#i left this a lil vague and open since we didnt decide solidly on which muse of yours
alvcrd · 2 years
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@tewwor​ hit the heart!!
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The breeze was comfortably cool as it buffeted through the trees. Only the moon’s light shone off of the round, orange glasses the vampire wore. He’s as much in his element as a shark is in the ocean; a hunter primed and ready to go at a moment’s notice.
That is; if he were hunting. Alucard sought this moonlit stroll in the pursuit of enjoyment. Even someone such as himself could get itchy legs rotting away in that mansion.
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Alucard’s not sure what alerts him first to another presence. Be it the sound or the smell of them. The spectre would pause where he stood; the echo of a laugh tugging at his lips.
“ Are you here to hunt me? Something else, perhaps? ”
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