#i just stay cookin😤😤
trendywaifus ¡ 4 months
more about hsr spiderverse au! (seen the spiderverse movie on netflix recently so there’s so much brain rot rn. i’m thinking about expanding this to a small smut series like the genshin racer! au idea )
info that is possibly mild spoilers if you haven’t watched the movie
in the across the spiderverse movie, the spider-hq is mainly there to protect the multiverse. the spideys mostly group up to go on missions to prevent any threat from emerging in the multiverse! in order to do that, they gotta have gizmos! it’s basically a watch that allows them to travel through universes without consequence. it can be taken away if miguel decides you’re liability or sum like that.
if you seen the previous post about the spiderverse au, (i’ll pop it right here if you haven’t) the hsr spider women discovered that an identical spidey version of you exists! best believe that some of them are gonna try and befriend you right on the spot while the awkward ones will avoid you (eventually they’ll warm up & try to interact with you. they are gonna be forced to interact with you because there’s missions anyways).
duo missions are very common amongst the spidey hq so expect to be duo’d up with the girlies often times than not.
since you’re fairly new to spidey society, your first three duo missions will be with kafka! behind himeko and jingliu, she’s one of the oldest members in the hsr group who’s been in spidey society so she’s the perfect preceptor for you! though, she’s awfully flirty with you (due to obvious reasons) at first but as you get to know her, she mellows out after a while. kafka is still flirty AND protective over you but she’s chill. one thing you do start to notice is the melancholy tone in her raspy yet soft voice when she talks to you. keep in mind, she never really talks about herself besides the brief story about how she became spider-woman so you’re curious about her actual backstory. and also, you haven’t seen her face yet but her voice sounds REALLY familiar.
this is all i got for now but this will be a slow burn smut series if (i def will) i go through with it. first kafka and then the others!!! ( I’ll also have an excuse to include funny interactions with outside spideys like the main huncho bbl miguel o’hara, peter b parker, etc!! )
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smallestapplin ¡ 1 year
Honestly y'know what I would really love? I just want to bake bread with Ingo. I want to be happy and domestic and feel loved and enjoy nice warm bread with someone after putting in work to bake it.
So,,, Ingo x male/gn reader and they make bread together please? Thank u so much ur writing is a godsend to my lonely ass ❤️🙏
- Tofu Anon
I love domestic shit so much 😭 (I also cannot sleep, and it’s also 3am for me rn.)
M!reader, reader gets called husband and prince, cause Ingo is about loving his partner 😤
The kitchen is filled with the warmth of the oven preheating, along with the sound of music playing softly, though it’s being drowned out by laughter.
“Hold on hold on, I can make this better.” You’re quick to say, rushing back to the messy ingredients.
Ingo sighs, chuckling at your antics.
“I don’t understand why-“
“Ingo, baby, you wore a black apron, for making bread, it’s not gonna be staying black for long.”
Ingo lets out a playful huff, that’s cut off by his offended gasp as you take your now flour coated hand, and draw a smiley face on his darkly colored apron.
“There! Now we are ready to get cookin!”
He can’t help but laugh, before moving to help you make bread.
However, it was no secret that it would take longer than normal, especially with how you two can hardly keep your hands to yourselves.
Ingo stays behind you, chin on your shoulder with his arms around you, helping you knead the dough.
The stoic man feels his lips twitch, threatening to smile at how you keep giggling and laughing.
“What has you laughing like this?”
“This is just so much fun! Especially with you.”
You lean back against him, pressing your back against his chest with a smile. Ingo takes that moment to kiss you, his lips pressed sweetly against yours.
You hum, tasting the faint traces of honey on his lips, from his ingredient sampling earlier.
You pull away, reluctantly so, staring into this beautiful silver eyes of his, feeling his warmth and love.
“Dear, I hate to tell you, but you have flour on your back now.”
You jump away from him with a loud groan.
“Oh you are just the worst!” Your voice light, trying to keep up the act as you shake your shirt, trying to get most of it off.
“My husband calling me the worst? How cold, how cruel, of him.” His voice nothing but teasing, as he goes back to working on the bread.
It’s been so long, but you can’t help but bury your face in his back, whining at being called his.
“My love, it’s been two years, and I call you that nearly every day. You reactions never fail to make my heart race though.”
He’s right, your reactions are always so cute, and leave him falling deeper in love. Just seeing how you react to being called his husband, never fails to make him a little flustered.
“You have no right! You’re my husband too ya know.”
Ingo can feel his face burning.
He knows you’re right, seeing as how he acts the exact same when you call him that too.
You both continue on, buttering a pan and setting the dough neatly inside it. Now to wait for it to rest. In the meantime you both clean up, and making sure to take off the flour covered aprons to avoid another incident.
Once that was done, Ingo turns to you, watching you wash your hands.
He can’t believe he got so lucky to meet a someone like you, someone so kind, so sweet, so funny, you’re truly the light of his life, he’s so happy he married you.
“Stop staring at me.” Your soft voice breaks him from his trance.
You look so bashful under his stare, he can’t help but find you perfect.
You hear Ingo walk away, before hearing the music being turned up. Your ears perk up to him walking back to you, before your hand is grab and your world spinning as you’re twirled around.
“May I have this dance, my prince?”
You breathlessly chuckle, smiling so brightly at your husband.
“Of course, my love.”
It’s like the world disappears, leaving just you and Ingo. He moves with grace, gently swaying you around the kitchen.
Even having been with the subway boss for so long, he still knows how to make you swoon. Your laughter fills the kitchen, as Ingo dips you down, kissing you once more, stealing what little breath you had left.
Before lifting you up and twirling you out of his arms as the song comes to a close. But he still holds your hands, making sure to kiss the backs of them with his eyes never leaving yours.
“No fair, you kiss me so much, but you never let me return the favor. How can I shower my beloved in affection in these conditions?”
The stoic man simple laughs, he knows you’ll get him back for all this, but for right now he wants to enjoy this.
Bread having been left to rest, is now perfect for the oven, which you both happily do, setting a timer real quick, before moving to the living room.
You push Ingo to the couch, flipping on top on him. His deep chuckle rumbling in his chest, as you squirm up and get cozy.
Your face buried into his neck, with your hands gripping his shirt. His own arms around you, holding your tightly to him.
The house smells so good with the honey flavored bread, slowly wafting through the air.
Ingo is going to hate having to get up, or to let you up, he likes holding you, and doesn’t want to stop.
It’ll come eventually, but for right now he just wants to bask in your presence.
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