#i miss himmmmmm sobs
*sees awesome hot fanart of Mike*
God I miss my husband
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honeybee-taskforce · 5 months
1x02 Rewatch Thoughts and Feelings
same disclaimer i’m on my phone typos and grammar errors can be invoiced to my publicist for review (its me)
-I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH what a fuckin fever dream hearing that song again
-oh wow they are grilling the hell out of him for this routine lmfao i forgot how much they tease him about all of this
-this was one of those scenes i mentioned where the emergency escalated so quick and was not what i expected it to be at all lmfao
-the aging with the bird box netflix comment zzzzzz i hate when media does this but i can overlook it here
-paul doing a thing we need another of these on season five. TWO if i may be so brave to request
-where the hell did this delivery driver even get the mercury for this now that i really think about it
-there’s some weird liberty mutual ad playing right now that has a baby talking about insurance im kind of in awe at the absurdity
-owen struggling to let go of his hair treatment goofy ass
-judd in therapy hits so hard ugh grace being there with him and he is truly trying and even has his comfort pillow for hugging because he needs something but it just isnt enough yet my heart hurts for him so much
-i forgot that grace is near sobbing when he leaves jesus christ that hurts too she loves this man so much and his pain is hers (and vice versa of course) i’m so glad that never goes away as the show goes on. Even if i could use more of it.
-michelle helping this little boy is a great foil to her introduction and i love it a lot, BUT overall i can’t find a way to care about this whole plot with Iris missing. Probably because i know it doesn’t go anywhere after this season except for the start of season 4…. I really wonder how different everything would have been had liv stayed and plot lines not adjusted accordingly. -“what the pissed off look on my fave aint enough proof” judd you teddy bear you know its not lmfao
-“he doesn’t know i’m sick” YOU NEED TO TELL HIMMMMMM
-my extended family cooks a pig just like this in a pit and everything and it tastes soooooo good
-“but just so you know i am a homosexual 😉” this whole bit is so silly and i like that they added it after a few intense back to back bits with the first emergency, michelle’s stuff, and owen’s chat with judd
-shakes ass to last night in my stillettos while these two hook up for the first and definitely not the last time
-tk give him back his damn belt you know that is not yours you rude city boy!
-carlos is all doe eye and soulmate smitten ahhhhh you cutie pie
-michelle goes to a psychic what the hell i dont remember this. BUT NOW IM REALIZING ITS THE SAME LADY WITH THE WORMS LATER ON IN THE SHOW HUHHHHH (right? Or am i losing my mind)
-spongebob movie voice: BALD BALD BALD BALD BALD
-the lady leaving herself to die in a fire because hes bald????? I know its a nightmare but wtf i forgot about all of that too 😭
-owen embracing this guy’s fantasy about the overlords but not being able to wrap his own head around his health’s reality is heartbreaking… at least he’s forced to address it once TK finds the meds
-owen and judd riding horses already getting that brotherly bond started ooooo i love them so much
-oh god first date time oh wow olay here we go CARLOS YOU'RE SO SMITTEN BUT NOWS NOT THE TIIIIME
-the boys miscommunicating for the first and certainly not the last time but its okay because it’s all a part of their story <3
-carlos calling this a hookup boy you know damn well that is not how you feel about this
-tk is so sad when he apologizes for the misunderstanding because the last thing he wants is to hurt anyone else but he can’t stop himself and it all just gets worse and worse in his eyes…. At least we know it gets better eventually. -grace helping judd count to 5 and she is so proud of him oh i love these two so goddamn much they are perfect and i need even more of them in season five
-does every episode of season 1 end with a song playing over a montage of stuff happening like did i just block that from my memory
-owen taking the first step to being more comfortable with his reality outside of the obvious therapy and treatments ugh so good.
god season one feels like a completely different show from the rest of it? Obviously the changes with casting and covid messed somethings up but i wonder how different everything would have been had the pandemic not happened and they were able to collow through on plot lines they wanted to from the beginning
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orchestratedemotion · 11 months
Seb’s live was so soft and cozy I’m simply laying on the floor sobbing. I MISS HIMMMMMM 
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mnhynq · 5 years
Dowoon is literally the most precious baby
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liinos · 5 years
just sobbed while watching that live vid of paper cuts where bbh and jd sang to minseok god I miss himmmmmm :((((
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