#i love you Noel gruber you will always be real in my heart
Rest in piece Noel gruber you would have loved moulin rouge
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sydneyofalltrades · 10 months
Now for the less angst and more wholesome portion of the lovebugs bc I love those little shits
Everyone knew about Moni and Mason. Their friends, their families, their colleagues.
And yes, it was.. nice. But this feeling of guilt crept into Moni and stuck around with her, a little black cloud no amount of sunshine could get rid of.
It was a rainy Saturday when the cloud consumed her whole. She felt too wrong for Mason, she could hurt him beyond repair, she could do to him what all those other men did to her. And she couldn’t do that. Not to him.
So she’d remove herself from his life. It’s the right thing to do.
“Hey, Mon, you wanna come over to my place?”
Moni looked up and smiled. “Sure! I haven’t met your parents yet.”
Mason shrugged. “Yeah, they’re never around. Always at parties or bingos or betting their lives away. They went to jail a couple times for it so..”
Moni frowned. “You live alone? Really?”
Mason shrugged again. “I’m 18, I’m legally allowed to. And I work like six jobs anyway to pay rent, I manage just fine without them.”
Moni kissed his cheek. “You’re very brave to do that on your own. I couldn’t imagine living like that, but it’s your reality.”
Mason sighed. “Yeah, but anyway. Here.”
He gave her a key and a note. “The address is in the note and this is a spare key to the apartment. I figured you’d rather have one since I trust you with it.”
Moni stared at the little key. “Thanks, Mason.”
She smiled, not entirely real but not entirely forced. How was she going to break the news? She’d probably break his heart.
The thoughts in her brain swirled around like a tornado. Moni walked to Noel’s room and he looked up.
“What’s up?”
Moni sighed. “Tell Mom I’ll be at a friend’s house, I’ve got something to do.”
Noel was confused. “Okay, do you need me to go with you?”
“No! I- I mean, I’ll be fine.”
She grabbed her phone and bag before leaving. This was going to be hard.
She took Mason’s hand and they walked off to his apartment.
“Hey, you okay?”
Moni nodded, smiling faintly. “I’m fine!”
They arrived at the simple, empty apartment.
“This is your place,” Moni asked slightly.
“Yeah,” Mason said sheepishly, “It’s not always this messy.”
Moni shrugged. “It’s fine. It has a lived in feel to it.”
Mason smiled. “Thanks. Hey, you want something to drink?” He grabbed a soda and offered her one.
Moni shrugged again. Mason frowned.
“Are you okay?”
Moni shook her head. “I have something to tell you.”
Mason popped open his soda and nodded. “What’s wrong, Monini?”
Moni took a breath. “I think we should break up,” she said quickly. Mason paused.
“What do you mean, break up?”
Moni’s hands started shaking. “Look, Mason, don’t get me wrong, I love you and I love being with you. I do. I just- I don’t want you to ever think you need to fix me or save me.”
She sighed. “I don’t want my past ruining what could be something amazing. I don’t want to hurt you the way I’ve been hurt, so the best way to do that.. is to let you go.”
Mason frowned. “What makes you think that, Moni?”
Moni shrugged. “You know my past, you know how bad it got. I don’t want to relapse and hurt you, you’re the greatest person I’ve ever met and- I think it would be better if we ended this. While we still can.”
Mason took Moni’s hand. “Moni. I’m not breaking up with you. And you’re not leaving, you can’t. You’d be too heartbroken to live and then you’d probably kill yourself and I can’t have you killing yourself, I love you too much for that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Mason, please-“
He grabbed her face. “Monique. Listen.”
And she did.
“I don’t want any other pair of eyes looking at me the way you do. I don’t want any other hands in my hair because yours are the perfect pair. You, Monique Gruber, are not leaving because I’m your boyfriend. I’m supposed to help you feel like you can be vulnerable, you can let go of your trauma. I’d gladly get hurt by your hands over and over if I knew you were going to come back and love me the way I always love you.”
Moni sniffled. “You asshole. I love you so much.”
Mason grinned. “I love you too, you little bitch.”
She pulled him in for a kiss and it cemented something, it made her feel like she was worthy of someone else’s love.
Moni took Mason’s hand and they started dancing in the middle of the hallway. They did that a lot, dancing whenever the feeling struck them.
“Don’t ever think for a second you aren’t worth a healthy relationship, Moni,” Mason said earnestly, “You’re worth the world.”
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