#i just wanted to ensure what i said was in one post and op didnt get spammed
potionio · 4 months
So, you may have seen this reblog I made to the original post, and even OP poked in to say things got a bit misworded (no hate to them, it's super easy on the internet for that to happen) SO I am just going to break some stuff down here, and share my own password manager etc.
I'm also writing this so that OP doesn't have to keep going 'don't reblog this' because that feels straight up cruel lmao.
Keep in mind I am not a cyber security specialist. I am not an IT person, I do not have a degree or anything like that.
I am a person on the internet, and you should take the step to look into things yourself and absolutely not just take my word on this.
What is going and what is the Mother of All Breaches?
The Mother of All Breaches (MOAB) is a major data leak that I think most of you have seen talked about on cybernews here. The article brings up what this entails, what it means and that's great and dandy- but I think most people honestly just reblogged and didn't quite read it.
So let me kill some of the fear here.
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The leak concerns mainly data from past breaches, this means that the information can be as old as over 3 years old depending on when the leak occured. This isn't a sudden leak of billions of files over night, nobody is a super villain just yet.
This is also mentioned again here by Brooke Wagner.
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And further pointed out by Davey Winder here.
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There is also an article where they speak to a cyber criminology expert about the matter here here.
And I pointed all of this out in my OG reblog, as welll as ways to defend yourself which I will just drop back down here!
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@/Oxbowreality added a really good addition that Firefox has a built in password manager and has a dandy guide on their reblog here. I
However as a friend of mine pointed out, Firefox Sync doesn't really sync to an account anywhere- meaning should you loose access to your browser you may be having some issues actually getting that information back.
A password manager does have backups however, and that's why I decided to make this little addition.
My friend recommended bitwarden. (please note, my friend is a security enthusiast and not the say all of all internet security, Bitwarden is not perfect nor foolproof thanks.)
I personally have started using bitwarden and best of yet, it's free. We love free shit in this house.
Like I have added little to no new information on here, don't get me wrong. But I also feel bad about just circulating a post where even the creator isn't super happy with what they wrote to begin with.
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