#i just needa like. hack my brain or whatever i can do it
sophiethewitch1 · 1 month
Getting out of a writing slump feels quite similar to rising from your coffin like a vampire. Which I am btw
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aliciavspinnet · 7 years
hiyooooo its chloe and i want a trashhhhh name aesthetic, omfg im laughing too hard at dis kate bless
CHLOEEEE (rly i didn’t know?)(i needa stop pretending like i don’t know ppl i know it’s not funny)(and bless u for thinking i am funny)(also u get a compliment also fite me) 
(trash)name aesthetic: when u have some assignment to do and so u sit down to type it out/research/whatever (probably plan cause u that behind) but of course u get distracted again and again (and again) and then suddenly it’s like night time and ur like crap i rly needa do this (but only half of ur brain gets it)(adn so one part of ur brain is stressing and the other half is like lol nope) and yet u keep doing nothing, but rly ur not doing nothing and u have acquired many new skills, learnt many a life hack, read through a few wikipedia articles, and messaged quite a few people about what they r doing and the meaning of life but ur assignment is slowly pressing on ur mind and u r so delirious with the stress and lack of sleep that ur minds mental structure collapses and suddenly ur brain is all over the place but rly slow at the same time and u have all these weird raging thoughts and u feel like u could make some rly good philosophical points but also u can’t explain them to anyone or write them down cause ur understanding of language and basic structure has deteriorated so u feel like a mess but a really intelligent mess and also u feel like cry-hysterical-laughing at everything and u realise if u wrote down some of the things u found clever/funny tonight in the morning they wouldn’t be they’d just be weird tired trash (me rn) (that was all one sentence) (i am so sorry) (but also true trash tm.) 
(fun) compliment: chLOEEE!! u r the nicest and also teh cutest ILYYYY!!
want one? (who wouldn’t?)(probs every1)  only doing compliments rn (sorry guys i can only be so trashy)(jk but actually i have a lot more trashy aesthetic ideas to think up)
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