#i need gin saying with her whole chest that she can't stand him and then go talk to a cute girl for him
literarywhoard · 3 months
i love tachihara and gin together but not in a romantic setting (don't throw tomatoes at me but i feel this way with atsushi + ryuunosuke as well, i have my reasons...)
i need them to be best friends, but at first glance you think they hate each other. no they annoy each other for the bit. they take turns bullying each other. they're the reason why hirotsu has gray hair. i need gin to smack tachihara on the head because he's on her last nerve. i need tachihara to mock what gin says in funny voices. but i also need gin to see tachihara as a second brother and confide in him when ryuunosuke isn't around. and i need tachihara to come to gin asking about advice with girls.
i just wanna see cute boy/girl port mafia friendships man waaAAAAHHH
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hc for jealous!will and their first public appearance as a couple 🥰
sooooo this became a whole thing 😳😳😳 reblog if you enjoyed this!
warnings: cute lil jealousy, a famous ex 👀, fluff, language, mention of smut towards the end
will has no reason to be nervous.
they’ve been together for six months, and it’s not a secret to their friends, family, and coworkers. and when they step out onto the oscars red carpet that evening, it seems that not even the fans and the press were surprised. people seem genuinely happy for them. and they are, indeed, happy.
which is why will has no reason to be jealous, either.
they’re both adults, and they both have romantic history that predates their relationship. that’s normal. and things aren’t awkward or hostile when one of them runs into an ex at the afterparty, because they’re on good enough terms that they can just say a quick hello. that’s good, right?
but when her ex is michael b. jordan…
"gin and tonic, please. thanks.” the man orders at the bar, and then when he turns, he realizes that his ex-girlfriend is standing next to him, chatting with her current boyfriend. “y/n? hi!”
being ever so friendly and amiable, she turns to him with a warm smile. “hey stranger, it’s good to see you.”
will’s heart skips. that's what she called him back then. he doesn't want to be that guy, but he finds himself watching how she leans in for a quick half-hug. nowhere near close enough to justify his jealousy, and yet it brews anyway.
"oh, and this is will, by the way." she puts her hand on will's chest, and he likes how she smooths out his lapel like this. "will, michael. michael, will."
will's first mental response was why didn't she introduce me as her boyfriend, but of course, he keeps it cool.
"hey man, how you doin'?" michael offers his hand.
he smiles, shaking his hand with normal grip. "good, good. how are you?" he likes to think he's above the childish ego games, but he can't help sizing the other man up behind his polite demeanor.
he's shorter by a few inches; not enough to be towered over, but he did need to tilt up slightly to meet will's gaze. but he's buff. the delicate flower patterns on his suit are a vivid contrast to his bulging biceps. it complements y/n's dress, pale blue with bold statement bangles and rings. and as they make small talk about upcoming projects, will is starting to feel... out of place.
"i'll let you guys catch up, okay, sweetheart?" will places a hand on her lower back, pressing a quick kiss on her cheek. a subtle, gentlemanly way to assert his territory. and he's sure michael catches it, too. "nice meeting you, michael."
and he walks away, heart in his throat, fingers gripping his near-empty glass so his hand doesn't shake. knowing he did the right thing.
knowing she'll come back to him.
and she does, much earlier than expected, with a fresh glass of whiskey on the rocks for him and a soft smile on her face.
"were you jealous?"
"i mean..." he rolls his eyes, trying to brush off her amused stare, but there's no escaping her. he groans. "how do i even compete with michael b. jordan?"
she laughs. "you don't."
he glares at her like thanks, that's very helpful.
"will, i'm already with you. after we get out of here tonight, i'm gonna take all this off and wear your shirt, sleep in your bed..."
"don't you mean our bed?" he pulls her in by the waist.
"i think it's technically four seasons' bed." she grins fondly at him. "it's not a competition, will. it never is."
he groans again, resting his forehead against her. "i know. it's just... we've all seen black panther. and creed."
"mm. i was there when he filmed the second one."
"fuck, really?" he curses under his breath. "he's so hot there!"
she laughs, again, and it makes him a little better somehow. "were you jealous because he dated me, or because you had a crush on him?"
"mostly the former, but maybe also a little bit of the latter..." he tilts his head side to side.
she smiles, staring at him thoughtfully for a long beat. and then, she whispers in his ear, "well, if it makes you feel any better, only one of you made me cum so much, i passed out. and then cleaned me up and dressed me and charged my phone afterwards? who the hell does that?" and walks away, her billowy dress train sweeping the floor.
he did, and it did make him feel better. and he thinks maybe he's not above the childish dick-measuring contest at all.
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
detention. | G.W
TW - implied smut, but nothing too steamy, other than that it's pure giggles xoxox
This whole plotline was a mess but this was written for @weasleysflowr writing challenge with the prompt below 👉👈
Bite me... If you insist
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My back pressed up against George's chest and his hand over my mouth as we're crammed into a tiny broom closet was not how I expected this day to end up. Let me tell you about the events that led to this exact moment.
"Mr Weasley," McGonagall spoke out, "Care to explain to the class the 3rd step in Inanimatus Conjurus?" George's eyes looked up from his book that he was nose deep in, obviously caught off guard, he clears his throat before he is cut off again by our professor. "I suggest that you brush up on your transfiguration work, Mr Weasley and not spend your time scribbling away in the back of my classroom, I'll see you in detention." I snicker to myself as I roll my eyes and shake my head "Thank you Miss Y/L/N for offering to join him" McGonagall adds on, "But Miss-" I protest "Don't make me double it for both you and Mr Weasley."
I sit next to Fred and opposite George in the Great Hall for lunch, grabbing the notebook George was previously writing in from Fred's hands, "let's see what this rubbish is that had us get detention, then" I laugh flicking through pages of doodles of potions and all of it's workings, "what's this rubbish, she says, I'll have you know," George scoffs "the only reason you have detention is because you're so intent on laughing at your loving boyfriend's misfortune." I look up from the book, raising an eyebrow at George, taking a breath to speak "Don't be too hard on her Georgie, I'm sure our Y/N here is going to be one of the best with our new customers." Fred speaks up looking at George with wide eyes that say a thousand words to his twin. "Exactly, George I knew that Fred had my bac- wait what do you mean new customers?" I look quickly between the two boys before Fred gets up, pulling a sandwich away with him, "I think you guys need to have a little talk, and Im really not sure I want to be here for that talk."
George and I sat in the loud chatter of the great hall which seemed to be quieting in anticipation for him to speak. "I didn't want to tell you till Fred and I were sure." he whispers almost inaudibly, I softly close his notebook and slide it across the table to him, "If this is about the pink monster banning your products, George, I don't know what I can say that will help." he takes the notebook and gets up from the table, "will you walk with me?". He took his time explaining to me, as we took a slow walk toward the black lake, that he and Fred were thinking about expanding from more than just puking pastilles, answering any and every question I had about the endless products from the notebook. "Fred and I, we can't stand Umbridges tirade and since the banning of Weasley products in Hogwarts we're going to need to look to sell elsewhere... Plus I think she's dead set on letting us fail so, I assume that soon I won't even be able to look at you without her permission." I laugh, pushing his shoulder gently. "you'd think the whole six inch rule would've been more of a problem, I hate not being able to kiss you."
He giggled in the most innocent way possible, bringing my hand to his lips, "I was never one for sticking to rules, plus, you and I both know I have some inches to spare." I roll my eyes pulling him into a kiss, taking my time to run my fingers through his hair, earning a low hum from him. As we pull away he looks at me with deep seriousness, "I want you to join us at the shop, that is after exams and all," he smiles at me "and of course if that's what you want to do." I nod my head excitedly, wrapping my arms around his neck holding him for a few moments. "I almost forgot we had detention, we should head back before the she devil finds us out here and gives us more than just a scolding!" he whispers gently, getting up and dusting off his robes before offering me a hand to get up and follow him.
The first half hour or so of detention was to be expected, sending winks and smiles at George when McGonagall wasn't looking in an attempt to pass the time. All was going smoothly until Umbridge bursts in the room. "I think I'll take this one from here, Minerva" I scoff, not loud enough for anyone to hear "I think I can handle these two perfectly fine on my own thank you, Delores." McGonagall replies, I look over to Gerorge, raising my eyebrows at the situation. The two women continued to argue with us still in the classroom, which provided a nice bit of entertainment in the last half hour of detention, McGonagall's win in the argument bought us a early pass out of the never ending detention, "I expect better from my own house students, now back to your common room and no dawdling."
If anyone knew how to ignore our head of house best, it was my beautifully brilliant George, we spent at least an hour roaming the grounds, evading teachers as we took the longest route back to the gryffindor commons, that was until we or rather, George spotted Mrs Norris and pulled us into the broom cupboard, hand over my mouth to stop me making any noise.
"you know, I'm starting to think you might be enjoying my hand over your mouth, but I do think I know where you'd prefer it." he whispered into my ear, fingertips travelling from my lips to my neck, "oh, Bite me, George." I joke quietly, "if you insist." he murmurs in response, lips moving to place a prominent hickey to my neck, marking me for all to see. "On Godric, George, I hope you dont get us caught." He laughs into my neck before spinning me around, "I think it'll be you who needs to watch out for getting us caught, Sunshine, why not keep those pretty moans for my ears only?" his words make me blush as he tucks my hair behind my ears, pulling me into a passionate kiss.
We stumble into the common room, drunk off of each other's laughter and high off the thrill of evading detection so late in the evening, walking over to the group who are sat around the fire "Take it that you're on good terms then," Fred points out as George rests an arm on my shoulder, "I'll take those galleons then, Ron." Ginny laughs, as Ron reluctantly hands over the money, "maybe next time don't go for such an obvious place on poor Y/N's neck, Big brother" Rolling his eyes he pulls you down to join his siblings, Harry and Hermionie. "Well, well, Gin, looks like you're finally learning how to win a bet, Freddie and I have taught you well," George laughs, "Hard luck, Ronniekins, you'll win one soon." Fred adds. "Shut up." Ron scoffs, chucking a pillow at his older brother, causing the siblings to fill the common room with laugher once again.
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