be at home now, even tho he lives in another city cuz of his job). Moving to another continent is a big fucking deal and he's super sentimental and he gets super homesick and so yeah, what's the big deal in wanting to spend 6 more months near your family? It ain't gonna break the world or ruin his future. But no. It's a big freaking deal for my parents.
Their reasons are valid. They want him to be settled and good with a good career before they pass yada yada. It's good. Fair. But in the same conversation they were complaining abt how my brothers and I have no attachment or emotions for family cuz apparently we don't like visiting aunts and uncles and how we don't bother talking to them. Like no, ma. We never complained abt going to their places, we just don't like going to your second uncle's son's wedding. There's a difference.
So yeah. I'm a little ticked off. It goes without saying that I love my family to bits and they're all freaking amazing but maybe they should hold off on the judgment and jumping to conclusions and assuming we don't know familial love cuz y'all grew up in joint families while we did not.
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