#i know REALISTICALLY this split of theirs might take a bit to mend
saltpepperbeard · 2 years
Gentlebeard Tenderness Wishlist™ :
Stede playing with Ed’s hair in some way. Whether that’s just simple twirling, intricate braiding, or delicate washing, I want those salt and pepper touches.
The two of them waking up in bed together- preferably shirtless for additional implications, or tangled up together. Or both.
Along those lines, any sort of cuddling. Snuggling up on deck, embracing as they fall asleep, holding each other through bad moments, or spooning during lazy mornings.
Stede massaging Ed’s bad knee, whether it be idly during soft conversation, or the purposeful focus of a scene.
Any and all sorts of kisses. Kisses on the mouth of course, but give me forehead kisses, cheek kisses, tip of the nose kisses, hand kisses, wrist kisses, neck kisses...
And for kissing specifics, a kiss that Stede initiates, and a kiss they can take their time with. The former to complete the circle, and the latter for them to drown in both relief and love.
Them hugging in an organic way and not just a “I’ve stabbed you, you nut” way.
Having a soft and quiet moment together when they’re rebuilding their relationship. Maybe a stargaze on deck late at night, or a beautiful respite right at dawn. The conversations are vulnerable, the air is gentle, and the returning love is palpable in their stares.
One softly thumbing the other’s tears away, or kissing the tears away.
Terms of endearment. I feel like Ed would use “love/lover” on occasion, and I feel like Stede would be a bit more generous with his. But hearing his “dear, darling, my love, my dove, etc” a lot would still hit super hard.
Honestly any sort of portrayal of love between them, be it verbal, physical, or emotional. I just want so much love, happiness, security, and mutuality for the both of them.
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