#i love an underdog story and i want emi to get all the praise that he deserves right now
getting-messi · 1 year
i'm pretty sure that anon meant penalties are why argentina won 🤡idk how many times this needs to be said, but you really don't need to get murdered in the box to get a pen lol. not their fault opponents didn't catch on to arg deliberately holding on to the ball in the box to draw fouls, and guess what happens when you get fouled in the box!! anyway lol if anyone still actually believes that then they didn't watch argentina's games 🤷‍♀️ because the whole team played really well the whole tournament and despite france getting 2 penalties in the final (i feel like we don't talk about that enough??? but ok) they still dominated their superteam almost the whole way through. scaloni worked miracles on argentina and i read a tactical analysis from the athletic on how they're the most tactically flexible champions we've had and it's true, he was changing formations and sometimes lineups most games to suit specific opponents and his only weakness was sometimes making subs too early. as for messi and emi (i think that's about the best awards? i'm not sure) messi is messi, and emi was phenomenal and is quite literally the main reason they won + was solid for aston villa the whole year even with a shit defence. some salty ass mfs on twt actually tried to say lloris is a better overall goalie when even with a good defence at spurs, he still messed up almost every game before his injury 😭. aaa this is a rant but we will be feasting well on all the tears tonight #trust
oh i absolutely was asking to just get them to say it with their chest so i could put them in their place🤧
and you've really summed it up sis. Like people love to act dumb when it comes to penalties. All sense just RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW. Other than the Saudi and Mexico match, there is not a single match in that tournament where Argentina weren't primarily dominating.
Let's actually sum up the penalties he got in this tournament:
Saudi - pen but they ended up losing the match so no benefit
Mexico - no penalty
Poland - penalty given and saved so no benefit
Australia - no penalty
Netherlands - was already up 1-0 and Argentina were dominating the match
Croatia - by far our easiest win in the tournament, croatian players admitted that they played a bad match and that assist Messi had shows that pen/no pen, he had them on strings
France - valid pen, and france played like shit for 75 minutes so whats their point?
Had messi missed a penalty at any moment during the tournament, whether in the semi-final, or the final - they would've been on his back they way they were back in 2016 when he missed the penalty against Chile in the shootout.
They definitely weren't watching Argentina at all, truly just bitter humans.
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rememberingannette · 5 years
From Brenda Holt
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We have been asked to share our memories of Annette.  As I sit here before a blank screen 20 years of memories come screaming into my mind and I am awash with so much emotion.  Honestly, there are so many memories to choose from.  How can I capture Annette’s essence on paper or screen?  I can’t – it’s impossible.  When Annette walked into a room, she truly ARRIVED!  She was the life of the party with her laughter, stories, and entertainment prowess.
Most of us have stories of Annette rushing to our aide. When she saw someone hurting or struggling, she rushed head long towards it and you knew you would tackle the problem together. She had wisdom, compassion and was one of the most forgiving and unjudgmental human being I have ever known.  EVER!!  From the time Annette was a child, she was drawn to the underdog and would protect them with all her mite.  She was the one you would want in your corner.
She went to bat for me several times.  She was never afraid to stand up for what was right and fair no matter who she had to go up against!  You did not want to get her Samoan/Pilipino dander up!
Annette had a love for all things furry!  If she saw a dog or cat on the street, she would run up to it and lavish so much praise, hugs, kisses and pats on the head.  Annette never met a dog or cat that she didn’t like.  She not only rescued critters, she also rescued people too many times to count. Annette would pester me to no end to try different things.  Most times, I would do them willingly and other times I would go into it kicking and fighting every inch of the way.  One such time, she coerced me into participating in the LA Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon.  Fine, I would do it.  I had to drive from Claremont to Griffith Park very early every Saturday to train.  I showed up, but where was Annette?  She was tucked in her bed sleeping!!  I would call her to rouse her up and out and she would show up very late (it’s been said, and it’s true, that Annette had her own special relationship with time) or not at all!  But she did show up on time for race day and we had a blast!  Don’t get me started on the Yoga class stories!  Oh, and the shopping sprees to Ames, DSW Shoe Store, and Shoe Frenzy!  All the concerts, plays, sporting events - so many stories and memories!
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All the many nights of working overtime to prepare for document production, trials or hearings - she made it so much fun!  Don’t get me wrong, we worked hard but it was easier because there was laughter. She brought so much laughter to everything she did and everyone she met. Annette was patient, kind and long suffering and taught everyone whom she worked with, secretaries, paralegals, file clerks and new attorneys so much about practice and procedure in the legal field.  She should have been an attorney.
Annette loved people, respectful children, learning, teaching music and dance.  She loved going to and inviting anyone who wanted to come to the theatre, concerts of all kinds, museums, zoos, baseball, bowling….  Truthfully, it would be much easier to list the things she didn’t like.  More importantly, she loved her family, her friends, her church and above all, God.  The last time I spoke with Annette was Sunday or Monday night.  We laughed and commiserated with one another and then prayed together.  On Tuesday, she sent me a text forwarding a Bible scripture, “Good morning!  Today’s verse in the Bible app says, ‘But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.’  So, He must be very pleased with us.”  Yes, Annette, He truly is well pleased with you and it was well with your soul.  I am missing you so much, but I know where you are and who you are with.  I can only imagine all the vibrant colors and harmonies you are experiencing through perfect, unfettered sight and sound.  And when my time here on this earth is up, I will be looking forward to the welcoming committee you will most assuredly have waiting for me.  I love you my true, faithful, loyal and loving friend – my sister in Christ.
My love to Emy, Lawrence, Alma and Olivia and to Annette’s extended family.
She will always be remembered with love and laughter.
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