#i keep talking in the third person like elmo does ... its fun
silly-stings · 9 months
sorta lazy wally doodle but i pictured him being all silly and giddy when he said this
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‘A tale of two curses and their bearer’
Hello everyone, as you may (or may not) remember I posted this picture not too long ago! So I finally finished the first chapter (partly through the second) and I thought, ‘why not post it for those who are interested!’ So here you go, Chapter 1 (click the keep reading, it’s VERY long)
Otherwise, enjoy!
Chapter 1
Do you have a final wish? Say it now…
Our tale begins with a family of five. The father, Albert Charles Mizuky, is a very well-known scientist; specifically in the studies of… well… we will talk about them later. Next is the mother, Clara Amelia Mizuky, a professional dancer well known in the acting industry. The third is the eldest child, Ann Elizabeth Mizuky, a well-known doctor (of most medical fields), especially by children! Fourth is a twin brother, Elmo Pumba Mizuky, a part-time comedian with a hobby of making comics! Finally, the twin sister, youngest by a minute, is Aurora Isa Mizuky; she is a quiet girl with no… ‘Talent’.
The head of this family, Albert, is a man of little emotions and a bit of a workaholic, (there have been times where he was literally pulled away from work…), he comes from an abusive family, and the mother was a drug addict often charged for possession of drugs. The father was almost never home, and when he was, well… let’s just say Albert often left the house with injuries. When asked the father would state ‘there was an accident and he got hurt! The boy should’ve known better!’ These ‘accidents’ lead to the blinding of his right eye which now has a scar over it, the loss of both his hands (which were replaced with robotic hands) and “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder” or PTSD which lead to him having ‘episodes’.
Now the man himself has jet-black hair, messy but at the same time neat, he also bears a mustache! He has emerald green eyes; the right eye is bit cloudy because of the accident. He also has a scar over that blind eye; it is more of a zigzag mark. With his pale skin, he looks very good for his age, which is Fifty-five. During his ‘episodes’ his eyes seem to shrink and he will break anything and everything around him. One time when Ann was five, he had shoved Ann into the wall, resulting in a concussion and he has also hurt many others but we’ll get to that later. The quickest way to calm him down his to have his wife, Clara, step in and ‘work her magic’ as she says it.
Speaking of Clara, she is what many call ‘eye candy’. She is a slender female with blond hair and ocean blue eyes. Her hair, while very curly and beautiful, can become nappy fast, however! When she was younger her mother left, her dad said she was in a better place, at the time she didn’t understand why she left but thought that if she became well known that she would come back. Therefore, she dedicated all her time to dance and ballet. Even after discovering the dark truth of what happened to her mother, she kept dancing.
Even though she aimed to be a dancer, she also became two other things: an actor and a mother! An actor because she is flexible and good acting (she knows how to be emotional because she is emotional). A mother because of the three children she has, she does her best to be the mother that she never had, and if you ask anyone that knows the kids personally, they would say she did a perfect job! Therefore, at the age of fifty-one, pulling off the look of twenty-eight years old, her slightly tanned skin seems to do wonders for her!
Moving on to the next family member, we have the eldest child who is 20, Ann Elizabeth Mizuky. After the accident with her father, Ann became determined to be a doctor and help her family and friends in any which way they can! She became the world’s youngest doctor at age 17! She is also very well known among many patients, especially among children. This generally shocks many people because Ann is a very serious individual! When people ask her how she is so good with children, she just states ‘I looked after twins when I was ten. So I guess I developed a kid-friendly aura’. Speaking of them after her little brother and sister were born when she was ten, she started looking for a place in the three-story house that they all call home to hide during their father’s episodes. She is very protective of her little siblings (so don’t mess with them… unless you know of another doctor).
The girl states that she is gender fluid and goes by ‘they’ and ‘them’. However, she does go by ‘she’ and ‘her’ to not confuse the kids and professionals. Her family is supportive of this and she is very happy about it! She’s often told that she looks like a fusion between her mother and father! She has her mother’s hair and skin, while she also has her father’s eyes and posture. She has stated it many times; she could care less about her hair so it’s normally seen in a bun or ponytail. Therefore, she is doing very well for the age of 24!
Next in line is the oldest twin, at age 11, Elmo Pumba Mizuky! Elmo is a very humorous boy able to put a smile on most faces he talks to, because of this, he declared that he wanted to be a comedian! However, he does enjoy doing webcomics, that’s more of a hobby. However, by far, his favorite thing to do for fun is ‘twin day’ with his sister! They look so much alike that people mistake them for the other when they aren’t even trying! Though once you know the two you can tell (a bit more easily) who is who! On ‘twin-day’, they generally wear a t-shirt red, loose jean, and their hair is pulled back into a ponytail.
Finally the youngest by a minute, also 11, Aurora Isa Mizuky. She is a very quiet female; she generally keeps to herself and doesn’t talk to others. The two twins share long (and I mean LONG it’s to the knees!) jet black hair and have a similar body structure. She doesn’t have a ‘talent’ and/or a hobby, and by that, I mean she does not have an idea as to what she wants to be when she grows up. She simply does not have an… ‘Interest’ in anything. Albert doesn’t like this, he hates this, in fact, and he’s always trying to push her to do very different things. From Quantum Physics to daycare, he’s trying everything. One day however he snapped, during one of his episodes he backhanded on her cheek (very hard across the face it left a mark! (cause its metal, sharp metal, and he has a ring on his left finger), telling her that she’s ‘ useless’, a ‘waste of space’, and a ‘disgrace’, going on to saying that he wants her dead but Clare is the only reason that she is still in the house and with that last name. That had happened a little over a month ago, and things are still tense, nobody can really get a sound out of Aurora. She has been silent ever since and at times she has snuck up on people, unintentionally of course but not the point. Her brother and sister could get some words out of her every now and then but not much (and that’s only on a good day).
Now seeing, as the family is very successful, the children have never been to a public or private school so everyone was and currently being homeschooled. (Except for Ann who went to an elite college for doctors), today was a free day for the youngest twins, seeing as Elmo was sick and Ann was taking care of him so, Albert decided that Aurora will come with him to work today. The family has been there many times before so they know where to and not to go, what not to touch and what is safe to touch.
Seeing as Albert wakes up early to head to work, Aurora wasn’t exactly prepared to get up and put clothes on. Therefore, she is currently in a light blue-shirt under an amber red oversized sweater with purple edges. She wore some loose jeans and sneakers, not her best outfit but it’ll do. Albert had his outfit already set up; a white collared shirt, brown dress pants, blue tie, and his lab coat, all yarned. The car ride there was silent, neither wanting to speak for different reasons. Once they arrived, Aurora was told not to interrupt Albert’s work no matter what.
While everyone was working, Aurora was exploring the lab she came across this room with a keypad lock (which she knew the code too). She looked through the window and saw a dark room that had two containers in it, the containers were connected to many things in the room and only one tube towards the top connected the two containers. The wires on the floor were glowing all different kinds of colors from purple to chartreuse. In the containers were two blobs one completely black and the other purely white. Intrigued by this Aurora decides to go into the room; she went over to the door and typed in the code, 5-5-2-1-1, the second digit of the family’s age! It’s so easy to remember!
The door clicks open and Aurora enters closing the door behind her, she cannot really see anything, sadly the window is one-way so she approaches the two containers. As she does so she tries to look around see what’s in the room, however it’s very dark (darker than she thought) so she really can’t see anything except for the containers (which have lights in them, light blue in the right and light purple in the left) and some of the connected tubes were glowing as well (she made sure not to step on those!).
She soon stood in front of the two containers she looked around to try and find something that stated their names. However, she couldn’t find anything, with a sigh she looked at the containers (more specifically the blobs) and crossed her arms tilting her head. ‘What are you two?’ She thought to herself glancing between the two floating blobs, what she would never have expected, was a response.
‘Our names are unknown however we are known as ‘The Essence of Light’ and ‘The Ever Living Shadow’. I am the Essence of Light, who are you?’
‘And are you okay? What happened to your face?’
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survivorhogsmeade · 6 years
Episode #3: I Am A Sneaky Bitch. -Alex C
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Of course y’all fucking swapped us. I was JUST getting to know people and now I have to start over wooooo can’t wait. 
I like the tribe I guess. Elmo and I were separated which is sad, but I still have Sammy and now Stephen. Things are looking good...I hope.
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Ack! The swap! But hey my OG tribe has majority, I only haven’t met one person before, and I don’t have to worry about Olivia and Lukas teaming up to kill me.... yet. Im really glad to have second chances with these people I just hope they see it the same way, we look like a strong tribe too though there are some powerhouses on the other tribe still.
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There was a swap! Dang I miss my old friends now... at least I have Elmo on my side! Ash is very inactive so I'm a little worried with numbers
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So I'm trying the Room of Requirement task. It seems hard, mostly because I am not the best at anagrams and because I am having the hardest time finding any of the items. At least, the website is actually working now, only messed up a little bit lol.
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I GOT SEPARATED FROM ALL OF MY FUCKING FRIENDS ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS FUCK YOU RANDOM DOT ORG At least I have Elmo. Hopefully this will bring us closer together Kevin is... unsettling like he’s a loose cannon 
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This challenge seemed fun at first, and it is still a super cool idea... I am just no longer enjoying myself. I think I'm just going to go to bed now, because I don't want to deal with this anymore. :(
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If inactive ash is the death of me I will fucking riot
This challenge needs to die and never be brought into another game again literally go Thelma and Louise yourself challenge omfgggg. I mean kudos to the hosts for working hard af on it like what a cool concept but goddamn for someone as lazy as I am it’s fuckin terrible 😂
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A swap?  Groundbreaking.
And NATURALLY both tribes are 4-3 Rosmerta.  Things don't look great for our heroes, folks!
My plan in this swap is twofold: first, make friends.  Okay, fine.  Elmo seems nice, Kevin seems...desperate.  Sure, fine.
Basically, if and when we lose, I am going to go to Elmo, Kevin and the third one I've forgotten and say "Hey, listen, obviously y'all have the numbers, and that's chill.  But here is the thing: there's a six-person alliance and I want to burn it down so we all don't get fucked at merge, so let's vote Kylie out and then Olivia."
Will it work?  Who knows!  Will it be fun? Hells yes!
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Gulp this challenge isn’t looking good and if it comes to tribal I am worried. I hope I can work something out with Lukas Anna and Madison, Joanna, or Sammy, or even Alex C if thats the only option. If we do lose tribal it’ll be info gathering time, trying to SUBTLY find cracks in the for. Or in the worst case scenario betray Zonko for some kind of position with Rosmerta.
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Kevin doing something very unexpected
room of requirement + train wreck tribe + possible alliance of mykonos people + general stuff
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im a #dumbass and i love elmo so much omfg but we're so alone also i love ruthie, alex, and kylie more than ash already but it would be so dangerous to flip bc they could run to ash and be like hey they want you out vote with us and get one of either elmo or i out ugh
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Yeah, so, um, I suck at anagrams. Sammy, who is someone I trust 100%, said he went for the room as well, but said that he didn't get there first. I'm currently trying to decide if it is even worth trying to solve this anagram at this point. But I know that I want to work with Sammy. With a little help from Sammy, I finished the anagram and have submitted the link to my host chat, knowing full well that I am not getting a trip to the room. Mostly just wanted to finish it, because I would have felt like a failure if I didn't lol. Anyway, I hope that Olivia went for it and got it! I can't wait for Sammy and I to be reunited with her (and bring Lukas too).
I am really stressed about losing that immunity. The people that I DO NOT want to go: Lukas and Sammy. The people that I would prefer not to go but if sacrifices have to be made: AJ/Anna. I think Alex C is a very big asset in terms of challenges, but that is a little scary going into the merge. Stephen scares me a little because I have played with him before and I know how smart he is, but I also want to work with him because he is super smart and we never got a chance to really repair the broken ass relationship we had in Mykonos (game wise). Madison... she has barely talked to me... Lukas says that it would be a big move to get rid of her, but like I haven't formed really any type of relationship with her and she hasn't been doing that much in terms of challenges. She's looking like the best option... I'm planning on asking around a little bit to try and see what everyone is thinking but ya know, when people don't talk to you it is hard to tell
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Madison tells me she’s heard Lukas name. I’m good with that. But Joanna tells me she’s not close with Madison and isn’t opposed to flipping on the Rosmertas. On one hand getting out a Rosmerta could help even numbers, but looking forward I’d rather break tribelines than stick to them. If we have less Zonko and more Rosmerta then its less likely to become ZvR at merge. But I want both Madison and Joanna as potential allies as I still dont know what really went on pre-swap. I don’t think I should tell Madison what Joanna said, but I might be able to sway Joanna to vote Lukas. I’ll wait to see what Alex C, Sammy, and Anna think.
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I've changed my mind. Before I was thinking that in a dire situation I would vote for AJ. I have decided I was lying to myself, I am not voting for her. I want her to stay, because I really really like talking to her and I would just be sad to see her go. Idk why I thought I would have been okay with it.
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*Me to Anna*: “oh you want to vote out Madison? Thats fine its Fine! All good I’ve got your back!” *Me internally*: “fuckfuckfuck” Ah well, if it happens it happens I live to vote another day. I just know this could blow up in my face. I might tell Madison, see if she has an idol.
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yikes okay so we are going to tribal...i tried to get a lot of them..we were just three behind, rip. I found the link to go to the room of requirement but I was too late..somebody already beat me. I think it could’ve been elmo, Alex, or Olivia. I’m really hoping it was elmo. He is probably my closest ally and I’m trying to distance myself away from all the mykonos people...but i want to work with some of them. For example, Joanna and I didn’t get to work together in the game because we never got the chance. Stephen and I were going against each other in Mykonos but I wasn’t to try to work with him here. Olivia and Lukas are gonna work together so that makes me extremely nervous. I like Anna, she’s super cool and I’m really hoping we can work together for a long time. Alex is a great player all around so he makes me a bit nervous. Anyways that challenge was super fun and I’m glad I could help out!  The only names I’ve heard for the vote are Madison, Stephen, and Lukas, but i Like them all:/ i think Madison is going home which sucks bc i know how much she’s been wanting to play a Harry Potter game but she’s been busy
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these hoes REALLY tryna push my name around today of all days. I GOTTA GO TO PROM Y’ALL THIS IS AN ALL DAY THING. catch me campaigning to stay while getting my hair done.
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I’m so glad we finally won something woohoo! Right now I’m on a monorail to Epcot and glad I’m not having to worry about a vote!
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Sammy, Joanna, and myself are tight. However, we cannot figure out the vote for tonight. We want Stephen gone but AJ is throwing a fit because she thinks it’s an attack on old tribe lines. For now we just have to make sure it’s not my trio that leaves. Idc about anything else. 
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We won! I haven't been to tribal yet either! I wonder how long o can go without going to tribal :0
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So this tribe swap is stressful. I have Stephen and Lukas from OG Zonko and then I met 4 new people... which obviously means we are in the minority if people are sticking to their og tribes. I vibed really well with Joanna and Alex C, they are really fun people. I don't 100% trust them yet but they are really fun to talk to. 
We lost immunity... shocker.. a tribe I'm on loses??? I'm shocked. Now I've heard literally everyones names except me or Joanna. People wanted Alex because he's so good at challenges but people that good at challenges go early merge and we need him to win the next challenge if we don't swap or anything yet. Every og Rosmerta has told me they like me more than their original tribe and that they wanna work with me, do I believe it?? ehh.. does it make me happy? hell yeah.. 
Alex wanted Sammy which threw me off because everyone has been saying Stephen. I don't want Stephen to go because he's an OG Zonko and i told him I would try to keep him safe. Now yes, I am going to TRY but I'm not going to put my own neck on the line for someone else. I don't think these tribe lines are too strong and I think they can be broken next round. People are also saying Stephen is a sneaky player from past games so maybe that is true? Who knows. My vote is still up in the air but I have work in like less than 2 hours so I'm gonna have to decide quick.
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I'm having a great time!!!!!!! We won!! This is so nice oh my god I spent three hours on that challenge and only found three things and i was so worried but we did it!
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I can't believe we won again! I've been immune every single round which is lit af :') I lowkey made f2 with Kevin and talked about with Olivia. Gotta have your bases covered, yknow? I've been trying to keep talking to Ruthie, Kylie and Alex S so if we eventually lose, we can have an easy vote. ALTHOUGH, I do have to admit that I'm paranoid that the OG Zonko's are going to team up with Ash and vote Kevin off (I think that Kevin would be the first target because Kylie and Olivia are friends and I THINK they like me so they wouldn't want me out first. Who knows though! My perception could be really off!)
I feel like we might have another swap at 12, maybe not but it would be cool! This tribe is kinda scary because of Kev's maneuver! But I'm just trying to take it day by day right now. 
Rosmerta's tribe will be interesting to see because I hope that my OG tribe stays together to vote off one of the OG Zonko's. I still want Anna to stay because it would be nice to have an ally at the merge who I've known before the game. I also feel like Alex C could be in danger but I really hope that he's not! Pray for Rosmertas and Anna! If Stephen or Lukas went out it would be VERY nice because it would definitely weaken the supposed Mykonos alliance , still not sure if its true but there's defo rumors of that being a thing
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Go to sleep to drama, wake up to drama. Its the drama ouroboros. So apparently Lukas, Sammy, and Joanna are targetting me for Mykonos, which is very rude but not unsurprising. But Madison Aex and Anna are going to save me and vote Sammy? Idk who to believe but I am more tempted to trust Anna atm.
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Alright kids, we finally won something!  And thank gods too, because this weekend was TERRIBLE for me to try and scramble, so I got real lucky.  Also, of the 30 items, I found, like, half?  And I could've had more if I had, like, spelled Colin Creevey's name right?  So I feel good about that.
Anyway, here is my assessment of my current Zonko tribe, in no particular order.
Ruthie - light of my life, my moon and stars, I must ensure I have the opportunity to push her in front of a train at some point
Elmo - Easily the one I've talked to the most since the swap.  Nice kid, I like him, I think he's playing more naive than he actually is but that's fine.
Kevin - a mess, I'm love him, asked me for help on the challenge because he is a disaster, hopefully I can pocket him
Kylie - literally didn't message me until today, okay girl
Olivia - we keep missing each other and also I want her dead because Mykonos sooooo
Ash - whom
Operation "Save My Ass By Turning People Against Mykonos" is absolutely a go, though my hope is that I won't be in too much danger as a challenge asset, but this is also nearing the point where you gotta cut the challenge assets loose, SO!  We'll see!
I expect Anna to be voted out on the other tribe tonight because she is not a Mykonian and I know she was busy yesterday because it was her birthday, so I suspect she may not have had as much time to bond with the tribe as she would've liked.
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I am a sneaky bitch holy hell. See Sammy and Joanna messaged me at the same time wanting to vote off Stephen. They also both wanted Madison gone for a hot second. So my thought process went to “huh, what if they do that to me?” So I went to AJ and asked if we could vote off Sammy. Then asked Madison, and told Stephen he basically had to or he’d be voted off.
Idk what it is with Sammy. I like him a lot as a person but game wise I just don’t think we’re ever exactly on the same page.
I also got into the room of requirement and got the marauders map. I picked it because of Daddy Lupin and that’s really only why. I get to see what alliances (or how many I forget) a person is in. I can use it once until the final seven. I don’t think it’s the strongest power I could’ve gotten but somethings better than nothing.
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