#i love the sappy romance but i reeeeeally love that this is just them identifying mountain weeds
eijiroukiriot · 6 months
a flavor of krbk that i always love is them just kinda clicking with each other and fitting together in their own special way in the non-romantic moments!! especially with the undertone of "whatever it is krbk has going on, their friends have resigned themselves to the fact that they'll probably never understand it." it's been a sec since i've done a translation but here's a comic that embodies that really, really well - the title is "mountains, krbk, and weeds" !
kirishima: ohhhh, bakugou!! there's some mountain flowers or something blooming over here! you think they're rare ones?
bakugou: ...ah, those are weeds
k (tiny): oh
k: bakugou, what's this one?
b: hah?? ah, that weed is sort of rare
k: what about these?
b: huh? that's an endangered weed, on the red list
k: ...
b: what
k, internal: what even is a weed...?
b: oi, kirishima
k (spaced out): yea?
b: this is a special weed that only grows around this mountain
k: .... (sfx: KYUN)
k: man, you're kind of a weirdo, aren't you (but my heart got all squeezy over it...)
b: HAH?? the hell do you think you're saying? you wanna go??
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