#i made this blog bc i needed to channel my love for bts somewhere
qtyoong · 6 years
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hello my beautiful friends!! with my favorite holiday (thanksgiving!!!!) right around the corner, i wanted to let some amazing ppl ive met on here know that i’m thankful for them. i love each & every one of u with my whole heart, you’ve all made this hellsite so much more fun. i hope every one has an amazing holiday season and gets to spend it with the ppl who make ur life a little bit brighter. if not, ur always welcome to celebrate with me. i wish i could show u how much i love every one of u but i guess this will have to do for now. (also pls ignore my shitty image, i had no motivation lmfao).
✨ mutuals
💛 there’s a special thank u for u at the bottom
#-f ✨ @1luvpjm | ✨ @amberinacade | ✨ @agustdemon | @aurjeon | ✨ @awake-withjin | ✨ @badbyeslut | @bang-tan | ✨ @boysinbangtan | @bt7s | @bwis | @bwisan | @celestial-jeon | @chimchurro | @cutelittleyoongi | @cyphertaehyungie | ✨ @cgvtaehyung | ✨ @dearlytea | ✨💛 @demonseok | @dreamyoongi | ✨ @ehhjooheon | ✨ @etherealitae | ✨💛 @flowerprincetae
g-m ✨ @gayoongles | @glitchyoongi | ✨ @glittrjimin | ✨ @heartkoo | ✨ @hobicth | ✨💛 @hobislittlesinner | ✨ @hobslobster | ✨ @hobiesangel | ✨ @hoebihh | @honeymygs | ✨ @honey-yoongles | @holy-jinsus | @holysuga | ✨ @hoseoch | @hoseok | ✨💛 @hosnack | @husbandjk | ✨ @icingsuga | ✨ @imyourserendipity | ✨ @ilychimmy |  ✨ @jinergy | @jiminrolls | @jinsbts | @jinsjade | ✨ @jins-kiss | @jjks | @jjungcooks | ✨💛 @jooniedork | @joonielovedaily | @joonscafe | ✨ @joontual | @junghosoks | @kimdaily | @kiwitaes | @kookmint | ✨ @kstaehyung | ✨ @loveablejimin | ✨ @lunahobs | @mangpd | ✨ @maplelattaes | @mellonjin | @mellowsuga | ✨ @miinbangtan | ✨ @minsbutt | ✨ @minbuwuty | ✨💛 @mintemps | @minyoongihoseok | @mochi-nochu | @monochilde | ✨ @monochilds | @monosplaylist | @monopd | @moonchildmv | ✨ @monsieurhobert | @myg | @myloveseokjin 
n-u @nnmjoon | ✨ @parkjiminsgf | @petitsuga | ✨ @piedparkjimin | ✨ @raplinesbitch | ✨ @rm2sbitch | @rmonolist | @rmseoul | ✨ @rosegoldje0n | ✨ @rosegram | ✨ @screaminghoseok | @seezaw | ✨ @seokle | ✨ @seoksblackrose | @seokin | @sgyoongi | @sin-taehyung | ✨ @slutdropjin | ✨ @snapback-yoongi | ✨ @spookyoons | ✨ @softmelon | @sokjin | @springsn0w | ✨ @stardoges | ✨💛 @starjeon | @stigmasgf | ✨ @softest-yoongi | @sosomen | ✨ @sugaforyou | @sugasuite | @taehungies | ✨ @taehyungtrsh | ✨ @taemoonchild | ✨ @tokyosolostan | ✨ @uknowbts | ✨💛 @utopiajeon
v-z ✨💛 @vhopesbootycall | ✨ @winemom-yoongi | ✨ @yccncyphr | @yoonggi | ✨ @yoongiscookie | ✨ @yoongislibra | @yoonseok | ✨ @yoongitrsh | @yoonmin |
@vhopesbootycall 💛 clo, i love u with my whole heart. u were one of my first friends I’ve met on here and i could not be more thankful for that. u r so funny, i absolutely love reading ur tags, they never fail to put a smile on my face. i wish u nothing but happiness and love and light in ur life, u r so deserving of it. i hope u know how much i love u!!
@starjeon 💛 bri!!!! i’m so thankful ur in my life. i absolutely love seeing ur radiant and beautiful personality on my dash, u r so humorous and talented. u are one of those ppl that everyone wants to be friends with and i’m so lucky to say that i’m one of those ppl who gets to call u a friend. u have such a wonderful personality that makes u so friendly and inviting and loving. when i say this i rlly truly mean it, if there’s one person in this world who’s deserving of all the love the world has to offer, it’s u. 
@flowerprincetae 💛  bee, i could not appreciate u more. i am so sos sooooooooo thankful that u r in my life and that i can call u my friend. u r so sweet and caring and every one who knows u is so damn lucky. im so thankful all the little messages and sweet things u’ve sent me. u make the world shine brighter with ur beautiful self.
@demonseok 💛 my lovely dove. one, i must say that u r one of the funniest ppl ive ever known. i love seeing u on my dash and ur posts never fail to put a smile on my face or literally laugh out loud. i say it all the time but ill say it again, u deserve nothing but the best in life. u r a beautiful radiant person who’s a force to be reckoned with. u have the biggest heart, i swear it’s made of gold. i love love loveeeee u!!!!! ur positivity and beautiful personality brings such joy in my life especially when i need it most.
@utopiajeon 💛 u r just the cutest fabi. im so thankful we get to share our love of bts together. u have the sweetest personality and anyone who knows u is so damn lucky. u always tag me in the absolute sweetest posts when i need it most. i wish u nothing but the best in everything u do in life. i love u and hope life is filled with love and happiness. 
@hosnack 💛 i love u rin!!! u have the type of personality that lights up a room when u walk in. u r funny, smart and so fucking sweet!!! im forever grateful i met u, i love seeing u pop up on my dash and i absolutely love having u in my life. i hope for nothing but the best for u, without a doubt u deserve it. thank u for being u bc u are a wonderful friend!!!!
@jooniedork 💛 aly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love u oh so much. u have one of the kindest souls ive ever met. i appreciate and love our convos more than u know. u r so smart and talented and i can’t wait to watch u live out ur dream of living & teaching in korea. i’ll always be by ur side rooting for u!!! u deserve all of the happiness and love in the world.
@hobislittlesinner  💛 my beautiful sunshine buddy alec. i love u more than words could ever describe. u r a force to be reckoned with, dont let anyone ever tell u anything else. i love love LOVE when u snapchat me and ask how my day was. u r such a caring and loving person, i can’t wait to see what amazing things u do in life. i love u times a billion.
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