#i liked kevin and clay in the beginning too!!! and im obsessed with cheryl and toni in earlier seasons it just felt like once they were in
kurtzhot · 10 months
the thing about riverdale season 7 is that even though it is textually the gayest season it is so easily the worst at being textually gay. they robbed kevin and clay and cheryl and toni of doing anything interesting or having a meaningful relationship with any other character all season and their song in archie the musical is boring af. but the subtextual gay relationships are insane because the characters spend their screentime doing other stuff and have hopes and dreams and stuff. archie and reggie are wrestling in their shared bedroom and worrying that their respective passions for writing and basketball will take them away from eachother. gay kevin and clay are in love i guess because they keep telling us they are. do you see what i mean or am i being an asshole
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