#i like how this implies that luigi is just a fucked up version of mario
purplecraze · 3 years
Slutty Luigi
(Let me just put this is a separate post to be eternalized)
-Fugo and Narancia are playing Mario Kart 64 they sucked at it, Narancia asks for a rematch-
Fugo: “I don’t think it’ll make much of a change for me, hand-eye coordination isn’t my strong point. you can if you want to, though. Avenge me against that slut Luigi.“
Narancia: Narancia started to laugh like an idiot after hearing “slut Luigi” “Are you implying that Luigi fucks???” He laughted again and then shook head
Fugo:  “Absolutely. How else could he have gotten a spot in these games, despite being a sissy chicken? he’s totally slept his way up into the management. He always stood in the shadow of his older brother, lacking the same charisma and dimensional insight. So he had to be cunning instead. He didn’t have the luxury to choose his means. even if it meant selling his body to the devil. Because he had fallen in love with the same woman as his brother. He knew that despite his brother’s efforts, she treated him cruely and selfish. But against Luigi, she had something warm. She didn’t look at him like scum, not like a half assed 2nd version of his brother. Even if he knew he had no chance, he wanted to protect her from the shadows forever. So he HAD TO find some way into this game. If he wasn’t there, just how would his princess be treated? IF her car would crash, who would be there to wipe her tears? He wanted to be that person.....But before he knew it, his hands had become too tainted to hold her. He was, and always will be....... slutty Luigi.“
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ae0nx · 5 years
*takes a sip of wine* ...I honestly don’t know how this review/recap is gonna work cos... I have a whole load of notes on the new 2019 episode, the three last 2001 episodes and the manga. And I thought I was gonna do a simple comparison but goddamn it... those last three episodes of ‘01 go way off the rail. 
If the last three episodes of ‘01 were Mario in Mario Kart, it’d be him just doing a continuous drift... way into the grass... while trying to pick up Princess Peach, Bowser AND Luigi... even though the game wouldn’t allow it and he has a one person car.
*sigh* So, let’s start off:
When I think of the True Form Arc, I think three simple points are vital to be shown:
Kyo’s true form is to be revealed to the audience and to Tohru
Kyo’s past with Kazuma and his mother/(partly)father 
Tohru still accepting Kyo and declaring her love need for them to be together and share each other’s pain and joy
The True Form Arc is a very important story, very emotional story, but at most is a stepping stone to a bigger arc/conclusion and 2019 understood this the most and pretty much followed the manga to the book, with a few flourishes they took from the 2001 anime. 2001 did... well... it did a disjointed mash up of a sorts. So, I’m mostly gonna use the 2019 version to talk about things I found interesting about the main plot as well as the particular things they did that intrigued me this time around. And I’m gonna pretty much try and compare it the 2001 version when it does relate and try and treat the other non-canonical stuff it puts in as a sort of ‘elseworld’ story and not judge it on it’s accuracy but if it’s interesting or not. Cool?
- I’m still not comfortable with the way the episodes are split up for the True Form Arc this time around. If I can give one compliment to the 2001 version, is that they really let the arc sit with you and for the audience to digest it and feel it (oh, the ever lasting rain). Yes, three episodes of true form Kyo was way too long! But I do think that at least 1.5 episodes would’ve been perfect for me. 
- In general, I really love that Kazuma is respected by all the Sohmas. Even Shigure manages to behave himself!
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When I took a first glance at Kyo’s kinda cold/awkward attitude to Kazuma, I just assumed it was as was said, that Kyo was being shy about his feelings toward Kazuma and also not wanting to show any slither of ‘weakness’ or vulnerability around Yuki. But then, I found myself thinking... 
Have you ever been in a situation where you’re with a group of some friends and they’re good friends and you’ve just gotten to know them fairly recently but then your BEST friend comes along and they’ve known you for pretty much most of your life and you are genuinely happy to have them there... butttt they also know EVERY single dirty secret about you and you are just silently internally begging them to not tell your other friends about that time you threw up in their bed when you were underage drinking at their house party? That was the feeling I got the most and I love it haha
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First tears of the evening. The fact that Kyo would be so vulnerable to let someone even touch his head must be so shocking for the new viewers and I’m so excited for them.
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I just love his metaphor of the ‘lukewarm bath’. God, my boy is really not adjusted to this slice-of-life living, he really does think he’s in a shonen anime lol. But, in all seriousness, I’ve found this to be a thing most commonly amongst the straight, cis guys that I know. They find it hard to have personal and emotional friendships (let alone relationships) and the reason - that I’ve been told anyway - is cos they’re scared that with that much softness it’d just give way for them to fall completely apart... It’s really unfortunate that sometimes society won’t let them fall apart and sometimes they can’t find a safe space to fall apart.
And kid, we all know from the New Year’s episode that you scream when you don’t know how to express complex emotions of love - stop kidding yourself. God, that episode still has my favourite Kyo smile.
- Right. So, I really don’t like that Kazuma forcibly takes off Kyo’s beads without Kyo’s consent or want to reveal his true form. And I think a lot of it stems from this additional scene in ‘01 with Akito that reveals that this was an actual premeditated idea formed between the two...
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I really don’t like that addition at ALL. I haven’t re-read the manga completely so let me know if I’m dissing the canon, but Kazuma knows that Akito does not have the best intentions for Kyo. I get that Akito is the head of the family but I feel like characters like Kazuma, Ayame and (kinda) Kagura tend to skip across the lines and regulations that Akito sets. And this just made no sense to me. Why would he?
But regardless of that addition, I still don’t like the decision to take off Kyo’s beads forcibly. Kyo needs help breaking down his exterior, yes but I do question whether he maybe would’ve ended up telling Tohru in his own time? Hmm... Maybe not. But I do like that in the very near future (spoilers), Kazuma does recognise this action he took.
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I love this moment so much. Shigure and Kazuma are actually on the same page for just this arc in taking actions that will manipulate situations and hurt people for a greater good and it’s insane when you think of it like that - especially when you hate Shigure as much as I do. But Shigure being well aware of the personal catastrophe that could await from pulling off a move like this shows he’s aware at the very least... (not that he cares *sigh*)
- Kazuma confronting Kyo for the eventual reveal, I really loved in the 2019 version. The spinning camera definitely made that intense feeling a lot more real. And the rain... and Kazuma essentially playing the villain was a different take than ‘01′s version. In general, Kazuma in ‘01 just looks so tired and almost haunted?
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Maybe it’s the grey hair that’s doing most of the work, but he just looks and acts so exhausted and weary which is interesting when you include Kyo’s later thoughts on why he doesn’t want to burden Kazuma with having the title of ‘father’ in relation to him. I definitely prefer ‘19!Kazuma. You can tell he loves Kyo but he does run a dojo so he has more of an edge and a sternness about him so if he’s gonna teach Kyo a lesson he’s gonna fucking mean it lol. But tbh, Dameon Clark sells it in both versions. Even the way he says ‘you haven’t changed’ in the ‘01 version is heartbreaking. You can tell he knows there’s many facets to this character and he puts his all into it in both iterations.
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While I will get into what I like and dislike about what 2001 did with these three getting involved in what is essentially Tohru and Kyo’s story in part 2 of this review (it’s already way too long and I’m scared I’ll lose the whole thing), I do also respect the original manga story of them essentially just turning their head away from Kyo and it’s implied that they can’t help it(?). It really just solidifies to the audience what Kyo’s position in the family is. While he is liked by what seems like a lot of members of the zodiac, they can’t help him because they are under the same rule of Akito and the order of the zodiac. Which is why I really love what Kagura says in ‘01 to Yuki after Kyo runs off...
But... you’ll have to read part 2 to see what I feel about the next part of the episode. 😈
Link to Part 2 here!
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