#i mean tbh it's like one can never discount the possibility that hori's completely given up
hamliet · 11 months
Toga Should Be Fine
Ah yes, a teen girl sacrificing herself to save another teen girl (hero, but still a TEENAGE GIRL) and saying she's doing so because she'd prefer death over life in prison. Meanwhile all of society, including heroes, are just gonna watch like this is the Hunger Games: Tokyo Drift and totally not do anything.
Sounds good! Sounds like a society worth protecting! Sounds reasonable!
slash s. I'm being sarcastic.
Listen, Hori has his flaws as a writer. However, the reality is that one of these main flaws is that Hori writes for his detractors. He probably is a person who genuinely cares and so tries to address everyone's concerns. The problem is that this leads to thematic inconsistency and whiplash framing, which I've spoken about before.
Why am I going on a tangent about this? Because to me this reads like Hori trying to directly address the prison concern for endgame. Even if they survive they'll all end up in prison! Meanwhile Tartarus is Guantanamo Bay complete with torture and inhuman evil, but that wasn't enough to convince fans, so now he's addressing it directly.
The villains aren't ending up in prison.
Nor are they dying.
A redemption arc typically does require a sacrifice, hence the "sacrificial death" trope. However, oftentimes, when the villain is particularly sympathetic and it's more thematically or character-ly interesting to leave them alive, they survive said sacrifice.
Considering a large portion of Toga's hate for heroes was based in Twice's death and Toga is literally a child saving another child who saved her because the adult heroes were too busy not caring about kids so a child hero had to do their work for them (it's a theme), it only makes sense that an adult hero (probably Hawks) will swoop in and save her.
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