#i know its so silly because starscream is fictional
the-energon-hole · 5 years
TFP Megatron, Knock Out and Predaking (in bipedal mode) watching horror movies on the Nemesis with their human s/o and getting amused, but also loving it, because she hugs their chassis tightly when tension builds up then squeaks and buries her face into their chassis when scary parts happen, please?
((A/N - Yeah, this is late… Happy New Year? Ah, sorry. Anyway, everyone is Bipedal except Predaking because I thought it fit his personality more. Enjoy!))
(Movie Picked- Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
-He had no idea why he always agreed to such asinine activities- which only made his processor swirl with thoughts that maybe you had a bit more power over him that he would like to admit. He doesn’t want to say allowed how wrapped around your finger he truly is, because truth be told, of you snapped your fingers and told him to jump he wouldn’t even bother to ask how high because he would already know how high you wanted him to go. He worried that you were going to be the death of him and his empire- or what makes him shutter worse, that he could be the death of you. You didn’t seem to feel the same as he did in this aspect, you were fearless and secure in the ideals that he would always protect you from harm- which he would so long as he has a spark pulsing in his chest and thoughts racing in his processor. You looked up at him with those sparkly wide eyes of yours as you said his name and asked if he was ready to watch the “movie”- you were a big fan of media productions created by “Hollywood” and he had no idea why. Cybertronians didn’t really have anything like the copious amounts of media that humans seemed to possess, they had much more humble forms of entertainment that mostly consisted of historic storytellers and musicians. There wasn’t a big scope of entertainment for the masses beyond gladiator fights and binge drinking high grade until one passes out.
-Cybertronian entertainment seemed to be rather… destructive when comparing it to simple human fictional books and television shows, but it made sense when he thought about it logically, he couldn’t imagine you in body armor fighting to the near death while crowds of people sat in stands cheering and screaming to see some bloody action. You told him some cultures did indeed have displays like that, but it was a little different for humans than it was Cybertronians, after all ge has lost quite a few limbs in his gladiatorial days- it was nothing to replace his disconnected frame parts, but humans did not have that same luxury as once their parts were gone they were gone. That could be why you were so terribly squeamish about watching Starscream lose his arm or the idea of battles where he has lost nearly ever appendage on his frame- you always heaved as if you were going to eject the contents of your stomach and flinched as if someone was about to hit you. It was endearing to see you so concerned about his frame and form, and it was always quirky that no matter how many times he explained it to you that it wasn’t the same as a human losing an appendage, you still reacted the same way each and every time. You were so human, and he supposes that was what he liked about you so much, your endless empathy and your alien and foreign reactions to all of his simple and normal stories about his days on Cybertron.
-You were kind of a talker during a movie, not a loud talker or anything that would be deemed rude or such, but you liked to give your own commentary and opinions when necessary or when it was funny. The best part about this habit was that it was one Megatron picked up on pretty quickly, and you two would make silly quips about the scenarios the protagonists have found themselves in. He noticed your jokes and comments began to dwindle as the thrill of the horror of the movie began to set in as the main antagonist begins torturing one of the side characters. Megatron was grossly intrigued as he watched the antagonist begin to brutalize the side character in a gory mess, he heard you suck in air through your teeth as you turned around and placed your face against his chest plate from where you sat comfortably on his upper leg- you didn’t like scenes like this so you basically whined at him to let you know when it was done. If it were up to him the scene would never be over as there was something comforting and primal about how you would run to him if you were scared or uncomfortable. He cooed at you in a comforting way by letting hid engines rumble in a low hum as you clung to him while you physically winced at the sounds of the movie still playing behind you. Despite knowing it was fiction, despite knowing that no harm was happening to the humans on the screen, and despite always being so calm under pressure you still somehow let this kind of thing get to you. Honestly? He wouldn’t a damn thing about you- including this squeamish reaction, it showed him how passionate and loving you really were, and as he ran one of his claws through your slightly tousled hair he felt his spark tug in your direction because it fully believed you were the only being in this whole damn universe good enough for him.
(Movie Picked- The Human Centipede)
-You didn’t even need to ask him twice! Knockout is fascinated by this aspect of human culture- the creation of fictional stories for entertainment wasn’t uncommon for their species, bit the fictitious elements were only ever implemented in old war stories and boring cautionary tales of always behaving like a good little Cybertronian Drone that The Council expected one to be. He loved how outlandish Fantasy stories can be and it filled this strange niche he never knew he had to watch action films where the protagonist runs around shooting guns and doing flips- sure he lives that kind of life being a Cybertronian Decepticon Rebel, but for humans there was more at stake than there was for him. Cybertronians were a very resilient species consisting of a mixture of biological and mechanical components- they could lose a limb, they could have their armor stripped off, they can even live with severe processor damage. Humans? Not so much. They get a big physical injury and that tends to be the end all be all for them, they were just creatures made up of biological organic tissues that were resilient against other organic things like bacteria and viruses, but when it came to physical injury that was rough for them. That’s what made movies so good, he likes watching different exaggerated scenarios of ways humans can potentially get hurt. That, and well, he likes spending time with you doing things that involved nothing but loafing around and relaxing. 
-Sure, you both worked together, but it was work that is what took up most of your time together, it left little room for conversation beyond what was the task at the servo that needed to be completed. You were a treasure to work with in his optics as you never complained about the morality of his experiments or his deeds, unless of course he was trying to be cheeky with you and get a rise out of you. Primus, the way your little cheeks get red and puffy when he says something risque or when he would say something to get you angry as your eyebrows furrowed in disgust as you would scoff at him and call him all kinds of bad names. He remembers once asking about taking other people’s body parts and putting them on another person’s body like he had seen in some odd human movies, to which you got huffy with him and told him that was already a thing called a transplant and that it is actually a tool that has helped save thousands of lives, to which he replied with a wonderful smirk that what if he made a four armed six legged human. You sneered at the idea and told him that is weird stuff only creepy mad doctors do in Science Fiction films and over the top nonsensical Medical Dramas- and besides, you informed him a human like that wouldn’t live very long as you weren’t designed to have so many outer limbs, that person would suffer from necrosis in a matter of days as there wasn’t enough blood to sustain functioning limbs. Not once did you call him sick for suggesting to do such a terrible thing, but you did try to school him on human anatomy, and it was so endearing and cute- he loved to argue with you and he was pretty sure you liked arguing with him. Also, it was good to know you were down to make a crazy human monster- it just has to be anatomically correct.
-Human Cinema was a guilty pleasure of his in the same way human cars were, he can’t help but indulge from time to time- and this movie you picked is supposed to be so disgusting in its premise that he couldn’t wait to see your reaction. You both sat comfortably in his berth room since it was a rather quiet and secluded area of the ship, it was one of the best perks of being a Decepticon soldier- privacy, all of the Vehicons had to share a resting barracks,  he shuddered at the thought of having to power down in a room with other bots that were jealous of his high rank. You couldn’t help but make snarky comments at people’s stupidity in the movie- but as soon as things got graphic and gory, you couldn’t help but shy away from the action on the screen. “Come now, I’m sure you’ve witnessed worse through your time as a medical professional?””Yes, but there is a difference between a bullet hole in a soldier and a human being disfigured!” He laughed as you buried your face on his chassis as the sounds of squelching could still be heard on the screen- he was basking in all of this, and he was definitely not going to let you love this down. He can see it now, you squirming and wriggling as he grilled you about how much things like this bothered you- he couldn’t wait to see your little face get all flushed as he would poke you with his digit while mocking you until you blow up in his face the way he likes so much. He has to admit though, even he could feel himself wincing at the premise of this movie- something about thinking about certain things moving through multiple human bodies made him gag on his own energon. Some humans have a twisted sense of what was entertaining.
(Movie picked- The Conjuring)
-He was looking forward to your visit to his ”quarters” tonight, if you can call a dark and dank cage proper sleeping quarters, but despite his living condition and his reputation on this ship you still found his company more agreeable than the other power hungry mechs on this floating prison. Considering that the first time he met you he nearly stepped on you because he thought you were some kind of organic monster, well, it really says a lot about all the bots in the Decepticon ranks honestly. He loved your company more than he could put into words as you treated him less like a monster and more like a person- you were so kind to him as every time you lifted your small hands he did not fear a strike but rather looked forward to a kind stroke. His favorite part about your visits were the fact you always had an interesting story to tell him- you called them books, and they were merely printed words on flimsy pieces of material, but the things they told were very dramatic and impactful. You told him all kinds of interesting tales- things from kids getting lost in a magical closet to a story about a rich man who could never truly have the one thing he wanted and he had to learn the hard way money can’t buy everything. Sometimes he didn’t understand the concept of these stories, they were alien to him, but you were very patient with him and was able to explain everything to him when he inquired about it. It made him realize why you were on this ship in the first place- you were the Decepticons insight into how human culture functioned. You thought he didn’t notice, but he sees every time you get sad talking about the family you had to leave behind in order to save them from Megatron’s wrath, he couldn’t offer much comfort besides his presents- but he knows it isn’t enough. He wishes he could make you smile more, he liked it when you beamed at him with that glowing face that you have, but he knows he is no substitute to the warmth and love that a true pack can offer.
-You seemed extra excited tonight as you set up and odd looking device on his pen. He found it rather cute the way you spoke too fast for him to actually hear what your saying while you were excitedly bounding around his living space going on and om about some hallowed tradition your culture enjoys celebrating. He understood the words “we eat candy till we drop” and “we dress up and go to homes to get said candy”, an odd custom of you asked him his opinion, but this was your planet and he can say for sure Cybertronian customs were just as odd from your perceiving end. He was also kind of taken away as you told him this time of year also meant purposefully getting scared? You told him it’s all in good fun and everyone has a good laugh after the initial scare takes place- why would humans find joy in terrifying one another? You seemed to be excited about this…movie? Movie, this movie you were about to show him. You read stories to him all the time, both fictional and nonfictional, so this is sort of the same thing but visual? You peaked his curiosity that was for sure, so once you got tucked in next to him as he lay down to watch what it was you out on, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself at how cozy you looked with a bowl full of sweets and a warm blanket to cuddle with since it does get rather cold out here on the deck of the ship.
-He didn’t understand what was going on with this story at all! He understood the premise that it was fiction, and yet, the story is leading him to believe this all really happened. He grew bored with the strange tale of “haunted” things- you’ve told him of the paranormal before, but this he just couldn’t wrap his brain around and he had stopped paying attention to the film long ago. However, you were so into it that anytime he shifted his body you yelped and jumped on the air as you clutched you hand to your chest- he apologized for startling you, but you just laughed and said that it helped with the atmosphere of the movie. Humans really are a strange species- seriously who thinks it’s fun to get scared? A particularly jumpy part of the movie made you quiver and turn your whole body around to grab onto him for safety as you winced when a loud scene was going on in the background. It made his spark leap a little as he saw this natural reaction coming from you- it filled him with a sinful sense of pride to know that your first fear instinct was to cling to him as your savior in an hour of need. ”I’ve seen this movie so many times and it still gets to me! What did you think?” You asked as you stood up to stretch and clean up the mess that was strewn all across the floor of his pen, he just gave a huff in response as he laid back down to rest as he walked you walk around and clean up. “That much, huh?” you laughed “I’ll get something you like next time, big guy.”
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