#i just. please don’t make me badger someone ELSE into driving me 30 minutes to pick up money or my laptop
sanghyukstattoos · 4 years
I'm sure of that. Dawon stans, show up here! 🙋🏻‍♀️ About your requests open, this is the best news ever 😍 So, let me think... What about something cute, I don't know well, maybe a cuddle night with a sweet make out session? Or a late night date watching the stars... Something like that. I'm lacking with my ideias these days, so feel free to improve it. And thank you ^.^ 💟 - 🦋
Date night 
Pairing: Lee Sanghyuk I Dawon x Reader 
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2699
Summary: Today, the heart- warming memories of how you two started dating came back to you and while work may not have been the best, it sure felt like the right day for a date with your loving boyfriend, Sanghyuk. 
A/N: Heyyy 🦋, I’m sorry for making you wait once again but here it is! *Presents proudly* I loved your idea and had such an amazing time writing it. Also, I’ve been receiving support on my other fic ‘Warmth’ and I’m really thankful for that so here is another fic that I hope you can enjoy!
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Dates weren’t uncommon between the two of you but suddenly reminded of how much you love him, there had to be a date for a date somewhere in the near future. Since you started dating during the summer of last year, tooth- rotting fluff between the two of you made you shy. The kind of shy where you would smile widely but look away and try to force it off your face. You were embarrassed at how he made you feel so you tried to hide it and send subtle signs hoping he would get the hints.
Unfortunately he didn’t because anytime you would flirt, he would do the same under the guise of friendship. Ripples of frustration made its course through you and one day, all your pent up feelings splashed like a bucket of paint hurled across canvas. You didn’t go for the obvious options of screaming, shouting or crying but just kissing him. Pouring all your feelings into one kiss, relief flooded through you and the desire to hug him overcame you but holding back you hoped that at least this time he would be able to return your feelings. That is exactly what he did and ever since then, the both of you have been going strong. 
In the past couple of weeks there had been changes in your work. A change of leadership and office politics not only made the atmosphere tense but working with your team was hard. Back straight and unbiased smiles towards everyone, you made sure to do an excellent job of not getting involved in any drama. The outcome would be greater than getting involved however, it was eating away at you and you could see that the same was happening with your co-workers. The less the issue was treated, the more difficult it became to solve it. 
Break time came and you were about to leave when a buzz caught your attention. It may have been a passing moment’s worth of information travelling through your visual field but you knew it was him. 
Picking it up, you read, ‘’Hey, how is work? Are your co-workers still having that fight 😂😢’’ causing a smile to light up your face. 
Laughing, you texted back, ‘’Hey, work is still the same. Oh yes, they definitely are and this is making everyone antisocial 🤧 Feels great to be here, you know💀 How is your work?’’. 
Collecting your coat and making a headway for the elevator, you exited the building and walked towards the café opposite- not an unusual place to meet up with colleagues from different departments. 
Opening the door, you were greeted with the distinct smell of cinnamon and pecan nuts. Your eyes caught your friends sitting at different tables. They look like a bunch of students gossiping but the difference is that it’s over coffee. You smiled at the thought. They instantly recognised you and waves were exchanged. Making your way to the table and taking a free seat, a senior spoke, 
‘’I heard that there are some plans underway to build a building at the back’’ to which someone else replied, ‘’Is that where all the resources are going? We need more hole punchers though, because someone seems to be stealing all of them.’’ eliciting laughs from those at the table. 
Your phone buzzed back and opening the message, you read, ‘’Oh nooo, is my baby having a hard time? Don’t worry, some things take time so cheer up and hope for the best~~. Also, I’ve been thinking, since you need a break, why don’t we go on a date?’’. 
Your heart skipped a little at the mention of a date and you texted back, ‘’Ah yes, your baby is having a hard time T_T. Is there a small chance if any, for me to scream on the rooftop tonight? Thank you, I’ll be here waiting 🙋‍♀️ A date sounds super refreshing right now and I wouldn’t mind the idea ~^~’’. 
Online now he texted, ‘’Hehe, you’ll get plenty of hugs when you get home. Very funny or did you forget that we don’t have a roof? Obviously you didn’t so do you think our neighbours will call the police, they think we’re are crazy people already..’’
Resisting the urge to laugh, you replied, ‘’I don’t even know who our neighbours are, should I just call it a half day and head home? Time and place for our date?’’. 
‘’That’s cute ;) I’ll pick you up but at what time do you finish today? Also, I don’t remember our neighbours being scary or anything like that 😶. This one’s a bit random but one day, just one day, lets sleep in. The place is a surprise and no, it doesn’t matter how many times you budge me, I won’t tell you 😘 ‘’ came his reply.
Looking back up from the screen and sipping your coffee, you decided that you had a decent amount of time remaining. 
You texted him back with, ‘’I finish at 5:30 today, what about you? I could meet you at home if there is a lot of waiting time. It’s a bit random ahaha, I wouldn’t mind sleeping in and plus we could do it on a Friday so we have a three-day weekend. Because you won’t tell me, I’m super excited now. You may get into trouble if I call you right now but just wait, when we meet I’m going to shake it out of you😊’’. 
You could picture him laughing a little on the other side as he replied, ‘’I finish at 4:15 today so I’ll pick you up and don’t worry, it’s only a little bit of a wait. I love how we are scheduling a perfect time for us to be lazy and you know what? That sounds absolutely amazing to me right now so tell when you want to do that. Also, my lips are sealed 🤐 🤗 ’’. 
Excited for the date, a small smile reached your face as you texted back, ‘’I’d love that too so tomorrow let’s schedule it together. Alright, I guess I can wait for up to 6 hours 😑 I can’t wait to meet you though, see you soon.’’.
‘’Whoever said 6 hours is long? I can already see you frowning at the mention of that 😂 😂 . Anyways, see you soon babe’’ you read and pocketed your phone with the thought of a date lingering at the back of your mind. 
Break ended within the span of a couple of minutes and exiting the café, you made your way back to work. A small sigh escaped your lips thinking about the workload but you straightened your back and walked confidently pursuing the idea of dedicating these hours to doing what you loved the most. Even if it meant dealing with the tension, in hindsight, the office would most likely joke about it after it ended so until that time came, you just had to wait. 
Sitting at your desk, you took in a deep breath preparing yourself for whatever was to come. Powering through the work felt satisfying, if not, at ease because not only did you get most of your work done, it was almost the end of the day and you could finally see your boyfriend- the moment you had been waiting for. 
It had always been like this as the day was fun but the most exciting part was leaving knowing that you had done what you came for. In the elevator, your senior from another department walked in. Recognition flashed across your faces and you greeted one another but subtly, you felt nervous.
 Your co-workers absolutely, and you meant absolutely spent all day dreaming about how fit this man was. You couldn’t have disagreed more, nudging Sanghyuk forward as more fit even though he wouldn’t admit it even if his life depended on it. ‘’You okay?’’ he asked and you looked up, wondering what was happening. Small talk?. Nodding, you asked, ‘’You okay?’’ sealing the awkwardness in one question. After this you highly doubted any more words would be exchanged. 
Nodding, the rest of the ride was in silence and after exiting, the both of you parted ways like a middle parting hairstyle. Reaching for the doors, you kept a lookout for Sanghyuk’s car spotting it almost instantly. Inside, you could see him on his phone so you knocked hoping to scare him just a little bit and scared he was. Laughing as you opened the door, he placed a soft kiss on your lips, whispering a small, ‘’hey’’. Mouthing ‘’hey’’ back, he asked, ‘’Are you ready?’’. In excitement you replied, ‘’I’ve been waiting for this moment all day, so let’s go!’’. He laughed at your enthusiasm and you joined in, feeling content. 
‘‘By the way, you never told me where we’re going!’‘ you spoke suddenly, startling Sanghyuk. Ahahaha, he thinks I’ve forgotten, but forgotten I have not. ‘’Why do I feel like this is the start of you badgering me for information?’‘ he said as he laughed, rubbing his forehead. Nodding, you smiled replying, ‘‘Do we even know each other?’‘ drawing a laugh from him. 
‘‘Thank goodness the place isn’t that far away then’‘ to which you asked, ‘‘How far is it?’‘ knowing that wherever this place is, it was going to be at least half an hour away and that was enough time to break the surprise. ‘‘Forty five minutes’‘ he replied with a pink tint to his cheeks making you squeeze in delight. ‘‘Please tell me you can wait for that long’‘ he stated, making me look out the window and laugh. His eyes widened as you grabbed his hand in yours and you could tell from the look on his face that he was suspicious. 
‘‘You’re always doing something like that you know, like poking me or what not so honestly, I’m scared right now’‘ he said with a rush and almost immediately followed with, ‘‘Babe, I’m driving’‘. Suppressing the urge to tickle him, you wiggled your finger threateningly in the air as if to intimidate.
 Unimpressed and with the flattest look in his eyes, he stated, ‘’Bring it on. I’m just thinking right now, what’s the worst that could happen?’’ but you knew that his weakness was being ticklish, something you would love to voice loudly on speakers. Giggling, you raised it and dashed it as close to his suit jacket as possible, retreating when he smiled at your antics. Using a childish voice he said, ‘‘Cute’‘ dragging the end as far as the wide ocean and this time, it was your turn to be unimpressed. 
‘‘Wow, that’s mature’‘ which led him to give you an offended look. Bringing a hand to your mouth, you laughed to which he replied, ‘‘Coming from you?’‘. ‘‘Excuse me!’‘ you spluttered and the both of you sat there laughing. He shifted the position of your hands onto your lap and on the open road, the trees and the house passed by in a blur. If you looked back, the speed slowed down and everything was much clearer and resting your head on the headrest, you took in the fresh sandalwood scent of the car’s interior while the warm rays of sun ran across the dashboard as the ending of the trail led to his hand on the wheel. The backdrop a blur, your eyes traced the lining of his nose bridge all the way to his jawline, admiring his relaxed face. 
It wasn’t exactly a wonder but in the span of less than forty-five minutes, the sky had begun to darken. A pink and purplish hue descended mixing in with the darkness of the blue night sky. Among the low moon, the stars that littered the sky caught your eyes and this was the first time you had paid attention to the beauty of the sunset speaking gently, ‘’The sky is so pretty today’’. 
Looking up, he sucked in a sharp breath as he took in the stunning sight. ‘’It is’’ he said in agreement. Breaking the comfortable silence that enveloped the two of you, he stated with joy in his voice, ‘’We almost reached by the way’’ peaking your focus on your surroundings. 
‘‘Not a lot of people come here so we should have the place to ourselves’‘ he said, turning left and finding a parking spot. Stepping out, the wind blew calmly like the sea breeze at the beach- welcoming and pleasantly. Coming around the side, he hugged your hand in his own and tenderly tugged you along. 
‘’Where are we?’‘ you asked looking up at him with wide, honest eyes. ‘‘Somewhere where you can relax. A colleague recommended this place so I’m just as new to this place as you are.’‘ he ended with a twinkling laugh. Adorned with tiny, green plants, the pathway wasn’t lit but there was just enough moonlight for the both of you to walk up. From the distance, you realised how much wider the place actually was.
Sculpted, a dark green hedge was accompanied by dome- shaped, glossy bright orange flowers that could be seen even as night approached. It acted as an entrance and replaced all the signs welcoming confused visitors. Leading you towards a bench, the two of you took a seat side-by-side. He left your hand and instead wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you to rest your head on his chest. 
‘’Are you cold?’’ he asked and you shook your head disagreeing. ‘’You were right, this place is really relaxing. Thank you for thinking of me and bringing me here’’ you said in appreciation. Moving his right arm to the side of your head, he turned your head so that you were face to face with him. Eyes, a warm shade of dark brown, he connected his lips with yours.
Sweet passion fruit and milk chocolate, the sky blue hydrangeas bloomed; in the distant ambience of the place, a bird took its first flight, soaring. Carefully and softly, your lips moved with the flow of his lips which feel velvety and delicate. Leaning away, the both of you took a breath as he said, ‘’You know those people who you just click with? As in, you become their best friends and they become special to you. So always- I will always think of you.’’.
Your hands moved up to his face and capturing his cheeks, your lips met his. Connecting for the second time, he felt just as sweet as the first, like every kiss you had shared. Endearingly, he managed to daze you each time reminding you of the shiny and sugary glaze on doughnuts, simple and classic. 
Smiling, your hands moved to smooth his hair which really didn’t need any smoothing but you felt the need to press his face in between your hands. Slyly you said, ‘’I think I like you, like a lot’’ to which he chuckled and said, ‘’I like you a lot too so stay with me’’. ‘’I’m not going anywhere, I’m just here to bother you’’ you replied with a giggle and facing you he incredulously asked, ‘’Did you just ruin-?’’.
Laughing while shaking his head, he pressed a kiss to the side of your forehead making your cheeks turn pink. When you returned the kiss, he questioned, ‘’What was that for?’’ and looking at his flushed cheeks, you smiled at the accomplishment. ‘’Just so, for once, you can feel how you make me feel’’ you replied with a bright smile. 
Hand to his chest he acted like his chest was hurting and breathing hoarsely said, ‘’Slow down’’ making you laugh a little. Settling down, your head went back to lean on his chest. Fingers gently pushed your hair out of your face; you moved your arms to envelope his torso, feeling the toned lines. Lying in his embrace, the two of you sat and watched the stars.
 Therapeutic, your relationship was something that you looked forward to everyday because apart from seeing one another, new adventures and exciting thrills came your way. Ultra realistic stills of your time with him were printed and couldn’t be easily forgotten so together, you took baby steps, one day at a time.
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pizzaspirits · 5 years
Stalker pt.2 - Joel Pimentel
words count : 2.5k +
warnings : cursing, car accident, angst angst angst!
part 1
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Something is wrong, Joel doesn’t know what it is but he pretty sure he know what he feels. Y/N who hasn’t answered his text isn’t helping at all. Just when Joel gonna call her, Zabdiel poke him, telling him they gotta do the interview. Joel sigh then get up from where he sat.
The man keep driving away. I don’t know where I am right now or where he is going to take me. Someone help me, please.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time ago. I come here to take you away with me.” He said with an evil gleam in his eyes, I could see it through the front mirror.
“Hear me out” He added.
“Why the fuck should I listen to you?” I commented.
“Such a dirty words from such a pretty little mouth” His smirk never leave his lips.
“That boy, Joel, had stole you from me. You and I were supposed to be together. Not the two of you” The man remarked. Joel. Oh God. I really wish he’s here now. I’m so scared, but I don’t want to show my fear to this creepy man.
“What do you mean? Wha—what are you going to do with me?”
“I just want you all to myself baby. If I can’t have you, then no one can.” He replied
Y/n breath became heavier, her thoughts were clouded with the unknown, and what did he meant by ‘If I can’t have you then no one can?’
“You have no idea who I am, do you?“The man badgered. I shake my head slowly, it made his hand grip the steering wheel stronger, I could see his hands turning white because of that.
“You just never noticed I existed.” the man really made me scared. God please help me. I swear I don’t know who is he or where he is going to take me, it could be worse than this, and there is only one way I could think of. It’s now or never.
I kicked his arm from the place where I was sitting, then I quickly closed his eyes. The man seemed to lose control of his car.
After y/n did what she think is the best way, the dark car interior floods with a bright yellow light. A car horn nearly shatters their eardrums. Tires scream against the pavement.
During the interview, Joel barely talk. His thought is somewhere else. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and why haven’t you answered his text.
“Bro, are you okay?” Chris notice something’s up with Joel.
“I don’t know. Y/n hasn’t answered my text.”
Chris check his watch “Don’t worry, it’s midnight there, right? maybe she fell asleep.” Chris right, maybe he’s just think too much.
Joel’s phone ringing startles him out of his sleep, he squints at the too-bright screen in the dark, blinking blearily at Y/N’s caller ID photo grinning at him. He runs a hand across his eyes before answering. “Hello? Y/n hey why-”
A rush of indecipherable noise - high and panicked but he knows it’s not Y/n, it’s her best friend Kira.
“Whoa Kira,” Joel days, his brow knit together in worry. “Slow down, what happened? Where’s Y/n?”
“There’s a car accident. So much blood. I didn’t see it coming. I don’t know if she’s going to be okay and-” Joel couldn’t hear the rest of it as his mind went blank.
“Where is she now?” he sounds significantly scare and panic.
Joel hands were shaking so much they were barely able to hold onto the jacket he grabbed out of the closet as soon as he hung the phone up. Joel didn’t only felt fear though, he felt like he’s going to puke, like he’s going to cry, like he’s going to pass out over all given how hard it was to get oxygen into his lungs. This couldn’t be happening, not to his girlfriend.
“Joel, we came as soon as we heard.” Said Richard as him and the other come through the hotel door.
“Good news, Clara got the plane tickets and the flight is in like 30 minutes, bad news is she just got 2 tickets.” Richard clarified.
“I’ll go with him.” Zabdiel added
“You both should hurry up. Don’t worry, the rest of us will catch up as soon as possible.” With that, Joel and Zabdiel quickly get out of the hotel and hopped inside the car then go to the airport.
Joel couldn’t think straight right now, he doesn’t even care that he often hit people in his way to the plane. All he cares about is getting to the hospital as soon as possible, making sure that y/n was ok.
3 hours later, they finally arrive at the hospital. Zabdiel go straight to the receptionist and Joel following behind.
“Hi,” The nurse say, softly and warmly “can I help you sir?”
“Hello” Zabdiel answering with a smile “a friend of ours-”
“My girlfriend.” Joel cut it.
“was admitted a few hours ago.” Zabdiel continue with his thick accent “we were wondering if we might be able to get some information”
“What’s their name?”
“Y/N Y/L/N”
“Let me see what I can do.” The nurse taps away on her keyboard. Zabdiel take a glance at Joel who couldn’t stop anxiety playing with his rings.
“Miss Y/L/N is currently in surgery,” the nurse says. “I’m afraid that’s all I’m able to tell you.”
Joel turns suddenly. “She’s in surgery?”
The nurse looks sympathetic again. “Yes, honey. I’m sure that a doctor will come to update friends and family soon.”
Her friends are her family, Joel wants to tell the nurse. He holds his tongue. The nurse is just doing her job. Joel knows the flash of frustration is misplaced, and  nod before running a hand through his hair and blowing out a breath.
“You both can wait over there” she pointed at a rather empty waiting room and all Joel saw was the back of a fiery red haired head, it’s Kira he thought.
It’s going to be a long night.
As the doctor speaks, Zabdiel glances at Joel out of the corner of his eye, his brown eyes are wide and exhausted and fearful. Kira doesn’t look much better.
“Wha—what do you mean?” Kira ask.
“This isn’t to say that she will never wake up,” the doctor adds, glancing at Joel. There’s solemnity in his eyes that makes Joel’s stomach squirm uncomfortably. “Just that we don’t know for sure.”
“You can see her now, if you’d like. Room 482.” the doctor adds.
Joel doesn’t wait. He wordlessly brushes past the doctor and makes a beeline for the door. Kira paused only long enough to say ‘thank you’ to the doctor before following Joel. Zabdiel lingers behind.
“What happened?” Zabdiel ask the doctor.
“Tom Johnson is now accused as a kidnapping case. He is also currently being treated, but soon he will be in jail for his actions. y/n really a clever woman. The police said she made Tom crash his car to protect herself from kidnapping.” the doctor answer. Zabdiel nod.
“And what about her chances, doctor?” Zabdiel asks, steeling himself. “Really.”
The doctor gives him a long, patient look. “She’s stable. And there is always hope.”
Zabdiel nods absently. He had been hoping for something more definitive. Something reliable. “Thank you. Really. And… I’m sorry about Joel. He’s y/n boyfriend. He’s a little upset right now. We all are. But we appreciate everything you’ve done for our friend.”
Joel remember the time right before he went from y/n house, she told him to stay. Heck, she even begged him to stay but he chose to leave her alone. He’d upset at himself for what he did to her and would feel a knot in his throat with a tear or two in his soft brown eyes. Maybe, just maybe, if he chooses to stay, this wouldn’t happen, they will be at y/n home now, watching some movies with popcorn while cuddling. Guilt consumed him and he never hated himself so much that he did at this point.
“Wake up, please, stay for me. Don’t leave me. I need you more than you think.” effused Joel. Right now, he’s sitting right beside y/n’s bed, holding her hand.
The room was completely silent, only the sound of the ticking clock and heart detector that y/n using, Joel really scared that someday the heart detector would show a straight line. He hoped that would be only his nightmare.
“I should’ve stayed  I should’ve listened to you. Fuck! I’m such a fool!” He tried to speak straight out, but it only came out as a croak. “You have to wake up, baby  I still owe you a promise, remember?” At this point, he really couldn’t hold back his tears. “The time when you told me about your dream, about us having vacation together with our future son, and I promise you we will living that dream soon? I owe you that promised mi amor. You want that dream to come true right? So please, wake up.” he’d be wearing a little pouf on his lips and his eyes would lose their sparkle.
Zabdiel steps into the bathroom. Kira is gripping the edge of the sink. Kira looks at Zabdiel through the reflection in the mirror.
“I’m sorry,” she swallows. “I just… seeing her like that…”
“The doctor said she was stable.” Zabdiel replies.
“He also said that they don’t know when, or if, she will ever wake up.” Kira snapped then averts her gaze. Her voice softens, “and it is not just that. You don’t know how panic I am last night when the police called me and told me about the car accident. I was with her before this happened! We went to a party, I drove her home right before all of this happened. This is my fault! If I stayed with her, this wouldn’t happen! This—this is my—”
“Hey hey,” Zabdiel says firmly, crossing the short distance between them “Calm down.”
“But Zabdiel, I—”
“Kira” Zabdiel grab her shoulders “Just look at me. Breathe.” Kira can’t hold her tears, and Zabdiel hug her.
As the boys arrived, Zabdiel lead them to y/n’s room then seeing Joel stared down at his girlfriend “Yo Joel, ¿estas bien?” Chris said, Erick nudge his hand.
“What did they said?” now Richard spoke. Joel sighed, unsure if he could answer the question. Understand what’s happening, Zabdiel answer it.
“Concussion and spinal cord injury.” they looks shocked and grieving.
“Why? What happened?” Sputtered Chris.
“There’s a man who almost kidnapped y/n but when they’re in his car, y/n tried to escape by made the man crashed his car. The police said it’s self defense that y/n can do.” Joel frustrating shaking his head then running his hand through his hair, he’s about to cry for the 4th time.
“Hey, don’t worry. Y/n is a strong girl. She’s going to make it. Let us take care of that Tom man”.
“Time of death, 03.22 AM February 14th.”
No one dare to speak, as if they knew this would be happening.
“Then what about the trial?”
“Let God do the punishment for him.” It’s been three days y/n has been in the hospital. Tom Johnson, the guilty man, has died because of severe brain injury.
“What about y/n? Is there any progress?” Joel asked the doctor, with hope y/n will gonna be okay.
“Her condition is better than yesterday.” The doctor answered. Joel massage his temple “When—when will she wake up?”
“We don’t know for sure, but we all know she’s a fighter. And there’s always hope, Mr. Pimentel. Sooner or later, she’ll wake up.” Joel go back to y/n’s room alone, the rest of the guys and Kira are still talking to the doctor and the police.
Joel stepped into the room, then sit in the chair next to y/n’s bed, the same place he sat since he’s got there. He’s sad and empty at the same time. It felt like a years for him, but it’s only been days.
“I love you, Y/n, more than you’ll ever known.” expressed Joel as he stared at y/n’s unresponsive body then take her hands. It’s ridiculous, he thought, talking to y/n as if she can hear it.
“I know you can’t feel it but I promise I’m holding your hand right now.” he chuckles. “Tom Johnson, the man who caused all of this, has died. And you know what I’m scared the most? It’s what if the police say your name instead of him? God, I can’t imagine if that—” Joel didn’t realize he was crying again until now.
“I — I can’t give up on you, so please amor, please don’t give up on yourself. But in case you—” his eyes are blurry now because of his own tears. “I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.” He said almost like a whisper. He’s crying, looking down while continuing holding y/n’s cold hand.
Joel look up at y/n’s pale face, almost looks… dead. No. Fuck, no. She’s not. She’s alive. She’s still breathing and she’s going to be okay, Joel assure himself, tightens his hand against her.
Joel open his mouth but snaps shut when he sees y/n’s other hand twitch against the thin blanket. He’s on his feet in the next second, he looks both hopeful and afraid that hope is misplaced.
“Y/n? Can you hear me?” Joel swear he sees her fingers twitch again and he hurriedly grab it. He watches the faint, steady rise and fall of her chest with each breath. Y/n’s breath catches before he takes in a much deeper breath. Joel can feel his heart in his throat.
And then y/n’s eyelashes flutter open. Joel releases a sound that like something between a sob and a laugh.
“Ssshh,” Joel soothes “Easy love, I’m here, and I’m never letting you go again.”
tags : @aaanaiddd @theweirdsideofstuff @cncoamor @zabdisamor @ericks-mala-actitud @benditocnco @igthisisacncoblognow @joelitoavocado
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itsswansecrets · 7 years
7:15 (OuaT, Emma/Regina
Title: 7:15 Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairing: Emma/Regina Rating: G Word Count: 2936
Regina watched the Sheriff come in bang on 7:15am. Just like every morning. Her tan uniform shirt was pristine, as were her black pants and black boots. She sat in her usual corner booth and opened her newspaper.
“Every day.”
Regina turned to Ruby who was arranging the display of muffins, cookies and other treats on the front counter. “I know,” Regina said, talking in a hushed tone even though the sheriff was well out of earshot. “I don’t know how she manages to arrive at the exact same time every morning.”
“I wasn’t talking about her,” Ruby’s ruby-red lips turned up in a sickly sweet smile. “I was talking about you.”
"Yes you! Every day, every time the Sheriff comes in you make the exact same heart-eyes. I keep expecting to see cartoon hearts floating around your head."
Regina waved away Ruby’s foolishness and started making the Sheriff’s coffee. The Sheriff had the same thing every morning: coffee and a bear claw. Every morning Regina took it to her. Regina owned and managed The Magic Bean, and she insisted that while every other customer had to order at the counter providing table service was the least she could do for her best customer. The Sheriff always left a generous tip when she left her payment at the table. The Magic Bean wasn't the biggest coffee shop in town (Jefferson's Tea Rooms had that honor) but Regina liked to think it was the best. She took regulars like the Sheriff as proof.
Regina took the coffee and pastry to the Sheriff as always. They said a pleasant good morning to each other. When Regina got back to the counter Ruby was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
They served a wave of six customers that came in and Ruby was still grinning every time she looked at Regina.
“What is with you today?” Regina asked when the last of the customers in the wave had headed for a table.
“It’s not just the way you look at her,” Ruby said. “Once you’ve taken her coffee over you come back with a spring in your step.”
“Oh hush,” Regina rolled her eyes. “Now you’re being totally ridiculous.”
“There’s nothing ridiculous about it,” Ruby insisted. “Why should there be? She’s pretty hot. If it wasn’t for Dorothy I’d probably go ask her out myself.”
Regina snorted at the idea. Ask out the Sheriff! What nonsense! “Why don’t you worry more about your work and less about my love life.”
Regina looked over to the Sheriff. Well there was one true thing in what Ruby had said, Sheriff Swan was pretty hot. But the nonsense about heart-eyes and having a spring in her step was just absurd.
For a week and a half Regina had endured Ruby’s winks and conspiratorial smiles every morning. She had threatened to fire her if she didn’t quit it, though she’d been mostly jokingly.
The door opened. The little bell above it tinkled. Sheriff Swan came in, dressed neat, boots polished, her blonde hair in a ponytail. Still pretty hot. Maybe it was the uniform. Was that what she found enticing? Not that she found the Sheriff enticing of course, however there was nothing wrong with admitting that the Sheriff was objectively attractive.
“Got it really bad today huh?" Ruby teased.
Regina just raised her eyebrows at Ruby and shook her head.
The routine went on as normal. Regina took over the coffee and bear claw. They said good morning to each other. A friendly professional interaction. Nothing more.
Once she was back with Ruby Regina could tell she was desperate to say something. She was practically vibrating.
“Out with it,” Regina sighed when she couldn't take it any more.
Ruby leaned in close and very quietly said "The Sheriff was checking out your ass when you walked away."
"Seriously? Can we drop this already? When did your brain revert to high school mode?"
"She was, she totally was I swear on my life."
“You’d be better swearing on your job,” Regina said.  Her voice and expression and eyes deadly serious. “I know we’re friends Ruby, but really enough is enough. Please drop this.”
“Okay okay,” Ruby threw up her hands in exasperated surrender.
Regina looked over at the Sheriff. She was reading her paper and drinking her coffee. Of course she hadn't been checking her out.
“It’s just a bad idea,” Emma Swan reiterated.
“Why?” Deputy David Nolan asked again.
“Because it would be awkward. Imagine she said no.”
Emma and David were in her office at the Sheriff’s station going over the paperwork on a recent spate of break-ins in the downtown area. While Emma wanted to get to the bottom of the situation David had steered their talk elsewhere.
“Imagine she said yes,” David countered.
“It’s good coffee. Amazing coffee. I’m not going to risk making a fool of myself. I’d have to find a new place to go.”
David sighed. He saw there was going to be no persuading Emma so he dropped it. It had taken enough effort to get her to confess she thought the woman at The Magic Bean was attractive. Getting her to do something about it was a lost cause.
Emma passed him a report across the desk and changed the subject back to the break-ins.
Aside from a few looks she’d failed to hide Ruby had at last stopped badgering Regina about the Sheriff.
A week went by and on the following Monday something happened that hadn’t happened for a long time.
Regina looked at the door.
She waited.
She waited.
She looked at her watch. It turned 7:16.
There was no sign of the Sheriff.
Irrational concern plucked at her thoughts and unwarranted fear churned in her stomach. She was, of course, allowed to be late. She was, of course, entitled to not come at all.
Regina worried anyway. Was she sick? Had she been hurt? Had she picked up something of Ruby’s silly notions and been made uncomfortable? Had she discovered coffee she preferred elsewhere?
As the minutes passed Regina knew that Ruby wanted to comment but appreciated the fact that she didn’t actually say something.
It was just dumb to have this kind of reaction just because one morning one of her regular customers hadn’t come in. It happened all the time. But there was a strange sense of loss. The morning just wasn’t the same without having seen Sheriff Swan. At 8:30 Regina messed up a simple customer order, giving them cream and no sugar instead of sugar and no cream. At 9:30 she dropped a pot of coffee, shattering it. As the morning went on she became frustrated and irate, snapping at Ruby for no reason at all. Every time the bell signalled someone coming in Regina looked up in hope.
It was just after lunch, after Belle French had started her shift, that Sheriff Swan finally came in. She looked exhausted. She nodded at Regina as she went to her usual booth which was unoccupied. It was a great relief to see her. Regina went over right away.
“Afternoon Sheriff, the usual or something else?”
The Sheriff looked up, stifling a yawn. “Usual would be great. I was up all night. There was a jailbreak a couple of counties over. It was a long night of road blocks and searching.”
“Did you get your man?”
“Darn right I did,” Emma smiled.
“Good,” Regina returned the smile. “I’ll be right back with your coffee.”
Back at the counter Regina set about making Emma’s drink. She could feel Ruby and Belle’s eyes on her. She stopped what she was doing and glared at them. "Fine, I find her attractive, I'm still not going to do anything about it." Her gaze dared them to say something about it. Wisely they both kept their mouths shut.
Once Regina had gone back over to Emma, the two of them all smiles, Ruby turned to Belle. "Well at least she admits it now."
"Doesn't matter if she's not going to ask her out," Belle sighed. They watched on. It was incredibly obvious watching them that Regina and Emma both were epically into each other.
"Even if I did like her, and I'm not saying I do, I don't even know if she's gay or bi or interested in me," said Emma from the passenger seat.
David was driving. They were on patrol around town, as much about public visibility as it was about looking for any signs of crime. It had been a couple of days since the all night hunt for the escaped prisoner. "She's definitely gay," David said with the confidence of a man who thought he knew what he was talking about.
Emma blinked. "How would you know that?" She found it implausible that David would suddenly become and expert in the sexuality of the manager of her favorite coffee shop.
"Mary-Margaret," he said.
"How does your wife know if she is gay or not?" Emma blinked as one possible way occurred to her. "They didn't date or something?"
"Oh, no no, nothing like that. She's good friends with Ruby who works there. Ruby was asking Mary-Margaret if she had any idea if you were into women."
"Why would Ruby want to know if I'm into women?"
David opened his mouth to answer, then hesitated. He took a second and decided to answer anyway. "I kinda told Mary-Margaret I wouldn't say anything because Ruby swore her to secrecy but apparently Ruby thinks Regina might be interested in you."
"And what exactly did Mary-Margaret tell Ruby?"
"The truth," David said.
"Mary-Margaret told me Emma's as gay as a sparkly rainbow unicorn," Ruby said to Regina as they were wiping down the tables at the end of the day. "Those were her exact words."
Regina stopped. "I thought we weren't going to mention this again, something about someone getting fired if they did."
"Hey you totally opened it back up for discussion when you told us you were into her," Ruby countered. She stepped back from the table she'd been cleaning, checking she hadn't missed any spots. "It's an official rule."
David eased the car around a right turn.
“Well it doesn’t matter anyway, gay or straight I’m not going to...”
“Take a chance?” David suggested.
Emma sighed the sigh of someone being forced to talk about something when they'd much rather be doing anything else. “More like take a risk. It’s just not worth the embarrassment.”
“If you don’t take risks you don’t get anywhere,” David slowed to a stop at a red traffic light. “If Mary-Margaret hadn’t taken a chance and talked to me we would have never gotten together and wouldn’t be happily married now.”
Emma shifted uncomfortably. “My track record with women sucks, it’ll be weird and awkward. Who asked out the lady that serves them coffee every morning?”
“Lots of people.”
“What possible good could come of it? Green light.” Emma gestured.
David glanced up sure enough the light had turned green. He resumed driving. “Romance and happiness?”
Emma rolled her eyes like that was the silliest thing she’d heard all day.
“Well,” said Regina, “even if she is gay it doesn’t make a difference.”
“Why not?” Ruby moved on to the next table, giving it a spray with cleaner then wiping.  
“I feel like a stuck record talking about this. It’s inappropriate and it wouldn’t be worth the embarrassment.”  
“If you don’t put yourself out there now and again nothing good will ever happen. Do you think Dorothy and I just magically turned into a couple? It took effort and taking chances and putting ourselves out there.”
Regina put her hands on her hips and huffed out a breath. “It’s not like I have a stellar history with dating. I hardly know her, and when she rejects me she'll never come here again. What good can come of me making a fool of myself?"
"You might get laid," Ruby waggled her eyebrows.
Regina's eyes narrowed to an icy glare.
"And you might get a date with a gorgeous woman who makes you smile like no one else does."
Regina rolled her eyes. "How about we just get this finished?"
That night Emma couldn't sleep for a long time. She rolled from one position to another and still sleep didn't come.
As much as she hated to admit it to herself she couldn't stop thinking about her conversation with David. Emma had been pretty sure that Regina was gay or bi, her gaydar was definitely lit up by her. Confirmation shouldn't have changed anything. But it had. Now she knew for sure another of her excuses for not doing anything about her attraction to Regina was shattered.
Emma was rapidly running out of reasons not to go for it.
In her mind scenario after scenario played out.  All the different things she could say. All the things Regina might say. Whole imaginary conversations unfolded. Some good. Some bad. Some joyous. Some painful. From the realistic to the outlandish the common thread in her flights of fancy was that she was brave enough to take the leap in the first place.
Eventually Emma drifted off into a restless slumber.
Regina made herself a cup of hot cocoa at one in the morning after trying and failing to get to sleep. She sat in the living room with late night junk TV on in hopes it would trigger her brain into sleep mode.
She barely noticed that a trashy Jerry Springer knock-off had come on. She only focused on the screen when one of the people on the show made some weird screeching noise and attacked one of the others. Regina turned the TV off. Even in her sleep deprived state she couldn't face such nonsense.
"How are you in my head like this?" Regina said aloud. "Emma. Emma. Emma Swan. Sheriff Swan." What was it about that particular woman that had gotten so under her skin? This wasn't like her. Regina had never been the kind of person to get infatuated like this.
She finished her cocoa and went back to bed. She couldn't help but imagine how nice it would be to have a certain blonde Sheriff to snuggle up with.
Not that that was ever going to happen.
The next morning Regina kept checking her watch.
"Waiting for something?" Ruby commented sweetly. “Or maybe someone?”
Regina didn’t rise to Ruby's bait.
Time wasn't this slow every morning was it? She checked the clock on the cash register. Sure enough her watch was right.
When 7:15 finally arrived Regina was busy taking an order from another customer. She glanced over and caught Emma’s eye as she came in. Right on time. Emma smiled and headed to her booth. Regina hurried to deal with her customer who was extremely particular about the complicated concoction he wanted.
Ruby took the job of making the very special coffee for Mr Particular, while Regina made Emma’s drink.
Coffee and bear claw were soon being taken by Regina to Emma. The journey to the booth seemed to be twice as many steps as usual.
“Good morning Sheriff,” Regina said as she set the coffee and pastry in front of Emma.
“Morning,” Emma looked up from her newspaper. To Regina she seemed off. Like she was on edge. Normally Emma appeared to be pretty laid back and at ease with the world. This morning though she looked jittery.
Regina almost asked if she was okay but decided against it. It made for an awkward moment, Regina looking like she was about to speak, and Emma waiting, fidgeting with her hands in front of her.
“Uh, enjoy,” Regina blurted.  
“Thanks,” Emma nodded.
Regina turned away. Instead of stepping away from the booth however she turned back.
Simultaneously Regina and Emma said “Would you like to...” They both stopped, flustered.
“Sorry,” Emma apologised and looked down at her coffee. “What were you saying?”
Regina shifted uncomfortably on her feet. “Oh I, well, I, never mind.” She forced a smile and started away again.
“Wait,” Emma stood up. Regina paused. “Ask me what you want to ask me.”
Regina swallowed her nerves. “I was wondering if sometime you’d like to do something, together. Like dinner or a movie.”
“I would,” Emma licked her lips and their eyes met.
“You would?”
For a moment they just looked at each other.
Had she just...?
Did she say...?
“When?” Regina stepped a little closer.
“Are you free tonight, we go get dinner somewhere,” Emma suggested.
“That would be perfect.”
“Okay,” Emma tugged out her notebook, scribbled on a blank page then tore it off and handed it to Regina. Regina looked at it. It was a phone number. Emma’s phone number. It was tangible proof that this was not the total disaster she had prepared herself for. "If you text me your address I'll come pick you up, say around seven-thirty?"
Regina nodded. "Yes, I should uh," she waved back over to the counter where there were a few customers waiting. "I'll see you tonight Sheriff."
"Emma, if we're going to go on a date call me Emma."
"I'll see you tonight Emma."
Regina hurried to the counter. She was giddy. She was going on a date. She had a million and one things racing through her mind.
Before serving the next customer in line she looked over to Emma. Their eyes met again and they smiled at each other.
They were going on a date!
7:15 would never be the same.
Note: Written for @swanqueenweek day 2 - Coffee AU
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