fatedtragedie · 6 months
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“Can you believe that my father wanted to have me marry Jason Lannister? I could never,” Rhaenyra joked when she saw the smile on Alicent’s face. While they were older now, being able to talk freely and smile, it felt as if they were just the young girls again. Back when they were friends and things were so simpler. Alicent had to bury her husband– her father, and she had to bury Harwin, Laenor, and Daemon. She had loved them in her own ways, but not in the same affections and love that she carried for Alicent. She knew how kind she had been to him during his last days and throughout the marriage. While she had never been fully happy at her father marrying her friend, she had always hoped that he had been just as kind to Alicent. Alicent deserved the world in her eyes.
“Your father never understood, but that makes sense,” older men in an older generation could never understand the compassion and friendship that the two of them had built since being friends for years. She squeezed Alicent’s hand back before her eyes widened at the question, a big smile forming on her face. “The clutch is coming along so well. We have four eggs now. I do hope that they will all hatch.” Knowing that her children had dragon riders, along with her children, these eggs could possibly go to their grandchildren.
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"Seven forbit a Lannister should think that, we would never know peace again" Alicent gave a solemn nod before a smile broke out onto her face. In many ways nothing had changed between them, she still felt like a child running through the halls with the Princess and getting into things they shouldn't-- and yet the years had passed, poor Rhaenyra had buried three loves and Alicent just lost her husband who while she had never loved as Rhaenyra did her husbands she still cared for greatly, he had been kind to her and in return she loyal to him, caring for him and even reading to him in his last days. In a lot of ways she did that for Rhaenyra too, she wanted her to not have to worry over his comfort when she had so much else to worry about.
"I could never say no to you, my heart-- even when I knew it would lead to lectures and my father yelling for hours on end" she assured her, giving her hand a squeeze. She loved her above all others, the now Queen had always been thoroughly engrained in her heart and bones. "Which reminds me-- how is Syrax's clutch coming along, I haven't heard you say?" She had become much more comfortable with dragons since her younger days, she had to with four little dragon riders in her brood.
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fatedtragedie · 6 months
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“I never doubted that for a moment, it's better, can’t have those noblemen thinking you would give your affections freely,” a tease from the new Queen. Their letters to one another over the years had been what got her through the worst. Now, they never needed to be apart again. She knew everyone would expect her to marry again, yet she saw little need for it. She had her children and they would need her and Alicent’s guidance through the changes that would be happening all around them. They would all need one another to weather any storms, as cliche as it sounds.
Seeing Alicent’s approval over the swatch, Rhaenyra could be relieved that one issue had a solution for the coronation, giving a soft smile. One problem down, now, to see if Alicent would accept that idea of being her hand of the queen. Taking a deep breath as the maid took the swatch, so that everyone who needed it could do it, she watched the maid leave and exhaled. She didn’t expect Alicent to react to their fingers touching, but when she does agree, it takes a weight off of her own shoulders. “Thank the gods, I was worried you’d say no and I’d have to as another, when there is no one I trust more than you.”
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"Hardly so, I am simply sweet to you and our families" Alicent replied with a soft smile of her own, she had always had a soft spot for the now Queen, even those few years when they could only speak through letters she kept a place in her heart. Now-- well now she would not be dragged away from her ever again, she had no reason to remarry and her children's place was in the Keep, Helaena would need her help as she would one day be Queen as well.
The former Queen looked over the swatch and nodded "I think it is most suitable for your coronation" she took the swatch and passed it off to the ladies maid after a moment, savoring her touch however fleeting. She pushed the feeling aside and instructed the maid to take it to the dress maker and then to have the sketch and swatch taken to the jeweler so he could make the appropriate bobbles to go with it. "Oh they would hate that" Alicent grinned "so of course I would have to accept readily."
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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Stepping into the room, Francesca had a small smile on her face. She would never turn her back on her emperor. “I could never reject an invitation from you… I was grateful that Fringilla’s words about me didn’t poison you against me. I had been worried about her betrayal… I’m so sorry about this.” She’s soft while speaking to him.
Looking at the mirror, she could see her own reflection, brushing her hair behind her ears. Taking a shaky breath, she picks up the chalices and takes a long sip of it. “She said you killed the child… that it would only be a distraction to me from my duties to you. I knew that you wouldn’t be so cruel as to take my child from me… everything else has been taken from me, aside from you. You’re the one good thing still here.”
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@fatedtragedie for F.rancesca F.indabair
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Once the door has opened and the e.lven s.orceress entered, a content smile appeared on the e.mperor's face. "I was hoping that you'd accept my invitation...I wished to speak to you in private, without having F.ringilla at presence...I no longer trust her, she's betrayed me many times."
E.mhyr walked over to a table below a mirror so he could see F.rancesca's reflection in it while he poured wine for the two of them into the golden chalices. "I don't know what lies F.ringilla has told you, but I had nothing to do with the death of your newborn." Once he picked up the chalices he walked over to F.rancesca and held one of them out for her. "I share your grief F.rancesca...you lost your child...and now your husband."
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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“Well you are always so very sweet with your words," Rhaenyra laughed softly as well, giving up looking at the mirror before crossing the room to be closer to Alicent. She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed between leaving for Dragonstone, then everything that happened afterwards. She had longed for years to go back to those days in the Godswood, they felt so comfortable together and safe, she hated how everyone seemed to drag them apart. A two time widow, she hoped that no one else would have to feel that pain. She truly did care for her siblings, especially Helaena, she deserved the peace and calmness.
Listening to Alicent’s words, picking up the different shades of fabrics that she was handed. Flipping through the fabrics, she stopped on one that was very dark, with hints of gold lines running in a few spots and held it out to Alicent. “What do you think of this?” She asked her before placing it in her hands, if only to graze her fingers against Alicent’s fingers. Them working around to plan her crowning was a distraction from her grief. “About that… how upset do you think that small council would be if I wanted to have you as my hand?”
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"And I stand by that statement, it always looked lovely on you" Alicent laughed as she sat the swatches down to look through some other ones. It felt odd to laugh again, she didn't think she had since Rahenyra went to Dragonstone with her husband after the incident with Aemond so many years ago. In some ways it felt like not a day had passed since those long afternoons in the Godswood, laid under the trees-- but they were not girls anymore but women grown and both widowed, Rhaenyra twice over now. She was happy that she was building a relationship with her siblings though, they would all need one another soon enough.
"Or-- we could split the difference and make the dress a very dark red, I think your father would have wanted to see you in some shade of red too" she sighed softly, handing the princess some fabrics to go through. So much planning to do and so little time to do it, she still needed to send for the jeweler and speak to the kitchen about how many lemon cakes would be needed. Honestly she was happy for the work, it was a distraction. "Don't forget the small council will be wanting your decision on your hand once you're crowned."
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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“You always did say that red was my color,” Rhaenyra joked softly as she turned her head to look at Alicent. Looking at the different fabrics, as much as she could show up to her crowning in a bright red dress as she might have done in her youth, this wasn’t quite the right time. Both herself and Alicent were still in mourning and yet, even in their mourning, they were able to heal the wounds that had been set deep inside of them both since they were younger. She was building a better relationship with her siblings, but they were able to build common grounds, and she knew that Helaena and Jace would be so happy together.
“That might be for the best, perhaps we can… put in a little of red, dark red, and have the red and black for the colors, since I should be in mourning.” Of course, she was heartbroken to lose her husband, but she had to remain strong for her children, and for Alicent. Not only had she lost her father, Alicent lost her husband. Being together again has helped heal the time apart.
@fatedtragedie Rhaenyra & Alicent fixing what the show fucked up au.
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"I think red might be more appropriate for your crowning" Alicent stood in Rhaenyra's chambers like she had as a girl, looking over fabrics and holding them up to her. Both recently widowed and having remained close over the years no one thought twice about how much time they spent alone. It hadn't been easy to bring peace to their sons, but eventually it was met and Aegon was just happy he did not have to be king. The betrothal of Helaena and Jace was finalized and now she was looking to find wives for her sons as they had some time before Luc would need one.
"Then again they may look to you to still be in mourning" she frowned as she looked at the pile of black fabrics, she personally wished to celebrate and would dawn whatever color Rhaenyra chose to crown her in. She was so proud of her for how well she was holding up, she wished to ease her burden as much as she could though.
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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It was not his choice to be the one to see Doyle. All Marcus wanted to do was to get his work done. He cared deeply for his work and his hopes that the police department would actually work better alongside them. He thought Doyle was different from everything he and Sara had spoken about. But, given how he acts since Connor’s death and becoming Captain, Marcus thought things would be better, but it seemed that it was going to be a lot more of the same. A true disappointment, but he supposed that it didn’t matter anymore.
He gasped when he saw the notes flying off the table, sighing, as he walked around the table, ignoring Doyle as he moved to reach the notes that were now on the floor. “You were interrupting taking notes about the death of the victim. Without us, you would still be chasing a child killer, we work better together, despite what you think.” Marcus pointed out, feeling his body tense at how close Marcus was. If he wanted to throw him on the streets, he turned his gaze towards Doyle. “If you think threatening me like Connor does make you a Captain, then Sara’s words about you being a better Captain than him is wrong. Sara made a mistake. Tell me, Captain, do you also think you’re superior because you’re not Jewish?” He was no better than all the other officers around him and his brother.
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@fatedtragedie for M.arcus I.saacson
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Out of all days this was definitely the WORST one to bump into him. D.oyle was fuming because of S.ara and L.aszlo's intervention in his arrest with S.eñora L.inares, and to say the least he was still incredibly angered by the way M.arcus talked to him a day ago, basically humiliating him. C.onnor was dead, but he wasn't about to let anyone ridicule him just because his boss wasn't there to stand up for him, he was a C.aptain now, way above M.arcus' rank. L.ucius wasn't there so he could at least talk without the other's interruption.
"I hope ye' didn't think I'd just let ye' get away with the way ye' behaved yesterday." He couldn't be bothered what M.arcus was working on and just to emphasize that he wiped the notes off from his table, which then landed on the floor. "Ye' have no right to speak to me in a condescending manner! I'm yer superior...in more ways than one." He smirked down with cynicism at M.arcus while he was alarmingly close to him. "If ye' ever do that again, I will make sure that ye' and yer brother will find yerself on the streets very fast...where the both of ye' would actually belong."
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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He never liked thinking how often George was left alone when something tragic or traumatic happened to him. First it was his wife’s affair with Ross, then her death and everything that’s happened. He would never be the type of man to be cruel to any one, no matter what the circumstances that he’s faced. Plus, when it comes to grief, he does understand that pain, and just how it can feel overwhelming and you feel like you're drowning all the time.
He was gentle in the small squeeze that he gave George’s shoulder before placing his hand at his side. Everyone deserves kindness, and that was something about him that wasn’t going to change. Even if George didn’t necessarily like him, probably because of Ross.
“It’s never easy.” Dwight starts, shifting from the place he was standing, which had been beside George to standing across from him. He could practically feel the flinch without even seeing it, and he would remember very hard to not mention Ross in front of George again. He knew that it was a sore subject and wouldn’t bring it up again. “It’s your children that will help you move forward, but this is something that can’t change overnight. Losing a child is devastating. It’s not meant for us to bury them first, but them burying us.” He spoke sadly, having buried her own child. “You are not losing your mind, grief is something that is powerful and one is not meant to get over it just because they say so. You heal in your own time, slowly but surely.”
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@fatedtragedie (x)
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There wasn't a single soul left in his life whose words would have mattered to him, except for the doctor. He never forgot the other's kindness, even in times when G.eorge wasn't the most generous or fair considering the deeds he's done, the wrongs he's done against others. Moreover he considered D.wight the only person who truly understood what grief was considering the devastating loss of his daughter, which only happened a year ago.
The hand placed onto his shoulder may have been considered a small gesture but to G.eorge it meant more than that. There was no one in his life left to comfort him, to say a few nice words to him, nor show any sort of kindness.
"How do you find such determination?" G.eorge asked on a faint voice before he looked up at the taller man. His face flinched for a moment at the mention of R.oss, but what D.wight had to say next truly has calmed him. "I know that I have my children, and I should feel thankful for that but I feel such loneliness every day...it's suffocating me, E.nys. I feel restless...I find myself wandering the halls of T.renwith without a purpose at nights." He felt the tears gathering in his eyes but he had nothing to hide front of the doctor, he's seen him in much worse state, so he just let the tears roll down his face. "My uncle says I'm losing my mind again...but I'm very much at my senses...or is it insane to feel lethargy when one is so lonesome, E.nys?"
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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She knows that her father wouldn’t approve of her behavior, but she was beyond happy to be able to talk to someone after what felt so long trapped up in her father’s home. Plus, she loved being able to tell anyone that asks about this book. It was her favorite and she knows she definitely talks too much. She hoped that he didn’t find her silly or too bubbly, her father often tells her that neither is good material for a husband. Not that she’s looking for that really, she wanted someone that would cherish her attributes, even if they were different from others. “Forgive me, sir, I don’t wish to bring you any pain by bringing up something painful…” she spoke softly, not wanting to offend the man. She shook her head, cheeks flushing, “No, it's just me and Alice. With the murder calming down, I needed fresh air.”
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The lady had a charming smile, and he felt special that she was gracious enough to reward him with it. Once she held the fine book out for him with the pretty cover he hesitated, his hands were dirty and he didn't mean to smear it, although he also didn't mean to be rude, so once he rubbed his hands on his worn pants he gently held onto the book and listened to her. "Being orphaned is something familiar for meselef...forgive me Miss, I probably shouldn't have said that." He doubted that someone of her class would be interested in anything he had to say about himself. He gently flipped through the pages before he gave it back to her. "Are ye' waiting for someone? A friend or yer sweetheart?" It was rather rare to see a high class lady on her own but he wasn't one to judge, he was merely curious.
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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“Aye, they did, they did. Been doing so good for themselves over ‘ere until the illness…” she spoke sadly, a blush forming on her cheeks when he mentions her smile. “‘Ye too kind, Albert, I do hope he would feel better just from me smilin’ alone. I hope it brings ‘ye smiles as well,” she says innocently, her smile just as bright on her face as he hugged her back. It took her ages to let him go, thinking she’ll never see him again. She holds onto his hands when they pull apart, just to hold onto this moment, just a little bit longer. “I have heard the rumors, I do me best to be safe.” She must have the reddest cheeks as he continued to hold her hand, offering to walk her home. They used to do this all the time when they were younger. “Oh, Gouls’ton Street, that be their home. Pretty homes. They haven’t caught him yet? I’ll remember that,” the last thing she wants is to have Albert worrying that she could be killed by this monster. She couldn’t deal with that herself.
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"Of course I remember them! I just didn't knew they immigrated over 'ere too. I'm sorry to hear he's not doin' too well, but yer smile alone is magical, Bridie, it surely will make him feel better." Albert smiled gleefully once she wrapped her arms around him and he did the same, chuckling as he hugged her back tightly. "Christ...I am too! I thought I'd never see ye' again." She's always been a pretty lass, but now she grew up into such a beautiful young woman. Once he let go of her he was still lost in her eyes then he eventually snapped back to why he stopped her to begin with. "Just be careful, will ye'? If yer loitering here at this street, people would think the worst. Whitechapel is sadly ain't the safest part of the city. So...where ye' off to? Let me accompany ye', I insist, I can nae just let ye' walk one yer own...they haven't even caught that Jack the Ripper guy yet...nasty case." Albert held onto her hand in hopes that she wouldn't turn him down.
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
Zelda was going to need at least three more notebooks for everything she was writing down before putting all of her notes together. “I wouldn’t be surprised, it seems that everything comes back to Ganondorf being the villain.” All the images seemed to suggest as such, even possible ancestors of themselves. Truly incredible, or a heartbreaking cycle, she wasn’t sure which she felt stronger about. “It would be nice if there was a descendent.” Surely the Zonai couldn’t be lost forever. She felt her cheeks flush at his question about being nervous. “Horribly nervous, but I suppose my curiosity got the better of me.”
   Link looks over at the murals, noting the story along them. Yes, he can see the battle ahead. “Do you think the Zonai fought with Ganondorf before?” Maybe, if the image was anything to go by, unless he was a descent of him. Link didn’t like to think of more of that monster around. “I wonder if it’s possible for any more of them to still be around.” Likely not, considering Zonai hadn’t been seen in hundreds of years, but what did he know. He shouldn’t be possible either, yet here he was. “I can’t believe you found this. And all on your own too. Didn’t you get nervous coming down here alone?”
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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“You’re far too kind, I’m just grateful that everyone likes my singing as much as you do.” It meant the world to her that she could show her voice to the world. Or at least, here in their town. But, she did love everyone that came to see her perform. She hoped to always be able to perform, sing and bring joy to all those that enter the nightclub. Eddie gave her the chance to explore her dreams, and she was forever grateful for him. “I suppose that I don’t mind playing with fire, with a good fire, you can warm a home.” She said, equally half playful, but also half serious.
Her eyes stayed locked onto his, despite what her foot was doing, before her cheeks flushed when he placed her foot in his lap. “No, it's only for you, Eddie,” Audrey breathes out, a promise behind her woods. She’s unable to hold back the soft moan when he rubbed her ankle. It felt incredible after the long hours being on her feet in heels. “You. I desire you and no one else.”
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"We should be the ones thanking you, Audrey, you really are the shooting star of our bar, everyone wants to see you and hear you." He wasn't exaggerating at all, as many guests specifically came to watch her perform. Eddie placed his cigarette at the edge of the ashtray as he now fully focused his attention onto the gorgeous bar singer. "It would get you into a whole lot of trouble, Audrey....you know what they say of us Richardson brothers...You're playing with fire girl." He said on a half serious - half playful voice tone.
He cast his eyes onto her, once he felt her foot, then as he reached down he gently placed it onto his lap. "I do hope you ain't this friendly with my brother, and it's only my privilege." Eddie winked at her while he gently rubbed her ankle with his fingers. "Half of London belongs to me, I'm pretty confident I could give you everything...so what is it that you'd desire to have?"
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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“It's not easy,” she murmured softly, giving George a soft smile. Her and her mother would butt heads over different things over the years. She loves her mother, but sometimes, she wished she had been allowed to express herself a bit more freely, and sometimes she felt that she was trying to catch up, but she knew in that feeling, she wasn’t alone.
She was patient as he moved to place his robe on the edge of the bed as she placed the stool in the middle of the room, taking a quick walk around the stool to see that it was in a perfect spot. Hearing his soft snicker, she let out a soft giggle as well. She knew that it must look silly to have to step up onto a stool in order for her to make her measurements. She pulled out her measuring tape and held it out so he could see what she was doing. “I’m going to use this to measure your length, no pins, promise.”
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( continued . ) @fatedtragedie
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"That's a nice way of looking at things." George used to get criticism from his father but his mother told him many times to ignore him. Sometimes he managed to but on days when he was especially sensitive he failed to do so. It was like his father never accepted his son's condition.
Once he put his robe neatly folded onto the edge of his bed he glanced over at Abigail then at the stool. "Okay." He snickered a bit at the idea, he couldn't really explain why he founded it funny but it was a kind of like standing onto a stage in a way. His train of thoughts were mostly different from others so he rather kept it to himself and carefully stepped up onto it. He heard when she said she liked his room, but he didn't react right away to her words till now. "What does your room look like?"
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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“Sure, we had some rough moments, but who doesn’t when we are suffering through the teenage years? Us being best friends was the best four years of my life.” She wished that she had been brave enough to tell him how she felt before leaving for college. But, she never did and now it feels like they were too many years removed, but, they were reunited and they could get to know each other again.
She let out a soft hum as they continued to walk and drink their hot cocoa, she was also genuinely in a good mood. “It’s the truth, and I’m happy to see you being successful as well.” She spoke softly, she was glad that in a way, they were both stuck in the city for the holidays. She didn’t really want to go visit her parents, at least, not for a long time, the holidays were a reason to relax, not be asked when she was going to bring home a boyfriend? That’s just exhausting. “No, I have no plans at all for Christmas. I would love to spend it together!” She says with a bright smile on her face. “I’ve missed going to Winter Wonderland at the park. Hey, your cooking is not that bad. Remember senior year when you made mac and cheese so we would survive finals? I would love dinner and a Christmas movie with you, it's the best Christmas I can ask for.”
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( continued . ) @fatedtragedie
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"I agree, those were some magical years. I know many people complain about their teenage years but I truly enjoyed it, especially since we were best friends." If he'd have one Christmas wish maybe it'd be to go back to those times, and maybe confess the girl he loved how he actually felt, but it wasn't good to dwell on past events, probably everything happened for a reason.
He sipped from his hot cocoa as he was listening to her, smiling as he was just genuinely in a good mood. "That's really sweet of you to say. I'm just as happy to see you have become such an amazing dancer." Claud nodded at her with compassionate look when she mentioned about her parents. "Ah well, looks like we are both stuck in London for Christmas then....if you don't have any specific programs, maybe we could...spend it together? For old times' sake?" He thanked the waitress as she served their food then he cast his eyes back at Olivia. "I didn't have the time yet to go to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, we could go there, then if you're brave enough to try my cooking I'd make dinner for us...we could watch a cheesy Christmas movie after. Heh I know not a perfect Christmas but...I was hoping you'd join me."
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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Taking a deep breath, she focused on his words. She knew that he was right. While at first, she had been worried that in their current state, Rasputin was going to try and take advantage of them, he proved otherwise. No one, no doctors or advisors or anyone had any way to help her brother’s condition. Rasputin was the only one who understood what needed to be done to keep her youngest sibling safe and alive. Smiling fondly, she leaned into his hand as she held onto his arm gently as they continued to walk. “He does enjoy the performances, but I’ll admit, trying to sound like a man doesn’t always sound the best,” she joked.
Looking throughout the village, she looked at the house, before her eyes followed to the house where Rasputin was looking at the ill children. It worried her to see them look so pale, thinking that they wouldn’t be long for the world. It was a terrible thought to think of the death of the family. It made her fearful that she could lose her own family and pushed the thoughts and fears from her mind, giving Rasputin her assistance as she helped him with the silver nitrate for the three children that were suffering from their illness. Hearing the name of the illness, Tatiana felt her heart drop into her stomach. “Those poor children,” she spoke softly when it was just her and Rasputin, bowing her head as she held onto his hands as she whispered the end of the prayer. “Yes, I want to make the tea as soon as we return.”
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@fatedtragedie (x)
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"I promise you that he'll be strong as ever, all he needs is rest and our fate in him." Their journey and everything they've been through was tiring for a healthy man as well, not to mention someone like A.lexei who was so weak. He smiled fondly at the girl, and gently stroked her shoulder as he walked by her side. All the hate he received back in S.aint P.etersburg was forgotten in the moment he heard those kind words of T.atiana. "I'm sure he'll love that book, especially the way you read, playing with your voice."
Once they reached the village the locals lead them to the first house where one of the ill children lay. After examining all three children his face darkened as the illness was greater than he thought so. Knowing the peasants way too well he rather didn't use any Latin terms nor scared them. He asked for T.atiana's assistance as he applied the substance of silver nitrate on all three children's throat he prepared tea for them from lime tea leafs, and forbid any other children to come near the houses. He only dared to speak of the nature of the illness once they were far enough. "D.iphtheria...we shall pray for them." He held onto T.atiana's hands before he began to say the prayer out loud, then looked down at the R.omanov girl. "Let's gather the herbs for your brother and go home."
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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Elora was happy that they were able to get along like this, this was all she had wanted when her parents had arranged the marriage. Their marriage could have ended up miserable, loveless and constantly fighting, instead they were communicating and it made her smile.
She would do the same, she would reach out to him during their time ruling and make sure that any choice they make, they make it together. She felt her cheeks flush, happy that she could make him chuckle as well. Hearing that he loved the gardens ever since he was younger, it reminded her of how much she loved the gardens as well since she was little. “I’m glad. I’ve always loved gardens since I was a little girl as well. I’ve always wanted to get lost in a garden maze, but then the fear of being lost forever is literally terrifying.” She laughed softly at her thoughts before watching him talking to a servant, seeing his continued kindness and felt her heart falling for him. He was the kindest prince that she had ever met and wondered if he would be okay if she painted him, here in the garden.
Lifting her head when he returned, she smiled at him and nodded her head. “Thank you so much, Aldrich,” she spoke softly, gently pressing a kiss to his cheek.
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"Yes, that's true." Aldrich said on his soft voice, and he was equally glad that he got such a sweet wife, since he could have ended up with someone very unpleasant too, which would have made his so far peaceful life quite horrible.
He agreed with her in connection with their reigning. He would always seek out her opinion in any matter, so he hoped it'd help them through even rough times. "Oh..that is right..." He chuckled a bit embarrassed but found her teasing sweet. "No! Not the slightest, I love the gardens, the flowers are so beautiful...I loved them ever since I was a little boy, their colors are so magical and most of them smell lovely..." He excused himself and as he spotted a servant nearby he waved at him and once he approached he asked them to bring out an easel, canvas, a brush and all sorts of paints. Although he was speaking to a servant there wasn't anything harsh about his voice tone and he was just as nice to the servant as he'd have been with anyone else.
Eventually he turned back to his wife and took a seat beside her. "He'll be back shortly...just tell him where to set up the easel for you."
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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“I’m glad to hear that, I remember how close you guys all were. I had always wanted siblings, but given how my parents acted to each other and me, I’m almost thankful that I never had any siblings. I’m sorry to hear that she’s wrapped up with someone who does sketchy business. I hope that everything works out for them.” he said, not bothering her until her work was finished.
Alisha was always the sweetest person that he knew, she was the inspiration for his female lead in his book. He never thought that he was the male lead, he always felt like an outsider in a sense. “I’m really glad that we met again too. I missed you like crazy,” he spoke softly, running a hand through his hair. “No, you’re right, it's never too late to have a fresh start.” For either one of them, they both deserved the best and he hoped that he could see that happen. Walking to her car, it reminds him of the one he had at his apartment, though what caught his attention was the toys that were tossed into the back. Dino toys, it shouldn’t bother him that she had a child. It’s been ten years since they last saw each other. Sitting in the passenger seat, he looked over at her when she began talking, keeping quiet to let her know that he was listening. His eyes widened, he had a son, they had a son. “You wouldn’t have ruined my education. I could have come here to you… I’m sorry that you felt that you had to raise him alone.” She never deserved that and he felt guilty. He knew that they were just kids back then, but now they have a kid and he wanted to meet him. Did he look more like himself or Alisha? Did he love books like he did as a kid? “Emilian… can I go with you to pick him up? I know this is a lot for you and Emilian, but I want to be there for both of you.” He would never leave her.
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"My siblings are fine, all of them are married, they live nearby, except for Naomie. She met with this Welsh guy so they're living in St. Mellons...I don't necessarily have a good opinion of him, he's into some sketchy business like selling cars in a not so legal way...but if Naomie is happy then I'm not one to intervene." She shrugged and then just got back to serving people.
Ezra really was a sweetheart and she smiled about his kind words. "I forgot what it's like to be in the company of someone polite and nice. I'm really glad that we met again." Alisha lead the way outside while she continued listening to him. "That's good, I'm glad you managed to, it's never too late to have a fresh start." She really wouldn't have wanted to force Ezra into any situation but she couldn't just leave her son at school waiting for her for hours just because she didn't want Ezra to meet him. Her car was a used, old car, but it worked so that's what mattered. She threw some dino toys from the passenger seat to the back before he looked aside at Ezra. "Listen...I think it'd not be fair to just drive you to where I am about to go without telling you the truth and giving you the option to get out of the car....if I wouldn't have to go to pick up Emilian I'd not have told you...but...that isn't an option..." She sighed as she held onto the wheel and rested her forehead against it. "Ten years ago...after you left...I found out I was pregnant...I just couldn't and didn't want to get rid of the baby, even if I was young...so I gave birth to him. I didn't contact you nor tell you about it because I didn't want to ruin your education...and well...he's ten years old now, his name is Emilian..." She didn't dare to look up and she was scared that he will just get out of the car and she'd never see him again.
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fatedtragedie · 7 months
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She’s never given any of the men the time of day because they were all the same. They all had similar thoughts, perhaps she was looking for a man who reminded her in some ways of her father. He never stopped her from educating herself, or pursuing what passions she wanted. She hoped that in the long run, that he would be proud of her for all that she’s done. Cormac was the only one that didn’t try to dissuade her or think he was better than her just because he was male. He treated her like an equal.
Sara let out a soft gasp when she can feel his lips on hers along with her bloomers being tugged down a bit. She was glad that the door was locked for the moment, but she knew that time was of the essence. She could feel him moving closer to her as her eyes traveled down towards his length, hoping that either the desk didn’t give out from under either of them. There would be no way of explaining any of that away. Feeling him pressing harder, her hands held onto his shoulders as she nodded her head. Feeling him enter her was the most incredible feeling as she muffled her moan against his shoulder. He felt already so deep inside of her and he hadn’t moved yet. She shivered from his lips against her neck, wrapping a leg around his waist as he began to move, rolling her hips back against his.
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He's been in the belief from the very beginning that Sara Howard was this unreachable woman, a woman who represented everything what the feminists stood for. Therefore once he heard those words leaving her lips, although it pleased him greatly, he was a little surprised and also filled with some pride that out of all the men he was the one she wanted. The chances of getting caught was at risk but he wasn't one to stop, especially not now when she confessed that she wanted him just as much as he did.
Cormac slipped his hands under the heavy lower side of her dress, and firmly pulled on the waistband of her bloomers while he pressed his lips back against her. He didn't pull her undergarment all the way down, because in case anyone would have happened to interrupt them it'd have been for the best so that they could dress up as quickly as possible. He reached down to undo the buttons on his own pants and once he untucked his length, he's stepped closer and pressed himself harder against Sara. "Just hold onto me." He gripped a hold onto her soft thighs and muffled his grunt once he's entered Sara. Being inside her was the sweetest and most pleasurable feeling. His lips brushed along her neck, the wooden table under her gave out a creaky noise any time he thrust inside her.
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