#i just wanna meme out with other td fans
bridgetbutgay · 5 years
I keep seeing this Total Drama discord and I want in, is there any link somewhere? I’d love to join if it’s open!
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Huh? Oh…hey, wow…yeah. Oh wow. You’re here for the…oh man…I didn’t think anyone would feel like Roasting since…well you saw it!
In all seriousness, when I dreamt up this little fun article, my intention was to not mention anything with the Auburn game outright. Sure, we could make vailed references to how much we hate FSU…Georgia…uat, but never really reference the Auburn game outright. This week I don’t have a choice because I remember watching the Egg Bowl…and I remember watching the Iron Bowl…and then things get blurry…DAMN YOU BROWN PARTY BOURBON! So, I will take a one week hiatus and we will talk Iron Bowl….and Egg Bowl because how could we not…IN THIS WEEK’S ROASTED!!!
I love the looks people give me when they ask what my favorite game that doesn’t involve Auburn is. I love watching El Assico, The Army-Navy game, the LSU-Alabama game, but nothing…NOTHING comes close to my love and affection for the Egg Bowl. I normally grab a thing of Egg Nog and settle in for God knows what, and boy did this year delvier!
Many people are saying Elijah Moore cost Ole Miss the Egg Bowl last night and I just don’t think that’s fair pic.twitter.com/jnx95fWObt
— Clemson Carl (@ClemsonCarl) November 29, 2019
Elijah Moore with the delayed fair catch. Apparently we need to make a new rule for that, RIGHT NICK! IT’S UNFAIR THAT MISSISSIPPI STATE COULD HIT HIM LIKE THAT!!! Well, the game continued on and it was a really good one, State held a 21-14 lead as the final minute of the game drew near.
First time in Egg Bowl history that the winner was decided by a penalty and missed Pee-A-T...pic.twitter.com/MHjkPaoIMA
— Saturday Down South (@SDS) November 29, 2019
That drew a 15 yard unsportsman like penalty that pushed the TYING POINT AFTER back to a near 35 yard attempt. And you know what happened next.
Wow!!! Ole Miss loses Egg Bowl because Elijah Moore did a dog peeing celebration after scoring the game tying touchdown. 15 yard penalty pushes PAT further back, and it goes wide right!! pic.twitter.com/skcya7tw0Q
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) November 29, 2019
Yeah, so that cost us overtime Egg Bowl but hey, for it to happen in the most Mississippi way ever, I’ll allow it. Probably the most curious thing about this game is that apparently the game was dubbed in Russian for some reason, which brings up a whole batch of new questions as to….why? Why on earth does anyone in Moscow care about the Egg Bowl except to get talking points for the next political speech for 2020. Also, scary thought, what if this is the only insight the Russian people have in to Sports at Higher Education Institutions in America? Dear God, they get to see it from Starkville, MS?! Please say that they have another game. That aside, the call of the last two plays from Ole Miss are even funnier than you would expect.
the Egg Bowl was on Russian television and the ending is the FUNNIEST THING THE ANNOUNCERS HAVE EVER SEEN pic.twitter.com/Owvu6iAgRq
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) November 29, 2019
From the guy coughing like he has been smoking since he was 8 (SPOILER ALERT: he has) to the entire booth laughing when the kick sails wide right, this is the closet thing to Mystery Science Theater 3000 you will get with sports (yes, I know Cheap Seats was a thing and even though I love that, they didn’t do live events).
If you skipped ahead and just wanted to get to the Iron Bowl talk but want a summarization of the Egg Bowl this year, here ya go.
Egg Bowl highlight package. pic.twitter.com/3p1B7qFQlA
— ProFootballTalk (@ProFootballTalk) November 29, 2019
Until next year Egg Bowl…goodnight sweet prince…
New Egg Bowl trophy pic.twitter.com/NZSvvHSvdZ
— Charles Power (@CharlesPower) November 29, 2019
NIck Saban goin blow a casket pic.twitter.com/2zJyyuWAqD
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) November 30, 2019
Just inject that right into my veins.
Since Nick Saban's first season at Alabama in 2007, Alabama kickers have now missed 101 field goals, the most by any FBS team in that span. That's 8 more than any other team. Joseph Bulovas is the only SEC kicker to miss multiple field goals from 30 yards or closer this season. pic.twitter.com/k2hMcwMSld
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) December 1, 2019
I saw this and thought it had to be wrong…It isn’t. At what point do you take a moment and realize that 3 points matter in close games? I mean you are the greatest coach in the history of history…What are you doing Nick?! Leaving dang points on the field PAWWWW!
The last time a Nick Saban-coached team gave up 48 points was in 1999, when Michigan State lost 52-28 to Purdue. pic.twitter.com/anuXH8Z1W8
— ESPN College Football (@ESPNCFB) December 1, 2019
Wait…you let Purdue score 52 on you? Sure I was in High School when that happened but….PURDUE?!
Nick Saban said in his postgame presser that he wished the refs had given his team more time to adjust to Auburn's punter substitution. pic.twitter.com/Lumhwk3jGI
— ESPN College Football (@ESPNCFB) December 1, 2019
…HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU WANT NICK!? Do you want us to go Little League World Series and have each player before each play, tell you their favorite cartoon and who their favorite music group is?! Cause Derrick Brown would love to run up to you, crush your hand in his and tell you that his favorite singer is Stevie Wonder. You’ll think he is joking and kinda giggle…then you will realize…that man isn’t joking Nick.
alabama lost and my dad’s not happy. please make him famous #IronBowl #meme #someonehelphim pic.twitter.com/iMOoTPOfZU
— Molly ️‍ ♻️ (@Mollyfranklin_) December 1, 2019
Ok not Nick related, but WHY YOU BUTT HURT MAN!?! Gotta take it out on a flag?? Don’t worry, Wal Mart has another one for ya. But hey, you wanna watch the playoffs together, I got a see to watch that LSU kid throw TDs on folks…you know, like he did all over your place? Yeah us not so much, but we are State Champs and that means something this year.
And finally, I could have just posted this and been done because Deshaun roasted the Tide better than anything I could say here.
I remember seeing a fan do this to us when we left Tuscaloosa last year ... I’m petty so I HAD to return the favor pic.twitter.com/ONuqgYoBNR
— ⭐️Deshaun Davis⭐ (@_Davis_Boy12) December 1, 2019
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Auburn Tigers have defeated the Alabama Crimson Tide by the score of 48-45 here at Jordan-Hare Stadium! WAR EAGLE EVERYBODY!!!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/12/2/20991083/boom-roasted-week-14
0 notes
demitgibbs · 6 years
Reba McEntire Talks Gays at Christmas, Politicization of Her Faith-Based Music
Reba McEntire has released a beautiful new Christmas album. The melancholy spirit of her friend Dolly Parton’s 1982 holiday staple “Hard Candy Christmas” is preserved on McEntire’s new reading, and her sparse version of “Mary, Did You Know?” featuring Christmas mainstays Vince Gill and Amy Grant engenders a spirited hopefulness even the secular population may find comfort in.
But it is two weeks after the Las Vegas shooting, and nearly a month before the CMAs, which emotionally honored the victims during its “In Memoriam,” when I connect with McEntire to talk about the new album and her holiday plans. Sticking to casual banter seems malapropos given the recent series of tragic and divisive events that eventually led to McEntire pledging to love you the best she can during the all-star musical opening of the CMAs.
How do you not talk about issues affecting all of us, even McEntire?
After all, the Country Music Hall of Famer performs in Vegas regularly during her residency, “Reba, Brooks & Dunn: Together in Vegas,” which recently announced additional 2018 dates. Moreover, the icon has wielded great influence as an entertainer – singer; Broadway, film and TV actress; gay favorite – during her four-decade career, and so when she pledged her support for marriage equality in 2014 to me during our last conversation, it felt especially groundbreaking. At the time, she spoke lovingly about her dear friends, Michael and Steven, who didn’t have the same legal protections as heterosexual couples. “It was not fair,” she told me, pointedly. Just over a year after our talk, Michael and Steven’s relationship was legally recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Now, any artist with clout is being called upon to take on other hot topics, as evidenced by the preemptive decision by CMA producers to enact a no-politics stipulation on journalists during the event (the provision was overturned by the time the show aired). But the pressure to weigh in on political issues can be felt even within the country music community, as Rosanne Cash pled for the genre’s influencers to speak out against the NRA in a Oct. 3 New York Times column called “Country Musicians, Stand Up to the N.R.A.” (Faith Hill and Tim McGraw recently called for sensible gun laws in an interview with Billboard after Cash’s call to action).
In addition to talking about her personal struggles with religion and being true to her musical roots, McEntire, 62, told me she looks to God for guidance on addressing the world’s affairs.
Strikingly, she did clarify that her track “Back to God,” featured as an acoustic version on “My Kind of Christmas,” is purely a faith song despite various sites and social-media memes associating the song with President Donald Trump.
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Reba McEntire: My Kind of Christmas
Do you have gay people in your circle of family and friends who you’ll be seeing for the holidays?
Probably so, yeah. I’ll be in Nashville before we go out of the country after Christmas, so I’ve got a lot of friends in town that we’ll be seeing after we get through with our show in Las Vegas.
What special something do your gay and lesbian loved ones bring to your holiday festivities?
Friendship. And we hang out throughout the year, so it’s not much different around Christmas than it is throughout the year.
Just more eating.
A lot more eating – yeah, true! And lots of just hanging together and the reason for the season, which is the birthday of Jesus and we all celebrate that. It’s more of the same, just being great friends at Christmas like we are throughout the year.
Please tell me all of our favorite country gay icons – yourself, Dolly, Faith, Martina, and so on – have some kind of Secret Santa.
(Laughs) No, we don’t. Wouldn’t that be fun, though?
Do you do White Elephant exchanges?
Oh yeah, we do it with my RBI (Firm) team and we used to do it at Starstruck. Dirty Santa or White Elephants are really a lot of fun.
What’s the craziest gift you ever received during a White Elephant exchange?
Oh my gosh, probably an old dirty sweater!
I just spoke to your daughter-in-law, Kelly Clarkson, who you collaborate with on “Silent Night.” As I’m sure you know, she finally has creative control. Was there a time in your career when, like Kelly, you struggled to make the music you wanted to make because of label heads?
You know, I was very, very lucky to get to work with people who are open-minded. It wasn’t a situation of not getting to sing the music I wanted to and make the music I wanted to; it’s that when I got started I didn’t know, other than I had been raised with what I wanted to sing, and then when it got a little more contemporary with the orchestras, I had to go to the head of the label, Jimmy Bowen, and say, “I really wanna go back to my roots,” and he said, “What’s that?” I said, “Steel guitar and fiddle.” He said, “All right, you can do it.” And I said, “Well, how do I do it?” And he said, “Well, you need to go start finding your own music.” So Jimmy was totally 100 percent for me doing what I wanted to do and I was very grateful for that.
Kelly is bold when it comes to expressing her social and political beliefs, and I understand her stepdaughter and your grandchild, Savannah, is really political. Do you have political debates within the family?
Nope. I don’t talk politics because I think there are a lot more things I can contribute to the world without arguing with somebody about politics.
My family has this rule, especially during holiday gatherings: no political discussions.
I think that’s very healthy.
Do you have a similar rule?
I just don’t do it. When somebody wants to talk politics, I let ’em know that and we change the subject.
There seems to be a lot of pressure on public figures to take stances on some important issues concerning our country. During our last interview, in fact, you pledged your full support for same-sex marriages for the first time. A lot has happened since, including the recent shooting at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival in Las Vegas, and recently, Rosanne Cash penned a column in the New York Times encouraging the country music community to speak out against gun violence. For you, when is a potentially divisive issue important enough to talk about?
I think I’ll know it when it comes to me. I think I’ll know it when that happens. So, I can’t say it’s gonna be tomorrow (laughs), or what the topic is gonna be. I’ll know it – I think it’ll be told to me. I rely on God a lot to let me know what I need to be doing and I ask him for guidance, totally, all the time, every day. So when that’s needed, I’ll be the spokesperson.
Regarding the Rosanne Cash piece calling on the country music, did you feel a need to step forward?
This is the first time I’ve heard of it.
She wrote a column in the New York Times asking country artists to speak out on gun violence and gun control. Basically, “Is the issue deeper than just ‘thoughts and prayers’?” It was a really thought-provoking column.
Well, good for her. Good deal.
How has what is happening in the world become personal for you?
It always has been. When you have children and people you love and care about, it’s not only your children or your grandchildren, it’s your whole family. It’s your friends, it’s your community, it’s your country, it’s your town, it’s your neighbors. You deal with all of it and your concern is for all of them, so yeah, it’s been going on for a long time. It’s been going on since – long before we ever got here. It just seems like because of the media we know about what’s going on a lot more than we did when we were kids. When I was growing up, we only had the 6 o’clock and 10 o’clock news and what you heard on the radio and that was it.
Do you think we would benefit by going back to just the 6 and 10 o’clock news?
I really don’t know which is best. Are we overloaded with press? Do we need more? Do we need to know all of this? I remember that song that Anne Murray had out, “A Little Good News” (laughs). That’s what I like to watch – good news.
What does it mean to be an artist who can, in one night, bring together gay fans, conservative right fans and drag queens?
It means a lot to me because what we’re there for – my job is to entertain and to lighten the load off your back, and I hope when everybody walks through that door to come into a concert they leave their troubles at the door and they come in and join together and listen and enjoy and take away something that will brighten their day. Give them somethin’ to think about and improve their lives, hopefully.
Maybe there’s a message in those songs. I have always said, Chris, that I’m the conduit, I’m the water hose. I’m singing these songs because there’s a message in music, because it’s so healing, and so when I sing it, I sing songs that touch my heart. Hopefully when you’re in the audience and you listen to those songs it touches your heart – and in a way that I have no idea how it’s gonna touch your heart, but I hope that it does.
How did you feel about ABC passing on your TV project created by out Desperate Housewives and Golden Girls writer Marc Cherry?
I couldn’t believe it. I was devastated. I thought it was the greatest show. Everybody who I played it for was like, “Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to see more,” and I said, “Well, unfortunately, you’re not gonna get to because they didn’t take it.” Marc did a wonderful job. He’s a genius. I love him to pieces. He is so clever. And it was just such a good show. But we’re not gonna get to continue on, so my heart just hurt for that. We shot (the pilot) in March of this year, and I was really wanting everybody to see it.
Will we see you on TV aside from “CMA Country Christmas?”
I hope so! We’re looking at scripts now for next year and some TV movies and different things like that. You never know what’s gonna materialize. I talked about the Marc Cherry script for, gosh, four or five months and was so excited. Just knew it was gonna be a slam dunk. But you never know about the future. I just have to say, well, wasn’t in the plans, everything happens for a reason, timing is everything.
Getting back to music, your song “Back to God,” which originally appeared on your “Sing It Now: Songs of Faith & Hope” released in early 2017 and now on “My Kind of Christmas” as an acoustic duet with Lauren Daigle, was being associated with President Donald Trump by his supporters upon its release. I mention that because I grew up trying to reconcile being a gay man with my Catholic upbringing, and that was really a struggle for me because I didn’t know which I should choose or if I had to choose. So now, when I see a song like “Back to God” being politicized, I think of LGBT children who don’t side with the president but seek comfort from a song like “Back to God.” How do you feel about your song being politicized in that way when it can potentially alienate gay fans?
I think that’s ridiculous.
But there really are memes and articles saying “Back to God” is essentially a Trump anthem.
No, no. It wasn’t at all. (The lyric) “give this world back to God” means we’ve got troubles, we’ve got things going on, people are worrying, people are trying to solve problems themselves. If they gave their problems and their worries up to the Lord, he will take care of him and you’ll have a peace that you’ve never experienced in your life. How anybody took that and politicized that is beyond my imagination. It’s totally a faith song. Faith-based, and of hope and of faith and looking for a better way of dealing with the stuff that’s going on. And my way of dealing with it is giving it to the Lord.
As a person of faith, what message would you like to send to LGBT people who may struggle with religion?
You know, sometimes I struggle with religion because there are so many, but if you read all of ‘em, all of the different religions, there is one underlying thing: God wants us to love each other. Treat people like you want to be treated and love each other – that’s not hard, but in a sense, it is. But that’s it. He just wants us to love each other, and I think that’s what we all really need to work on.
When I spoke to Amy Grant in 2013, she told me, “I know that the religious community has not been very welcoming, but I just want to stress that the journey of faith brings us into community, but it’s really about one relationship. The journey of faith is just being willing and open to have a relationship with God. And everybody is welcome. Everybody.”
Yeah, yup! And also, another thing: The secret of peace is forgiveness, and that’s hard. That’s really hard. But when you do, all of that hatred and resentment that’s eating up your heart and your stomach and your gallbladder and it’s just making you sick, if you forgive, all that goes away and it’s replaced with space that is ready to have more love put in and you find better relationships and more friends, so you gotta forgive and you gotta just love people.
Sounds like you found the secret, Reba.
(Laughs) Ya know, funny enough: I kind of think I did! Everybody says, “Oh yeah, I’ve known that for a long time,” and then I say, “Why didn’t I understand that?” It’s hard. It’s real hard to forgive. But it’s the best blessing in the world to give yourself.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/21/reba-mcentire-talks-gays-at-christmas-politicization-of-her-faith-based-music/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/168788231600
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Troy Wayrynen-USA TODAY Sports
Base your guesses on who we don’t pick for premium accuracy!
Here we go, heavy on the PAC-12 and we get yet another Michigan game for Crow to scoff at. If you’d like to submit your picks as well, just visit the link below to make sure they’re documented!
Oregon (-3) @ Washington (O/U 51)
Washington has been a huge let down this year. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt dropping that weird rain delay-ed game vs Cal, but they then lost to a god-awful Stanford team. I know this game is in Seattle, but I can’t help but think UW should be getting at least a touchdown in this one. If the Ducks win here, the division is practically wrapped up for them. I think the #1 defense in the country gets it done, 27-17 Ducks. - Ryan Sterritt
So, when thinking about this game, I just don’t trust the Huskies. And after doing research, I really don’t. Since Peterson got to Seattle, the Huskies are 10-14 vs AP Top 25 teams and 0-2 against Oregon teams that enter the game ranked in the top 25. Good enough for me, especially since I think Oregon is the best team in the Pac-14 or whatever. Oregon covers, 28-17 and under. - Drew Mac
I feel like we, as fans, like to project success onto former opponents, even though it may not mean very much, because it inflates Auburn’s resume in some way. Folks, this ain’t that. Oregon is a great football team. Their defense is pretty remarkable, and I think they’re getting better. Oregon right now is on pace to allow less (fewer? Whatever) touchdowns to conference opponents than they did to Auburn (don’t check my math there). I like Oregon here, and big. Oregon 35, Washington 13. - Josh Dub
This one is a sneaky matchup. The Ducks might have one of the best QBs in the country but his receiving corps is very limited due to injuries which now includes his go to target in tight end Jacob Breeland. On the flip side, Washington has put together two really bad clunkers this season but still have the potential to take the Ducks down. I think this one is low scoring with Oregon’s #1 ranked defense proving the difference. UO 27 UW 13. - AU Nerd
Washington is an up and down squad that’s lost to both Bay Area schools. The Ducks have rolled right along since the opener and arguably, this might be their toughest game left on the schedule. But the Ducks offense is rolling right now and as Auburn fans, the more Oregon wins, the better Auburn looks perception wise. Oregon 38 Washington 24 - Will McLaughlin
Having not really kept up with the PAC 12 very much, I thought “Oh, this has to be the decider for the division right?” In a way, I guess it is since if Oregon wins there isn’t much chance they will slip up enough to let any of the other teams catch them. However, even if they lose they are still firmly in the driver’s seat. From what little I’ve seen I think Oregon is the best team in the conference and they’ll take another step towards a title with a win here. Oregon 26, Washington 24 - AU Chief
Oregon is by far the more consistent team. My biggest point of frustration with Oregon was my biggest point of gratitude in week 1…they run the ball too often when they should pass with a dynamic quarterback. I don’t expect the Huskies to be able to hold up against an Oregon team that should be playing more of an up-tempo, pass-centric style of offense instead of having their Saban-minded coach hold them back. Oregon 34 Washington 24 - Josh Black
Oregon continues to be really good. The win over the ducks by auburn gives me hope against the teams remaining on our schedule. Washington is really tough to predict all the sudden, so I’m going with the ducks. Oregon 35 Washington 20 - Son of Crow
Washington has been an unpredictable mess all season. They’ve blown out BYU after the Cougars upset USC and Tennessee. They’ve lost to an average Stanford team. I think they’ll be ready for this one, but I don’t think it will be enough. Oregon will control the game, run the ball more than they should, and keep the Huskies at arm’s length. Oregon 24, Washington 14 (Oregon covers, UNDER) - James Jones
Belushi’s all the Washington fans after they suffer yet another loss.
One Georgia transfer QB does well (Justin Fields) and the other one does not-as-well and plays for a not-as-good team (Jacob Eason). Oregon’s loved by all the metrics and the fact that their defense gets better and better looks nice for us. Duckies win 38-14. - Jack Condon
Arizona State @ Utah (-14) (O/U 49.5)
Just as the Pac 12 North could be decided this week, the winner of this one will be in the driver’s seat in the South. Utah is ostensibly the better team here, but damn it if I don’t REALLY want Herm to be successful in Tempe. The Utah defensive line will be the best unit on the field, so I’ll take them to win in a super low scoring game. 20-7 Utes. - Ryan Sterritt
This one is really interesting. I thought the Herm Edwards project was going to be a dumpster fire to watch. Instead it is somehow working. I don’t think they win this one on the road in Salt Lake but I think they get really close and have a shot at the end. State with the backdoor cover but Utes win 38-34 and the over. - Drew Mac
I get WHY were picking this game, bug I just don’t care. I’m too old to stay up and watch these. So, team Herm I guess. Arizona State 31, Utah 28 - Josh Dub
Don’t mind Herm, he’s just leading his Sun Devils to the top of the PAC-12 South standings is all.... Utah is absolutely the better team but being the better team hasn’t mattered a ton playing Arizona State this year. I expect this to be an ugly affair with the Utes questioning the reason for their existence midway through the 3rd quarter. But in the end, Utah’s stout DL proves too much and they are able to knock Herm off his perch. Utah 28 Arizona State 17 - AU Nerd
This is a Top 20 contest and unless you’re one of the few that have Pac-12 Network, you won’t be able to watch it. I wanna give some credit to Arizona State for going out of the box and hiring Herm Edwards. When he was hired, a vast majority of people (and I did too) thought what on earth were the Sun Devils thinking. But he’s got his team at 5-1 so far this year in Edwards 2nd year and helped put the Sun Devils back on the map. Utah has quietly gone about their business and also sit at 5-1 on the year. I think Utah wins but the Sun Devils cover. Utah 28 Arizona State 20 - Will McLaughlin
So I had to double check the spread on this one. Utah is favored by 2 TDs? Sounds like the Herm Edwards experiment is going really well. The Sun Devil’s have the same record as the Utes, so I guess it’s not all bad, but dang that’s a helluva spread. Anyway, I knowing nothing about either of these teams I guess I’ll go with Utah. Utah 32, Arizona State 21 - AU Chief
If a game is on the Pac-12 Network, does it even exist? Utah 27 Arizona State 20. - Josh Black
I haven’t watched one minute of either of these teams but I know herm Edwards hasn’t exactly installed the air raid. Utah 30, ASU 14. - Son of Crow
The Sun Devils can open it up when necessary, and they play a close game nearly every week. They’re very much a 10-6 style NFL team. Plenty of games within the margins. When Utah is healthy, they’re the best team in the PAC-12 South. They win at home, but I don’t like them to cover that number. Utah 31, Arizona State 25 (Utah wins, ASU covers, OVER) - James Jones
Wasn’t Utah supposed to be incredible this year? Best defensive line in the country? Admittedly I haven’t watched any of their snaps, but I just feel like going with Hermie here. Sun Devils spring the upset 31-27. - Jack Condon
Michigan @ Penn State (-8.5) (O/U 45.5)
At a certain point, you just have to accept the Michigan offense is trash. I’ll give Penn State the benefit of the doubt from last week, as Iowa is prone to do that to people, but otherwise their offense has been a ton of fun to watch to far. QB Sean Clifford is completing 65% of his passes for nearly 10 YPA, but he’s far from a pocket passer. He’s the team’s second leading rusher with 252 yards on the ground on 59 attempts (most on the team). Give me Penn State 28-17, and cue up the Jim Harbaugh 3rd Place memes. - Ryan Sterritt
*begins to read matchup*
*get to the “Mich’ part*
Yup, the other team.
Not Michigan covers and wins 24-10 and the under - Drew Mac
The B1G brand of football right now is gritty, low scoring, tough football games. Penn State is doing everything right (except the Pitt game. Ignore Pitt.) If Michigan wins, they’ll be right back in the conversation. If they lose, Harbaugh might have some uncomfortable conversations coming up with his superiors. Penn State 24, Michigan 22 - Josh Dub
I don’t trust either of these teams. Both have an insane amount of talent but are lead by coaches who thrive at snatching defeats from the jaws of victory. But do I really trust Shea Patterson to go on the road & get a big W? I do not.... Nittany Lions get it done. PSU 24 MICH 14 - AU Nerd
These two have wins over Iowa the last two weeks, and I picked Iowa both times. Never again Iowa... Anyways, a Whiteout at night and no faith in Michigan, I have to go Nittany Lions here. Penn State 24, Michigan 13 - Will McLaughlin
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Penn State 28, Michigan 21 - AU Chief
Good grief Michigan has a horrendous offense. I’m honestly surprised the spread isn’t a tad bit wider since the game is in Happy Valley. I don’t view what happened at Iowa last week to be indicative of much for Penn State, as playing poorly in Iowa is a thing that happens to just about everybody. Penn State 27 Michigan 10 - Josh Black
Jack is trolling us. I’d rather talk about the NBA. Penn state 22, MICH 12. - Son of Crow
Bad offensive lines don’t travel. I could potentially have a bit of a vested interest here. Penn State struggles on offense at times, and they tend to make mistakes that kill drives. However, I don’t think Michigan can do anything to punish them. Defensive touchdown picks up the front door cover, but it stays under by the hook. Penn State 28, Michigan 17 (Penn State covers, UNDER) - James Jones
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Why are we picking this game? Because I like watching Crow and Chief suffer when they’re forced to acknowledge B1G football. Michigan is just not good, and boring to watch. Penn State is slightly less boring. Lions 34-20. - Jack Condon
Tennessee @ Alabama (-35) (O/U 61.5)
We’re seriously picking this one? Ugh, fine. Tua is gonna blast these guys and pad his Heisman numbers before he has to go up against Burrow in a few weeks. 52-20 Tide. - Ryan Sterritt
Last week Tenneseee got their first SEC win of the year.
They won’t get one this week...
The team Tennessee is playing wins and covers.
48-10 - Drew Mac
Don’t let an SEC win fool you, Tennessee is still a massive dumpster fire. Alabama gets to cakewalk through their biggest rival once again. Alabama 51, Tennessee 17 - Josh Dub
Lol. Alabama 52 Tennessee 17 - AU Nerd
Our National Nightmare is over!!!! Alabama finally got a night game!!! (They got one next week too). Guess they’ll have to find something else to gripe about now. Alabama 55, Tennessee 14 - Will McLaughlin
Remember that time Tennessee almost beat Alabama? That was 10 freaking years ago. Oof. Alabama 56, Tennessee 10 - AU Chief
Alabama may hit the over here by themselves. The only good thing to come out of this game is the complaint out of Tide fans that the game is kicking off…too late. You just hate to see it. Alabama 59 Tennessee 13 - Josh Black
Alabama is going to destroy Tennessee, as is the ritual. Let the record show I have been respectful to the tide. Alabama 45 Tenn 4 - Son of Crow
Vegas is daring you to take Tennessee in this one. If this line was under 30, everybody would bet Alabama. I still think they probably cover. I’m not sure that UT can do anything against Alabama’s secondary. Alabama 55, Tennessee 10 (Alabama covers, OVER) - James Jones
I refuse to find a GIF to pimp a pick on an Alabama win. Tide names the score. With kickoff at 8 pm CST, they’ll guarantee that the students will be there at night to see those idiot lights. Bama 59-21. - Jack Condon
Florida (-5.5) @ South Carolina (O/U 49.5)
Yeah, I do NOT trust Sakerlina to do something good two weeks in a row, especially now that Grantham will have a week to prepare for this third string Gamecock quarterback. I’ll take Florida 30-14. - Ryan Sterritt
Is it just me or were you more impressed with Florida after the LSU game than in the Auburn win? I was. I was also impressed that South Carolina beat Georgia with their 3rd string QB. What’s that? Oh, you didn’t hear that the Gamecocks beat the 3rd ranked Georgia Bulldogs between the hedges with their 3rd string QB? That’s crazy... because that absolutely happened... Carolina beating Georgia that is. But they won’t beat Florida. Florida and the under. 31-10 - Drew Mac
This line seems like an overreaction to Florida losing to the best team in the country and South Carolina beating Georgia. Florida will bounce back in a big way here. Florida 35, South Carolina 14 - Josh Dub
Oh man... This one I am VERY interested to see what happens. Ryan Hillinski is reportedly going to play while Florida’s top 2 pass rushers are not. Gamecocks got a ton of momentum while UF is looking to rebound from a strong but ultimately losing showing last weekend. I don’t think either of these teams have great offenses so it comes down to defense. If UF was fully healthy, I would give them the edge. But this is on the road in Columbia against a team that believes again.... But it’s Will Muschamp. This is the exact type of game you would confidently predict him to pull out only for his squad to pull a stinker. I trust Trask at this point more than a banged up Hillinski. Unless he throws 3 picks, including a pick 6 to end the half then I think Gators get out alive though maybe not as convincingly as AU fans would like. UF 28 SCAR 20 - AU Nerd
This game is VERY interesting now. After the Roosters shocked the world and beat Georgia in Athens (thank you very much), we’ll see who plays at QB after Ryan Hilinski left last week’s game. Yeah that’s right, South Carolina beat Georgia in Athens, with a 3rd string QB. The Gators have had back to back tough games against Auburn and LSU so we’ll see how up they get for this one. They have a bye next week before their clash with Georgia in 2 weeks. I want to pick South Carolina here badly but I learned the hard way the last time I picked South Carolina so I think Florida wins a close game. Florida 23 South Carolina 17 - Will McLaughlin
Boom really coach those boys up last weekend. What an amazing thing to see. I really don’t see it happening two weeks in a row. Although if it did it would make things pretty interesting in the East. Florida 24, South Carolina 17 - AU Chief
I’m interested to see how well the Gators can hold up with this being the tail end of a brutal 3-game stretch. Going back out on the road a week after being in Baton Rouge is going to affect this bunch, and South Carolina’s defensive front 7 is no joke. The problem is that South Carolina’s offense is all but nonexistent without Ryan Hilinski. He’s going to play Saturday according to Muschamp, but I would be shocked to see him healthy enough to lead this team to victory 2 weeks in a row. Florida 24 South Carolina 13 - Josh Black
South Carolina can’t string two competent games together. I don’t care that it’s a home game. They have coach boom, who is a buffoon. Florida 30, Scar 13. - Son of Crow
This is all in how each team reacts to their games last week. I think Florida takes some positives in what they were able to do on offense, and South Carolina won’t be able to count on a team refusing to throw over the middle or down the field. I think Florida puts it on the Gamecocks. Florida 37, South Carolina 16 (Florida covers, OVER) - James Jones
I’m gonna venture that the Gamecocks don’t score more than about 13 points in this one, and there’s no way they get two stupid games in a row to score two huge upset wins. Georgia just Georgia’d, as they’ve been known to do. Florida is going to win a really boring game and all the people that think USC has a chance to pull this one off are going to be sorely let down early on. (Please prove me wrong, Carolina). Gators 31-10. - Jack Condon
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