#i love this dream so much. so rmommo ROMANTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blushes and swoons and falss back onto my bed blushing
eebie · 11 months
btw eebie in my dream last night i was shot and as i was bleeding out i posted on the asphalt “eebie i love you more than a friend” even though wed gotten married already. anywaya justt thoughr i should tell u hehe ^_^
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hehe this is the first thing that popped in2 my head ... i would do this 2 if i got shot on asphalt id be like Skenpiel i think i love u more than a friend ...! lets get real life married the real deal style At the altar and kiss passionate and full of love and then we'll have a mil;lion trillion babies and liv ehappily ever after in true yuri love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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