#i keep telling myself theres nothing truly incriminating on this blog if someone happens to find me
ghoulodont · 6 months
I haven’t even done it yet. But… I know you have 10 facts! But also you can also just list 10 facts about anything you find interesting!
Ghost Mutuals Tag Game 🦇 Send this to the last ten Ghesties in your notifications, then reply here with ten facts about yourself! Let's get to know each other!
okaaaaaay ill try to come up with 10 facts...
1. i have a wonderful little elderly cat who i love dearly even though she bites me every day. shes my dewdrop muse. she has a water ghoul name too
2. i wont say exactly what i do at work because its kind of specific but the general idea is i make computer programs that are used to modify peoples teeth
3. i almost got a minor in something so specific i feel like it would reveal what school i went to, but its stuff about light and color and vision and perception. i took all the classes but was too lazy to actually do the paperwork. my major (and the subject of my masters) was computer science
4. during college i did an internship at a company everyone ive ever told the stories to says is basically a knockoff version of theranos (i.e. a huge fraud). it was miserable but so funny in retrospect
5. im not a vegetarian but i barely ever eat meat. i was a vegetarian for maybe 5 years as a teenager but i became too obsessed with checking for secret meat products in things and had to stop
6. i lived in australia for 6 months. i arrived there with more organs than i had when i left
7. i can move my clasped hands from in front of me to behind me over my head without letting go and without doing any specific trick with my elbows
8. i drive a purple car (but its really dark and looks black unless its in the sun). i found it by going on a car website and seeing the option to filter by color and immediately clicking purple like some sort of child but its actually a great car
9. i wear almost the same clothes every day like a cartoon character. black t shirt + black sweatpants or jeans depending on the situation + black denim jacket when going out unless its too hot
10. i died (or rather, became dead) when i was 24 years old. it wasnt very exciting i just suddenly realized i could feel my organs liquefied inside me. i dont think i ever came back to life. this has been very influential on my identity
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