#i may have misremembered some things i am very sleepy
wolfythewitch · 10 months
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Going insane in my friend's dms while she's at work
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Emp-Ire, “Fallen Star.”
Here it is, the end of an arc. I hope you guys like it and thank you so much for humoring my little detour. I needed this :)
The sun rose turning the sky to a bright tangerine orange. Golden rays of sun filtered across the open desert landscape, highlighting ten silhouettes against the horizon. Ten men and ten horses trekking their way across the surface of an alien planet leaving only footprints in their wake across the open landscape.
Adam lifted his head to the open sky and took a long deep breath. The scent of the alien planet in early morning was snuffed out at a moment when he received a strong whiff of cigarette smoke and coughed, looking over at Deputy Thompson, who had lit up and was taking his second long drag.
“Those will kill you you know.”
“So will continuous self doubt.”
“Point taken.”
The Deputy blew a ring of smoke into the air, “Besides, gets me relaxed before we go out to do something stupid.” he glanced towards the front of the group where the sheriff had taken point, riding on the back of his glossy black horse now coated in a thin layer of orange dust, “Ain’t that right sheriff.”
The man turned slightly in his saddle, “The only one bringing the dumb here is you Thompson.” He turned around on his horse and fell back slightly to speak with them, “Besides if it wasn’t for McBride and his group, we would all be at home drinking cold beer and spending time with our wives, but instead he’s dragged us out of bed to go chasing after him, and I intend to make him regret that.”
He turned to look at Ramirez and Adam, “Now, you boys probably didn’t hear this, so I am going to give you the rundown. Last month we caught one of McBride’s boys out past the border of Caster and Collville, and with a little bit of… persuasion, he graciously told us a few things. Turns out McBride and his men are planning on robbing a train coming from one of the outlying colonies and in towards the capital. He plans on doing it halfway through its journey between Hander and Chelsey where there are the least amount of people and the least amount of eyes.”
Ramirez snorted, “A train job, seriously? Isn’t that a bit cliche?”
The Sheriff frowned at him, “I don’t think McBride was really considering the literary appeal of white might and might not be cliche, when he determined that there is a LOT of expensive stuff being brought in on that train.”
Adam tilted his head slightly, “Like what?”
“The crops grown here on this colony are a cardinal ingredient in many pharmaceuticals all across the galaxy both human and alien. Drug companies and hospitals alike pay top dollar for our crops to be refined and bottled right here. It only grows in very specific conditions in very specific towns on the western rim. It is harvested and refined on the rim, and then put on the train to the capital where it is tested and then sealed for shipping.” If McBride gets his hands on those bottles, he can sell them on the black market at top dollar, where they will be used for refinement in a whole myriad of illicit drugs, including but not limited to human derived hormonal drugs, which support not only the black market, but also slave trafficking rings.”
Adam and Ramirez both blinked in surprise, “Really, we had…. No idea.”
“The government doesn’t like to talk about how important some of the colonies are to the workings of the inner ring, but we supply a lot of natural resources and raw products that can be both dangerous and expensive once they get out. This is not to mention that the train just so happened to fall on the very auspicious day when they are moving a group of rich city investors on that same train…. Came to take stock of their investments on the rim, and are now being shipped back to the capitol. Our job is to make it to the train before McBride does, or, barring that we don’t make it in time, we need to at least stop them and stop the train before those crates go missing.”
“How many days away are we”
“We have about two or three days, so its best we pick up the pace.”
After that their voices were silenced, and only the sound of thundering hooves could be heard over the hard packed earth.
Adam was shaken awake on the third day, bleary eyed and confused, rubbing sleep from his eyes and rubbing his hands along the light stubble dusting his cheeks and chin. Ramirez knelt over him, “Rise and shine sleepy head, today is the train job, you wouldn’t want to miss it.”
Adam groaned and rubbed his head wobbling to his feet as the other men around him began to rouse, The air was filled with the smell of smoke from last nights dwindling campfire, now just ashes in the dirt before them.
A few of the men kicked dirt over the still smouldering remains while Adam and Ramirez worked to pack up camp, hoisting saddles onto the back of horses.
“You alright?’ Ramirez asked as he stood next to Adam, the two of them pulling their saddles onto their respective horses.
Adam nodded and shook himself  little, “Yeah, just a…. Weird dream is all.”
“What was it about.”
He shrugged, “Can’t really remember much, but right before I woke up, it was like I was looking down at myself sleeping, from above, I swear I saw you walking across camp to wake me up, but…. That might just be me misremembering.”
“OR you had some sort of out of body experience.”
He snorted, “Yeah sure.”
“Remember anything else?”
“Blue fire and maybe some mountains, but that is about it.” He tightened the girth strap on his horse and patted Maroz on her soft velvet snout. The horse gummed at his hand with her upper lip, and he smiled slightly, patting her on the neck, “That’s a good girl.” 
With the other men ready, the group of them saddled up and began their ride out into the desert.
The Sheriff kept there pace as fast as he could without tiring out the horses, knowing that they might need to chase.
“Not to question the wisdom of this sheriff, but how are we going to catch up with a train. I mean it may look and sound like an old time train, but we both know it isn’t, the thing can probably go at around 200 mph.” 
The sheriff turned to look back at him, “That’s true, but due to the nature of the location, they have to slow the train coming through the valley, there are some pretty tight turns and curves that would be dangerous at such high speeds, not to mention that it is a common crossing rout for cattle, and the train needs to be slow in the area to keep from turning someone's livestock into pink mist. A collision that big and going that fast could also potentially derail a train. Its never happened, but the engineers say it can so thy like to keep it safe.”
“How slow?”
“Very slow, I would say about thirty mph through the hot zone, and that is….”
“About as fast as a horse can run.” Adam sighed, 
“Precisely, now let's speed it up, the train is coming and we still have a ways to go.”
As the day wore on, Adam’s heart began to race, and he could feel it thudding away in his chest pressing out against the vest he wore like it was going to crash through his ribcage. Ramirez rode along beside him, a surprisingly fast learner when it came to horses and riding them.
Off in the distance, Adam caught the blast of a train whistle.”
“Speed up boys!”
Adam kicked gently against the Horse’s sides and snapped the reins, and below him Maroz bokre into a light gallop bouncing him up and down wit her thundering gate. With all ten of them riding at that speed, they sounded like rolling thunder.
Light flashed over the badge on his chest.
The whistle came again, and the roaring of the train grew louder as they poured over the ground, between rocks and around shrubs.
The plateau around them began to slope downwards, and as they came over the rise, the land below them morphed into sharp focus, a vast tract of land snaking between high plateaus, and a silver rail that ran like a glittering snake between them. And along that silver line came a roaring black goliath missing only the blaack puff of burning coal and smoke to set it aside from the trains of old.
And just behind it, ran at least a dozen black dots, slowly gaining.
“GET ON THAT TRAIN!” The sheriff shouted over the roaring, and the entire group of them broke down hill at a full gallop. Adam leaned low over his horse’s neck, feeling her body move and roar beneath him. His ears rung with the sound of the approaching train and the clatter of hives over packed earth.
The train was approaching now, fast, and he was coming up just on the left, pulling his horse into a shallow parabola that brought his run just parallel . The sounds was deafening now, though he thought he could hear the call of men’s voices. The horses legs rolled like a blur beneath him, and Maroz huffed and puffed and and snorted with exertion. He was close now, and the glittering rails of the track rolled by just to his right.
His heart throbbed in his chest.
Just ahead of him, the sheriff kicked his boots from the stirrups and threw himself sideways onto the train, grasping on with a grip of iron.
Other men began to do the same.
He heard a gunshot.
With a swift motion, he kicked his feet from the stirrups and braced his boots against the saddle. Maroz remained steady below him, and with a final prayer and a deep breath, he launched himself sideways reaching and grasping for anything he could hold to. 
He caught one of the hand rails beside a compartment door and was jerked away from Maroz as her gait slowed.
His feet whipped behind him in the wind before he scrambled o gain purchase, the leather of his gloves helping maintain his grip as he hauled himself upwards and onto the side of the train just between compartments.
A voice, from over the sound of the roaring, and he looked back to see Ramirez and his horse sprinting after.
The horse’s back was lathered and wet, its eyes wild as it pushed itself forward.
Ramirez clung on with gritted teeth.
Adam reached out a hand, “JUMP!”
And like the good marine Ramirez was, no fear and no questions, he kicked his way frew and threw himself awkwardly sideways.
He would have landed below the train had Adam not caught him by the wrist and hauled him inward, where he scrambled onto a precarious handhold.
“GET INSIDE.” Adam shouted, “I’m going to head back to the cargo car.”
Ramirez nodded, swinging around Adam and onto the hitch that held the cars together. Adam hauled himself upward and onto the top of the speeding train. Wind whipped at the brim of his hat, and te bandana around his neck.
He jogged along the top of the train, his boots thundering against the meta.
At the end of the train a man appeared, one of McBride’s men, and Adam had just enough time to duck to the side as a bullet hissed past him.
He turned and fired off one shot. It went a bit wide, but caught the man by the brim of the hat, blowing it completely off. It got caught up in a gust of wind that pulled it down and under the train.Adam fired another shot just as the man was preparing to fire again.
The bullet caught the man in the upper chest, and before Adam could really take in what had happened, the man fell, pitching backwards off the train and hitting the ground hard in a cloud of dust only to vanish as the train whipped past.
Adam stood, stunned for a second. He’d never shot someone before, at least no one human, but the sound of gunfire broke him from his reverie, and he dived down as the bullets flew past him, crawling across the open top of the train with  clawing hands. Another head appeared over the edge, and he fired off a wild shot with one hand hoping to t least deter the man for a moment.
His bullet did more than that, and before he knew it another body had fallen to the dust below the train.
Footsteps on the train behind him, and he rolled around in panic only to see the Sheriff running past him, “GET TO THAT CARGO CAR!”
Adam leapt to his feet, racing forward alongside the sheriff, wobbling slightly as the train rolled forward.
The Sheriff held a shotgun in one hand, and it only took the first two of McBride’s men to figure out what that meant.
Adam raced alon after him until a hail of bullets stopped them in their tracks.
They dropped down before one of the cargo cars and found Deputy Thompson with his back pressed against the wall, “THEY’RE TRYING TO DISCONNECT THE CARGO CARS!” he shouted over the sound of the wind.
“If they do that we’re fucked!”
The sheriff turned and looked at Adam, “You go up top,Thompson and I will go distract them from the inside. If you can get your hands on McBride, do it, and keep them from detaching that car.”
Adam nodded and jumped up to catch onto the edge of the car as the two other men prepared themselves to breach the door. Adam had just pulled his feat up when he heard the slame of the door being pushed open and the rapidfire of gunshots. He used the noise as cover to run along the top of the car as th men were distracted.
He could hear voices and more gunfire as the fight concentrated inside that cargo car.
He had just com upon the edge when he looked down, Finding McBride and one other man desperately working to get the clamp undone.
Adam didn't’ waste time.
A sharp gunshot was the only warning McBride and his man had before the second man pitched backwards and fell over the connecting metal clamp.. McBride looked up only to find a gun aimed at his face.
McBride went to pull his weapon but there was a sharp click as Adam fired…. But there was no gunshot.
McBride was still in the process of lifting his weapon as Adam made a last second decision, leaping downwards towards McBride.
The man’s eyes widened, and he jerked to the side. There was a gunshot, but the bullet went wide. A hot flash of searing pain cut along the underside of his ribcage before he slammed into McBride, pitching them both back through the opening and into the cargo car.
They were a mass of tangled rolling limbs as they scrambled to gain the upper hand. McBride grabbed him by the font of the vest with one hand and punched him repeatedly with the other until he was seeing stars. With one last ditch effort he kicked the man in the chest sending him pitching backwards towards the door. McBride landed on the floor with the clatter, and the two of them leaped to their feet.
Adam ran forward throwing a sharp jab at the man’s face which caught him along the cheek. McBride came in close slapping him against a pile of crates, and they ended up clawing at each other, grappling for the other man’s throat like two vicious dogs going for the kill.
Adam Kneed McBride in the stomach sending him staggering back before coming in with a low uppercut to the face.
He reeled backwards hand to his nose.blood already streaming down his face.
Adam looked around desperately for an upper hand, and, surprisingly, found one. A long steel rod stacked up against the wall, likely for use in some kind of construction, and left as scrap.
It grabbed it.
McBride laughed, “What are you going to do with that, hit me over the head with it?”
It was a bit of an enclosed space, but there was still enough room, and Adam spun it in one hand like the shaft of a Drev spear, and crouched low in a ready position point forward, using a stance that he thought was the inferno, before realizing that, somehow he had gotten the foot placing wrong.
That was strange, why had it felt so natural.
Like he had done it before.
He shifted his stance and grinned at McBride motioning him forward, “Why not come see.”
The look on McBride’s face was one of apprehension at first, glancing between Adam and his improvised weapon.
At some point, his pride overtook him, and he came charging forward, likely trying to get inside Adam’s guard before he could strike.
A pity that Adam was trained with the spear, a pity for McBride at least, because instead of swinging the shaft at him from above, he struck forward like a snake, trusting with an overhand grip, that sid the rod don the length of his arm and protruded from just under his triceps.
McBride doubled over, holding to his sternum with a look of agony.
WIth another sharp crack, Adam came down with the reverse end of the spear wheeling it around in a blur and sending the man crashing to the ground, unmoing. He staggered back to his feet bleeding from his lip, and from his nose, and from a cut above his eye. He was seeing stars, but he still had enough energy to hogtie McBride and grab his loaded weapon from the floor before heading into the car.
There was one man left, and with the pressing of cold steel to his temple, the man stopped and raised his hands.
“Might want to put the gun down, partner.” Adam hissed, some measure of sarcasm entering his voice.
The man’s weapon clattered to the ground.
The Sheriff and Thompson stepped from behind cover.
“You get McBride?”
“Yeah I got him, trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey.”
“What happened to your face.”
Adam frowned, and the two other men laughed.
“Thomspon, you take care of McBride, Vir and I are going to check the rest of the train and clean up whatever mess has been left.”
The other man nodded, and Adam fell into step with the Sheriff as they moved up through the inside of the train. All they found at first were scared passengers cowering in their seats, but finally, they met up with a man trying to make his way through one of the doors and into the next car.
Adam and the sheriff aimed their weapons, “Stop right there, your boss has been captured, and it might be best for you to surrender now.”
The man raised his hands wide and scared.
“Come slowly.”
Adam saw what the man was thinking seconds before it happened, and raised his weapon to late as the man went bolting through the door.
He and the sheriff broke into a run chasing after the man and down the length of the train.
They made it to the last car, when the man stopped in the middle, Adam looked up his gun raised to see what had stopped him. Ramirez was coming through the opposite door, whistling tunelessly. His eyes fell on Adam first, “I was wondering when you were going to…. His voice fell away as he saw the man between them.
A clear calculation had gone through the bandit’s head and he raised his gun towards his only hope of exit, and fired.
Ramirez jerked once eyes wide and then….fell backwards as if in slow motion.
Adam screamed, and the two of them raised their weapons at the same time, unable to fire for fear of hitting Ramirez a second time.
The man brushed past him thundering through the door. Adam leapt forward, catching Ramirez just before he hit the ground urging the sheriff forward, “Get that Bastard.”
He knelt on the hard metal floor of the train carriage, holding Ramirez in his arms. The look of shock had still not passed from the other man’s face, and Adam’s hands shook, “Ramirez…… R-ramirez.” His voice quivered a bit as he desperately looked for the bullet wound, sure he was going to see a spot of blood begin leaking across the other man's chest at any moment.”
Ramirez blinked in shock.
“Ramirez! I….Angel, stay with me dammit. Where were you hit!”
Ramirez blinked again reaching up with a shaking hand and began patting at his chest and body brows knit in confusion, “I…. I thought.”
Both of their heads turned, very slowly as they caught sight of a glittering bit of gold lying on the ground before them.
A dented, golden star.
Adam sighed in exasperation relief.
“No friggin way.”
Ramirez stared at the star on the floor, “Huh, ill be damned.” He looked up at Adam, “You know if I had known a nearth death experience would be what it took for you to hold me like this, I might have tried to die sooner.”
Adam harumphed and dropped ramirez unceremoniously to the ground with a thud, “Drama queen.”
Ramirez grunted, “I thought we were having a moment, you using my first name and all.”
“The only moment we are going to have is the moment I put my boot up your ass.”
“Kinky.” Ramirez said, reaching down and picking up the deputy star from the floor inspecting it with some measure of pride. Up ahead the train was beginning to grind to a slow halt.
The Sheriff returned a moment later, dragging the man who had made the ill fated attempt to Kill Ramirez.
He seemed only marginally surprised to see Ramirez on his feet, and laughed when he saw the star, “Well I'll be…. First time I’ve ever seen that happen.”
He looked between the two of them.
“Good work boys, some damn good work.”
The capital city stank of horses and mud, but the two men were smiling as the sheriff saw them off at the train station, “We owe you boys a debt of gratitude. Risking your lives like that, and helping us take down McBride and his cronies. This county will be forever grateful.”
The two of them looked down at the gold stars on the front of their vests, and slowly reached up sadly unpinning them from the front of their shirts and holding them out to the sheriff.
The man shook his head, “Keep em. And I’d be glad to work with you again if you ever decide to return. You’ve earned my respect and more.”
The train whistle bored, and the two of them were forced to step inside waving to the sheriff and the other deputies as the train began to roll forward slowly with a soft chug, chug, chug.
Ramirez and Adam left town surprisingly forlorn to watch their friends, and their horses go.
But they had a stack of pictures both print and on their implants. 
The one picture that they both held, was a sepia photo of a group of men standing before the sheriff’s office, all with glittering badges, accept fo the trust up group of men kneeling at their feet. At the Center stood Adam and Ramirez Adam With his hand on McBride’s shoulder like a prise hunt, and Ramirez with his dented golden star.
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