#i might write it some more tomorrow tho and just bring my laptop w/ me to work
nicos-robin · 2 months
a lil tidbit from my wip where robin sneaks onto the merry :)
She found the Straw Hat’s ship alongside the banks of the Sandora river, near the ravaged town of Erumalu. One of her scouts had reported seeing it, but in the interest of seeing just what Princess Vivi and Straw Hat Luffy would do, she had kept it’s location a secret from Crocodile. Her initial assessment of it had been correct, it was a nice ship. Too nice to fall into the hands of Crocodile.
After climbing aboard, she looked out over the rail and watched as the Accelegator she had taken with her wandered off into the desert. It had taken some time to convince it to leave, as it had become quite fond of her, but she no longer needed it.
King Cobra had been correct. If her problem was that she lacked leads to track down the Rio Poneglyph, then she just needed to find people who could help her find more. And while Straw Hat Luffy and his crew didn’t seem to understand the importance of the Poneglyphs, much less how to find them, she got the sense that they wouldn’t be upset by her studying them. At least until they figured out how truly dangerous they were, and at that point she could just leave them, like she always did.
She pushed away such thoughts, they wouldn’t be useful to her. If the Straw Hats did end up betraying her, she’d cross that bridge when she got to it. For the time being, she needed to focus on finding a safe place to hunker down until the crew left the island, at which point she would be safe to make her appearance. Whether Straw Hat Luffy would accept her or not wasn’t a question in her mind, she felt confident that he would. It was, after all, his fault that she was alive in the first place, the least he could do was give her a place to stay.
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