#i just really like thinking about what bloom's public image would be in magix and especially solaria lmao
charmixpower · 2 years
Any Aisha/Layla headcannons?
Yeah yeah! Aisha is always hard for her because the timeline of events, and what Aisha would of realistically able to learn with the way her parents are don't match what we see she's capable of. Every day she makes my head spin XD
The comics fucked so hard with the idea that Aisha was on Magix when it was attacked helping the pixies. I imagine she helped redirect the army of decay to keep the Trix from actually paying attention to Pixie village
The idea that Aisha was there, fighting off the army of decay just like the Winx, and barely missed them sings to me. They missed eachother by a hair! It's fate that they're both there! Idk it's so much fun
Aisha isn't her birth name, when running away she used a new name so no one would connect her to the currently lost princess. Layla is her birth name. I thought it would be cute to add both of her names in there
Aisha will try just about anything once. She has the worst case of FOMO, and hates not experiencing things
Aisha is very close to Tressa, and would often run off into the ocean to talk to her as a child. Tressa doesn't understand any of Aisha's parents actions, and often encourage Aisha's to mischief and to follow her dreams a lot like Anne did. Aisha only started talking to her because of Anne, and they're pretty similar all things considered
Aisha gets pretty close to Francis, the fairy of laughter, during her first year. They have a lot of the same classes, and Francis's laid back joyful nature does wonders to chill the anxious and stressy Aisha during her adjustment period
Aisha hates worrying about her public image and what people think of her with a passion. I can't imagine her ever taking the throne, because just thinking about the pr would give her a migraine. Once she and the Winx become the new company of light, she shuts down all her socials and starts wearing more sunglasses and such to avoid the paparazzi
Aisha tries to come off as cool and confident but she has like zero interpersonal skills because she's had like two friends before the Winx. What I'm saying is that the early part of her and Nabu's relationship involved a lot of blushing and awkwardness. Neither of them had actually ever been on a real date before and anyone could tell from a mile away
On that note, no one can convince me that Aisha has had a male friend, or even had a real conversation with a guy she wasn't related to before s2. It simply never happened
Out of all of the Winx, Aisha takes her job as Guardian Fairy the most seriously. Everyone else has a second, primary job, on top of being a guardian (Stella with her fashion, Musa with her music, Tecna is making stuff, I like to imagine Bloom doin stuff that's art related, and Flora probably becomes a magicbio scientist) except for Aisha. She's the only one who treats being a guardian as a main job, and anything else as secondary. The Winx usually let the lower, weaker, guardian Faries handle most things that don't require someone as powerful as them, but Aisha handles just about everything on Andros. She really enjoys it too, be finds the work of helping people very fulling and understands why the boys wanted to become specialists
(unsurprisingly if Aisha wasn't a fairy she would of become a specialist, like Anne wanted to)
Due to this Aisha is one of the most active in the practicalities and day to day function of protection a planet and works the closest with her planet's military to deal with things like magical monsters. I can imagine her mentoring younger faries who want to do a job like hers
On that note Aisha is fiercely dedicated to Andros. Like, everyone else cares about their planets, but Aisha takes it to the highest level. The Andro's people took her in when she ran away and taught her wave spells, rain dances, and all sorts of things she couldn't even imagine at home. She loves her people and community so dearly she can't put it into words, so working to keep that community safe and happy as a public servant is the job I think would make Aisha the happiest. She'd be ecstatic to be able to give back
(I like the idea that Aisha was knighted after standing up against Valtor and doing everything she could to save Andros, and I wonder if that would be a proper position in anything? Like there's likely different classes of Guardian Fairy, Aisha is more of the deals with physical threats and natural disasters kind, but I wonder if that gives her rank in other institutions)
Aisha totally gets a squire at one point. Please. I think it would be really funny. They're just a younger fairy trying to get the hang of this whole Powerful Fairy thing, but Aisha takes her role so seriously. I think it would be even funnier if this was her later seasons love interest. Why is this guy apart of the friend group when Nabu is still alive, bc he's Aisha's baby. She's teaching him about fairy stuff. I don't know enough about this Nex guy or his plot lines to say anything except I think this would be really funny
Aisha is so competitive that she's terrible at group sports. She takes them way too seriously, constantly get upset at her teammates, and should not be allowed to play them. Based on the fact that my mother banned me from team sports as a child for the same reason...some people just aren't built for competing with other people. In my defense I was like 8
I think she'd ask all the guys to teach her a little bit about each of their weapons. She thinks Stella's focus weapon is really really cool and wants one for herself but doesn't know what style she wants to go for
I feel like Aisha would by the most down for sparring, along with Bloom. Idk, something about those two. I imagine they'd spar a good bit to keep their skills sharp, and a little for fun
She seems like the kind of person who loves horror but is beyond easily shaken up. Drags Riven or Tecna to see a horror movie with her and neither of them understand why she keeps doing this to herself. Piff is annoyed with her
Speaking of Piff, faries usually go to "get" a pixie when they're struggling with someone. For example, Roxy is gonna probably get a pixie to deal with the fact that her magic developed faster than her body could handle (one transformation per year is the fastest you can go without consequences, and Roxy did their two or three) so she went to see if there was a pixie that could help relegate her magic. Aisha's parents did the same for her, under advisement form Teboc. Piff has been with Aisha since Anne left, and they're really close. Most pixie fairy relationships are kinda friendly but not super close, ie they usually go their separate ways after they get what they want, but even if Aisha over comes her chronic night terrors Piff and Aisha wouldn't leave eachother
I think because Aisha is based off of Beyonce she should have an amazing singing voice. She'd never do anything with it, as the stage fright would actually kill her, but sometimes she provides backing vocals for Musa
It's a personal hc of mine that Aisha and Diaspro know eachother. I just think it would be a good influence in Diaspro to see someone who already broke away from the stifling requirements of royalty and decided to become her own person, while it would provide more motivation for Aisha to get away as she watches Diaspro lose all personality and hobbies outside of what is deemed acceptable
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volgdemagischewinx · 3 years
MY LOVE do you have any thoughts or hcs to spare about solarflare protecting each other from the press?? -lambofzenith
LAMB MY BELOVED I am not sure if this will even post since I'm still out in the middle of nowhere lucky to even get one bar but FOR YOU I WILL TRY
Bloom is actually fairly clueless about any issues related to the press in s1 because Stella tends to downplay it and Alfea does have protections against it on campus(I figure a school with multiple royal students would at least have a strict "no pics without permission" policy)
Also Bloom isn't on social media much because screens give her a headache. Stella made her get Magix twitter but she never checks it and the only people she follows are the Winx, so she doesn't even see the trends there. Stella pretends to be annoyed with how out of the loop Bloom is but she secretly kind of likes getting to decide for herself when her best friend finds out things about her
After the whole Diaspro fiasco Bloom becomes the media's favorite punching bag for a while. It could have been worse since Bloom is basically a cryptid with no record of her existence before she started attending Alfea, but she gets identified eventually and it's Not Good
She only finds out about it after the Battle for Magix and it really messes her up. That's when Stella finally decides to share her own experiences with this stuff so Bloom will feel less alone. It helps but now Bloom has graduated from self-loathing mode to being ready to burn the paps on sight
Bloom never actually makes any attemp to tell her side of the story with the Diaspro fiasco since she's afraid of making Sky look bad. Sky doesn't talk much about his private life either so Bloom is still kind of seen as a homewrecker for a good while afterwards? The only clue most people have about the actual details is one passive agresssive tweet from Stella that she deleted not long after she posted it
"If I were dating a naive civilian girl I simply wouldn't lie about my identity and keep my engagement from her. RIP to Prince Sky but I'm different"
Bloom refuses to start engaging in actual PR but Stella and the other social media savy Winx(Musa and Tecna) do hatch a scheme to improve Bloom's image by including her in their own pictures and videos from time to time. It actually works somewhat! She's still a problematic cryptid but that girl-next-door charm wins over a lot of people
The press gets really bad towards Stella after her princess ball. Bloom has always been protective in those instances but after that point she starts actively choosing violence instead of just threatening it. She's very proud of her collection of broken cameras
After Bloom breaks up with Sky, Stella starts pushing her to come forward with the truth about how it all went down, but Bloom still doesn't feel comfortable slandering his good name. It's not until after she starts dating Stella that she agrees to do it. If only because she's worried about it affecting Stella's image too
Much to Bloom's surprise the people of Solaria end up loving her? Turns out on that planet she's mainly known as the cute girl that sometimes shows up in their princess's posts, is willing to fight the press to protect said princess, and was also part of the group that helped save their king. Yeah, she's good in their book when's the wedding?
(In SH2HA she and Brandon both quickly become Solaria's sweethearts. The prince- and princess consorts are totally seen as a power duo, and you can bet they ended up making movies about how the 2 kids from humble beginnings stole the princess's heart)
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Winx Club season 8/21
In which we all do some DDR.
21 Dance Contest on Melody
More Musa/Riven stuff, strap in guys!  I swear, this season turned me from not caring about that ship to hating it with a fiery passion.  Come on relationship, redeem yourself already so I can go back to standing peacefully outside all fandom drama sources like I want to!
Alfea!  Grizelda is teaching “magical self defense class”  in the courtyard.  I like how we’re seeing all the teachers—except Avalon, I wonder what happened to him!  They’re doing magic shield practice and Knut and Kiko are shooting cannonballs with a catapult to be shielded against. I wonder if shields against a physical object and shields against a magic zap are a different spell.  But grizelda says the cannonballs ‘simulate a magic attack’ so maybe not.
Stella’s shield is a gold star.
Musa is up next, she practiced a lot but her phone rings just at the wrong time. Riven wants to go out for ice cream!  Musa does not sound enthused, like at all.
So they’re back together?  I don’t really remember them getting back together.  My guess is here’s what happened: the second-half writers were told that part of the plot in the first half was that Musa and Riven would get back together, and then the first-half writers… flubbed it.  It happens to us all, you get to the end of the story and realize you didn’t manage to do one of the things you were planning to do.
Or else this ice cream date is Riven’s attempt to actually get back together.  
  Because she’s paying attention to her phone she nearly gets beaned with a cannonball, and then Knut launches Kiko from the catapult, and then the star box appears to save us from the slapstick.
...Is this a glitch?  The box floats there silently and the Tecna says something about the world of music.  I think the dubbers forgot to put in the sound file!
I like that the minor fairies also gather around to hear the star box.  I wonder if some of them are hoping in their hearts that this time the box will say it’s someone else’s destiny to find the prime star.  We never see the minor fairies being jealous, but they must be, the Winx get to do everything and they’re singers too!
Bloom asks to be excused and Grizelda says the fate of the magic universe is indeed more important than their lesson.
So Musa texts Riven that they have to go save the universe again.  Flora says Musa should give him one more chance, “it’s just ice cream.”  Flora, I love you but quit pressuring Musa! -_-
Musa: ‘I don’t need him telling me his feelings unless he can show me!”  Uh, I agree with the sentiment Musa, but that’s what he did with the hologram projector and all that showed was that he’s a bonehead. But Musa perks up because she’ll get to see her dad.
Bloom is concerned about the Trix getting there ahead of them, but Stella says there’s no way the Trix could be there already and we cut to…
The Trix were there already!  Aerial zappy battle for the star, which is on top of one of these really cool giant rock spires that have the tops carved into treble clefs.  Love the geography!  I want to imagine who carved these things, I wonder how people know when they move into a realm what kind of magic it will have.  The girls’ home realms each have a certain flavor, while Magix isn’t associated with any particular kind of magic. Imagine being an explorer visiting new realms to discover their magic...
In the fight the prime star gets dislodged and its little hamster ball goes sailing off towards the city.  Everybody follow it!
Musa says, ‘it’s flying toward the Melody disco!”  wait, is that whole thing a disco?  The scales of things are sometimes confusing, I thought it was a whole city but maybe it’s just one building.
Cut to… a disco! Or some kind of… do nightclubs really look like that?  Colored lights, big speakers, several levels of dance floors, big screens. Very cool.  The partygoers do not look particularly traditionally Asian, they’re all colors and wearing big pants and hats and sweaters.  I think this is like, Asian punk clothing?  K-pop style? I don’t follow K-pop and I don’t go to night clubs, but if they looked like this I might.  
And there’s Galatea!  The art style has actually made her look older than she was, she’s wearing the same dress as when we saw her in the sovereign council, that super skinny dress with the ruffles up front. I feel like the very classical-music Galatea should look more uncomfortable at this not-classical club, she doesn’t fit aesthetically, but she’s having a grand time announcing the annual Melody disco competition.
The Winx come in, Musa says this is Melody’s biggest party and Galatea organizes it every year.  it’s like her pet project, I love it!  Galatea holds up the prize for the “dancing queen”, a crown with a treble clef on it, and the prime star landed inside.
Ok, it flew from outside and landed perfectly in the crown and Galatea’s holding it up and doesn’t notice?  Come on. ...was what I wrote when watching in Italian, but in English it’s even worse because Galatea did see it and she just says, ‘this crown and a special extra that just fell from above.”  So Galatea doesn’t recognize an important magical item or wonder where it came from or why… groan.
So Musa goes, “Hey, Galatea, old friend, we need that star and then you can go back to enjoying your contest!” and Galatea gives it to her--
Not.  That is not what happens.
Flora does suggest they just ask for the star but Musa says it won’t be that easy, “Princess Galatea takes this event very seriously.”
The Trix are here too.  Icy tries some magic to “bring down the house!” and it doesn’t work and all the punk kids glare at her.  She looks quite worried for just being glared at by a bunch of punk kids!
Galatea says very prissily, “Remember, the disco is protected against magic attacks, so no cheating please.”  I dunno if it’s just me but I’m seeing Galatea as, she acts all prissy but she’s like a stealth nerd who pretends to be all formal but secretly just has a ball going off on nerd stuff.  Or in this case, disco.  Maybe that’s just me reading what I want to see into the character ‘cause it’s such a fun image of her.
Anyway, we’ll just have to win the contest to get the prime star!
Bloom seems pretty happy about this, and Aisha says the star case mentioned harmony so winning a music contest would make sense as a way to get the star.
Stella says, ‘everybody, hold still!” and gets everyone dressed up. Gradient-colored outfits with neon edging.  Bloom comes off worst, the designers couldn’t bring themselves to go with blue so she’s in mostly a muddy purple and her hairstyle is not good.  Flora’s is similarly blah, Musa has cute banding across her top and I like her very ninties hair.  Tec is cute in green and Stella in yellow. Aisha’s turquoise with purple neon looks the best, and she says this might be the best outfit Stella’s ever put together.
Are these dolls?  I hope so.  I not-so-secretly want Winx dolls with glow in the dark elements, because I want them to be Moondreamers.  Cosmix totally granted my Winx-moondreamers wish, except for the glow in the dark stuff part!
Musa’s ready to dance but the others tell her to go see her dad while she can.  The others mention Aisha is a talented dancer, yay for them remembering that.  So Musa goes to visit her dad.
The Trix notice Musa’s leaving and Darcy wants to go after her to make sure she doesn’t “know something we don’t.”  Smart, Darcy!  Icy grabs her sister and says they have to win the crown.  But Darcy says, ‘You don’t need me, you have our secret weapon.”  What weapon?
  Icy and Stormy get their dance clothes on and they look awesome!  Way better than the Winx.  Icy’s hairdo is a bit much but other than that they rock.
We cut to Red Fountain.  Sky and Brandon are sparring.  Riven is brooding about Musa avoiding him.  Sky says he should try talking to her, but Riven says every time they talk they end up arguing.  Brandon suggests they argue because they have strong feelings.  Sky says, “Talk to musa face to face, show her your feelings.’  which is what Riven’s been trying to… sigh.
Back on Melody Stella offers to help explain the dance contest rules.  Galatea recognizes her by name so the girls totally could call on their friendship with Galatea to get the star.  it’s also cool that one royal recognizes another.
This dance contest is like DDR Twister, anywhere on the floor can light up and also spots in the air.  I cannot wait until this is a real thing in AR. It’s coming, people.  It’s coming.  
Stella eventually flubs it, she gets catapulted off the stage and lands in Bloom’s arms.  Galatea explains if a dancer misses even one step she’ll be eliminated
Icy vs Flora dance! People recognize Icy, Galatea does… and nobody calls the police to report public enemies on the loose and in the same room with the princess!  People cheer for Icy like she’s a normal contestant. Maybe they don’t realize she’s THAT Icy..?
Bloom says, “Icy’s not bad!” in both Italian and English.  Flora grins cutely the whole time and is pretty adorable, but she loses and gets carried off the stage in a bubble which pops, dropping her in Aisha’s arms.
I used to love DDR. I was terrible at it, but it’s fun.
Darcy is following Musa to her house.  Musa meets her dad!  Hugs!  Musa’s house is cool, it’s Asian-ish with like, lines of music along the roof..
Inside, screens, sliding doors, Asian style tea set.  Musa remembers her childhood with her parents, it’s really sweet.  Baby Musa has two pigtails. There’s a huge double-harp, it has part an upright normal harp and part a bench with harp strings over it and Matlin and Ho-boe played it together.  I wonder if that’s a real thing, it’s like the sofa of harps.  Hoe-bo calls it the “Harmony harp” and says even the stars come to listen.  It can only be played by two people whose hearts are in harmony, so hoe-bo hasn’t been able to play it since Matlin died.
Darcy: ‘What a sweet moment.  I’d better ruin it right away.”
pffft!  Darcy, I love you, never change.
Tecna vs Stormy dance!   Stormy says it’s time for the Trix to unleash their secret weapon, but Tecna isn’t worried.  She says the dance contest is kind of like a video game.  And it is, but you need physical strength and speed too.   If I were writing this I’d have Tecna say, “Anything where you can ‘level up,’ I can win!’
Stormy turns out to be “better than Icy… a lot better.”   Tec gets farther than Flora did and ends up in a perfect tie with Stormy.  Galatea chirps, “Double perfect!” and tec says ‘achievement unlocked” again. They go to a higher level that’s like breakdancing where you have to spin around on your back and stuff.   Eventually Stormy wins.
Galatea should not be so chipper about public enemy numbers one and three winning her contest.  She knows who the Trix are, she’s calling them by name…
Stella runs right up to icy, “wait-wait-wait, STORMY was your secret weapon?”
Stormy: ‘Five time dance witch champion.”
Icy: ‘She’s kind of a rising star in the world of dark dance competitions.”
Bloom: “Dark dance competitions?”
Aisha: “It’s a thing.  Unfortunately.”
Ok that was great.  and Aisha’s delivery of that last line was spot on.
Musa is eating ice cream with her dad, it’s sweet.  He asks why ice cream and guesses it’s about Riven.  Musa says, “It’s not about Riven.  It’s never about Riven actually.”  Hmm.
Darcy is lurking outside, she says ‘Musa’s making this too easy.  I’ll finish it with a single shot.” O_o
thankfully riven turns up to save the day.  They fight but Darcy can do all her illusion stuff and she wins without too much trouble, and puts a mind control spell on Riven.  She sounds just delighted at her new plaything.  Now she can cause even more havok!
Musa hears a noise outside and thinks it’s the Trix, but it’s Riven.  She invites him in, and she sounds… not drama-y.  She just apologizes for canceling their date and says they can have ice cream now.  Darcy gloats.
Next time: more dancing!  Riven and Musa!  Stormy wins the contest!  Gee, that’s a spoiler.
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charmixpower · 2 years
How do you think the Royal Winx and their partners would rule? Like a co-rulers thing? Would their people like them? etc
Watch me not understand royal titles for multiple paragraphs straight
Bloom is universally adored on Domino as it's savoir and Sky is as well because he happens to be dating her/married to her
Tbh no one in Domino even thinks to question their savior (that's hyperbole, but ya know what I mean) so Sky is spared their ire
It would be something like:
Dragon Queen Bloom and King Sky
Making note that Bloom is the higher authority but Sky is still King
And they definitely co-rule, do you think Bloom knows what she's doing? Absolutely fucking not
On the other hand
Emperor Sky and Queen/Empress Bloom (bc Eraylon is an Empire, which is how it has multiple princes and princess) would not be very beloved
Mostly bc Diaspro's kingdom would be pissed, Bloom is awkward and not graceful which wouldn't be palatable to most of the Eraylon nobles, right up until she's the most beloved person in the dimension then they're constantly bragging about their Queen lol
Most of the nobles still don't like her tho
They probably wouldn't co-rule at first bc Bloom has no fucking clue what to do but she's too opinionated to let Sky do everything lol
Stella is queen and Brandon is prince consort
Solaria is a constitutional monarchy, and the monarchy is only really still around because of how connected they are to the second Sun of Solaria
They take care of and protect the second Sun aka the plants magical core....tbh they have more religious importance in Solaria over political duties anymore
And Stella is the fucking queen of PR, the people absolutely fucking love Brandon because Stella spent fucking years setting it up to be so before they got married. Stella don't play
He's vaguely disliked at first for tricking Stella, but Stella turns that around really quick with some sub tweets
Tbh Stella is kinda Solaria's favourite royal in years, she's a huge cult of personality, and she's always in the public eye/on tv so she's like the main celebrity there
On the dark side of this she ends up in a lot of shitty tabloids when ever she goes back to Solaria (no one cares in Magixs, as far as princesses go she's not that famous)
Brandon is very quickly caught up in her spotlight but she always takes the time to keep his image sparkling......mostly so he won't be harassed by the media
Queen Aisha and King Nabu
Andros is technically already co ruling with sea Andros (which needs is own name lol)
I think they'd co-rule very easily splitting most of the royal duties down the middle
Due to the implications I got from S2/3 and Aisha's training, technically Nabu is the highest authority in the land??? I think that's what was implied???
But Aisha and Nabu would never let that stand so they end up making it very clear that they're equal partners
That is if Aisha would ever take her royal title, tbh I'm more partial to Aisha ditching it entirely but still being dedicated to her people
Knight (Dame?) Aisha anyone?? Just me??
I think she'd rock it as Andro's commander and protector over ruler but idk
She might even end up in the same role as Stella, but more in a symbolic sense as Sea Andros gives her the title of protector of what ever the magical core of Andros is even tho she's not around it very often as a way of acknowledging her saving sea Andros from Valtor
There's so many ways Aisha could go both holding on to her freedom without abandoning her people (especially after what she went though in s3) that I'm partial too
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