#i love the Delinquints So Much can you tell
Family can be an Azgeda spy, a sad old man in the body of a twenty year old, the daughter of a navy seal turned freedom fighter and their teacher- the 100 7.04
As always, spoilers for the above episode and long post ahead
Oh my gods the training montage in the beginning was So Cute f u c k. And it sets Hope’s character up So Well. I knew Dev for like two minutes and I Love Him. But Hope’s “trust me I’ve done this before” was...Interesting.
Ahsjfjskcba “of course she’s going” ya because it’s Bellamy! We stan one devoted married couple, I love them and I love Clarke hearing Bellamy is in danger and immediately “hmm fuck everything else I have to go save my husband”. This episode Clarke was just so impatient and trying to get to her friends as soon as possible, not taking into account the risk and just jumping head first and I Loved it
Raven and Clarke having conversations! Clarke helping Raven feel better (even a little bit) with how she’s learned to cope and also?? Clarke finally making peace with her decisions??? We love to see it. I do genuinely enjoy seeing Raven dealing with the after effects of being the reason people died, but I’m also extremely happy that Clarke said what she said because it’s True and hopefully the two can continue rebuilding that bond with a better understanding of each other
Why did this episode make me almost like Jordan again? I enjoyed him and Raven getting to geek out over technology and space travel, it’s really cute and I enjoyed him more then I have in like...a season. I’m really hopeful that once he’s removed from the bullshit that is Sanctum he can return to a character I enjoy seeing on screen
OCTAVIA TEACHING HOPE THE GREEK MYTHS PASSING ON BELLAMY TELLING HER THE MYTHS AS A CHILD I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE THIS!! Seriously its so cute and I love Aunty O and Hope, and Octavia relying on what Bellamy taught her when she was growing up. On Sky Ring she was given the chance to mature and have a family and know peace and that’s all I’ve wanted for her for the past like six seasons.
I fucking Love everything that happens on Sky Ring. Family is who you choose and I love them all growing to care for each other, and yet Echo still being the Azgeda spy at her heart. Seriously this was Such a good character moment, poor Orlando :( I’m a little suspicious of him?? And if he actually died?? But either way, it was...definitely indicative of Something
Clarke on motorcycle....Good. That is all.
Is the offline planet...Earth?? Was there an anomaly stone on earth and are we going to end up turning it online and jumping back to Earth at the end of this season? And if so, when in Earth’s timeline will we jump to.
Seriously, every single part of the Anomaly plotline is just So Much More Interesting then anything on Sanctum. Who are these people??? Why do they have knowledge of Clarke Griffin and Wanheda. I assume it’s because of their memory capture device (whatever that is) being used on Bellamy, Octavia and Diyoza but idk. Who was it cancelling the Anomaly Stone that took Gaia?? Rip to Sanctum, all the cool people are gone (except Murphy and Emoji and Jackson?) so Next episode should be...fun. I was going to complain about not having Murphy in this episode at all but it looks like next episode is going to be Murphy centric to trade offs I guess?? I’m so Done with Sanctum and Shaiheda but Octavia is also in the promo so hopefully it’s split between the two plots. Things are moving now, and the plots are coming together so I have regained my excitement for this show, can’t wait for next week.
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