#i love thinking abt german / austrian remus thank u for this ask hehehe
polaroidcats · 26 days
☕I need all of your thoughts and feelings on Austrian/German Remus.
I don't think I've ever read a fic with Austrian Remus but German Remus is like catnip to me!!! If Remus was Austrian he would be from Vorarlberg and have a sexy sexy accent!! Also, in my mind Antifa wolfstarbucks are German idk if I ever said this in an antifa wsb post but because they were born from german marauders headcanons by @neongreenllama and me, in my mind I always think of them as German still.
German Remus is ofc obsessed with Karl Marx, but I will do my best not to just focus on that (it's a real struggle, ngl) and tell you some other things German Remus loves/loved:
He definitely was a Tokio Hotel fan as a teenager, he always thought Bill was the hottest member of the band and definitely read Bravo just to hang up posters of them!
I think Petterson & Findus spoke to him on a spirtual level and his life goal is to become like a good mix of Petterson and Peter Lustig from Löwenzahn, and I think that's a realistic goal for him!!
I also think he rides bis vintage racing bike EVERYWHERE and is a bit of an asshole about it (he gets rly bad road rage on his bike, that's literally the only time he ever allows himself to show his anger outwardy, pedestrians walking on bike lanes and car owners opening their doors without looking are just SO STUPID).
I definitely think he goes through a phase of romanticising Eastern Germany, both politically and for the aesthetic.
He loves listening to Falco, probably has all of his music on vinyl and never shuts up about how tragic it is that Falco died so young and how much great music we missed out on bc of it.
I also think both German & Austrian Remus would be really into going for walks and hikes, and being in nature. He gets really annoyed when his body doesn't always cooperate and allow him to go on as many outdoorsy adventures as he would like but I feel like that is still an important part of him!!
German Remus (like every other Remus) lives for the Birkenstocks & wooly Socks combo, it's his style, it's his religion, it's the hill he will die on (probably bc he slips in his birkenstocks bc they don't have good soles for walking outside)!
send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it
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