#i just love the concept of a “my girlfriend who lives in canada” lie gone horribly wrong
cryptocism · 28 days
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a dænce of roëmænce
depictions of the ace experience never seem to include the nightmare-borne skeleton creature from hell so kudos to the dimension 20 team for their commitment to accurate rep
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danceworshipper · 4 years
Mc Interview: All - Year 6 Beginning
Thanks for tagging me @sirfluffig !
Gracie Tessa Chiva
Sarah Emilia Etsysa
Oliver Tyrone Adams
Liam Benjamin Disteel
Are you single?
Gracie: Nope, Merula and I have been dating for a year and a half now.
Sarah: No. Rowan is my girlfriend. You should know that by now.
Oliver: Kind of? It's a bit complicated. Andre and I have very different lives.
Liam: I don't think so, but Penny and I never actually confirmed it and I don't want to assume.
Are you happy?
Gracie: ...no.
Sarah: I've never been happy.
Oliver: More happy than anything else, I suppose.
Liam: Yes.
Are you angry?
Gracie: Very.
Sarah: Duh.
Oliver: A little, but more annoyed than angry.
Liam: I should be, but it's more disappointment at this point.
Are your parents still married?
Gracie: Technically yes, but they might as well not be.
Sarah: I don't know at this point. I hope not.
Oliver: No. I never knew my dad.
Liam: Nope. I love my stepfamily though.
Nine Facts:
Gracie: I was born in my mother's bathtub. She wanted a natural birth and called the midwife over rather than go to Saint Mungos.
Sarah: I don't know. Probably some dingy hospital near the shithole we used to live in.
Oliver: On the family farm. I almost died because my umbilical cord was choking me.
Liam: I was actually born in Canada while my mother was visiting her cousins.
Hair color:
Gracie: Pure white. Sometimes I wish it was still brown, but I'm used to it by now.
Sarah: Brown. Are you blind?
Oliver: Kinda dirty blonde.
Liam: Faded ginger I guess.
Eye color:
Gracie: Glowing green.
Sarah: Golden brown.
Oliver: Light blue.
Liam: Dark blue.
Gracie: August 17, 1973.
Sarah: October 31, 1972.
Oliver: May 28, 1973.
Liam: July 21, 1973.
Gracie: Kinda want to die but it's whatever.
Sarah: Nobody better come near Rowan.
Oliver: I want the Cursed Vaults to be done with.
Liam: I wish my life was more peaceful.
Gracie: Girl.
Sarah: Girl, dumbass. My name is Sarah.
Oliver: Dude.
Liam: Boy.
Summer or winter?
Gracie: Winter. I can't stand to be home during summer anymore.
Sarah: Winter. I don't have to deal with my douchebag of a father.
Oliver: Summer, so I can hang out around the farm.
Liam: They both have their perks, but I suppose I prefer summer.
Morning or afternoon?
Gracie: Morning, if I wake up on time. It's more peaceful.
Sarah: Afternoon. I fucking hate morning people.
Oliver: Afternoon. I'm grumpy in the morning.
Liam: Morning. The sunrise is beautiful.
Seven things about your love life:
Are you in love?
Gracie: Yes.
Sarah: I don't know. I love her, is that enough?
Oliver: Not really.
Liam: It's getting there.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Gracie: No. Love builds up slowly.
Sarah: No. That's fairy tale bullshit.
Oliver: Maybe for some people, but not for me.
Liam: I don't think so.
Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Gracie: I don't think so.
Sarah: Sadly, no.
Oliver: Eh, I'm sure someone's had a crush on me.
Liam: No, thank god.
Are you afraid of commitment?
Gracie: No. I need the reassurance that no one is going anywhere.
Sarah: Considering how many times it hasn't actually worked out in my life, I'd go with yes.
Oliver: A little. I don't want to end up like my mother.
Liam: I'm not afraid. Sometimes things just don't work out.
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
Gracie: Yeah. Merula, Rowan, Tessa, Charlie, Barnaby... still lonely though.
Sarah: Rowan likes hugs, so yes.
Oliver: Probably. I don't really remember.
Liam: Yes, Penny greets me with a hug every morning.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Gracie: Merula was a bit too obvious to be secret.
Sarah: Maybe. I don't pay attention to people's feelings.
Oliver: I don't think so?
Liam: Yes. There was a muggle girl back home who liked me for a while.
Have you ever broken your own heart?
Gracie: Too many times.
Sarah: No.
Oliver: Nah. I have low expectations.
Liam: How would I break my own heart?
Six Choices:
Love or Lust?
Gracie: Love.
Sarah: Ugh.
Oliver: Lust, obviously.
Liam: Love. Lust can be a bad thing.
Lemonade or iced tea?
Gracie: Lemonade.
Sarah: Lemonade.
Oliver: Lemonade.
Liam: Iced tea.
Cats or dogs?
Gracie: Dogs. Well, Crups, at least.
Sarah: Cats, if I have to pick an annoying little animal.
Oliver: Cats! We have a bunch on the farm, and I'm a cat animagus!
Liam: Dogs, I suppose. They're both cute.
A few best friends or many regular friends?
Gracie: A few best friends.
Sarah: No friends, preferably.
Oliver: A few best friends, but regular friends have their own benefits.
Liam: A few best friends.
Wild night out or romantic night in?
Gracie: Romantic night in. I've had enough wild nights for now.
Sarah: Night in, romantic or otherwise.
Oliver: Wild night out! I want to check some things off my bucket list.
Liam: Romantic night in. No worries, just us.
Day or night?
Gracie: Night. I'm half Black, we're all obsessed with the night sky.
Sarah: Night. Less people to bother me.
Oliver: Day. I like being able to see, thank you.
Liam: Night. It's calm and easy.
Five have you ever:
Been caught sneaking out:
Gracie: Yep.
Sarah: Yeah. Didn't stop me though.
Oliver: A few times.
Liam: Once. Oops.
Fallen down the stairs:
Gracie: Yes, but no one saw.
Sarah: I was five. Shut up.
Oliver: So many times.
Liam: Not that I can remember.
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt:
Gracie: Yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
Sarah: No.... Yes.
Oliver: I mean, I've always wanted a dad. That hurts sometimes.
Liam: I don't think so. Maybe when I was a child and everything was the end of the world.
Wanted to disappear:
Gracie: These days it's all I really want.
Sarah: I may have considered it before.
Oliver: Nah. I can get through this stuff.
Liam: A few times, but not recently.
Four preferences:
Eyes or smile?
Gracie: Eyes. They can't lie.
Sarah: Smile. Rowan's stupid dorky smile.
Oliver: Smile! A nice smile can overrule anything.
Liam: Eyes. They sparkle with the person's soul.
Shorter or taller?
Gracie: Taller. I'm kind of average height, so I'd love to grow a few more inches.
Sarah: Always taller. I'm so glad I'm not tiny.
Oliver: If I got any taller it would be kinda freaky, so shorter.
Liam: I'm good where I am, honestly.
Intelligence or attraction?
Gracie: I'm dating the Greatest Witch at Hogwarts. I'll let you figure that one out.
Sarah: Intelligence.
Oliver: Attraction, I'd say, but intelligence is nice.
Liam: Intelligence. It's always nice to listen to Penny ramble about potions.
Hook-up or relationship?
Gracie: Relationship. I hate the whole concept of hookups.
Sarah: I'm not just going to do it with anyone. Relationship.
Oliver: Well, I've had a hookup, but I'd rather be in a relationship.
Liam: Both can be fun, but now that I have Penny I want a relationship.
Do you and your family get along?
Gracie: I guess? Not really.
Sarah: Not at all.
Oliver: My mum and grandpa and I are all super close.
Liam: My family gets along great.
Would you say you have a messed up life?
Gracie: Take a wild fucking guess.
Sarah: Duh. You don't get this fucked up without some trauma.
Oliver: Not really. I've had some rough spots though.
Liam: I don't think so. Considering the circumstances, I've had it pretty good.
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
Gracie: No.
Sarah: Once, but just for the night so my dad could have his skanky mistress over.
Oliver: No.
Liam: No.
Do you secretly hate any of your friends?
Gracie: Liz and Diego drive me nuts. And recently, Ben has gone insane.
Sarah: Every single one of them besides Rowan. Maybe not Bill.
Oliver: Ben scares me these days, but I wouldn't say I hate him.
Liam: Hate is too strong a word.
Do you consider all of your friends good friends?
Gracie: Not all, but most.
Sarah: They're all great friends. I just don't like them.
Oliver: Yeah, they all care about me and do what they think is right.
Liam: Of course. I wouldn't be friends with them if they were bad friends.
Who is your best friend?
Gracie: Tie between Rowan and Charlie.
Sarah: Besides Rowan, Bill.
Oliver: Hawthorn! He's awesome.
Liam: Penny, but also my stepsister Hannah.
Who knows everything about you?
Gracie: I don't even know everything about me.
Sarah: No one, and it's going to stay that way.
Oliver: My mum. She's always been there for me.
Liam: Hannah knows me best, actually.
Tagging @son-of-aurlius-piscius @zackattack2995 and @moontii23
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year in review: 2017
i’m a bit late to this, but whatevs.
Gotten a new piercing.
Dyed my hair.
Ended a relationship.
Started a new relationship.
Been on a long car journey.
Passed an exam.
Cried on someone's shoulder.
Had a massive fight with a boyfriend/girlfriend. 
Received flowers. 
Had a valentine. 
Written a letter using pen and paper.
Gone to see a therapist.
Been prescribed medication by a doctor.
Read a really good book.
Gone to the zoo.
Spent too much money on unnecessary things. [I smoke, pal...I almost always spend money on unnecessary things]
Traveled by train.
Cried over someone.
Spent a day out in the sun getting a tan. 
Slammed a door out of frustration
Had an anxiety/panic attack.
Had a BBQ.
Gone to the fair.
Gone bowling.
Seen a film at the cinema in 3D.
Gone on a date. 
Helped someone home after they’d had too much to drink.
Stayed up all night.
Talked on the phone for over 2 hours.
Supported someone who’d received bad news.
Watched some kind of live sporting event.
Read an entire book in one day.
Bought a DVD the day it was released.
Eaten McDonald’s more than four times in a single week. 
Cried as a result of exam stress.
Met some incredible new people.
Fallen backwards off a chair.
Broken my glasses. [I got lucky this time.]
Cried over someone in my past.
Spent hours aimlessly browsing the internet.
Cried over a film.
Gone out of my way to avoid an ex-significant other. [I only recently got a significant other, pal]
Been in a relationship for a year or longer. 
Been ice skating.
Seen a musical or play.
Traveled out of my state or country. [I didn’t just travel; I fucking moved]
Swam (in a pool).
Swam (in the ocean).
Been in a hospital. [I was visiting]
Fallen down the stairs.
Discovered something new about myself. [I’m not as bad as I thought I was]
1. Was 2017 a good year for you? Why? Overall? No. 
It was an emotional whirlwind of a year where I was constantly disassocciating from too many fucking changes in my life at once. I have never felt so emotionally disconnected from myself and my surroundings in my entire life.
2. What was your favorite moment of the year? My date with my boyfriend on the last day of the year. 
3. What was your least favorite moment of the year? There are too fucking many instances to count on a finger, let alone list here. 4. Where were you when 2017 began? At my old apartment in Central NY.
5. Who were you with? Family.
6. Where will you be when 2017 ends? I was in my grandmother’s old house, falling asleep on the couch. 7. Who will you be with when 2017 ends? Family.
8. Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions of 2017?
Full offense, but fuck new years resolutions.
9. Do you have New Year's Resolution(s) for 2018? See my last answer.
10. Did you fall in love in 2017? Idk, maybe? 11. If yes, with who? My boyfriend.... 12. If yes, do they know? Yah 13. Are you still in love with them? Yah
15. Did you break up with anyone in 2017? Nah 16. Did you make any new friends in 2017? Yah 17. Who are your favorite new friends? Lol, favorites? What is this favorites concept you speak of?
18. What was your favorite month of 2017? December.
19. Did you travel outside of your country of residence in 2017? I moved from the United States back to the UK, so...yeah.
20. How many different states / provinces did you travel to in 2017? There was Canada, Ireland and the UK...so, three?
21. Did you lose anybody close to you in 2017? In a way. Not because of death, though.
22. Did you miss anybody in the past year? Yes. 23. What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2017? Idk. 24. What was your favorite song from 2017? I can't really decide.
25. What was your favorite record from 2017? Again, can't decide. 
26. How many concerts did you see in 2017? None, too busy and poor for that shit. 27. Did you have a favorite concert in 2017? ^ 28. Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2017? More than I usually do, yeah. 29. Did you do a lot of drugs in 2017? Not hard drugs, lol.  30. How many people did you sleep with in 2017? None...unfortunately.... 31. Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year? Yes. NEXT. 33. What was the worst lie someone told you in 2017? That they loved me and would always be there for me. NEXT. 35. Did somebody treat you badly in 2017? Yes. People somehow always treat me badly. NEXT. 36. How much money did you spend in 2017? Too fucking much. 37. What was your proudest moment of 2017? Making it through my 100 hour nursery work placement.
38. What was your most embarrassing moment of 2017? Man, I ain’t telling you that. There’s too many.
39. If you could go back in time to any moment of 2017 and change There’s not point in asking this, because we all know I wouldn’t be able to.
40. What are your plans for 2018?
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