#i mean was nate's shippability abused by the writing? absolutely especially in the post serenate economy when they were like
terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
What’s your favourite nate ship
uhhhhhh Impossible Questions for $600, Alex!
no but really, the thing about natie is that he is so shippable. partly due to the fact that chace crawford could have chemistry with a brick wall, but really all the nate ships I can think of hit something special and different for his character in each one.
like, blair/nate have that first love, childhood best friends intimacy that isn't meant to last but loving each other is second nature to them. there's a particular kind of sweetness in that.
serenate gives the childhood best friends to lovers energy that is exquisite, and they give each other a comfort that they don't really give anyone else: there's no expectations to be someone else or to fill a role or an ideal with each other, they can just be.
natessa is the opposite worlds who challenge each other to grow, and vanessa is really the first that gives him the comfort and assurance that he can find his own way outside of the van der bilt political machine.
jenate are each others' shelter from the storm. the kindness and compassion shown when the other needs it the most. plus the whole girl-crush come true and requited thing. i love that, so sue me.
dan/nate IS rivals to friends to lovers. like, what's better than competing for the same partner and then falling in love with your competition! that's so hot. and...the found family energy of Nate being enveloped into the Humphrey family, accepting and warm and loving after all the Nonsense howard and anne put him through...delicious.
nate/carter is aspirational gay crush come true and honestly just really hot. like, it's the same vibes as blaizen for me yk?
rainate is ADORABLE okay they come from the same world of glitz and gilded obligation but they find so much joy in simply spending time together and being YOUNG. "I want my day of firsts"!!!!!! and they both have fucked up families and help each other work through that.
not even to mention the magic to be found in dan/blair/nate or serena/vanessa/nate or serena/nate/dan or fuck. new rare ship alert blair/nate/raina. it's hard to pick a favorite. and tbh, my favorite ship for nate changes with the wind. recently I've been on a jenate kick (see my ao3), but the past week I've been thinking a lot about how much I adore natessa, and all their missed chances and maybe there's a fic or two idea in the works for em (S you know, wink-wink)
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