#i just want to see more character analyses on them. because the krew is so interesting to me. i love them.
tincanton · 7 months
ok i finished binge watching tlok (except for season 2 listen im not getting into that mess again) and like. its literally not that bad????
like excluding the relationship shit (and most of season 2 I hate season 2) its literally not that bad. like I would rewatch that again it was so fun.
i just wish they developed the Friendships between the krew more. i will reiterate this again, the moment even a slight Concept of a found family has entered my mind I will NOT stop thinking about it. (the most memorable part to me was literally the krew just fucking around in a hotel room with a pai sho board while spying on aiwei. i want more of the four of them just doing really random shit together come on. please. please. ple
also the love triangle ruined All of their characters. like it was just not a great time for any of them. can we all agree to collectively forgive all of that shit because clearly they've all mostly moved on from that mess.
ALSO ALSO mako is literally not a bad character what. literally what. he's literally just zuko 2.0 but everyone hates him for some reason huh. all he did was fuck up two romantic relationships huh. wuh. why does the fandom hate him whuh. explain. the math is not mathing. like what. hes literally full of angst and everyone just ignores that in favor of "but he was a bad bf" what. if we can forgive(forgive?? idk if that's the right wording whatevr) zuko for the shit hes done can we also forgive mako for like. handling his relationships in a questionable manner.
he was like 18/19 at that point yall (and he also seems extremely emotionally constipated jesus) I think we can let this one go. or if you still arent happy with that lets forget about all the drama and have them in a polycule LMAO
anyways tlok very fun. very enjoyable like i could rewatch the fight scenes over and over again they're so cool. and also I love the characters sososo much. the fandom is so focused on the ships can we just like. look at the besties. they're best friends fr.
(korra is so pretty in season 4 actually she is everything to me)
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smellss · 4 years
waitress - bolin x reader
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gif credit: @ahhhsami
hi everyone,
hope you enjoy this bolin x reader, do you guys prefer alta character or lok character one shots? feel free to request what character you would like next my inbox is always open! - smells x
set in: season 1 of LOK
the bell on the door rung, as the krew walked in bolin inhaled a smile growing on his face
“guys i can smell how good the food is here in here, my nose never fails me” bolin exclamied proudly, turning around to the group with a cheeky grin
“please take a seat where ever you can find one, i’ll be there with you in a second! ” the girl ran past the group, trays in both hands spinning a little bit on her feet
“she seems nice” mako chuckles, arm linked with asami looking around the restaurant
“okay let’s find a seat” korra exclaimed carefully manoeuvring herself through the tables of people
the krew finally finding a table in the corner of the restaurant out of the way from all the people
the group is laughing about the pro bending match memories they had when a voice is heard from the kitchen
“I JUST WANT TO HEAR THE PRO BENDING SCORE FROM LAST NIGHT, BECAUSE I DIDNT GET TO WATCH THE MATCH BECAUSE I HAD TO WORK OVERTIME FOR YOU” y/n yelled back, walking out of the store room anger evident on her face as she yelled back to the large man
“I DONT CARE WHAT THOSE FIRE RATS SCORED I JUST KNOW YOU NEED TO WORK” the man sticks his head out of the door and yells one more time before going back to the kitchen
y/n brushes her hair back, before taking a deep breath in before walking over to the krew’s table
“i’m really sorry you guys, had to witness that what can i get for you?” y/n breathed out followed by an awkward chuckle looking at the group
“um sorry i don’t mean to intrude but where talking about pro bending with that big man?” bolin questioned hesitantly
“yes i was, i missed the match last night my favourite team was playing as well, but my radio doesn’t work in here so i didn’t get to hear who won” y/n smiled sheepishly at the group explaining her situation
wow y/n good oversharing with a group of strangers who probably just want you to take there order
“oh really who’s your favourite team?” bolin smirked at his brother and the two girls, the three of them rolling there eyes at his antics
“the fire ferets, they are new to the competition this year and have just recently got the avatar on there team like the actual avatar how cool is that” the girl rambled out loud about her favourite team
“wait a second” y/n analysed the group looking at the four of them her facing turning redder by the second
“you are the fire ferets and i’m an idiot” y/n said face palming herself her complexion now a true red colour
“it’s really okay, trust me it happens more than we would like to admit” korra explains hand scratching behind her neck
“okay that makes me feel a little bit better, but what can i get you guys on the house” y/n says a smile on her face
“i think i love her” bolin whispered to mako, making his older brother chuckle
afte eating a very large amount of food, the group stand up to leave the restaurant felling full and sleepy
“we’ll wait outside while you ask her, you’ve got this” korra slaps bolin on the back asami and mako giving him the thumbs up
“you’ve got this bolin” the earth bender mumbles to himself before walking up the waitress
“ um y/n hi i just wanted to ask you something” bolin stammered out, a grin on his face
“i’m really sorry bolin, we ran out of the soup dumpling” y/n giggled at the boy
“oh no that’s not what i was going to ask um, i was actually wondering if you were free tomorrow for lunch?” bolin asked fidgeting with his hands, nervously looking at the girl
“i would love to have lunch with you bolin, i’ll see you here tomorrow” the young waitress said placing a sweet kiss on his cheek before walking away a bright blush spreading across her face
“yes yes YES” bolin exclaimed running outside too tell the group.
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