#i may be a dream apologist but yall tommy deserves BETTER and this is not what better looks like
sun-is-a-square · 2 years
Honestly its concerning how many c!Inniters saw that stream as like... a good thing for c!Tommy. Like? Regardless of how you feel about c!Dream this is NOT what catharsis is. This is c!Wilbur USING c!Tommy’s trauma to make himself feel better.
This wasn’t about what Tommy wanted! This wasn’t even about what was best for Tommy.!Wilbur dragged Tommy back to one of the most triggering places on the server for him, the place he died, with both of them wearing iron armor with shit weapons. (He had a crossbow with no arrows for gods sake.) Dream could have very easily killed them both. Or he could’ve let Wilbur kill himself, lock Tommy in the prison, and maybe even revive Wilbur after if thats he wanted! Demanding Dream acknowledge Lmanberg as a free country (when its been gone for more than a year) and demanding Dream call himself a terrorist (when Phil called Wil a terrorist first) doesnt achieve ANYTHING. It doesn’t bring L’Manburg back, it doesn’t “punish” Dream, and despite what a lot of people seem to think it DOESN’T help Tommy. It puts him in a dangerous and traumatic environment. The best outcome is it makes Wilbur feel better about the country he built out of a drug van and the fact that he still hasn’t apologized to Tommy.
Even if c!Wilbur wasn’t being intentionally selfish, even if he genuinely believed he was doing it for c!Tommy, he was just making things worse. If c!Dream was differently motivated, c!Wilbur could have been delivering c!Tommy right back into the most dangerous and traumatizing environment on the server with little to no protection.
c!Wilbur was using the pain c!Tommy dealt with be because of exile to make himself feel like a hero and to avoid actually apologizing to c!Tommy. Wilbur thought showing off to Tommy that he’s the hero beating up the big bad Dream would be easier and more satisfying than saying “I’ve hurt you and I’m sorry.”
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