#i love this group sm dsgjkl im so so so glad i have joined
piplupod · 3 months
it makes me laugh a little bc i was so scared of showing my crocheted isopod to the group bc these women are all in their 60s-80s and they've been knitting for most of their lives so they're all way more advanced than I am, and my isopod turned out swell but it is a tad wonky, the shell plates are not perfectly lined up etc etc
so i was scared they were going to react to it like "ohh isn't that neat :)" sort of patronizing when u can tell they think smth is darling in the same way a child's drawing is darling fsdjkl, but NO !!
THEY WERE ALL SO IMPRESSED. like genuinely in awe and delighted by this little critter HFDSFJKL ?? i think it's because they don't make plushie type of things basically ever, they just make clothing type items (i wish i could show yall some of the sweaters these women have made, some of them are absolutely STUNNING), so the isopod was just so much different from what they're used to seeing maybe? and that's why they thought it was so cool?
I DUNNO they just made me bring it out again every time a new person came into the room to join us the day i brought it JFDSJKL and then they'd all pass it around again and fawn over it and i was just so confused and ridiculously pleased bc i'd been so afraid to show it before 😭
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